Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specifi c language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.pcc.strategy.partitioning; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.sosy_lab.common.Pair; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.pcc.strategy.partialcertificate.PartialReachedSetDirectedGraph; import; import; import; public class FiducciaMattheysesAlgorithm { // TODO change variable naming private final Set<Integer> v1; private final Set<Integer> v2; private final PartialReachedSetDirectedGraph graph; private final double balanceCriterion; public FiducciaMattheysesAlgorithm(double pBalanceCriterion, Set<Integer> pV1, Set<Integer> pV2, PartialReachedSetDirectedGraph pGraph) { v1 = pV1; v2 = pV2; graph = pGraph; balanceCriterion = pBalanceCriterion; } private long computeGain(int pNode) { Set<Integer> src = v1.contains(pNode) ? v1 : v2; Set<Integer> dest = src == v1 ? v2 : v1; long dV1 = graph.getNumEdgesBetween(pNode, dest); long dV2 = graph.getNumEdgesBetween(pNode, src); return dV1 - dV2; } private void initDataStructures(Set<Integer> pV, TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>> pBuckets, HashMap<Integer, Long> pGain, HashMap<Integer, Boolean> lock) { for (Integer i : pV) { lock.put(i, false); long g = computeGain(i); pGain.put(i, g); if (!pBuckets.containsKey(g)) { pBuckets.put(g, new LinkedList<Integer>()); } pBuckets.get(g).addFirst(i); } } private Optional<Pair<Long, TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>>>> tryFindBestGainWithNonEmptyBucket( final TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>> bucket) { Optional<Long> bestGain = Iterables.tryFind(bucket.descendingKeySet(), new Predicate<Long>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable Long pLong) { return !bucket.get(pLong).isEmpty(); } }); if (!bestGain.isPresent()) { return Optional.absent(); } return Optional.of(Pair.of(bestGain.get(), bucket)); } // TODO make this configurable private boolean isBalanced(int pSizeP1, int pSizeP2) { int min = Math.min(pSizeP1, pSizeP2); if (min <= 0) { return false; } return Math.max(pSizeP1, pSizeP2) / min <= balanceCriterion; } private Optional<Pair<Long, TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>>>> tryPickBestGain( final TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>> bucket1, final TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>> bucket2) { Optional<Pair<Long, TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>>>> bestV1Gain = tryFindBestGainWithNonEmptyBucket( bucket1); Optional<Pair<Long, TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>>>> bestV2Gain = tryFindBestGainWithNonEmptyBucket( bucket2); if (!bestV2Gain.isPresent()) { return bestV1Gain; } else if (!bestV1Gain.isPresent()) { return bestV2Gain; } else { if (bestV1Gain.get().getFirst() > bestV2Gain.get().getFirst() && isBalanced(v1.size() - 1, v2.size() + 1)) { return bestV1Gain; } else if (bestV1Gain.get().getFirst() <= bestV2Gain.get().getFirst() && isBalanced(v1.size() + 1, v2.size() - 1)) { // TODO handling equal case separately can be favourable return bestV2Gain; } else { return Optional.absent(); } } } private int pollNodeFromBucketByGain(Long gain, final TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>> bucket) { // get first node from list in bucket // TODO implement alternative strategies return bucket.get(gain).poll(); } private void updateGain(int pNode, final TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>> pBucket, HashMap<Integer, Long> pGain, long pNewGain) { boolean success = pBucket.get(pGain.get(pNode)).removeFirstOccurrence(pNode); assert (success); if (!pBucket.containsKey(pNewGain)) { pBucket.put(pNewGain, new LinkedList<Integer>()); } pBucket.get(pNewGain).add(pNode); pGain.put(pNode, pNewGain); } private void updateNeighbors(int node, TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>> v1Buckets, TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>> v2Buckets, HashMap<Integer, Long> gain, HashMap<Integer, Boolean> lock) { Set<Integer> neighbors = new HashSet<>(); neighbors.addAll(graph.getAdjacencyList().get(node)); neighbors.addAll(graph.getPredecessorsOf(node)); for (int n : neighbors) { boolean nInV1 = v1.contains(n); boolean nInV2 = v2.contains(n); if ((nInV1 || nInV2) && !lock.get(n)) { long updatedGain = gain.get(n); if (nInV1 && v1.contains(node) || nInV2 && v2.contains(node)) { updatedGain += 1; } else { updatedGain -= 1; } if (nInV1) { updateGain(n, v1Buckets, gain, updatedGain); } else { updateGain(n, v2Buckets, gain, updatedGain); } } } } public long improvePartitioning() { LinkedList<Integer> moved = new LinkedList<>(); LinkedList<Long> cutSizes = new LinkedList<>(); TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>> v1Buckets = new TreeMap<>(); TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>> v2Buckets = new TreeMap<>(); HashMap<Integer, Long> gain = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<Integer, Boolean> lock = new HashMap<>(); /* Initialize all the stuff */ initDataStructures(v1, v1Buckets, gain, lock); initDataStructures(v2, v2Buckets, gain, lock); cutSizes.add(graph.getNumEdgesBetween(v1, v2)); int iterationWithSmallestCutSize = 0; long smallestCutSize = cutSizes.get(0); /* Start algorithm */ for (int i = 1; i < v1.size() + v2.size(); i++) { Optional<Pair<Long, TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>>>> gainAndBuckets = tryPickBestGain(v1Buckets, v2Buckets); if (!gainAndBuckets.isPresent()) { break; } long g = gainAndBuckets.get().getFirst(); int node = pollNodeFromBucketByGain(g, gainAndBuckets.get().getSecond()); lock.put(node, true); updateNeighbors(node, v1Buckets, v2Buckets, gain, lock); /* update log */ long newCutSize = cutSizes.getLast() - g; assert (newCutSize >= 0); if (newCutSize < smallestCutSize) { iterationWithSmallestCutSize = i; smallestCutSize = newCutSize; } moved.add(node); cutSizes.addLast(newCutSize); } /* move nodes until best cut size reached */ int i = 1; for (int node : moved) { if (i > iterationWithSmallestCutSize) { break; } if (v1.contains(node)) { v1.remove(node); v2.add(node); } else { v2.remove(node); v1.add(node); } i++; } return cutSizes.getFirst() - smallestCutSize; } }