Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010 itemis AG ( and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.xtext.validation.impl; import static org.eclipse.xtext.GrammarUtil.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.xtext.AbstractElement; import org.eclipse.xtext.AbstractRule; import org.eclipse.xtext.Action; import org.eclipse.xtext.Alternatives; import org.eclipse.xtext.Assignment; import org.eclipse.xtext.CompoundElement; import org.eclipse.xtext.EcoreUtil2; import org.eclipse.xtext.Grammar; import org.eclipse.xtext.GrammarUtil; import org.eclipse.xtext.Group; import org.eclipse.xtext.IGrammarAccess; import org.eclipse.xtext.ParserRule; import org.eclipse.xtext.RuleCall; import org.eclipse.xtext.UnorderedGroup; import org.eclipse.xtext.util.Pair; import org.eclipse.xtext.util.Tuples; import org.eclipse.xtext.validation.IConcreteSyntaxConstraintProvider; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Moritz Eysholdt - Initial contribution and API */ @Singleton public class ConcreteSyntaxConstraintProvider implements IConcreteSyntaxConstraintProvider { public static class SyntaxConstraintNode implements ISyntaxConstraint { protected ISyntaxConstraint container = null; protected List<ISyntaxConstraint> contents; protected AbstractElement element; protected boolean multiple = false; protected boolean optional = false; protected EClass semanticType = null; protected Set<EClass> semanticTypes = UNINITIALIZED; protected ConstraintType type; protected SyntaxConstraintNode() { } public SyntaxConstraintNode(ConstraintType type, AbstractElement ele, List<ISyntaxConstraint> contents, EClass semanticType, boolean multiple, boolean optional) { super(); if (type == null) throw new NullPointerException("type must not be null"); this.type = type; this.element = ele; this.semanticType = semanticType; this.multiple = multiple; this.optional = optional; this.contents = contents; for (ISyntaxConstraint e : contents) ((SyntaxConstraintNode) e).container = this; } protected boolean containsType() { for (ISyntaxConstraint c : getContents()) { SyntaxConstraintNode n = (SyntaxConstraintNode) c; if (n.semanticType != null || n.containsType()) return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean dependsOn(ISyntaxConstraint ele) { ISyntaxConstraint cnt = findCommonContainer(ele); while (ele != cnt) { if (ele.isOptional()) return false; ele = ele.getContainer(); } return true; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof SyntaxConstraintNode) return ((SyntaxConstraintNode) obj).element == element; return false; } @Override public ISyntaxConstraint findCommonContainer(ISyntaxConstraint obj1) { ISyntaxConstraint cnt1 = obj1; while (cnt1 != null) { ISyntaxConstraint cnt2 = this; while (cnt2 != null) { if (cnt1.equals(cnt2)) return cnt1; cnt2 = cnt2.getContainer(); } cnt1 = cnt1.getContainer(); } return null; } protected Pair<Set<EClass>, Set<EClass>> getAllSemanticTypesPairs(Set<ISyntaxConstraint> exclude) { Set<EClass> mandatory = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<EClass> optional = Sets.newHashSet(); boolean allChildrenContributeMandatoryType = !getContents().isEmpty(); for (ISyntaxConstraint sc : getContents()) if (exclude == null || !exclude.contains(sc)) { Pair<Set<EClass>, Set<EClass>> t = ((SyntaxConstraintNode) sc) .getAllSemanticTypesPairs(exclude); if (sc.isOptional()) { optional.addAll(t.getFirst()); optional.addAll(t.getSecond()); allChildrenContributeMandatoryType = false; } else { mandatory.addAll(t.getFirst()); optional.addAll(t.getSecond()); if (t.getFirst().isEmpty()) allChildrenContributeMandatoryType = false; } } if ((isRoot() && isOptional()) || (type == ConstraintType.ALTERNATIVE && !allChildrenContributeMandatoryType)) { optional.addAll(mandatory); mandatory.clear(); } if (semanticType != null) { if (mandatory.isEmpty() && (optional.isEmpty() || (optional.size() == 1 && optional.contains(semanticType)))) mandatory.add(semanticType); else optional.add(semanticType); } if (exclude == null && !isRoot() && mandatory.isEmpty() && optional.isEmpty()) optional.addAll(((SyntaxConstraintNode) getContainer()) .getSemanticTypeByParent(Sets.<ISyntaxConstraint>newHashSet(this))); return Tuples.create(mandatory, optional); } @Override public EStructuralFeature getAssignmentFeature(EClass clazz) { String name = getAssignmentName(); EStructuralFeature f = clazz.getEStructuralFeature(name); if (f == null) throw new RuntimeException("Feature " + name + " not found for " + clazz.getName()); return f; } @Override public String getAssignmentName() { if (type != ConstraintType.ASSIGNMENT) throw new RuntimeException("Constraint '" + this + "' is not an assignment, but a " + getType()); return ((Assignment) element).getFeature(); } @Override public String getCardinality() { return optional ? (multiple ? "*" : "?") : (multiple ? "+" : ""); } @Override public ISyntaxConstraint getContainer() { return container; } @Override public List<ISyntaxConstraint> getContents() { return contents; } @Override public AbstractElement getGrammarElement() { return element; } protected Set<EClass> getSemanticTypeByParent(Set<ISyntaxConstraint> exclude) { if (type == ConstraintType.ALTERNATIVE) { exclude.addAll(getContents()); if (semanticType != null) return Sets.newHashSet(semanticType); } else { Pair<Set<EClass>, Set<EClass>> types = getAllSemanticTypesPairs(exclude); if (!types.getFirst().isEmpty()) return types.getFirst(); if (isRoot()) return types.getSecond(); } return ((SyntaxConstraintNode) getContainer()).getSemanticTypeByParent(exclude); } @Override public Set<EClass> getSemanticTypes() { Pair<Set<EClass>, Set<EClass>> types = getAllSemanticTypesPairs(null); return !types.getFirst().isEmpty() ? types.getFirst() : types.getSecond(); } @Override public Set<EClass> getSemanticTypesToCheck() { if (semanticTypes == UNINITIALIZED) { semanticTypes = getSemanticTypes(); if (semanticTypes.isEmpty() || (!isRoot() && semanticTypes.equals(((SyntaxConstraintNode) getContainer()).getSemanticTypes()))) semanticTypes = null; } return semanticTypes; } @Override public ConstraintType getType() { return type; } @Override public int hashCode() { return element.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean isMultiple() { return multiple; } @Override public boolean isOptional() { return optional; } @Override public boolean isRoot() { return container == null; } @Override public String toString() { return toString(null); } @Override public String toString(final Map<ISyntaxConstraint, String> postfix) { // String t = getSemanticTypes() == null ? "" : getSemanticTypes().getName() + ":"; String p = postfix != null && postfix.containsKey(this) ? postfix.get(this) : ""; Iterable<String> contents = Iterables.transform(getContents(), new Function<ISyntaxConstraint, String>() { @Override public String apply(ISyntaxConstraint from) { return from.toString(postfix); } }); switch (getType()) { case ASSIGNMENT: return /*t +*/((Assignment) element).getFeature() + p + getCardinality(); case GROUP: return /*t +*/"(" + Joiner.on(" ").join(contents) + ")" + p + getCardinality(); case ALTERNATIVE: return /*t +*/"(" + Joiner.on("|").join(contents) + ")" + p + getCardinality(); case ACTION: return "{" + ((Action) element).getType().getClassifier().getName() + "}" + p; } return ""; } } protected final static Set<EClass> UNINITIALIZED = Sets.newHashSet(); protected Grammar grammar; protected final ISyntaxConstraint INVALID_RULE = new SyntaxConstraintNode(); protected Map<ParserRule, ISyntaxConstraint> rule2element = Maps.newHashMap(); protected Map<EClass, List<ISyntaxConstraint>> type2Elements = Maps.newHashMap(); protected Set<ParserRule> validRules; protected void collectReachableRules(ParserRule pr, Set<ParserRule> rules, Set<ParserRule> visited) { if (!visited.add(pr)) return; for (RuleCall rc : GrammarUtil.containedRuleCalls(pr)) if (isParserRule(rc.getRule())) { if (GrammarUtil.containingAssignment(rc) != null) rules.add((ParserRule) rc.getRule()); collectReachableRules((ParserRule) rc.getRule(), rules, visited); } } protected boolean containsRelevantElement(AbstractElement ele) { Iterator<EObject> i = Iterators.concat(Collections.singleton(ele).iterator(), ele.eAllContents()); while (i.hasNext()) { EObject o =; if (o instanceof Action || o instanceof Assignment) return true; if (o instanceof RuleCall && containsRelevantElement(((RuleCall) o).getRule().getAlternatives())) return true; } return false; } protected ISyntaxConstraint createElement(ConstraintType type, AbstractElement ele, EClass semanticType, boolean multiple, boolean optional) { List<AbstractElement> ctns = ele instanceof CompoundElement ? ((CompoundElement) ele).getElements() : null; return createElement(type, ele, ctns, new ArrayList<ISyntaxConstraint>(), semanticType, multiple, optional); } protected ISyntaxConstraint createElement(ConstraintType type, AbstractElement ele, List<AbstractElement> lazyContents, List<ISyntaxConstraint> contents, EClass semanticType, boolean multiple, boolean optional) { if (lazyContents != null) for (EObject obj : lazyContents) { ISyntaxConstraint e = createElement(obj); if (e != null) contents.add(e); } return new SyntaxConstraintNode(type, ele, contents, semanticType, multiple, optional); } protected ISyntaxConstraint createElement(EObject obj) { if (!(obj instanceof AbstractElement)) return null; AbstractElement ele = (AbstractElement) obj; boolean multiple = false; boolean optional = false; EClass semanticType = null; while (true) { multiple = multiple || isMultipleCardinality(ele); optional = optional || isOptionalCardinality(ele); if (ele.eContainer() instanceof ParserRule && ((ParserRule) ele.eContainer()).getType().getClassifier() instanceof EClass) semanticType = (EClass) ((ParserRule) ele.eContainer()).getType().getClassifier(); if (ele instanceof Assignment) { return createElement(ConstraintType.ASSIGNMENT, ele, semanticType, multiple, optional); } else if (ele instanceof Group || ele instanceof UnorderedGroup) { CompoundElement comp = (CompoundElement) ele; AbstractElement lastChild = null; for (AbstractElement o : comp.getElements()) if (containsRelevantElement(o)) { if (lastChild == null) lastChild = o; else { List<AbstractElement> c = new ArrayList<AbstractElement>(comp.getElements()); List<ISyntaxConstraint> e = createSummarizedAssignments(comp, c, semanticType, optional); if (e.size() == 1 && c.size() == 0) return e.get(0); return createElement(ConstraintType.GROUP, ele, c, e, semanticType, multiple, optional); } } if (lastChild == null) return null; ele = lastChild; continue; } else if (ele instanceof Alternatives) { int relevantChildren = 0; AbstractElement lastChild = null; for (AbstractElement o : ((CompoundElement) ele).getElements()) if (containsRelevantElement(o)) { relevantChildren++; lastChild = o; } if (relevantChildren < ((CompoundElement) ele).getElements().size()) optional = true; if (relevantChildren > 1) return createElement(ConstraintType.ALTERNATIVE, ele, semanticType, multiple, optional); if (lastChild == null) return null; ele = lastChild; continue; } else if (ele instanceof Action) { semanticType = (EClass) ((Action) ele).getType().getClassifier(); return createElement(ConstraintType.ACTION, ele, semanticType, multiple, optional); } else if (ele instanceof RuleCall) { AbstractRule rule = ((RuleCall) ele).getRule(); if (rule.getType().getClassifier() instanceof EClass) { ele = rule.getAlternatives(); continue; } } return null; } } protected List<ISyntaxConstraint> createSummarizedAssignments(CompoundElement group, List<AbstractElement> candidates, EClass semanticType, boolean optional) { Multimap<String, Assignment> feature2ass = HashMultimap.create(); Multimap<String, AbstractElement> feature2child = HashMultimap.create(); for (AbstractElement c : candidates) { TreeIterator<EObject> i = EcoreUtil2.eAll(c); while (i.hasNext()) { EObject obj =; if (obj instanceof RuleCall || obj instanceof Action || obj instanceof Alternatives) return Lists.newArrayList(); else if (obj instanceof Group) { Set<String> names = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Assignment ass : EcoreUtil2.getAllContentsOfType(obj, Assignment.class)) names.add(ass.getFeature()); if (names.size() > 1) i.prune(); } else if (obj instanceof Assignment) { Assignment a = (Assignment) obj; feature2ass.put(a.getFeature(), a); feature2child.put(a.getFeature(), c); i.prune(); } } } List<ISyntaxConstraint> result = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<Assignment>> ent : feature2ass.asMap().entrySet()) { if (ent.getValue().size() < 2 || feature2child.get(ent.getKey()).size() < 2) continue; int required = 0, multiplies = 0; for (Assignment assignment : ent.getValue()) { AbstractElement e = assignment; while (e != group) if (isMultipleCardinality(e)) { multiplies++; break; } else e = (AbstractElement) e.eContainer(); e = assignment; while (e != group) if (isOptionalCardinality(e)) break; else e = (AbstractElement) e.eContainer(); if (e == group) required++; } if (required > 1 || multiplies < 1) continue; candidates.removeAll(feature2child.get(ent.getKey())); optional = optional || required < 1; result.add(createElement(ConstraintType.ASSIGNMENT, ent.getValue().iterator().next(), semanticType, true, optional)); } return result; } @Override public ISyntaxConstraint getConstraint(ParserRule rule) { ISyntaxConstraint e = rule2element.get(rule); if (e == null) { if (isValidateableRule(rule)) e = createElement(rule.getAlternatives()); else e = INVALID_RULE; rule2element.put(rule, e); } return e != INVALID_RULE ? e : null; } @Override public Collection<ISyntaxConstraint> getConstraints(EClass cls) { List<ISyntaxConstraint> eles = type2Elements.get(cls); if (eles != null) return eles; eles = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ParserRule r : getValidRules()) { if (((EClass) r.getType().getClassifier()).isSuperTypeOf(cls)) { ISyntaxConstraint e = getConstraint(r); if (e != null) eles.add(e); else { eles.clear(); break; } } } type2Elements.put(cls, eles); return eles; } protected ParserRule getFirstParserRule(Grammar grammar) { for (AbstractRule r : grammar.getRules()) if (isParserRule(r)) return (ParserRule) r; throw new RuntimeException("Grammar " + grammar.getName() + " contains no parser rules"); } protected Set<ParserRule> getValidRules() { if (validRules != null) return validRules; validRules = Sets.newHashSet(); ParserRule first = getFirstParserRule(grammar); validRules.add(first); collectReachableRules(first, validRules, new HashSet<ParserRule>()); return validRules; } protected boolean isParserRule(AbstractRule rule) { return rule instanceof ParserRule && !GrammarUtil.isDatatypeRule((ParserRule) rule); } protected boolean isValidateableRule(ParserRule rule) { return !ruleContainsAssignedAction(rule, new HashSet<AbstractRule>()) && !ruleContainsRecursiveUnassignedRuleCall(rule, new HashSet<AbstractRule>()); } protected boolean ruleContainsAssignedAction(AbstractRule rule, Set<AbstractRule> visited) { if (!visited.add(rule)) return false; TreeIterator<EObject> i = rule.eAllContents(); while (i.hasNext()) { EObject o =; if (o instanceof Action && ((Action) o).getFeature() != null) return true; else if (o instanceof Assignment) i.prune(); else if (o instanceof RuleCall && isParserRule(((RuleCall) o).getRule())) { if (ruleContainsAssignedAction(((RuleCall) o).getRule(), visited)) return true; } } return false; } protected boolean ruleContainsRecursiveUnassignedRuleCall(AbstractRule rule, Set<AbstractRule> visited) { if (!visited.add(rule)) return true; TreeIterator<EObject> i = rule.eAllContents(); while (i.hasNext()) { EObject o =; if (o instanceof Assignment) i.prune(); else if (o instanceof RuleCall && isParserRule(((RuleCall) o).getRule())) { if (ruleContainsRecursiveUnassignedRuleCall(((RuleCall) o).getRule(), visited)) return true; } } return false; } @Inject protected void setGrammar(IGrammarAccess grammar) { this.grammar = grammar.getGrammar(); } }