List of usage examples for Iterables tryFind
public static <T> Optional<T> tryFind(Iterable<T> iterable, Predicate<? super T> predicate)
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public static Optional<CollectionChange> getCollectionWithId(FolderSyncResponse response, final CollectionId lookForId) { return Iterables.tryFind(response.getCollectionsAddedAndUpdated(), new Predicate<CollectionChange>() { @Override/* www . j a v a 2s.c o m*/ public boolean apply(CollectionChange change) { return lookForId.equals(change.getCollectionId()); } }); }
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protected void onServerPoolMemberChanged(Entity member) { synchronized (mutex) { log.trace("For {}, considering membership of {} which is in locations {}", new Object[] { this, member, member.getLocations() }); Map<Entity, String> nodes = getAttribute(RIAK_CLUSTER_NODES); if (belongsInServerPool(member)) { // TODO can we discover the nodes by asking the riak cluster, rather than assuming what we add will be in there? // TODO and can we do join as part of node starting? if (nodes == null) { nodes = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); }//w w w . ja va2 s . c o m String riakName = getRiakName(member); Preconditions.checkNotNull(riakName); // flag a first node to be the first node in the riak cluster. Boolean firstNode = getAttribute(IS_FIRST_NODE_SET); if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(firstNode)) { setAttribute(IS_FIRST_NODE_SET, Boolean.TRUE); nodes.put(member, riakName); setAttribute(RIAK_CLUSTER_NODES, nodes); ((EntityInternal) member).setAttribute(RiakNode.RIAK_NODE_HAS_JOINED_CLUSTER, Boolean.TRUE);"Adding riak node {}: {}; {} to cluster", new Object[] { this, member, getRiakName(member) }); } else { // TODO: be wary of erroneous nodes but are still flagged 'in cluster' // add the new node to be part of the riak cluster. Optional<Entity> anyNodeInCluster = Iterables.tryFind(nodes.keySet(), new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable Entity node) { return (node instanceof RiakNode && hasMemberJoinedCluster(node)); } }); if (anyNodeInCluster.isPresent()) { if (!nodes.containsKey(member) && !hasMemberJoinedCluster(member)) { String anyNodeName = anyNodeInCluster.get().getAttribute(RiakNode.RIAK_NODE_NAME); Entities.invokeEffectorWithArgs(this, member, RiakNode.JOIN_RIAK_CLUSTER, anyNodeName); if (getAttribute(IS_CLUSTER_INIT)) { Entities.invokeEffector(RiakClusterImpl.this, anyNodeInCluster.get(), RiakNode.COMMIT_RIAK_CLUSTER); } nodes.put(member, riakName); setAttribute(RIAK_CLUSTER_NODES, nodes);"Adding riak node {}: {}; {} to cluster", new Object[] { this, member, getRiakName(member) }); } } else { log.error("isFirstNodeSet , but no cluster members found to add {}", member.getId()); } } } else { if (nodes != null && nodes.containsKey(member)) { final Entity memberToBeRemoved = member; Optional<Entity> anyNodeInCluster = Iterables.tryFind(nodes.keySet(), new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable Entity node) { return (node instanceof RiakNode && hasMemberJoinedCluster(node) && !node.equals(memberToBeRemoved)); } }); if (anyNodeInCluster.isPresent()) { Entities.invokeEffectorWithArgs(this, anyNodeInCluster.get(), RiakNode.LEAVE_RIAK_CLUSTER, getRiakName(memberToBeRemoved)); } nodes.remove(member); setAttribute(RIAK_CLUSTER_NODES, nodes);"Removing riak node {}: {}; {} from cluster", new Object[] { this, member, getRiakName(member) }); } } ServiceNotUpLogic.updateNotUpIndicatorRequiringNonEmptyMap(this, RIAK_CLUSTER_NODES); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Done {} checkEntity {}", this, member); calculateClusterAddresses(); } }
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@Override public FeedMetadata getFeedByName(final String categoryName, final String feedName) { if (feeds != null && !feeds.isEmpty()) { return Iterables.tryFind(feeds.values(), new Predicate<FeedMetadata>() { @Override/*from ww w . j a va 2 s .c o m*/ public boolean apply(FeedMetadata metadata) { return metadata.getFeedName().equalsIgnoreCase(feedName) && metadata.getCategoryName().equalsIgnoreCase(categoryName); } }).orNull(); } return feeds.get(feedName); }
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/** * Returns an {@link} containing the first element in this fluent iterable that * satisfies the given predicate, if such an element exists. * * <p><b>Warning:</b> avoid using a {@code predicate} that matches {@code null}. If {@code null} * is matched in this fluent iterable, a {@link NullPointerException} will be thrown. *//*from www . ja v a 2 s . com*/ public final Optional<T> firstMatch(Predicate<? super T> predicate) { return Iterables.tryFind(this, predicate); }
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public List<NiFiComponentErrors> getErrorsForCategory(final String category) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(category)) { return null; }//from w w w .j a va2s . c o m return Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(getErrors(), new Predicate<NiFiComponentErrors>() { @Override public boolean apply(NiFiComponentErrors nifiProcessorDTO) { NifiError error = Iterables .tryFind(nifiProcessorDTO.getValidationErrors(), new Predicate<NifiError>() { @Override public boolean apply(NifiError nifiError) { return category.equalsIgnoreCase(nifiError.getCategory()); } }).orNull(); return error != null; } })); }
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@Override public UserPrincipal lookupPrincipalByAccessKeyId(final String keyId, final String nonce) throws AuthException { try (final TransactionResource tx = Entities.readOnlyDistinctTransactionFor(AccessKeyEntity.class)) { final UserEntity user; try {/*from www. j a v a 2 s. com*/ user = (UserEntity) Entities.createCriteria(UserEntity.class).createCriteria("keys") .add(Restrictions.eq("accessKey", keyId)).setFlushMode(FlushMode.MANUAL).setReadOnly(true) .uniqueResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidAccessKeyAuthException("Failed to find access key", e); } if (user == null) { throw new InvalidAccessKeyAuthException("Failed to find access key"); } final UserPrincipal principal = new UserPrincipalImpl(user); final Optional<AccessKey> accessKey = Iterables.tryFind(principal.getKeys(), CollectionUtils.propertyPredicate(keyId, AccessKeys.accessKeyIdentifier())); if (!Iterables.any(accessKey.asSet(), AccessKeys.isActive())) { throw new InvalidAccessKeyAuthException("Invalid access key or token"); } return decorateCredentials(principal, nonce, accessKey.get().getSecretKey()); } }
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/** returns the first exception that matches the filter, or null */ public static Throwable getFirstThrowableMatching(Throwable from, Predicate<? super Throwable> filter) { return Iterables.tryFind(getCausalChain(from), filter).orNull(); }
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protected PaymentTransactionModelDao getUnknownPaymentTransaction( final List<PaymentTransactionModelDao> existingPaymentTransactions) throws PaymentApiException { return Iterables.tryFind(existingPaymentTransactions, new Predicate<PaymentTransactionModelDao>() { @Override//from w w w. ja v a2s.c o m public boolean apply(final PaymentTransactionModelDao input) { return input.getTransactionStatus() == TransactionStatus.UNKNOWN; } }).orNull(); }
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/** * Get the provider from its name/* ww w . ja va 2s. c o m*/ * * @param providerName * @return * @throws CloudManagerException */ protected Provider getProvider(final String providerName) throws CloudManagerException { return Iterables.tryFind(providerRegistry.get(), new Predicate<Provider>() { public boolean apply( input) { return input.getName() != null && input.getName().equals(providerName); } }).orNull(); }
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/** * Check to see if this processor contains an incoming processor * * @param parent the processor to check for in this processors {@link #getDestinations()} * @return {@code true} if this processor already contains the incoming processor as its destination, {@code false} if not *//*from www . java 2 s . co m*/ public boolean containsDestination(NifiVisitableProcessor parent) { final String thisId = getDto().getId(); final String parentId = parent.getDto().getId(); NifiVisitableProcessor p = Iterables.tryFind(getDestinations(), new Predicate<NifiVisitableProcessor>() { @Override public boolean apply(NifiVisitableProcessor nifiVisitableProcessor) { return nifiVisitableProcessor.getDto().getId().equalsIgnoreCase(thisId) || nifiVisitableProcessor.getDto().getId().equalsIgnoreCase(parentId); } }).orNull(); return p != null; }