Source code

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 * NMerge is Copyright 2009-2011 Desmond Schmidt
 * This file is part of NMerge. NMerge is a Java library for merging
 * multiple versions into multi-version documents (MVDs), and for
 * reading, searching and comparing them.
 * NMerge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package eu.interedition.collatex.nmerge.graph.suffixtree;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

 * This is a Java translation of Shlomo Yona's open source
 * C implementation of Esko Ukkonen's Suffix Tree algorithm
 * @author Desmond Schmidt 25/10/08
public class SuffixTree<T> {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SuffixTree.class);

     * The one and only real source string of the tree. All edge-labels
     * contain only indices to this string and do not contain the characters
     * themselves
    private T[] source;

     * length of {@link #source} minus the '$'
    private int length;

     * The node that is the head of all others. It has no siblings nor a
     * father
    private SuffixTreeNode root;

     * Used to mark the node that has no suffix link yet. According to
     * Ukkonen, it will have one by the end of the current phase.
    private SuffixTreeNode suffixless;

     * The virtual end of all leaves
    private int virtualEnd;
    private final Comparator<T> comparator;

     * Starts Ukkonen's construction algorithm by calling SPA n times, where
     * n is the length of the source string.
     * @param str the source string is a sequence of unsigned characters
     *            (maximum of 256 different symbols). In the original algorithm '$'
     *            was a special character. However, in Yona's
     *            version it is appended at the end of the input string and then never used.
    public SuffixTree(Iterable<T> str, Comparator<T> comparator, T terminal) {
        this.comparator = comparator;
        int phase;

        // added to make 1-character suffix trees work
        this.virtualEnd = 1;

        this.length = Iterables.size(str) + 1;
        this.source = (T[]) Array.newInstance(terminal.getClass(), length + 1);
        int i = 0;
        for (T t : str) {
            this.source[++i] = t;
        // the terminal ('$') is never examined but assumed to be there
        this.source[length] = terminal;

        this.root = new SuffixTreeNode(null, 0, 0, 0);
        this.root.largestSuffix = null;

        // initializing algorithm parameters
        ExtensionParam ep = new ExtensionParam();
        ep.extension = 2;
        ep.repeatedExtension = 0;
        phase = 2;

        // allocating first node, child of the root (phase 0), the longest
        // path node
        this.root.children = new SuffixTreeNode(root, 1, length, 1);
        final SuffixTreePosition position = new SuffixTreePosition(root, 0);

        // Ukkonen's algorithm begins here
        for (; phase < length; phase++) {
            // perform Single Phase Algorithm
            singlePhase(position, phase, ep);

     * Find the son of a node that starts with a certain character.
     * @param node      the node to start searching from
     * @param character the character to be searched for in the sons
     * @return the son found, or null if no such son.
    SuffixTreeNode findChild(SuffixTreeNode node, T character) {
        // point to the first son.
        node = node.children;
        // scan all sons (all right siblings of the first son) for their first
        // character (it must match the char given as input to this function).
        while (node != null &&[node.edgeLabelStart], character) != 0) {
            node = node.rightSibling;
        return node;

     * Returns the end index of the incoming edge to that node. This function is
     * needed because for leaves the end index is not relevant, instead we must
     * look at the variable "e" (the global virtual end of all leaves). Never
     * refer directly to a leaf's end-index.
     * @param node the node whose end index we require
     * @return the end index of that node (meaning the end index of the node's
     *         incoming edge).
    private int getNodeLabelEnd(SuffixTreeNode node) {
        // if it's a leaf - return e
        if (node.children == null) {
            return virtualEnd;
        // if it's not a leaf - return its real end
        return node.edgeLabelEnd;

     * Returns the length of the incoming edge to that node. Uses getNodeLabelEnd
     * (see below).
     * @param node the node whose length we need
     * @return the length of that node.
    int getNodeLabelLength(SuffixTreeNode node) {
        // calculate and return the length of the node
        return getNodeLabelEnd(node) - node.edgeLabelStart + 1;

     * Is edgePos the last position in node's incoming edge?
     * @param node    the node to be checked
     * @param edgePos the position in its incoming edge.
     * @return true if edgePos is the last position in node's incoming edge
    boolean isLastCharInEdge(SuffixTreeNode node, int edgePos) {
        return edgePos == getNodeLabelLength(node) - 1;

     * Connect rightSib as the right sibling of leftSib and vice versa.
     * @param leftSib  one of two nodes to be connected
     * @param rightSib one of two nodes to be connected
    void connectSiblings(SuffixTreeNode leftSib, SuffixTreeNode rightSib) {
        // connect the right node as the right sibling of the left node
        if (leftSib != null) {
            leftSib.rightSibling = rightSib;
        // connect the left node as the left sibling of the right node
        if (rightSib != null) {
            rightSib.leftSibling = leftSib;

     * Apply "extension rule 2" in 2 cases:
     * 1. A new son (leaf 4) is added to a node that already has sons:
     * (1)              (1)
     * /   \    ->   / | \
     * (2)  (3)      (2)(3)(4)
     * 2. An edge is split and a new leaf (2) and an internal node (3) are added:
     * |      |
     * |     (3)
     * |     ->   / \
     * (1)       (1) (2)
     * @param node           node 1 (see drawings)
     * @param edgeLabelBegin start index of node 2's incoming edge
     * @param edgeLabelEnd   end index of node 2's incoming edge
     * @param pathPos        path start index of node 2
     * @param edgePos        position in node 1's incoming edge where split is to be
     *                       performed
     * @return a newly created leaf (newSon case) or internal node (split case).
    SuffixTreeNode applyExtensionRule2(SuffixTreeNode node, int edgeLabelBegin, int edgeLabelEnd, int pathPos,
            int edgePos, Rule2Type type) {
        SuffixTreeNode newLeaf, newInternal, son;
        // newSon
        if (type == Rule2Type.NEW_CHILD) {
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace("rule 2: new leaf ({},{})", edgeLabelBegin, edgeLabelEnd);
            // create a new leaf (4) with the characters of the extension
            newLeaf = new SuffixTreeNode(node, edgeLabelBegin, edgeLabelEnd, pathPos);
            // connect newLeaf (4) as the new son of node (1)
            son = node.children;
            while (son.rightSibling != null) {
                son = son.rightSibling;
            connectSiblings(son, newLeaf);
            // return (4)
            return newLeaf;
        // split
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("rule 2: split ({}, {})", edgeLabelBegin, edgeLabelEnd);
        // create a new internal node (3) at the split point
        newInternal = new SuffixTreeNode(node.parent, node.edgeLabelStart, node.edgeLabelStart + edgePos,
        // update the node (1) incoming edge starting index (it now starts
        // where node (3) incoming edge ends)
        node.edgeLabelStart += edgePos + 1;
        // create a new leaf (2) with the characters of the extension
        newLeaf = new SuffixTreeNode(newInternal, edgeLabelBegin, edgeLabelEnd, pathPos);
        // connect newInternal (3) where node (1) was
        // connect (3) with (1)'s left sibling
        connectSiblings(node.leftSibling, newInternal);
        // connect (3) with (1)'s right sibling
        connectSiblings(newInternal, node.rightSibling);
        node.leftSibling = null;
        // connect (3) with (1)'s father
        if (newInternal.parent.children == node) {
            newInternal.parent.children = newInternal;
        // connect newLeaf (2) and node (1) as sons of newInternal (3)
        newInternal.children = node;
        node.parent = newInternal;
        connectSiblings(node, newLeaf);
        // return (3)
        return newInternal;

     * Traces for a string in a given node's OUTcoming edge. It searches
     * only in the given edge and not other ones. Search stops when either
     * whole string was found in the given edge, a part of the string was
     * found but the edge ended (and the next edge must be searched too
     * - performed by function traceString) or one non-matching character
     * was found.
     * @param node node to start from
     * @param str  string to trace
     * @param type skip or noSkip
     * @return the node where tracing has stopped
    private SuffixTreeNode traceSingleEdge(SuffixTreeNode node, Path str, TraceReturnValue trv, SkipType type) {
        SuffixTreeNode contNode;
        int length, strLen;

        // set default return values
        trv.searchDone = true;
        trv.edgePos = 0;

        // search for the first character of the string in the outgoing
        // edge of node
        contNode = findChild(node, source[str.begin]);
        if (contNode == null) {
            // Search is done, string not found
            trv.edgePos = getNodeLabelLength(node) - 1;
            trv.charsFound = 0;
            return node;
        // found first character - prepare for continuing the search
        node = contNode;
        length = getNodeLabelLength(node);
        strLen = str.end - str.begin + 1;

        // compare edge length and string length.
        // if edge is shorter then the string being searched and skipping
        // is enabled - skip edge
        if (type == SkipType.SKIP) {
            if (length <= strLen) {
                trv.charsFound = length;
                trv.edgePos = length - 1;
                if (length < strLen) {
                    trv.searchDone = false;
            } else {
                trv.charsFound = strLen;
                trv.edgePos = strLen - 1;
            return node;
        } else {
            // find minimum out of edge length and string length, and scan it
            if (strLen < length) {
                length = strLen;

            for (trv.edgePos = 1, trv.charsFound = 1; trv.edgePos < length; trv.charsFound++, trv.edgePos++) {
                // compare current characters of the string and the edge.
                // if equal - continue
                if ([node.edgeLabelStart + trv.edgePos],
                        source[str.begin + trv.edgePos]) != 0) {
                    return node;
        // the loop has advanced edgePos one too much
        if ((trv.charsFound) < strLen)
        // search is not done yet
            trv.searchDone = false;
        return node;

     * <p>Traces for a string in the tree. This function is used in
     * construction process only, and not for after-construction search
     * of substrings. It is tailored to enable skipping (when we know a
     * suffix is in the tree (when following a suffix link) we can avoid
     * comparing all symbols of the edge by skipping its length immediately
     * and thus save atomic operations - see Ukkonen's algorithm, skip
     * trick).</p>
     * <p>This function, in contradiction to the function traceSingleEdge,
     * 'sees' the whole picture, meaning it searches a string in the whole
     * tree and not just in a specific edge.</p>
     * @param node node to start from
     * @param str  string to trace
     * @param trv  return values to fill in
     * @param type skip or noSkip
     * @return the node where tracing has stopped
    private SuffixTreeNode traceString(SuffixTreeNode node, Path str, TraceReturnValue trv, SkipType type) {
        Path localStr = new Path();
        localStr.begin = str.begin;
        localStr.end = str.end;
        trv.charsFound = 0;
        TraceReturnValue localTrv = new TraceReturnValue();
        localTrv.searchDone = false;
        while (localTrv.searchDone == false) {
            trv.edgePos = localTrv.edgePos = 0;
            localTrv.charsFound = 0;
            node = traceSingleEdge(node, localStr, localTrv, type);
            localStr.begin += localTrv.charsFound;
            trv.charsFound += localTrv.charsFound;
            trv.edgePos = localTrv.edgePos;
        return node;

     * Get the Pos from the root that corresponds to the initial byte b
     * @param b the first byte from the root whose Pos is desired
     * @return the relevant Pos, null if not present
    public SuffixTreePosition getStartPos(T b) {
        SuffixTreeNode node = findChild(root, b);
        if (node != null) {
            return new SuffixTreePosition(node, node.edgeLabelStart);
        } else {
            return null;

     * Advance a Pos in the suffix tree by one byte if possible.
     * On entry the pos is matched with the byte it points to. We
     * try to match the NEXT byte. If we succeed, we update pos.
     * Otherwise we do nothing to pos.
     * @param b        the byte to advance from pos
     * @param position the position in the tree where we were last time
     * @return true if the advance was successful, false otherwise
    public boolean advance(SuffixTreePosition position, T b) {
        if (position.node == null) {
            position.node = findChild(root, b);
            if (position.node != null) {
                position.edgePos = position.node.edgeLabelStart;
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            int nodeLabelEnd = getNodeLabelEnd(position.node);
            // already matched that byte ...
            if (position.edgePos == nodeLabelEnd) {
                SuffixTreeNode localNode = findChild(position.node, b);
                if (localNode != null) {
                    position.edgePos = localNode.edgeLabelStart;
                    position.node = localNode;
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } else {
                boolean success =[position.edgePos + 1], b) == 0;
                if (success) {
                return success;

     * Find the length of a match starting from a pos that represents
     * the first mismatch AFTER some matching string.
     * @param position the end-pos of the string
     * @return the length of the matching string
    int getMatchLength(SuffixTreePosition position) {
        if (position.node == null) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            SuffixTreeNode temp = position.node;
            int length = position.edgePos - temp.edgeLabelStart;
            temp = temp.parent;
            while (temp != root) {
                length += getNodeLabelLength(temp);
                temp = temp.parent;
            return length;

     * Traces for a string in the tree. This function is used for
     * substring search after tree construction is done. It simply
     * traverses down the tree starting from the root until either
     * the searched string is fully found or one non-matching character
     * is found. In this function skipping is not enabled because we
     * don't know whether the string is in the tree or not (see function
     * traceString above).
     * @param W the substring to find
     * @return the index of the starting position of the substring in
     *         the tree source string. If the substring is not found, returns
     *         <code>null</code>
    public Integer findSubstring(List<T> W) {
        // starts with the root's son that has the first character of W
        // as its incoming edge first character
        SuffixTreeNode node = findChild(root, W.get(0));
        int k, j = 0, nodeLabelEnd;

        // scan nodes down from the root until a leaf is reached or the
        // substring is found
        while (node != null) {
            k = node.edgeLabelStart;
            nodeLabelEnd = getNodeLabelEnd(node);
            // Scan a single edge - compare each character with the searched
            // string
            while (j < W.size() && k <= nodeLabelEnd &&[k], W.get(j)) == 0) {
            // checking which of the stopping conditions are true
            if (j == W.size()) {
                // W was found - it is a substring. Return its path starting
                // index
                return node.pathPosition;
            } else if (k > nodeLabelEnd)
            // current edge is found to match, continue to next edge
                node = findChild(node, W.get(j));
            } else {
                // one non-matching symbols is found - W is not a substring
                return null;
        return null;

     * Follows the suffix link of the source node according to Ukkonen's
     * rules.
     * @param position a combination of the source node and the position in
     *                 its incoming edge where suffix ends
     * @return The destination node that represents the longest suffix
     *         of node's path. Example: if node represents the path "abcde" then
     *         it returns the node that represents "bcde"
    SuffixTreePosition followSuffixLink(SuffixTreePosition position) {
        // gama is the string between node and its father, in case node
        // doesn't have a suffix link
        Path gama = new Path();
        // dummy argument for trace_string function
        int charsFound = 0;

        if (position.node == root) {
            return position;
        // if node has no suffix link yet or in the middle of an edge - remember the
        // doesn't have edge between the node and its father (gama) and follow its
        // father's suffix link (it must have one by Ukkonen's lemma). After
        // following, trace down gama - it must exist in the tree (and thus can use
        // the skip trick - see traceString function description)
        if (position.node.largestSuffix == null || !isLastCharInEdge(position.node, position.edgePos)) {
            // if the node's father is the root, than no use following it's link (it
            // is linked to itself). Tracing from the root (like in the naive
            // algorithm) is required and is done by the calling function SEA upon
            // receiving a return value of tree->root from this function
            if (position.node.parent == root) {
                position.node = root;
                return position;
            // store gama - the indices of node's incoming edge
            gama.begin = position.node.edgeLabelStart;
            gama.end = position.node.edgeLabelStart + position.edgePos;
            // follow father's suffix link
            position.node = position.node.parent.largestSuffix;
            // down-walk gama back to suffixLink's son
            TraceReturnValue trv = new TraceReturnValue();
            trv.edgePos = position.edgePos;
            trv.charsFound = charsFound;
            position.node = traceString(position.node, gama, trv, SkipType.SKIP);
            position.edgePos = trv.edgePos;
        } else {
            // if a suffix link exists - just follow it
            position.node = position.node.largestSuffix;
            position.edgePos = getNodeLabelLength(position.node) - 1;
        return position;

     * Creates a suffix link between node and the node 'link' which represents its
     * largest suffix. The function could be avoided but is needed to monitor the
     * creation of suffix links when debugging or changing the tree.
     * @param node the node to link from
     * @param link the node to link to
    private void createSuffixLink(SuffixTreeNode node, SuffixTreeNode link) {
        node.largestSuffix = link;

     * Single-Extension-Algorithm (see Ukkonen's algorithm). Ensure that a certain
     * extension is in the tree.
     * <ol><li>Follows the current node's suffix link.</li>
     * <li>Check whether the rest of the extension is in the tree.</li>
     * <li>If it is - reports the calling function SPA of rule 3 (= current phase is
     * done).</li>
     * <li>If it's not - inserts it by applying rule 2.</li></ol>
     * @param position    the node and position in its incoming edge where extension begins
     * @param str         the starting and ending indices of the extension
     * @param afterRule3  a flag indicating whether the last phase ended by rule 3
     *                    (last extension of the last phase already existed in the tree - and
     *                    if so, the current phase starts at not following the suffix link of
     *                    the first extension)
     * @param ruleApplied last rule applied
     * @return The rule that was applied to that extension. Can be 3 (phase is done)
     *         or 2 (a new leaf was created).
    int singleExtension(SuffixTreePosition position, Path str, char afterRule3, int ruleApplied) {
        int charsFound = 0, pathPos = str.begin;
        Path origStr = new Path();
        origStr.begin = str.begin;
        origStr.end = str.end;
        SuffixTreeNode tmp;

        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("\n{}extension: {} phase+1: {} -- {} ({},{} | {})",
                    new Object[] { printTree(), str.begin, str.end,
                            (afterRule3 == 0 ? "followed from" : "starting at"), position.node.edgeLabelStart,
                            getNodeLabelEnd(position.node), position.edgePos });
        // follow suffix link only if it's not the first extension after rule 3 was applied
        if (afterRule3 == 0) {
        // if node is root - trace whole string starting from the root, else -
        // trace last character only
        if (position.node == root) {
            TraceReturnValue trv = new TraceReturnValue();
            trv.edgePos = position.edgePos;
            trv.charsFound = charsFound;
            position.node = traceString(root, str, trv, SkipType.NO_SKIP);
            position.edgePos = trv.edgePos;
            charsFound = trv.charsFound;
        } else {
            str.begin = str.end;
            charsFound = 0;

            // consider 2 cases:
            // 1. last character matched is the last of its edge
            if (isLastCharInEdge(position.node, position.edgePos)) {
                // trace only last symbol of str, search in the  NEXT edge (node)
                tmp = findChild(position.node, source[str.end]);
                if (tmp != null) {
                    position.node = tmp;
                    position.edgePos = 0;
                    charsFound = 1;
            // 2. last character matched is NOT the last of its edge
            else {
                // Trace only last symbol of str, search in the CURRENT edge (node)
                if ([position.node.edgeLabelStart + position.edgePos + 1],
                        source[str.end]) == 0) {
                    charsFound = 1;
        // if whole string was found - rule 3 applies
        if (charsFound == str.end - str.begin + 1) {
            ruleApplied = 3;
            // if there is an internal node that has no suffix link yet (only one may
            // exist) - create a suffix link from it to the father-node of the
            // current position in the tree (pos)
            if (suffixless != null) {
                createSuffixLink(suffixless, position.node.parent);
                // marks that no internal node with no suffix link exists
                suffixless = null;

            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace("rule 3 ({},{})", str.begin, str.end);
            return ruleApplied;

        // if last char found is the last char of an edge - add a character at the
        // next edge
        if (isLastCharInEdge(position.node, position.edgePos) || position.node == root) {
            // decide whether to apply rule 2 (newSon) or rule 1
            if (position.node.children != null) {
                // apply extension rule 2 new son - a new leaf is created and returned
                // by applyExtensionRule2
                applyExtensionRule2(position.node, str.begin + charsFound, str.end, pathPos, 0,
                ruleApplied = 2;
                // if there is an internal node that has no suffix link yet (only one
                // may exist) - create a suffix link from it to the father-node of the
                // current position in the tree (pos)
                if (suffixless != null) {
                    createSuffixLink(suffixless, position.node);
                    // Marks that no internal node with no suffix link exists
                    suffixless = null;
        } else {
            // apply extension rule 2 split - a new node is created and returned by
            // applyExtensionRule2
            tmp = applyExtensionRule2(position.node, str.begin + charsFound, str.end, pathPos, position.edgePos,
            if (suffixless != null) {
                createSuffixLink(suffixless, tmp);
            // link root's sons with a single character to the root
            if (getNodeLabelLength(tmp) == 1 && tmp.parent == root) {
                tmp.largestSuffix = root;
                // marks that no internal node with no suffix link exists
                suffixless = null;
            } else
            // mark tmp as waiting for a link
                suffixless = tmp;

            // prepare pos for the next extension
            position.node = tmp;
            ruleApplied = 2;
        return ruleApplied;

     * Performs all insertion of a single phase by calling function
     * {@link #singleExtension(SuffixTreePosition, eu.interedition.collatex.nmerge.graph.suffixtree.SuffixTree.Path, char, int)} starting
     * from the first extension that does not already exist in the tree and ending
     * at the first extension that already exists in the tree.
     * @param position the node and position in its incoming edge where extension begins
     * @param phase    current phase number - offset into text
     * @param ep       the first extension number of that phase, a flag signaling whether
     *                 the extension is the first of this phase, after the last phase ended with
     *                 rule 3. If so - extension will be executed again in this phase, and thus
     *                 its suffix link would not be followed. Updated: The extension number that
     *                 was last executed on this phase. Next phase will start from it and not from 1
    void singlePhase(SuffixTreePosition position, int phase, ExtensionParam ep) {
        // no such rule (0). Used for entering the loop
        int ruleApplied = 0;
        Path str = new Path();
        // leafs Trick: apply implicit extensions 1 through prevPhase
        virtualEnd = phase + 1;
        // apply explicit extensions until last extension of this phase is reached
        // or extension rule 3 is applied once
        while (ep.extension <= phase + 1) {
            str.begin = ep.extension;
            str.end = phase + 1;
            // Call Single-Extension-Algorithm
            ruleApplied = singleExtension(position, str, ep.repeatedExtension, ruleApplied);

            // check if rule 3 was applied for the current extension
            if (ruleApplied == 3) {
                // Signaling that the next phase's first extension will not follow a
                // suffix link because same extension is repeated
                ep.repeatedExtension = 1;
            ep.repeatedExtension = 0;

     * This function prints the tree. It simply starts the recursive function
     * printNode with depth 0 (the root).
    public String printTree() {
        final StringBuilder tree = new StringBuilder("\nroot\n");
        printNode(root, 0, tree);
        return tree.toString();

     * Deletes a subtree that is under node. It recursively calls itself for all of
     * node's right sons and then deletes node.
     * @param node the node that is the root of the subtree to be deleted.
    void deleteSubTree(SuffixTreeNode node) {
        // recursion stopping condition
        if (node != null) {
            // recursive call for right sibling
            if (node.rightSibling != null) {
            // recursive call for first son
            if (node.children != null) {
            // encourage garbage collection
            node = null;

     * Deletes a whole suffix tree by starting a recursive call to deleteSubTree
     * from the root. After all of the nodes have been deleted, the function deletes
     * the structure that represents the tree.
    void deleteTree() {

     * Prints a subtree under a node of a certain tree-depth.
     * @param node1 the node that is the root of the subtree
     * @param depth the depth of that node. This is used for printing the branches
     *              that are coming from higher nodes and only then the node itself is printed.
     *              This gives the effect of a tree on screen. In each recursive call, the depth
     *              is increased.
    void printNode(SuffixTreeNode node1, int depth, StringBuilder tree) {
        SuffixTreeNode node2 = node1.children;
        int d = depth;
        int start = node1.edgeLabelStart;
        int end;
        end = getNodeLabelEnd(node1);
        if (depth > 0) {
            // print the branches coming from higher nodes
            while (d > 1) {
            // print the node itself
            while (start <= end) {
            tree.append(" (").append(node1.edgeLabelStart).append(",").append(end).append(" | ")
        // recursive call for all node1's sons
        while (node2 != null) {
            printNode(node2, depth + 1, tree);
            node2 = node2.rightSibling;

     * needed to store VAR parameters in
     * {@link SuffixTree#traceSingleEdge(SuffixTreeNode, eu.interedition.collatex.nmerge.graph.suffixtree.SuffixTree.Path, eu.interedition.collatex.nmerge.graph.suffixtree.SuffixTree.TraceReturnValue, eu.interedition.collatex.nmerge.graph.suffixtree.SuffixTree.SkipType)}
    private static class TraceReturnValue {
         * Last matching position in edge
        int edgePos;
         * Last matching position in tree source string
        int charsFound;
         * true if search is done, false if not
        boolean searchDone;

     * Used in function
     * {@link SuffixTree#traceString(SuffixTreeNode, eu.interedition.collatex.nmerge.graph.suffixtree.SuffixTree.Path, eu.interedition.collatex.nmerge.graph.suffixtree.SuffixTree.TraceReturnValue, eu.interedition.collatex.nmerge.graph.suffixtree.SuffixTree.SkipType)}
     * for skipping (Ukkonen's Skip Trick).
    private enum SkipType {
        SKIP, NO_SKIP

     * Used in method applyRule2 - two types of rule 2 - see function
     * for more details.
    private enum Rule2Type {

     * required by {@link SuffixTree#singlePhase(SuffixTreePosition, int, eu.interedition.collatex.nmerge.graph.suffixtree.SuffixTree.ExtensionParam)}
    private static class ExtensionParam {
         * The last extension performed in the previous phase
        int extension;
         * 1 if the last rule applied is 3
        char repeatedExtension;

    private static class Path {
        int begin;
        int end;