List of usage examples for Iterables tryFind
public static <T> Optional<T> tryFind(Iterable<T> iterable, Predicate<? super T> predicate)
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protected final <S extends EffectiveStatement<?, ?>> S firstEffective(final Class<S> type) { final Optional<? extends EffectiveStatement<?, ?>> possible = Iterables.tryFind(substatements, Predicates.instanceOf(type)); return possible.isPresent() ? type.cast(possible.get()) : null; }
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@NonNull private static List<ClipperTrip> parseTrips(@NonNull DesfireCard card) { StandardDesfireFile file = (StandardDesfireFile) card.getApplication(0x9011f2).getFile(0x0e); /*//from ww w .ja va 2 s. c om * This file reads very much like a record file but it professes to * be only a regular file. As such, we'll need to extract the records * manually. */ byte[] data = file.getData().bytes(); int pos = data.length - RECORD_LENGTH; List<ClipperTrip> result = new ArrayList<>(); while (pos > 0) { byte[] slice = ByteUtils.byteArraySlice(data, pos, RECORD_LENGTH); final ClipperTrip trip = createTrip(slice); if (trip != null) { // Some transaction types are temporary -- remove previous trip with the same timestamp. ClipperTrip existingTrip = Iterables.tryFind(result, new Predicate<ClipperTrip>() { @Override public boolean apply(ClipperTrip otherTrip) { return trip.getTimestamp() == otherTrip.getTimestamp(); } }).orNull(); if (existingTrip != null) { if (existingTrip.getExitTimestamp() != 0) { // Old trip has exit timestamp, and is therefore better. pos -= RECORD_LENGTH; continue; } else { result.remove(existingTrip); } } result.add(trip); } pos -= RECORD_LENGTH; } Collections.sort(result, new Trip.Comparator()); return result; }
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private Optional<Comment> findNextComment(final Comment comment) throws MessageNotFoundException { Topic updatedTopic = messageDao.getById(comment.getTopicId()); CommentList commentList = commentService.getCommentList(updatedTopic, false); return Iterables.tryFind(commentList.getList(), new Predicate<Comment>() { @Override//from w ww .j ava2 s. c om public boolean apply(Comment input) { return input.getId() >= comment.getId(); } }); }
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public void added(Entity member) { synchronized (mutex) { Optional<Location> location = Iterables.tryFind(member.getLocations(), Predicates.instanceOf(SshMachineLocation.class)); if (location.isPresent() && member.getAttribute(Startable.SERVICE_UP)) { SshMachineLocation machine = (SshMachineLocation) location.get(); if (!entityLocations.containsKey(machine)) { entityLocations.put(machine, member); // Configure the Zabbix agent List<String> commands = ImmutableList.<String>builder().add("sed -i.bk 's/\\$HOSTNAME/" + machine.getDisplayName() + "/' /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf").add("zabbix_agentd") .build();/*from w ww . j a va2 s. c om*/ int result = machine.execCommands("configuring zabbix_agentd", commands); if (result == 0) {"zabbix_agentd configured on {} at {}", member, machine); } else { log.warn("failed to configure zabbix_agentd on {}, status {}", machine, result); } } } else { log.warn("zabbix added({}) called but no location or service not started", member); } } }
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@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) @Override//from w w w. jav a 2s. c om public void setEntity(EntityLocal entity) { super.setEntity(entity); Preconditions.checkNotNull(getConfig(SOURCE_SENSORS), "source sensors"); this.producer = getConfig(PRODUCER) == null ? entity : getConfig(PRODUCER); List<AttributeSensor<?>> sensorListTemp = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Object sensorO : getConfig(SOURCE_SENSORS)) { AttributeSensor<?> sensor = Tasks.resolving(sensorO).as(AttributeSensor.class) .timeout(ValueResolver.REAL_QUICK_WAIT).context(producer).get(); Optional<? extends Sensor<?>> foundSensor = Iterables.tryFind(sensorListTemp, SensorPredicates.nameEqualTo(sensor.getName())); if (!foundSensor.isPresent()) { sensorListTemp.add(sensor); } } String reducerName = config().get(REDUCER_FUNCTION_TRANSFORMATION); Function<Iterable<?>, ?> reducerFunction = (Function) config().get(REDUCER_FUNCTION); if (reducerFunction == null) { Map<String, ?> parameters = config().get(PARAMETERS); reducerFunction = createReducerFunction(reducerName, parameters); } this.reducerFunction = reducerFunction; Preconditions.checkState(sensorListTemp.size() > 0, "Nothing to reduce"); for (Sensor<?> sensor : sensorListTemp) { subscribe(producer, sensor, this); } subscribedSensors = ImmutableList.copyOf(sensorListTemp); }
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/** * Create a {@link Function} to retrieve a particular field value from a {@code redis-cli info} * command./*from w w w . j av a 2 s .c o m*/ * * @param field the info field to retrieve and convert * @return a new function that converts a {@link SshPollValue} to an {@link Integer} */ private static Function<SshPollValue, Integer> infoFunction(final String field) { return Functions.compose(new Function<String, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(@Nullable String input) { Optional<String> line = Iterables.tryFind(Splitter.on('\n').split(input), Predicates.containsPattern(field + ":")); if (line.isPresent()) { String data = line.get().trim(); int colon = data.indexOf(":"); return Integer.parseInt(data.substring(colon + 1)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Data for field " + field + " not found: " + input); } } }, SshValueFunctions.stdout()); }
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private Optional<Resource> getRevision(ResourceKey resourceKey, final Integer revision) { Collection<Resource> allRevisions = mResources.get(resourceKey); return Iterables.tryFind(allRevisions, new Predicate<Resource>() { public boolean apply(Resource resource) { return resource.getRevision().getRevisionNumber().equals(revision); }//from w w w .j a v a 2 s . co m }); }
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public PaymentTransaction getCurrentTransaction() { if (result == null || result.getTransactions() == null) { return null; }/*from w ww.ja v a2s. c om*/ return Iterables.tryFind(result.getTransactions(), new Predicate<PaymentTransaction>() { @Override public boolean apply(final PaymentTransaction input) { final DefaultPaymentTransaction defaultPaymentTransaction = (DefaultPaymentTransaction) input; return defaultPaymentTransaction.getAttemptId() == null ? getAttemptId() == null : defaultPaymentTransaction.getAttemptId().equals(getAttemptId()); } }).orNull(); }
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private PaymentTransaction getRefundTransaction(final Payment payment) { return Iterables.tryFind(payment.getTransactions(), new Predicate<PaymentTransaction>() { @Override/*from w ww . j a v a2 s . c om*/ public boolean apply(final PaymentTransaction input) { return input.getTransactionType() == TransactionType.REFUND; } }).get(); }
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@JsonIgnore public void removeRelatedFeed(final FeedMetadata feed) { FeedSummary match = Iterables.tryFind(feeds, new Predicate<FeedSummary>() { @Override//from w w w. j a v a2 s .com public boolean apply(FeedSummary metadata) { return feed.getFeedName().equalsIgnoreCase(metadata.getFeedName()); } }).orNull(); if (match != null) { getFeeds().remove(match); } }