List of usage examples for ImmutableMap keySet
public ImmutableSet<K> keySet()
From source
private static String makeUsage(final ImmutableMap<String, RyaKafkaClientCommand> commands) { final StringBuilder usage = new StringBuilder(); usage.append("Usage: ").append(CLIDriver.class.getSimpleName()).append(" <command> (<argument> ... )\n"); usage.append("\n"); usage.append("Possible Commands:\n"); // Sort and find the max width of the commands. final List<String> sortedCommandNames = Lists.newArrayList(commands.keySet()); Collections.sort(sortedCommandNames); int maxCommandLength = 0; for (final String commandName : sortedCommandNames) { maxCommandLength = commandName.length() > maxCommandLength ? commandName.length() : maxCommandLength; }/* w w w.ja va 2 s . c o m*/ // Add each command to the usage. final String commandFormat = " %-" + maxCommandLength + "s - %s\n"; for (final String commandName : sortedCommandNames) { final String commandDescription = commands.get(commandName).getDescription(); usage.append(String.format(commandFormat, commandName, commandDescription)); } return usage.toString(); }
From source
/** * Returns a copy of provided metadata with {@code newMetadata} set under * the given namespace./*from w w w.j a v a 2s . c om*/ * * @param newMetadata Must be an immutable object. */ static ImmutableMap<String, ?> replaceMetadata(ImmutableMap<String, ?> metadata, String namespace, Object newMetadata) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> mapb = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (String ns : metadata.keySet()) { if (!ns.equals(namespace)) { mapb.put(ns, metadata.get(ns)); } } mapb.put(namespace, newMetadata); return; }
From source
private static String makeUsage(final ImmutableMap<String, RyaStreamsCommand> commands) { final StringBuilder usage = new StringBuilder(); usage.append("Usage: ").append(CLIDriver.class.getSimpleName()).append(" <command> (<argument> ... )\n"); usage.append("\n"); usage.append("Possible Commands:\n"); // Sort and find the max width of the commands. final List<String> sortedCommandNames = Lists.newArrayList(commands.keySet()); Collections.sort(sortedCommandNames); int maxCommandLength = 0; for (final String commandName : sortedCommandNames) { maxCommandLength = commandName.length() > maxCommandLength ? commandName.length() : maxCommandLength; }//from w w w . j a v a 2s. c o m // Add each command to the usage. final String commandFormat = " %-" + maxCommandLength + "s - %s\n"; for (final String commandName : sortedCommandNames) { final String commandDescription = commands.get(commandName).getDescription(); usage.append(String.format(commandFormat, commandName, commandDescription)); } return usage.toString(); }
From source
/** * Helper function to precompute the {@link CellName} to Path mapping * * @return Map of cell name to path.//from w ww. j a v a 2 s . c om */ private static ImmutableMap<CellName, Path> bootstrapPathMapping(Path root, ImmutableMap<String, Path> cellPaths) { ImmutableMap.Builder<CellName, Path> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); // Add the implicit empty root cell builder.put(CellName.ROOT_CELL_NAME, root); HashSet<Path> seenPaths = new HashSet<>(); ImmutableSortedSet<String> sortedCellNames = ImmutableSortedSet.<String>naturalOrder() .addAll(cellPaths.keySet()).build(); for (String cellName : sortedCellNames) { Path cellRoot = Objects.requireNonNull(cellPaths.get(cellName), "cellName is derived from the map, get() should always return a value."); try { cellRoot = cellRoot.toRealPath().normalize(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("cellroot [" + cellRoot + "] does not exist in filesystem"); } if (seenPaths.contains(cellRoot)) { continue; } builder.put(CellName.of(cellName), cellRoot); seenPaths.add(cellRoot); } return; }
From source
/** * Handles PUT /v1/stats (reset)./*from www.j a va 2 s . co m*/ * @param response * @param sources * @param channels * @param sinks * @throws IOException */ public static void put(HttpServletResponse response, ImmutableMap<String, SourceRunner> sources, ImmutableMap<String, Channel> channels, ImmutableMap<String, SinkRunner> sinks) throws IOException { response.setContentType("application/json; charset=utf-8"); for (String key : sources.keySet()) { Source source; HTTPSourceHandler handler; try { SourceRunner sr = sources.get(key); source = sr.getSource(); Field f = source.getClass().getDeclaredField("handler"); f.setAccessible(true); handler = (HTTPSourceHandler) f.get(source); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) { LOGGER.error("There was a problem when getting a sink. Details: " + e.getMessage()); continue; } // try catch if (handler instanceof CygnusHandler) { CygnusHandler ch = (CygnusHandler) handler; ch.setNumProcessedEvents(0); ch.setNumReceivedEvents(0); } // if } // for for (String key : channels.keySet()) { Channel channel = channels.get(key); if (channel instanceof CygnusChannel) { CygnusChannel cc = (CygnusChannel) channel; cc.setNumPutsOK(0); cc.setNumPutsFail(0); cc.setNumTakesOK(0); cc.setNumTakesFail(0); } // if } // for for (String key : sinks.keySet()) { Sink sink; try { SinkRunner sr = sinks.get(key); SinkProcessor sp = sr.getPolicy(); Field f = sp.getClass().getDeclaredField("sink"); f.setAccessible(true); sink = (Sink) f.get(sp); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) { LOGGER.error("There was a problem when getting a sink. Details: " + e.getMessage()); continue; } // try catch if (sink instanceof CygnusSink) { CygnusSink cs = (CygnusSink) sink; cs.setNumProcessedEvents(0); cs.setNumPersistedEvents(0); } // if } // for response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); response.getWriter().println("{\"success\":\"true\"}"); LOGGER.debug("Statistics reseted"); }
From source
static AppleSdkPaths selectNewestSimulatorSdk(ImmutableMap<String, AppleSdkPaths> allAppleSdkPaths) { final String prefix = "iphonesimulator"; List<String> iphoneSimulatorVersions = Lists .newArrayList(FluentIterable.from(allAppleSdkPaths.keySet()).filter(new Predicate<String>() { @Override/*from ww w . ja v a 2 s.c o m*/ public boolean apply(String sdkName) { return sdkName.startsWith(prefix); } }).transform(new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String sdkName) { return sdkName.substring(prefix.length()); } }).toSet()); if (iphoneSimulatorVersions.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("No iphonesimulator found in: " + allAppleSdkPaths.keySet()); } Collections.sort(iphoneSimulatorVersions, new VersionStringComparator()); String version = iphoneSimulatorVersions.get(iphoneSimulatorVersions.size() - 1); return Preconditions.checkNotNull(allAppleSdkPaths.get(prefix + version)); }
From source
public static ImmutableMap<Path, SourcePath> addMissingInitModules(ImmutableMap<Path, SourcePath> modules, SourcePath emptyInit) {//from w w w . j av a2 s . co m Map<Path, SourcePath> initModules = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // Insert missing `` modules. Set<Path> packages = new HashSet<>(); for (Path module : modules.keySet()) { Path pkg = module; while ((pkg = pkg.getParent()) != null && !packages.contains(pkg)) { Path init = pkg.resolve(""); if (!modules.containsKey(init)) { initModules.put(init, emptyInit); } packages.add(pkg); } } return ImmutableMap.<Path, SourcePath>builder().putAll(modules).putAll(initModules).build(); }
From source
/** * Persists a new or updated PremiumList object and its descendant entities to Datastore. * * <p>The flow here is: save the new premium list entries parented on that revision entity, * save/update the PremiumList, and then delete the old premium list entries associated with the * old revision./*w ww.j av a 2 s .co m*/ * * <p>This is the only valid way to save these kinds of entities! */ public static PremiumList savePremiumListAndEntries(final PremiumList premiumList, ImmutableMap<String, PremiumListEntry> premiumListEntries) { final Optional<PremiumList> oldPremiumList = PremiumList.get(premiumList.getName()); // Create the new revision (with its bloom filter) and parent the entries on it. final PremiumListRevision newRevision = PremiumListRevision.create(premiumList, premiumListEntries.keySet()); final Key<PremiumListRevision> newRevisionKey = Key.create(newRevision); ImmutableSet<PremiumListEntry> parentedEntries = parentPremiumListEntriesOnRevision( premiumListEntries.values(), newRevisionKey); // Save the new child entities in a series of transactions. for (final List<PremiumListEntry> batch : partition(parentedEntries, TRANSACTION_BATCH_SIZE)) { ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork() { @Override public void vrun() { ofy().save().entities(batch); } }); } // Save the new PremiumList and revision itself. PremiumList updated = ofy().transactNew(new Work<PremiumList>() { @Override public PremiumList run() { DateTime now = ofy().getTransactionTime(); // Assert that the premium list hasn't been changed since we started this process. PremiumList existing = ofy().load().type(PremiumList.class).parent(getCrossTldKey()) .id(premiumList.getName()).now(); checkState(Objects.equals(existing, oldPremiumList.orNull()), "PremiumList was concurrently edited"); PremiumList newList = premiumList.asBuilder().setLastUpdateTime(now) .setCreationTime(oldPremiumList.isPresent() ? oldPremiumList.get().creationTime : now) .setRevision(newRevisionKey).build(); ofy().save().entities(newList, newRevision); return newList; } }); // Update the cache. cachePremiumLists.put(premiumList.getName(), updated); // Delete the entities under the old PremiumList. if (oldPremiumList.isPresent()) { deleteRevisionAndEntriesOfPremiumList(oldPremiumList.get()); } return updated; }
From source
/** * Run Checkstyle against a set of Java files using a specified Checkstyle configuration file. * * @param context the Shipshape context. * @param category the category to report the problems as coming from. * @param javaFiles the files to analyze; the map keys are the absolute paths to the file while * the values the relative paths to the file from context.file_path. The correct map can be * created using {@link CheckstyleUtils#getJavaFiles(ShipshapeContext)}. * @param checkstyleConfig the Checkstyle configuration to use. * @return the list of problems found by Checkstyle. * @throws AnalyzerException//from w ww.j ava2 s .com */ static ImmutableList<Note> runCheckstyle(ShipshapeContext context, String category, ImmutableMap<String, String> javaFiles, String checkstyleConfig) throws AnalyzerException { ImmutableList<String> commandLine = new ImmutableList.Builder<String>() .add(String.format("%s/bin/java", System.getProperties().getProperty("java.home"))) .add("-jar", checkstyleJar).add("-c", checkstyleConfig).add("-f", "xml").addAll(javaFiles.keySet()) .build(); ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(commandLine); processBuilder.redirectInput(new File("/dev/null")); processBuilder.redirectOutput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE); processBuilder.redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE); Process process; try { process = processBuilder.start(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AnalyzerException(category, context, String.format("error starting command %s", commandLine), e); } byte[] stdout; byte[] stderr; try { // We need to read in the entire stream as pipes can get filled and block the process. Future<byte[]> stdoutFuture = threadpool.submit(new ReadAll(process.getInputStream())); Future<byte[]> stderrFuture = threadpool.submit(new ReadAll(process.getErrorStream())); process.waitFor(); stdout = stdoutFuture.get(); stderr = stderrFuture.get(); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { throw new AnalyzerException(category, context, String.format("error waiting for command %s", commandLine), e); } // TODO(rsk): double check what a non-0 exit code means. if (process.exitValue() != 0 || stderr.length > 0) { throw new AnalyzerException(category, context, String.format("command %s failed with %d with stdout \"%s\" and stderr \"%s\"", commandLine, process.exitValue(), decodeWithReplacement(stdout, StandardCharsets.UTF_8), decodeWithReplacement(stderr, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); } return parseCheckstyleXml(context, category, javaFiles, stdout); }
From source
private static String makeUsage(final ImmutableMap<String, PcjAdminClientCommand> commands) { final StringBuilder usage = new StringBuilder(); usage.append("Usage: ").append(PcjAdminClient.class.getSimpleName()) .append(" <command> (<argument> ... )\n"); usage.append("\n"); usage.append("Possible Commands:\n"); // Sort and find the max width of the commands. final List<String> sortedCommandNames = Lists.newArrayList(commands.keySet()); Collections.sort(sortedCommandNames); int maxCommandLength = 0; for (final String commandName : sortedCommandNames) { maxCommandLength = commandName.length() > maxCommandLength ? commandName.length() : maxCommandLength; }//from w w w . j av a2s .c o m // Add each command to the usage. final String commandFormat = " %-" + (maxCommandLength) + "s - %s\n"; for (final String commandName : sortedCommandNames) { final String commandDescription = commands.get(commandName).getDescription(); usage.append(String.format(commandFormat, commandName, commandDescription)); } return usage.toString(); }