Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2016, All partners of the iTesla project ( * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ package eu.itesla_project.modules.topo; import; import; import eu.itesla_project.commons.jaxb.IntervalAdapter; import*; import org.joda.time.Interval; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.*; import; /** * * @author Geoffroy Jamgotchian <geoffroy.jamgotchian at> */ @XmlRootElement public class TopologyHistory { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TopologyHistory.class); public static boolean MOVE_ISOLATED_LOADS = true; public static final String FICTIVE_PATTERN = "fict"; private static Path getPath(Path dir, Interval histoInterval, double correlationThreshold) { return dir.resolve("topology-history-" + Double.toString(correlationThreshold) + "-" + histoInterval.getStart() + "-" + histoInterval.getEnd() + ".xml"); } public static TopologyHistory load(Path dir, Interval histoInterval, double threshold) { Path file = getPath(dir, histoInterval, threshold); if (Files.exists(file)) {"Loading topology history cache {}...", file); try { JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(TopologyHistory.class); Unmarshaller m = context.createUnmarshaller(); try (Reader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(file, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { return (TopologyHistory) m.unmarshal(reader); } } catch (JAXBException | IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return null; } @XmlAttribute(required = true) @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(type = Interval.class, value = IntervalAdapter.class) private final Interval histoInterval; @XmlAttribute(required = true) private double threshold; @XmlElement(name = "topologyChoice") private final List<TopologyChoice> topologyChoices = new ArrayList<>(); public TopologyHistory(Interval histoInterval, double threshold) { this.histoInterval = histoInterval; this.threshold = threshold; } // for JAXB public TopologyHistory() { this(null, 0); } public Interval getHistoInterval() { return histoInterval; } public double getThreshold() { return threshold; } public List<TopologyChoice> getTopologyChoices() { return topologyChoices; } public void number() { NumberingContext context = new NumberingContext(); for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { topologyChoice.number(context); } } public void print() { print(System.out); } public void print(PrintStream out) { out.println("topoHisto"); for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { topologyChoice.print(out, 4); } } public void save(Writer writer) { try { JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(TopologyHistory.class); Marshaller m = context.createMarshaller(); m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true); m.marshal(this, writer); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void save(Path dir) { try (Writer writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(getPath(dir, histoInterval, threshold), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { save(writer); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public float[] getMeanProbabilityRange() { float[] rangeSum = new float[2]; float[] rangeCount = new float[2]; for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().stream().mapToDouble(PossibleTopology::getProbability).min() .ifPresent(d -> { rangeSum[0] += d; rangeCount[0]++; }); topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().stream().mapToDouble(PossibleTopology::getProbability).max() .ifPresent(d -> { rangeSum[1] += d; rangeCount[1]++; }); } rangeSum[0] /= rangeCount[0]; rangeSum[1] /= rangeCount[1]; return rangeSum; } private void mergeDanglingLines(Network network) { // do on historical data same line merging as in reference network Map<String, String> lineIdToMergedLineId = new HashMap<>(); for (Line l : network.getLines()) { if (l.isTieLine()) { TieLine tieLine = (TieLine) l; String lineId1 = tieLine.getHalf1().getId(); String lineId2 = tieLine.getHalf2().getId(); lineIdToMergedLineId.put(lineId1, tieLine.getId()); lineIdToMergedLineId.put(lineId2, tieLine.getId()); } } Set<String> mergedLineIdsFound = new HashSet<>(); for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { for (PossibleTopology possibleTopology : topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies()) { for (PossibleTopology.Substation substation : possibleTopology.getMetaSubstation() .getSubstations()) { for (PossibleTopology.Bus bus : substation.getBuses()) { for (PossibleTopology.Equipment eq : bus.getEquipments()) { String mergedLineId = lineIdToMergedLineId.get(eq.getId()); if (mergedLineId != null) { eq.setId(mergedLineId); mergedLineIdsFound.add(mergedLineId); } } } } } } if (mergedLineIdsFound.size() > 0) { LOGGER.debug("{} merged line have been found in the history", mergedLineIdsFound.size()); LOGGER.trace("Detailed list of merged line have been found in the history: {}", mergedLineIdsFound.size(), mergedLineIdsFound); } } private void fixEquipmentsNotInReferenceNetwork(Network network, Set<String> excludedTopoIds, Set<String> excludedEquipmentIds) { Set<String> substationsRemoved = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> fictiveEquimentsRemoved = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> equimentsRemoved = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> equipmentsNotFound = new HashSet<>(); int removedTopoCount = 0; for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { for (Iterator<PossibleTopology> itP = topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().iterator(); itP .hasNext();) { PossibleTopology possibleTopology =; boolean removeTopo = false; for (Iterator<PossibleTopology.Substation> itS = possibleTopology.getMetaSubstation() .getSubstations().iterator(); itS.hasNext();) { PossibleTopology.Substation substation =; VoltageLevel vl = network.getVoltageLevel(substation.getId()); if (vl == null) { substationsRemoved.add(substation.getId()); itS.remove(); } else { for (PossibleTopology.Bus bus : substation.getBuses()) { for (Iterator<PossibleTopology.Equipment> itEq = bus.getEquipments().iterator(); itEq .hasNext();) { PossibleTopology.Equipment eq =; Connectable obj = vl.getConnectable(eq.getId(), Connectable.class); if (obj == null) { if (eq.getId().contains(FICTIVE_PATTERN)) { fictiveEquimentsRemoved.add(eq.getId()); itEq.remove(); } else { equipmentsNotFound.add(eq.getId()); if (topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().size() == 1) { // In the case where there is only one possible topo remaining we for sure // cannot remove so in that case it is best to remove the equipment equimentsRemoved.add(eq.getId()); itEq.remove(); } else { removeTopo = true; } } excludedEquipmentIds.add(eq.getId()); } else { // set equipment type eq.setType(obj.getType()); } } } } } if (removeTopo) { excludedTopoIds.add(possibleTopology.getTopoHash()); itP.remove(); removedTopoCount++; } } } if (substationsRemoved.size() > 0) { LOGGER.debug("{} substations have been removed from history because not found in reference network", substationsRemoved.size()); LOGGER.trace("Detailed list of removed substation: {}", substationsRemoved); } if (equipmentsNotFound.size() > 0) { LOGGER.debug( "{} equipments of the history have not been found in reference network, resulting to the removal of {} possible topologies", equipmentsNotFound.size(), removedTopoCount); LOGGER.trace("Detailed list of equipments not found: {}", equipmentsNotFound); } if (equimentsRemoved.size() > 0) { LOGGER.debug("{} equipments have been removed because not found in reference network", equimentsRemoved.size()); LOGGER.trace("Detailed list of removed equipments: {}", equimentsRemoved); } if (fictiveEquimentsRemoved.size() > 0) { LOGGER.debug("{} fictive equipments have been removed because not found in reference network", fictiveEquimentsRemoved.size()); } } private boolean removeEquipmentsOfMainConnectedComponent(int iteration, Set<String> excludedEquipmentIds) { TopologyHistoryConnectedComponentsAnalyser ccAnalyser = new TopologyHistoryConnectedComponentsAnalyser( this); Set<String> equipmentIdsInMainCC = ccAnalyser.analyse(); Set<String> equipmentIdsOutOfMainCC = new HashSet<>(); // remove substation out of main connected component from all possible topologies for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { for (PossibleTopology possibleTopology : topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies()) { for (PossibleTopology.Substation substation : possibleTopology.getMetaSubstation() .getSubstations()) { for (PossibleTopology.Bus bus : substation.getBuses()) { for (Iterator<PossibleTopology.Equipment> it = bus.getEquipments().iterator(); it .hasNext();) { PossibleTopology.Equipment equipment =; if (!equipmentIdsInMainCC.contains(equipment.getId())) { it.remove(); equipmentIdsOutOfMainCC.add(equipment.getId()); } } } } } } excludedEquipmentIds.addAll(equipmentIdsOutOfMainCC); if (equipmentIdsOutOfMainCC.size() > 0) { LOGGER.debug("Iteration {}: {} equipments removed because out of main connected component", iteration, equipmentIdsOutOfMainCC.size()); if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace( "Iteration {}: detailed list of equipments removed because out of main connected component: {}", iteration, equipmentIdsOutOfMainCC); } return true; } return false; } private boolean fixBranchesAlwaysDisconnectAtOneSide(int iteration, Network network) { // avoid branches always disconnected at one side => connect it to an isolated bus on disconnected side Multimap<String, String> branch2substations = HashMultimap.create(); for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { for (PossibleTopology possibleTopology : topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies()) { for (PossibleTopology.Substation substation : possibleTopology.getMetaSubstation() .getSubstations()) { for (PossibleTopology.Bus bus : substation.getBuses()) { for (PossibleTopology.Equipment eq : bus.getEquipments()) { if (eq.isBranch(false)) { branch2substations.put(eq.getId(), substation.getId()); } } } } } } Set<String> branchesAlwaysDisconnectedAtOneSide = new HashSet<>(); Multimap<String, String> substation2branches = HashMultimap.create(); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : branch2substations.asMap().entrySet()) { String branchId = entry.getKey(); if (entry.getValue().size() == 1) { String substationId = entry.getValue().iterator().next(); TwoTerminalsConnectable branch = network.getLine(branchId); if (branch == null) { branch = network.getTwoWindingsTransformer(branchId); } if (branch == null) { throw new RuntimeException(); } if (branch.getTerminal1().getVoltageLevel() != branch.getTerminal2().getVoltageLevel()) { String otherSubstationId; if (branch.getTerminal1().getVoltageLevel().getId().equals(substationId)) { otherSubstationId = branch.getTerminal2().getVoltageLevel().getId(); } else if (branch.getTerminal2().getVoltageLevel().getId().equals(substationId)) { otherSubstationId = branch.getTerminal1().getVoltageLevel().getId(); } else { throw new RuntimeException(); } substation2branches.put(otherSubstationId, branchId); branchesAlwaysDisconnectedAtOneSide.add(branchId); } } } for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { for (PossibleTopology possibleTopology : topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies()) { for (PossibleTopology.Substation substation : possibleTopology.getMetaSubstation() .getSubstations()) { if (substation2branches.containsKey(substation.getId())) { VoltageLevel vl = network.getVoltageLevel(substation.getId()); for (String branchId : substation2branches.asMap().get(substation.getId())) { PossibleTopology.Equipment eq = new PossibleTopology.Equipment(branchId); Connectable obj = vl.getConnectable(eq.getId(), Connectable.class); eq.setType(obj.getType()); substation.getBuses().add(new PossibleTopology.Bus(eq)); } } } } } if (branchesAlwaysDisconnectedAtOneSide.size() > 0) { LOGGER.debug( "Iteration {}: {} branches are always disconnected at one side, a fictive bus (isolated) has been added to disconnected side", iteration, branchesAlwaysDisconnectedAtOneSide.size()); LOGGER.trace("Iteration {}: detailed list of branches always disconnected at one side: {}", iteration, branchesAlwaysDisconnectedAtOneSide); return true; } return false; } private boolean removeLowProbabilityPossibleTopologies(int iteration, double probabilityThreshold, Set<String> excludedTopoIds) { Multimap<String, String> removedPerMetaSubstation = HashMultimap.create(); Map<String, Integer> topologyCountPerMetaSubstationBefore = new HashMap<>(); for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { // skip lowest probability topologies but skip one at least... Collections.sort(topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies(), PossibleTopology.COMPARATOR); int count = topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().size(); topologyCountPerMetaSubstationBefore.put( topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().iterator().next().getMetaSubstation().getId(), count); int removedCount = 0; for (Iterator<PossibleTopology> it = topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().iterator(); it.hasNext() && topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().size() > 1;) { PossibleTopology possibleTopology =; if (possibleTopology.getProbability() < probabilityThreshold && removedCount < count - 1) { removedPerMetaSubstation.put(possibleTopology.getMetaSubstation().getId(), possibleTopology.getTopoHash()); it.remove(); excludedTopoIds.add(possibleTopology.getTopoHash()); removedCount++; } } if (topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Empty topo choice"); } } int removedTopoCount = removedPerMetaSubstation.asMap().entrySet().stream() .mapToInt(e -> e.getValue().size()).sum(); if (removedTopoCount > 0) { LOGGER.debug("Iteration {}: {} possible topologies removed because very low probability (< {})", iteration, removedTopoCount, probabilityThreshold); if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : removedPerMetaSubstation.asMap().entrySet()) { String metaSubstationId = entry.getKey(); LOGGER.trace( "Iteration {}: remove {} possible topologies on {} of meta substation {} because of very low probability", iteration, entry.getValue().size(), topologyCountPerMetaSubstationBefore.get(metaSubstationId), metaSubstationId); } } return true; } return false; } private boolean removeDuplicatedPossibleTopologies(int iteration, Set<String> excludedTopoIds) { Map<String, Integer> duplicateTopoCount = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Integer> initialTopoCount = new HashMap<>(); for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { if (topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().size() > 0) { String metaSubstationId = topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().get(0).getMetaSubstation().getId(); initialTopoCount.put(metaSubstationId, topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().size()); for (Iterator<PossibleTopology> it = topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().iterator(); it .hasNext();) { PossibleTopology possibleTopology =; // remove duplicated topologies boolean duplicated = false; for (PossibleTopology other : topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies()) { if (possibleTopology != other && possibleTopology.getMetaSubstation().equals(other.getMetaSubstation()) && possibleTopology.getProbability() < other.getProbability()) { duplicated = true; break; } } if (duplicated) { if (duplicateTopoCount.containsKey(metaSubstationId)) { duplicateTopoCount.put(metaSubstationId, duplicateTopoCount.get(metaSubstationId) + 1); } else { duplicateTopoCount.put(metaSubstationId, 1); } excludedTopoIds.add(possibleTopology.getTopoHash()); it.remove(); } } } } int removedTopoCount = duplicateTopoCount.entrySet().stream().mapToInt(Map.Entry::getValue).sum(); if (removedTopoCount > 0) { LOGGER.debug("Iteration {}: {} duplicated possible topologies have been removed", iteration, removedTopoCount); if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : duplicateTopoCount.entrySet()) { String metaSubstationId = entry.getKey(); int count = entry.getValue(); int initCount = initialTopoCount.get(metaSubstationId); if (count == initCount) { throw new RuntimeException("No more possible topo for meta substation " + metaSubstationId + " after removing all duplicates"); } LOGGER.trace("Iteration {}: remove {} duplicated possible topology on {} in meta substation {}", iteration, count, initCount, metaSubstationId); } } return true; } return false; } private List<PossibleTopology.Equipment> getIsolatedLoads(PossibleTopology.Bus bus) { List<PossibleTopology.Equipment> loads = new ArrayList<>(); int branchCount = 0; for (PossibleTopology.Equipment equipment : bus.getEquipments()) { if (equipment.isBranch()) { branchCount++; } else if (equipment.getType() == ConnectableType.LOAD) { loads.add(equipment); } } if (loads.size() > 0 && branchCount == 0) { return loads; } else { return null; } } private boolean moveIsolatedLoads(TopologyChoice topologyChoice, PossibleTopology possibleTopology, Set<String> movedIsolatedLoads) { for (PossibleTopology.Substation substation : possibleTopology.getMetaSubstation().getSubstations()) { List<PossibleTopology.Equipment> isolatedLoads = new ArrayList<>(); for (Iterator<PossibleTopology.Bus> it = substation.getBuses().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { PossibleTopology.Bus bus =; List<PossibleTopology.Equipment> busIsolatedLoads = getIsolatedLoads(bus); if (busIsolatedLoads != null) { isolatedLoads.addAll(busIsolatedLoads); it.remove(); } } if (isolatedLoads.size() > 0) { if (substation.getBuses().isEmpty()) { LOGGER.warn("No more bus to move isolated loads {}", .map(PossibleTopology.Equipment::getId).collect(Collectors.toList())); return false; } for (PossibleTopology.Equipment isolatedLoad : isolatedLoads) { Map<String, Integer> branchesConnectedToThisIsolatedLoadCounter = new HashMap<>(); // find in the other possible topos to which branch it is likely to be connected for (PossibleTopology otherPossibleTopology : topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies()) { for (PossibleTopology.Substation otherSubstation : otherPossibleTopology.getMetaSubstation() .getSubstations()) { for (PossibleTopology.Bus otherBus : otherSubstation.getBuses()) { if (otherBus.getEquipments().contains(isolatedLoad)) { for (PossibleTopology.Equipment otherEq : otherBus.getEquipments()) { if (otherEq.isBranch()) { if (branchesConnectedToThisIsolatedLoadCounter .containsKey(otherEq.getId())) { branchesConnectedToThisIsolatedLoadCounter.put(otherEq.getId(), branchesConnectedToThisIsolatedLoadCounter .get(otherEq.getId()) + 1); } else { branchesConnectedToThisIsolatedLoadCounter.put(otherEq.getId(), 1); } } } } } } } String branchId = branchesConnectedToThisIsolatedLoadCounter.entrySet().stream() .sorted((o1, o2) -> o2.getValue() - o1.getValue()).findFirst().get().getKey(); PossibleTopology.Bus mostProbableBus = substation.findEquipmentBus(branchId); if (mostProbableBus == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "No most probable bus found in substation " + substation.getId()); } mostProbableBus.getEquipments().add(isolatedLoad); movedIsolatedLoads.add(isolatedLoad.getId()); } } } return true; } private boolean moveIsolatedLoads(int iteration, Set<String> excludedTopoIds) { Set<String> movedIsolatedLoads = new HashSet<>(); int removedTopoCount = 0; for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { String metaSubstationId = topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().iterator().next().getMetaSubstation() .getId(); for (Iterator<PossibleTopology> it = topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { PossibleTopology possibleTopology =; if (!moveIsolatedLoads(topologyChoice, possibleTopology, movedIsolatedLoads)) { it.remove(); removedTopoCount++; excludedTopoIds.add(possibleTopology.getTopoHash()); } } if (topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Oups, no more possible topo for " + topologyChoice.getClusterId() + " (" + metaSubstationId + ")"); } } boolean fixed = false; if (movedIsolatedLoads.size() > 0) { LOGGER.debug("Iteration {}: {} isolated loads have been moved to most probable bus", iteration, movedIsolatedLoads.size()); if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Iteration {}: detailed list of isolated loads moved to most probable bus: {}", iteration, movedIsolatedLoads); } fixed = true; } if (removedTopoCount > 0) { LOGGER.debug("Iteration {}: {} possible topologies have been removed because of isolated load", iteration, removedTopoCount); fixed = true; } return fixed; } private boolean removePossibleTopologiesWithIsolatedLoads(int iteration, Set<String> excludedTopoIds) { int removedTopoCount = 0; for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { String metaSubstationId = topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().iterator().next().getMetaSubstation() .getId(); for (Iterator<PossibleTopology> it = topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { PossibleTopology possibleTopology =; EXIT: for (PossibleTopology.Substation substation : possibleTopology.getMetaSubstation() .getSubstations()) { for (PossibleTopology.Bus bus : substation.getBuses()) { if (getIsolatedLoads(bus) != null) { removedTopoCount++; excludedTopoIds.add(possibleTopology.getTopoHash()); it.remove(); break EXIT; } } } } if (topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Oups, no more possible topo for " + topologyChoice.getClusterId() + " (" + metaSubstationId + ")"); } } if (removedTopoCount > 0) { LOGGER.debug("Iteration {}: {} possible topologies have been removed because of isolated load", iteration, removedTopoCount); return true; } return false; } private boolean removeEmptyBuses(int iteration) { Set<String> substationIdsWhereAbusHasBeenRemoved = new HashSet<>(); for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { for (PossibleTopology possibleTopology : topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies()) { for (PossibleTopology.Substation substation : possibleTopology.getMetaSubstation() .getSubstations()) { for (Iterator<PossibleTopology.Bus> it = substation.getBuses().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { PossibleTopology.Bus bus =; if (bus.getEquipments().isEmpty()) { substationIdsWhereAbusHasBeenRemoved.add(substation.getId()); it.remove(); } } } } } if (substationIdsWhereAbusHasBeenRemoved.size() > 0) { LOGGER.trace("Iteration {}: an empty bus has been removed in substations: {}", iteration, substationIdsWhereAbusHasBeenRemoved); return true; } return false; } private boolean fixDisconnectedEquipments(int iteration) { boolean fixed = false; Set<String> injectionsConnectedToFictiveBus = new HashSet<>(); for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { // list of injections connected at least one time per substation Multimap<String, PossibleTopology.Equipment> equipmentsPerSubstation = HashMultimap.create(); for (PossibleTopology possibleTopology : topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies()) { for (PossibleTopology.Substation substation : possibleTopology.getMetaSubstation() .getSubstations()) { for (PossibleTopology.Bus bus : substation.getBuses()) { for (PossibleTopology.Equipment eq : bus.getEquipments()) { equipmentsPerSubstation.put(substation.getId(), eq); } } } } for (PossibleTopology possibleTopology : topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies()) { for (PossibleTopology.Substation substation : possibleTopology.getMetaSubstation() .getSubstations()) { for (PossibleTopology.Equipment equipment : equipmentsPerSubstation.get(substation.getId())) { if (!substation.containsEquipment(equipment)) { // create a fictive bus and connect the equipment PossibleTopology.Bus fictBus = new PossibleTopology.Bus(); fictBus.getEquipments().add(equipment); substation.getBuses().add(fictBus); injectionsConnectedToFictiveBus.add(equipment.getId()); fixed = true; } } } } } if (injectionsConnectedToFictiveBus.size() > 0) { LOGGER.debug("Iteration {}: {} equipments have been connected to a fictive bus in some possible topos", iteration, injectionsConnectedToFictiveBus.size()); if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace( "Iteration {}: detailed list of equipments connected to a fictive bus in some possible topos: {}", iteration, injectionsConnectedToFictiveBus); } } return fixed; } public void clean(Network network, double probabilityThreshold, Set<String> excludedTopoIds, Set<String> excludedEquipmentIds) { mergeDanglingLines(network); // count initial possible topologies int intialTopoCount = .mapToInt(topologyChoice -> topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies().size()).sum(); fixEquipmentsNotInReferenceNetwork(network, excludedTopoIds, excludedEquipmentIds); boolean fixed; int iteration = 0; do { fixed = fixDisconnectedEquipments(iteration); fixed |= fixBranchesAlwaysDisconnectAtOneSide(iteration, network); fixed |= removeEquipmentsOfMainConnectedComponent(iteration, excludedEquipmentIds); fixed |= MOVE_ISOLATED_LOADS ? moveIsolatedLoads(iteration, excludedTopoIds) : removePossibleTopologiesWithIsolatedLoads(iteration, excludedTopoIds); fixed |= removeDuplicatedPossibleTopologies(iteration, excludedTopoIds); fixed |= removeLowProbabilityPossibleTopologies(iteration, probabilityThreshold, excludedTopoIds); fixed |= removeEmptyBuses(iteration); iteration++; } while (fixed);"{} possible topologies on {} have been excluded from history", excludedTopoIds.size(), intialTopoCount); } @Override public TopologyHistory clone() { TopologyHistory clone = new TopologyHistory(histoInterval, threshold); for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { clone.getTopologyChoices().add(topologyChoice.clone()); } return clone; } }