Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables tryFind

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables tryFind


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables tryFind.


public static <T> Optional<T> tryFind(Iterable<T> iterable, Predicate<? super T> predicate) 

Source Link


Returns an Optional containing the first element in iterable that satisfies the given predicate, if such an element exists.


From source file:org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.stmt.rfc6020.effective.EffectiveStatementBase.java

protected final <S extends SchemaNode> S firstSchemaNode(final Class<S> type) {
    final Optional<? extends EffectiveStatement<?, ?>> possible = Iterables.tryFind(substatements,
    return possible.isPresent() ? type.cast(possible.get()) : null;

From source file:org.killbill.billing.beatrix.util.InvoiceChecker.java

public void checkInvoiceNoAudits(final Invoice invoice, final CallContext context,
        final List<ExpectedInvoiceItemCheck> expected) throws InvoiceApiException {
    final List<InvoiceItem> actual = invoice.getInvoiceItems();
    Assert.assertEquals(actual.size(), expected.size(),
            String.format("Expected items: %s, actual items: %s", expected, actual));
    for (final ExpectedInvoiceItemCheck cur : expected) {
        boolean found = false;

        // First try to find exact match; this is necessary because the for loop below might encounter a similar item -- for instance
        // same type, same dates, but different amount and choke.
        final InvoiceItem foundItem = Iterables.tryFind(actual, new Predicate<InvoiceItem>() {
            @Override//from   w w w. j  ava2s  .co m
            public boolean apply(final InvoiceItem input) {
                if (input.getInvoiceItemType() != cur.getType() || (cur.shouldCheckDates()
                        && input.getStartDate().compareTo(cur.getStartDate()) != 0)) {
                    return false;
                if (input.getAmount().compareTo(cur.getAmount()) != 0) {
                    return false;

                if (!cur.shouldCheckDates() || (cur.getEndDate() == null && input.getEndDate() == null)
                        || (cur.getEndDate() != null && input.getEndDate() != null
                                && cur.getEndDate().compareTo(input.getEndDate()) == 0)) {
                    return true;
                return false;
        if (foundItem != null) {

        // If we could not find it, we still loop again, so that error message helps to debug when there is a 'similar' item.
        for (final InvoiceItem in : actual) {
            // Match first on type and start date
            if (in.getInvoiceItemType() != cur.getType()
                    || (cur.shouldCheckDates() && in.getStartDate().compareTo(cur.getStartDate()) != 0)) {
            if (in.getAmount().compareTo(cur.getAmount()) != 0) {
                        "Found item type = %s and startDate = %s but amount differ (actual = %s, expected = %s) ",
                        cur.getType(), cur.getStartDate(), in.getAmount(), cur.getAmount()));

            if (!cur.shouldCheckDates() || (cur.getEndDate() == null && in.getEndDate() == null)
                    || (cur.getEndDate() != null && in.getEndDate() != null
                            && cur.getEndDate().compareTo(in.getEndDate()) == 0)) {
                found = true;
                    "Found item type = %s and startDate = %s, amount = %s but endDate differ (actual = %s, expected = %s) ",
                    cur.getType(), cur.getStartDate(), in.getAmount(), in.getEndDate(), cur.getEndDate()));
        if (!found) {
            final StringBuilder debugBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            debugBuilder.append(String.format("Invoice id=[%s], targetDate=[%s]", invoice.getId(),
            for (final InvoiceItem actualInvoiceItem : actual) {
                debugBuilder.append(String.format("\n    type=[%s] startDate=[%s] endDate=[%s] amount=[%s]",
                        actualInvoiceItem.getInvoiceItemType(), actualInvoiceItem.getStartDate(),
                        actualInvoiceItem.getEndDate(), actualInvoiceItem.getAmount()));

            final String failureMessage = String.format(
                    "Failed to find invoice item type = %s and startDate = %s, amount = %s, endDate = %s for invoice id %s\n%s",
                    cur.getType(), cur.getStartDate(), cur.getAmount(), cur.getEndDate(), invoice.getId(),


From source file:domainapp.dom.menu.Menu.java

public MenuItem findItem(final String menuItemName) {
    final Optional<MenuItem> menuItemIfAny = Iterables.tryFind(getItems(),
            menuItem -> Objects.equal(menuItem.getName(), menuItemName));
    return menuItemIfAny.orNull();

From source file:gg.uhc.uhc.modules.ModuleRegistry.java

public <T extends Module> Optional<T> get(Class<T> klass) {
    return (Optional<T>) Iterables.tryFind(modules.values(), Predicates.instanceOf(klass));

From source file:com.thinkbiganalytics.metadata.sla.DefaultServiceLevelAgreementScheduler.java

private String getUniqueName(String name) {
    String uniqueName = name;//from   ww w.  j  a  v a  2  s .c  om
    final String checkName = name;
    String matchingName = Iterables.tryFind(scheduledJobNames.values(), new Predicate<String>() {
        public boolean apply(String s) {
            return s.equalsIgnoreCase(checkName);
    if (matchingName != null) {
        //get numeric string after '-';
        if (StringUtils.contains(matchingName, "-")) {
            String number = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(matchingName, "-");
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(number)) {
                number = StringUtils.trim(number);
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(number)) {
                    Integer num = Integer.parseInt(number);
                    uniqueName += "-" + num;
                } else {
                    uniqueName += "-1";
        } else {
            uniqueName += "-1";
    return uniqueName;

From source file:com.thinkbiganalytics.feedmgr.service.category.InMemoryFeedManagerCategoryService.java

public FeedCategory getCategoryBySystemName(final String name) {
    return Iterables.tryFind(categories.values(), new Predicate<FeedCategory>() {
        @Override//from  w  w  w .ja  v  a  2 s  . c  o  m
        public boolean apply(FeedCategory feedCategory) {
            return feedCategory.getSystemName().equalsIgnoreCase(name);

From source file:org.killbill.billing.catalog.DefaultUsage.java

public DefaultUsage(final Usage in, UsagePriceOverride override, Currency currency) {
    this.name = in.getName();
    this.usageType = in.getUsageType();
    this.tierBlockPolicy = in.getTierBlockPolicy();
    this.billingPeriod = in.getBillingPeriod();
    this.billingMode = in.getBillingMode();
    this.limits = (DefaultLimit[]) in.getLimits();
    this.blocks = (DefaultBlock[]) in.getBlocks();
    this.tiers = new DefaultTier[in.getTiers().length];

    for (int i = 0; i < in.getTiers().length; i++) {
        if (override != null && override.getTierPriceOverrides() != null) {
            final TieredBlock[] curTieredBlocks = in.getTiers()[i].getTieredBlocks();

            final TierPriceOverride overriddenTier = Iterables
                    .tryFind(override.getTierPriceOverrides(), new Predicate<TierPriceOverride>() {
                        public boolean apply(final TierPriceOverride input) {

                            if (input != null) {
                                final List<TieredBlockPriceOverride> blockPriceOverrides = input
                                for (TieredBlockPriceOverride blockDef : blockPriceOverrides) {
                                    String unitName = blockDef.getUnitName();
                                    Double max = blockDef.getMax();
                                    Double size = blockDef.getSize();
                                    for (TieredBlock curTieredBlock : curTieredBlocks) {
                                        if (unitName.equals(curTieredBlock.getUnit().getName())
                                                && Double.compare(size, curTieredBlock.getSize()) == 0
                                                && Double.compare(max, curTieredBlock.getMax()) == 0) {
                                            return true;
                                    }/*from   w w w .ja v  a  2  s. com*/
                            return false;
            tiers[i] = (overriddenTier != null) ? new DefaultTier(in.getTiers()[i], overriddenTier, currency)
                    : (DefaultTier) in.getTiers()[i];
        } else {
            tiers[i] = (DefaultTier) in.getTiers()[i];

From source file:org.ow2.petals.cloud.manager.core.actions.PuppetRunAction.java

 * Search the puppet script property like {name:puppet-destination, type:file, value:XXX}. If not found, generate one.
 * @param node//ww w . j av  a 2  s .  c  om
 * @param context
 * @return
 * @throws CloudManagerException
protected String getRemoteScriptPath(Node node, Context context) throws CloudManagerException {
    return Iterables.tryFind(node.getProperties(), new Predicate<Property>() {
        public boolean apply(org.ow2.petals.cloud.manager.api.deployment.Property input) {
            return input.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FILE_TYPE) && input.getValue().endsWith(".pp")
                    && input.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.PUPPET_DESTINATION);

From source file:org.icgc.dcc.submission.dictionary.model.FileSchema.java

public Optional<Field> field(final String name) {
    return Iterables.tryFind(fields, new Predicate<Field>() {

        @Override//from ww  w .  j a  v  a  2 s.  co  m
        public boolean apply(Field input) {
            return input.getName().equals(name);

From source file:clocker.docker.location.strategy.basic.GroupPlacementStrategy.java

public List<DockerHostLocation> filterLocations(List<DockerHostLocation> locations, Entity entity) {
    if (locations == null || locations.isEmpty()) {
        return ImmutableList.of();
    }//from ww  w . j  a  v a2  s . co m
    if (getDockerInfrastructure() == null)
        config().set(DOCKER_INFRASTRUCTURE, Iterables.getLast(locations).getDockerInfrastructure());
    List<DockerHostLocation> available = MutableList.copyOf(locations);
    boolean requireExclusive = config().get(REQUIRE_EXCLUSIVE);

    try {
        acquireMutex(entity.getApplicationId(), "Filtering locations for " + entity);
    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        Exceptions.propagate(ie); // Should never happen...

    // Find hosts with entities from our application deployed there
    Iterable<DockerHostLocation> sameApplication = Iterables.filter(available,

    // Check if hosts have any deployed entities that share a parent with the input entity
    Optional<DockerHostLocation> sameParent = Iterables.tryFind(sameApplication,
    if (sameParent.isPresent()) {
        LOG.debug("Returning {} (same parent) for {} placement", sameParent.get(), entity);
        return ImmutableList.copyOf(sameParent.asSet());

    // Remove hosts if they have any entities from our application deployed there
    Iterables.removeIf(available, hasApplicationId(entity.getApplicationId()));
    if (requireExclusive) {
        Iterables.removeIf(available, nonEmpty());
    LOG.debug("Returning {} for {} placement", Iterables.toString(available), entity);
    return available;