Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package brooklyn.config.render; import groovy.lang.Closure; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import brooklyn.config.ConfigKey; import brooklyn.entity.Entity; import brooklyn.event.AttributeSensor; import brooklyn.util.GroovyJavaMethods; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Registry of hints for displaying items such as sensors, e.g. in the web console. */ public class RendererHints { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RendererHints.class); @VisibleForTesting static SetMultimap<Object, Hint<?>> registry = Multimaps .synchronizedSetMultimap(LinkedHashMultimap.<Object, Hint<?>>create()); /** * Registers a {@link Hint} against the given element. * <p> * Returns the element, for convenience when used in a with block after defining the element. */ public static <T> AttributeSensor<T> register(AttributeSensor<T> element, Hint<? super T> hintForThatElement) { return _register(element, hintForThatElement); } /** as {@link #register(AttributeSensor, Hint)} */ public static <T> ConfigKey<T> register(ConfigKey<T> element, Hint<? super T> hintForThatElement) { return _register(element, hintForThatElement); } /** as {@link #register(AttributeSensor, Hint)} */ public static <T> Class<T> register(Class<T> element, Hint<? super T> hintForThatElement) { return _register(element, hintForThatElement); } private static <T> T _register(T element, Hint<?> hintForThatElement) { if (element == null) { // can happen if being done in a static initializer in an inner class log.error("Invalid null target for renderer hint " + hintForThatElement, new Throwable("Trace for invalid null target for renderer hint")); } registry.put(element, hintForThatElement); return element; } /** Returns all registered hints against the given element */ public static Set<Hint<?>> getHintsFor(AttributeSensor<?> element) { return _getHintsFor(element, null); } /** as {@link #getHintsFor(AttributeSensor)} */ public static Set<Hint<?>> getHintsFor(ConfigKey<?> element) { return _getHintsFor(element, null); } /** as {@link #getHintsFor(AttributeSensor)} */ public static Set<Hint<?>> getHintsFor(Class<?> element) { return _getHintsFor(element, null); } @Deprecated /** @deprecated since 0.7.0 only supported for certain types */ public static Set<Hint<?>> getHintsFor(Object element) { return getHintsFor(element, null); } @Deprecated /** @deprecated since 0.7.0 only supported for certain types */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public static Set<Hint<?>> getHintsFor(Object element, Class<? extends Hint> optionalHintSuperClass) { return (Set<Hint<?>>) _getHintsFor(element, optionalHintSuperClass); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private static <T extends Hint> Set<T> _getHintsFor(Object element, Class<T> optionalHintSuperClass) { Set<Hint<?>> found = ImmutableSet.copyOf(registry.get(element)); if (found.isEmpty() && element instanceof Class && !Object.class.equals(element)) { // try superclasses of the element; this seems overkill for the main use case, Entity; // (other classes registered are typically final) found = (Set<Hint<?>>) _getHintsFor(((Class) element).getSuperclass(), optionalHintSuperClass); if (found.isEmpty()) { for (Class<?> parentInterface : ((Class) element).getInterfaces()) { found = (Set<Hint<?>>) _getHintsFor(parentInterface, optionalHintSuperClass); if (!found.isEmpty()) break; } } } if (optionalHintSuperClass != null) { return (Set<T>) Sets.filter(found, Predicates.instanceOf(optionalHintSuperClass)); } else { return (Set<T>) found; } } /** Applies the (first) display value hint registered against the given target to the given initialValue */ public static Object applyDisplayValueHint(AttributeSensor<?> target, Object initialValue) { return _applyDisplayValueHint(target, initialValue); } /** as {@link #applyDisplayValueHint(AttributeSensor, Object)} */ public static Object applyDisplayValueHint(ConfigKey<?> target, Object initialValue) { return _applyDisplayValueHint(target, initialValue); } /** as {@link #applyDisplayValueHint(AttributeSensor, Object)} */ public static Object applyDisplayValueHint(Class<?> target, Object initialValue) { return _applyDisplayValueHint(target, initialValue); } private static Object _applyDisplayValueHint(Object target, Object initialValue) { return _applyDisplayValueHint(target, initialValue, true); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static Object _applyDisplayValueHint(Object target, Object initialValue, boolean includeClass) { Iterable<RendererHints.DisplayValue> hints = RendererHints._getHintsFor(target, RendererHints.DisplayValue.class); if (Iterables.size(hints) > 1) { log.warn("Multiple display value hints set for {}; Only one will be applied, using first", target); } Optional<RendererHints.DisplayValue> hint = Optional.fromNullable(Iterables.getFirst(hints, null)); Object value = hint.isPresent() ? hint.get().getDisplayValue(initialValue) : initialValue; if (includeClass && value != null && !(value instanceof String) && !(value instanceof Number) && !(value.getClass().isPrimitive())) { value = _applyDisplayValueHint(value.getClass(), value, false); } return value; } /** Parent marker class for hints. */ public static abstract class Hint<T> { } public static interface NamedAction { String getActionName(); } /** * This hint describes a named action possible on something, e.g. a sensor; * currently used in web client to show actions on sensors */ public static class NamedActionWithUrl<T> extends Hint<T> implements NamedAction { private final String actionName; private final Function<T, String> postProcessing; public NamedActionWithUrl(String actionName) { this(actionName, (Function<T, String>) null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Deprecated /** @deprecated since 0.7.0 use Function */ public NamedActionWithUrl(String actionName, Closure<String> postProcessing) { this.actionName = actionName; this.postProcessing = (Function<T, String>) ((postProcessing == null) ? null : GroovyJavaMethods.functionFromClosure(postProcessing)); } public NamedActionWithUrl(String actionName, Function<T, String> postProcessing) { this.actionName = actionName; this.postProcessing = postProcessing; } /** @deprecated since 0.7.0 call {@link #getUrlFromValue(Object)}, parsing the sensor value yourself */ @Deprecated public String getUrl(Entity e, AttributeSensor<T> s) { return getUrlFromValue(e.getAttribute(s)); } public String getActionName() { return actionName; } /** this is the method invoked by web console SensorSummary, at the moment */ public String getUrlFromValue(T v) { String v2; if (postProcessing != null) { v2 = postProcessing.apply(v); } else { v2 = (v == null ? null : v.toString()); } if (v2 == null) return v2; return v2.toString(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(actionName, postProcessing); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof NamedActionWithUrl)) return false; NamedActionWithUrl<?> o = (NamedActionWithUrl<?>) obj; return Objects.equal(actionName, o.actionName) && Objects.equal(postProcessing, o.postProcessing); } } /** * This hint describes a transformation used to generate a display value for config keys and sensors. * <p> * <em><strong>Warning</strong> This is currently a {@link Beta} implementation, and * may be changed or removed if there is a suitable alternative mechanism to achieve * this functionality.</em> */ @Beta public static class DisplayValue<T> extends Hint<T> { private final Function<Object, String> transform; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected DisplayValue(Function<?, String> transform) { this.transform = (Function<Object, String>) Preconditions.checkNotNull(transform, "transform"); } public String getDisplayValue(Object v) { String dv = transform.apply(v); return Strings.nullToEmpty(dv); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(transform); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof DisplayValue)) return false; return Objects.equal(transform, ((DisplayValue<?>) obj).transform); } } @Beta public static <T> DisplayValue<T> displayValue(Function<T, String> transform) { return new DisplayValue<T>(transform); } @Beta public static <T> NamedActionWithUrl<T> namedActionWithUrl(String actionName, Function<T, String> transform) { return new NamedActionWithUrl<T>(actionName, transform); } @Beta public static <T> NamedActionWithUrl<T> namedActionWithUrl(String actionName) { return new NamedActionWithUrl<T>(actionName); } @Beta public static <T> NamedActionWithUrl<T> namedActionWithUrl(Function<T, String> transform) { return openWithUrl(transform); } @Beta public static <T> NamedActionWithUrl<T> namedActionWithUrl() { return openWithUrl(); } @Beta public static <T> NamedActionWithUrl<T> openWithUrl() { return openWithUrl((Function<T, String>) null); } @Beta public static <T> NamedActionWithUrl<T> openWithUrl(Function<T, String> transform) { return new NamedActionWithUrl<T>("Open", transform); } /** * Forces the given sensor or config key's value to be censored. It will be * presented as <code>********</code>. */ @Beta public static <T> DisplayValue<T> censoredValue() { return new DisplayValue<T>(Functions.constant("********")); } }