List of usage examples for Multimap asMap
Map<K, Collection<V>> asMap();
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public Iterable<OkTypeAdapterTypes> typeAdapters() { Multimap<AbstractDeclaring, ValueType> byDeclaring = HashMultimap.create(); for (ValueType value : values().values()) { Protoclass protoclass = value.constitution.protoclass(); if (protoclass.kind().isValue()) { Optional<AbstractDeclaring> typeAdaptersProvider = protoclass.okTypeAdaptersProvider(); if (typeAdaptersProvider.isPresent()) { byDeclaring.put(typeAdaptersProvider.get(), value); } else if (protoclass.okJsonTypeAdapters().isPresent() && protoclass.declaringType().isPresent()) { DeclaringType topLevel = protoclass.declaringType().get().associatedTopLevel(); byDeclaring.put(topLevel, value); }/*www. j a v a2 s. c o m*/ } } ImmutableList.Builder<OkTypeAdapterTypes> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Entry<AbstractDeclaring, Collection<ValueType>> entry : byDeclaring.asMap().entrySet()) { builder.add(ImmutableOkTypeAdapterTypes.builder().definedBy(entry.getKey()) .addAllTypes(entry.getValue()).build()); } return; }
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@Override protected void doSetInput(Object input) { final ISonarResource element = (ISonarResource) input; Job job = new AbstractRemoteSonarJob("Loading measures") { @Override/*from w w w .ja va 2s.c o m*/ protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) { monitor.beginTask("Loading measures for " + element.getKey(), IProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN); update(null); Collection<ISonarMeasure> measures = null; if (ProjectProperties.getInstance(element.getProject()).isAnalysedLocally()) { // Local mode try { measures = (Collection<ISonarMeasure>) element.getResource() .getSessionProperty(SonarCorePlugin.SESSION_PROPERY_MEASURES); } catch (CoreException e) { // ignore } } else { // Remote mode EclipseSonar index = EclipseSonar.getInstance(element.getProject()); final SourceCode sourceCode =; if (sourceCode != null) { measures = getMeasures(index, element); } } if (measures == null) { measures = Collections.emptyList(); } final List<ISonarMeasure> favorites = Lists.newArrayList(); // Group by key and domain final Map<String, ISonarMeasure> measuresByKey = Maps.newHashMap(); final Multimap<String, ISonarMeasure> measuresByDomain = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (ISonarMeasure measure : measures) { if (SonarUiPlugin.getFavouriteMetricsManager().isFavorite(measure.getMetricDef())) { favorites.add(measure); } String domain = measure.getMetricDef().getDomain(); measuresByDomain.put(domain, measure); measuresByKey.put(measure.getMetricDef().getKey(), measure); } MeasuresView.this.measuresByDomain = Maps.newHashMap(measuresByDomain.asMap()); MeasuresView.this.measuresByKey = measuresByKey; if (!favorites.isEmpty()) { MeasuresView.this.measuresByDomain.put(FAVORITES_CATEGORY, favorites); } update(MeasuresView.this.measuresByDomain); monitor.done(); return Status.OK_STATUS; } }; IWorkbenchSiteProgressService siteService = (IWorkbenchSiteProgressService) getSite() .getAdapter(IWorkbenchSiteProgressService.class); siteService.schedule(job); }
From source
private void updateSubstation() { if (substations == null) { LOGGER.trace("Update substations..."); substations = new ArrayList<>(); node2voltageLevel = new HashMap<>(); UndirectedGraph<UcteNodeCode, Object> graph = createSubstationGraph(network); for (Set<UcteNodeCode> substationNodes : new ConnectivityInspector<>(graph).connectedSets()) { // the main node of the substation is not an xnode and the one with the highest voltage // level and the lowest busbar number. UcteNodeCode mainNode =, nodeCode2) -> { if (nodeCode1.getUcteCountryCode() == UcteCountryCode.XX && nodeCode2.getUcteCountryCode() != UcteCountryCode.XX) { return 1; } else if (nodeCode1.getUcteCountryCode() != UcteCountryCode.XX && nodeCode2.getUcteCountryCode() == UcteCountryCode.XX) { return -1; } else { int c =, nodeCode1.getVoltageLevelCode().getVoltageLevel()); if (c == 0) { c = nodeCode2.getBusbar().compareTo(nodeCode1.getBusbar()); }//from w w w. j a v a2s .c o m return c; } }).findFirst().get(); Multimap<UcteVoltageLevelCode, UcteNodeCode> nodesByVoltageLevel = Multimaps.index(substationNodes, nodeCode -> { return nodeCode.getVoltageLevelCode(); }); String substationName = mainNode.getUcteCountryCode().getUcteCode() + mainNode.getGeographicalSpot(); List<UcteVoltageLevel> voltageLevels = new ArrayList<>(); UcteSubstation substation = new UcteSubstation(substationName, voltageLevels); substations.add(substation); LOGGER.trace("Define substation {}", substationName); for (Map.Entry<UcteVoltageLevelCode, Collection<UcteNodeCode>> entry : nodesByVoltageLevel.asMap() .entrySet()) { UcteVoltageLevelCode vlc = entry.getKey(); Collection<UcteNodeCode> voltageLevelNodes = entry.getValue(); String voltageLevelName = mainNode.getUcteCountryCode().getUcteCode() + mainNode.getGeographicalSpot() + vlc.ordinal(); UcteVoltageLevel voltageLevel = new UcteVoltageLevel(voltageLevelName, substation, voltageLevelNodes); voltageLevels.add(voltageLevel); for (UcteNodeCode voltageLevelNode : voltageLevelNodes) { node2voltageLevel.put(voltageLevelNode, voltageLevel); } LOGGER.trace("Define voltage level {} as a group of {} nodes", voltageLevelName, voltageLevelNodes); } } } }
From source
private void printResource(Resource resource, int level) { // workaround to preserve the original behavior of ResourceService#getRegisteredResources Set<Resource> children; if (resource instanceof DiscreteResource) { children = resourceService.getRegisteredResources(((DiscreteResource) resource).id()); } else {//from w ww. java2 s .c o m children = Collections.emptySet(); } if (resource.equals(Resource.ROOT)) { print("ROOT"); } else { String resourceName = resource.simpleTypeName(); if (resource instanceof ContinuousResource) { print("%s%s: %f", Strings.repeat(" ", level), resourceName, ((ContinuousResource) resource).value()); // Continuous resource is terminal node, stop here return; } else { String availability = ""; if (availablesOnly && !children.isEmpty()) { // intermediate nodes cannot be omitted, print availability if (resourceService.isAvailable(resource)) { availability = " "; } else { availability = " "; } } String toString = String.valueOf(resource.valueAs(Object.class).orElse("")); if (toString.startsWith(resourceName)) { print("%s%s%s", Strings.repeat(" ", level), toString, availability); } else { print("%s%s: %s%s", Strings.repeat(" ", level), resourceName, toString, availability); } } } // Classify children into aggregatable terminal resources and everything else Set<Class<?>> aggregatableTypes = ImmutableSet.<Class<?>>builder().add(VlanId.class).add(MplsLabel.class) .build(); // (last() resource name) -> { Resource } Multimap<String, Resource> aggregatables = ArrayListMultimap.create(); List<Resource> nonAggregatable = new ArrayList<>(); for (Resource r : children) { if (!isPrintTarget(r)) { continue; } if (r instanceof ContinuousResource) { // non-aggregatable terminal node nonAggregatable.add(r); } else if (Iterables.any(aggregatableTypes, r::isTypeOf)) { // aggregatable & terminal node String simpleName = r.simpleTypeName(); aggregatables.put(simpleName, r); } else { nonAggregatable.add(r); } } // print aggregated (terminal) aggregatables.asMap().entrySet().forEach(e -> { // for each type... String resourceName = e.getKey(); RangeSet<Long> rangeSet = TreeRangeSet.create(); // aggregate into RangeSet e.getValue().stream().map(res -> { if (res.isTypeOf(VlanId.class)) { return (long) res.valueAs(VlanId.class).get().toShort(); } else if (res.isTypeOf(MplsLabel.class)) { return (long) res.valueAs(MplsLabel.class).get().toInt(); } else if (res.isTypeOf(TributarySlot.class)) { return res.valueAs(TributarySlot.class).get().index(); } // TODO support Lambda (OchSignal types) return 0L; }).map(Range::singleton).map(range -> range.canonical(DiscreteDomain.longs())).forEach(rangeSet::add); print("%s%s: %s", Strings.repeat(" ", level + 1), resourceName, rangeSet); }); // print non-aggregatables (recurse) if (sort) {, o2) -> String.valueOf( .forEach(r -> printResource(r, level + 1)); } else { nonAggregatable.forEach(r -> printResource(r, level + 1)); } }
From source
/** * Construct a mapping from an option name to its {@link PipelineOptions} interface(s) * declarations. An option may be declared in multiple interfaces. If it is overridden in a * type hierarchy, only the overriding interface will be included. *///w w w .ja v a2s . c o m private Multimap<String, PipelineOptionSpec> buildOptionNameToSpecMap(Set<PipelineOptionSpec> props) { Multimap<String, PipelineOptionSpec> optionsMap = HashMultimap.create(); for (PipelineOptionSpec prop : props) { optionsMap.put(prop.getName(), prop); } // Filter out overridden options for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<PipelineOptionSpec>> entry : optionsMap.asMap().entrySet()) { /* Compare all interfaces for an option pairwise (iface1, iface2) to look for type hierarchies. If one is the base-class of the other, remove it from the output and continue iterating. This is an N^2 operation per-option, but the number of interfaces defining an option should always be small (usually 1). */ List<PipelineOptionSpec> specs = Lists.newArrayList(entry.getValue()); if (specs.size() < 2) { // Only one known implementing interface, no need to check for inheritance continue; } for (int i = 0; i < specs.size() - 1; i++) { Class<?> iface1 = specs.get(i).getDefiningInterface(); for (int j = i + 1; j < specs.size(); j++) { Class<?> iface2 = specs.get(j).getDefiningInterface(); if (iface1.isAssignableFrom(iface2)) { optionsMap.remove(entry.getKey(), specs.get(i)); specs.remove(i); // Removed element at current "i" index. Set iterators to re-evaluate // new "i" element in outer loop. i--; j = specs.size(); } else if (iface2.isAssignableFrom(iface1)) { optionsMap.remove(entry.getKey(), specs.get(j)); specs.remove(j); // Removed element at current "j" index. Set iterator to re-evaluate // new "j" element in inner-loop. j--; } } } } return optionsMap; }
From source
/** * Delete an application specified by appId. * * @param appId the {@link Id.Application} of the application to be removed * @throws Exception//from w ww . ja v a2 s. co m */ public void removeApplication(final Id.Application appId) throws Exception { //Check if all are stopped. boolean appRunning = runtimeService.checkAnyRunning(new Predicate<Id.Program>() { @Override public boolean apply(Id.Program programId) { return programId.getApplication().equals(appId); } }, ProgramType.values()); if (appRunning) { throw new CannotBeDeletedException(appId); } ApplicationSpecification spec = store.getApplication(appId); if (spec == null) { throw new NotFoundException(appId); } //Delete the schedules for (WorkflowSpecification workflowSpec : spec.getWorkflows().values()) { Id.Program workflowProgramId = Id.Program.from(appId, ProgramType.WORKFLOW, workflowSpec.getName()); scheduler.deleteSchedules(workflowProgramId, SchedulableProgramType.WORKFLOW); } deleteMetrics(appId.getNamespaceId(), appId.getId()); //Delete all preferences of the application and of all its programs deletePreferences(appId); // Delete all streams and queues state of each flow // TODO: This should be unified with the DeletedProgramHandlerStage for (FlowSpecification flowSpecification : spec.getFlows().values()) { Id.Program flowProgramId = Id.Program.from(appId, ProgramType.FLOW, flowSpecification.getName()); // Collects stream name to all group ids consuming that stream Multimap<String, Long> streamGroups = HashMultimap.create(); for (FlowletConnection connection : flowSpecification.getConnections()) { if (connection.getSourceType() == FlowletConnection.Type.STREAM) { long groupId = FlowUtils.generateConsumerGroupId(flowProgramId, connection.getTargetName()); streamGroups.put(connection.getSourceName(), groupId); } } // Remove all process states and group states for each stream String namespace = String.format("%s.%s", flowProgramId.getApplicationId(), flowProgramId.getId()); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<Long>> entry : streamGroups.asMap().entrySet()) { streamConsumerFactory.dropAll(Id.Stream.from(appId.getNamespaceId(), entry.getKey()), namespace, entry.getValue()); } queueAdmin.dropAllForFlow(Id.Flow.from(appId, flowSpecification.getName())); } deleteProgramLocations(appId); Location appArchive = store.getApplicationArchiveLocation(appId); Preconditions.checkNotNull(appArchive, "Could not find the location of application", appId.getId()); if (!appArchive.delete()) { LOG.debug("Could not delete application archive"); } store.removeApplication(appId); try { usageRegistry.unregister(appId); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed to unregister usage of app: {}", appId, e); } }
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@Override public void sendContent(HttpResponseStatus status, @Nullable ChannelBuffer content, String contentType, @Nullable Multimap<String, String> headers) { Preconditions.checkArgument(responded.compareAndSet(false, true), "Response has been already sent"); HttpResponse response = new DefaultHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, status); if (content != null) { response.setContent(content);//from www . ja v a 2 s. c o m response.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType); response.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_LENGTH, content.readableBytes()); } else { response.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_LENGTH, 0); } if (keepAlive) { response.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.CONNECTION, HttpHeaders.Values.KEEP_ALIVE); } // Add headers, note will override all headers set by the framework if (headers != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : headers.asMap().entrySet()) { response.setHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } ChannelFuture future = channel.write(response); if (!keepAlive || status.getCode() >= 400) { future.addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); } }
From source
private void printReflectionsRepo(final Reflections ref) { final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("\n\t======= Reflections List:"); for (String s : ref.getStore().keySet()) { b.append("\n").append("Scanner:").append(s); Multimap<String, String> mm = ref.getStore().get(s); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : mm.asMap().entrySet()) { b.append("\n\t").append(entry.getKey()); for (String n : entry.getValue()) { b.append("\n\t\t").append(n); }//from w ww.j ava 2s. c om } } log(b.toString()); }
From source
private void generate(FileWriter writer) throws IOException { for (EnumType type : schema.enums()) { TypeSpec spec = buildEnum(type); JavaFile file = assembleJavaFile(type, spec); writer.write(file);//from ww w .j av a 2 s .c o m } for (StructType struct : schema.structs()) { TypeSpec spec = buildStruct(struct); JavaFile file = assembleJavaFile(struct, spec); writer.write(file); } for (StructType exception : schema.exceptions()) { TypeSpec spec = buildStruct(exception); JavaFile file = assembleJavaFile(exception, spec); writer.write(file); } for (StructType union : schema.unions()) { TypeSpec spec = buildStruct(union); JavaFile file = assembleJavaFile(union, spec); writer.write(file); } Multimap<String, Constant> constantsByPackage = HashMultimap.create(); for (Constant constant : schema.constants()) { constantsByPackage.put(constant.getNamespaceFor(NamespaceScope.JAVA), constant); } for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<Constant>> entry : constantsByPackage.asMap().entrySet()) { String packageName = entry.getKey(); Collection<Constant> values = entry.getValue(); TypeSpec spec = buildConst(values); JavaFile file = assembleJavaFile(packageName, spec); writer.write(file); } for (Service service : { TypeSpec spec = serviceBuilder.buildServiceInterface(service); JavaFile file = assembleJavaFile(service, spec); writer.write(file); spec = serviceBuilder.buildService(service, spec); file = assembleJavaFile(service, spec); writer.write(file); } }
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protected Map<JvmTypeReference, Collection<JvmTypeReference>> getVisibleJvmTypesContainingStaticMethods( Iterable<JvmTypeReference> hierarchy) { Multimap<JvmTypeReference, JvmTypeReference> result = LinkedListMultimap.create(); final Map<JvmTypeReference, Collection<String>> staticTypeNames = getVisibleTypesContainingStaticMethods( hierarchy);// w w w . ja v a 2s .c o m for (final Map.Entry<JvmTypeReference, Collection<String>> e : staticTypeNames.entrySet()) { for (final String staticTypeName : e.getValue()) { JvmTypeReference staticType = cache.get(Tuples.create(this, staticTypeName), context, new Provider<JvmTypeReference>() { public JvmTypeReference get() { return getTypeReferences().getTypeForName(staticTypeName, context); } }); if (staticType != null) result.put(e.getKey(), staticType); } } return result.asMap(); }