Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables tryFind

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables tryFind


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables tryFind.


public static <T> Optional<T> tryFind(Iterable<T> iterable, Predicate<? super T> predicate) 

Source Link


Returns an Optional containing the first element in iterable that satisfies the given predicate, if such an element exists.


From source file:brooklyn.entity.nosql.riak.RiakClusterImpl.java

public void start(Collection<? extends Location> locations) {
    connectSensors();/*from  w  w  w  . java 2  s .  c  om*/


    //FIXME: add a quorum to tolerate failed nodes before setting on fire.
    Optional<Entity> anyNode = Iterables.tryFind(getMembers(), new Predicate<Entity>() {

        public boolean apply(@Nullable Entity entity) {
            return (entity instanceof RiakNode && hasMemberJoinedCluster(entity)
                    && entity.getAttribute(RiakNode.SERVICE_UP));

    if (anyNode.isPresent()) {
        log.info("Planning and Committing cluster changes on node: {}, cluster: {}", anyNode.get().getId(),
        Entities.invokeEffector(this, anyNode.get(), RiakNode.COMMIT_RIAK_CLUSTER).blockUntilEnded();
        setAttribute(IS_CLUSTER_INIT, true);
    } else {
        log.warn("No Riak Nodes are found on the cluster: {}. Initialization Failed", getId());
        ServiceStateLogic.setExpectedState(this, Lifecycle.ON_FIRE);

From source file:org.eclipse.emf.compare.uml2.internal.provider.profile.StereotypeAttributeChangeProfileSupportItemProvider.java

 * Retrieves the {@link AttributeChange} which is refined by the {@link StereotypeAttributeChange}.
 * /*from w  w w .java 2 s  . c om*/
 * @param diff
 *            Input object. .
 * @return an {@link AttributeChange} if the input is a {@link StereotypeAttributeChange} which is refined
 *         by an {@link AttributeChange} or <code>null</code> otherwise.
private AttributeChange getAttributeChange(Object diff) {
    AttributeChange attributeChange = null;
    if (diff instanceof StereotypeAttributeChange) {
        StereotypeAttributeChange stereotypeAttributeChange = (StereotypeAttributeChange) diff;
        Optional<Diff> element = Iterables.tryFind(stereotypeAttributeChange.getRefinedBy(),
        if (element.isPresent()) {
            attributeChange = (AttributeChange) element.get();
    return attributeChange;

From source file:com.r4intellij.editor.formatting.processor.RIndentProcessor.java

private static boolean continsPipeOp(PsiElement node) {
    boolean hasPipeOp = Iterables.tryFind(PsiTreeUtil.getChildrenOfTypeAsList(node, LeafPsiElement.class),
            new Predicate<LeafPsiElement>() {
                @Override/* w  w  w  .  ja  v a  2  s .c om*/
                public boolean apply(@Nullable LeafPsiElement leafPsiElement) {
                    return leafPsiElement.getElementType().equals(R_ARITH_MISC);

    return hasPipeOp;

From source file:com.gradleware.tooling.toolingmodel.repository.internal.HierarchyHelper.java

Optional<T> tryFind(Spec<? super T> predicate) {
    return Iterables.tryFind(getAll(), toPredicate(predicate));

From source file:brooklyn.entity.nosql.mongodb.sharding.CoLocatedMongoDBRouterImpl.java

protected void doStart(Collection<? extends Location> locations) {
    // TODO Changed to create the router child after init as a workaround.
    // When we use `mongo-sharded.yaml`, and we call 
    // `getConfig(CoLocatedMongoDBRouter.SHARDED_DEPLOYMENT)`,
    // the value is `$brooklyn:component("shardeddeployment")`.
    // To look up the component, it tries to do `entity().getApplication()` to
    // search the entities for one with the correct id. However if being done
    // during `init()`, then this (which is returned by `entity()`) has not had its parent
    // set, so `entity().getApplication()` returns null.
    ///*from  www . j  a  va2  s  . com*/
    // We should move this code back to `init()` once we have a solution for that.
    // We can also remove the call to Entities.manage() once this is in init() again.

    MongoDBRouter router = addChild(
            (MongoDBRouter) Iterables.tryFind(getChildren(), Predicates.instanceOf(MongoDBRouter.class)).get());

    setAttribute(Startable.SERVICE_UP, true);

From source file:org.apache.brooklyn.entity.nosql.mongodb.sharding.MongoDBRouterClusterImpl.java

protected void setAnyRouter() {
    sensors().set(MongoDBRouterCluster.ANY_ROUTER, Iterables
            .tryFind(getRouters(), EntityPredicates.attributeEqualTo(Startable.SERVICE_UP, true)).orNull());

    sensors().set(MongoDBRouterCluster.ANY_RUNNING_ROUTER, Iterables
            .tryFind(getRouters(), EntityPredicates.attributeEqualTo(MongoDBRouter.RUNNING, true)).orNull());

From source file:org.ow2.petals.cloud.manager.commands.iaas.RegisterAccountCommand.java

protected Object doExecute() throws Exception {

    // check that the input provider exist
    checkNotNull(Iterables.tryFind(providersManager, new Predicate<ProviderManager>() {
        public boolean apply(ProviderManager input) {
            return input.getProviderName().equalsIgnoreCase(type);
        }//w  w w  .j  ava 2s  .com
    }).orNull(), "Can not find the %s provider in the platform, aborting account registration", type);

    Credentials c = new Credentials();

    Provider provider = new Provider();

    System.out.println("Account has been registered for provider " + type);
    return null;

From source file:org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.pcc.strategy.partitioning.FiducciaMattheysesAlgorithm.java

private Optional<Pair<Long, TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>>>> tryFindBestGainWithNonEmptyBucket(
        final TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>> bucket) {
    Optional<Long> bestGain = Iterables.tryFind(bucket.descendingKeySet(), new Predicate<Long>() {
        @Override/*w w w  . j  ava2s .  co m*/
        public boolean apply(@Nullable Long pLong) {
            return !bucket.get(pLong).isEmpty();
    if (!bestGain.isPresent()) {
        return Optional.absent();
    return Optional.of(Pair.of(bestGain.get(), bucket));

From source file:pt.ist.maidSyncher.domain.activeCollab.ACProject.java

public static ACProject findByName(final String name) {
    checkArgument(StringUtils.isBlank(name) == false, "Name mustn't be blank");
    MaidRoot maidRoot = MaidRoot.getInstance();

    Optional<ACObject> optional = Iterables.tryFind(maidRoot.getAcObjectsSet(), new Predicate<ACObject>() {
        @Override/*  w ww .  j  av  a 2s. com*/
        public boolean apply(ACObject input) {
            if (input instanceof ACProject) {
                ACProject acProject = (ACProject) input;
                return name.equalsIgnoreCase(acProject.getName());
            } else
                return false;
    return (ACProject) (optional.isPresent() ? optional.get() : null);

From source file:org.jclouds.vcloud.director.testng.FormatApiResultsListener.java

private String getApi(ITestResult res) {
    Optional<String> found = Iterables.tryFind(Arrays.asList(res.getMethod().getGroups()), Predicates.in(apis));
    return found.isPresent() ? found.get() : "";