Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2011 Holger Brandl
 * This code is licensed under BSD. For details see

package com.r4intellij.editor.formatting.processor;

import com.intellij.formatting.Indent;
import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement;
import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.LeafPsiElement;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.TokenSet;
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil;
import com.r4intellij.editor.formatting.RBlock;
import com.r4intellij.psi.RDocument;
import com.r4intellij.psi.RExpr;
import com.r4intellij.psi.RFile;
import com.r4intellij.psi.RTypes;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;

 * This class is based on code taken from the Groovy plugin.
 * @author ilyas, jansorg
public abstract class RIndentProcessor implements RTypes {

    private static final TokenSet BLOCKS = TokenSet.create(R_COMMAND);

     * Calculates indent, based on code style, between parent block and child node
     * @param parent        parent block
     * @param child         child node
     * @param prevChildNode previous child node
     * @return indent
    public static Indent getChildIndent(@NotNull RBlock parent, @Nullable final ASTNode prevChildNode,
            @NotNull final ASTNode child) {
        ASTNode astParent = parent.getNode();
        final PsiElement psiParent = astParent.getPsi();

        // For R file
        if (psiParent instanceof RDocument || psiParent instanceof RFile) {
            return Indent.getNoneIndent();

        if (prevChildNode != null && R_LEFT_BRACE.equals(prevChildNode.getElementType())
                && !R_RIGHT_BRACE.equals(child.getElementType())) {
            return Indent.getNormalIndent();

        if (prevChildNode != null && R_ARITH_MISC.equals(prevChildNode.getElementType())) {

            //            parent.getNode().getPsi().getParent().getChildren();

            // traverse up the tree to see if it a pipe chain
            int pipePosition = getPipePosition(psiParent, 0);
            if (pipePosition == 1) {
                return Indent.getNormalIndent();
                //                return Indent.getContinuationWithoutFirstIndent();
                //                return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
            } else {
                return Indent.getNoneIndent();
                //                return Indent.getNormalIndent();

        //        if (astParent.getPsi() instanceof RFundef) {
        //            if (child.getElementType().equals(R_EXPR_OR_ASSIGN)) {
        //                return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
        ////                return indentForBlock(psiParent, child);
        //            }
        //        }
        //        if (child.getElementType().equals(R_EXPR_OR_ASSIGN)) {
        //            return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
        ////                return indentForBlock(psiParent, child);
        //        }

        if (BLOCKS.contains(child.getElementType())) {
            return indentForBlock(psiParent, child);

        return Indent.getNoneIndent();

    private static int getPipePosition(PsiElement node, int curLevel) {
        if (node != null) {

            if (node instanceof RExpr && continsPipeOp(node)) {

                return getPipePosition(node.getParent(), curLevel + 1);

            } else {
                return getPipePosition(node.getParent(), curLevel);
        } else {
            return curLevel;

    private static boolean continsPipeOp(PsiElement node) {
        boolean hasPipeOp = Iterables.tryFind(PsiTreeUtil.getChildrenOfTypeAsList(node, LeafPsiElement.class),
                new Predicate<LeafPsiElement>() {
                    public boolean apply(@Nullable LeafPsiElement leafPsiElement) {
                        return leafPsiElement.getElementType().equals(R_ARITH_MISC);

        return hasPipeOp;

     * Indent for common block
     * @param psiBlock
     * @param child
     * @return
    private static Indent indentForBlock(PsiElement psiBlock, ASTNode child) {
        if (R_LEFT_BRACE.equals(child.getElementType()) || R_RIGHT_BRACE.equals(child.getElementType())) {
            return Indent.getNoneIndent();

        //        if(psiBlock instanceof RFundef){
        //            return Indent.getNormalIndent();
        //        }
        //        if (child.getElementType().equals(R_EXPR_OR_ASSIGN)) {
        //            return Indent.getNormalIndent();
        //        }

        return Indent.getNormalIndent();
        //        return Indent.getContinuationIndent();
        //        return Indent.getContinuationIndent(true);