List of usage examples for ImmutableMap keySet
public ImmutableSet<K> keySet()
From source
private static Path findProgramFiles(FileSystem osFilesystem, ImmutableMap<String, String> env) { for (String envName : PROGRAM_FILES_ENV_NAMES) { for (String key : env.keySet()) { if (envName.equals(key.toLowerCase(US))) { String value = env.get(key); Path path = osFilesystem.getPath(value); if (Files.exists(path)) { return path; } else {"Found a program files path with %s that did not exist: %s", key, value); }/*from www. j a va2 s.c om*/ } } } throw new HumanReadableException("Unable to find ProgramFiles or ProgramFiles(x86) env var"); }
From source
/** * Checks for missing persistently stored data in the * {@code persistentStore}. If items are missing from the store, * log a message.// w w w. ja v a2 s . co m * * @param persistentStore PersistentStore to check. * @param connectorNames Collection of connector names to check. */ public static void checkMissing(PersistentStore persistentStore, Collection<String> connectorNames) { // Check for missing objects in the specified store. ImmutableMap<StoreContext, ConnectorStamps> inventory = persistentStore.getInventory(); for (StoreContext context : inventory.keySet()) { if (connectorNames != null && !connectorNames.contains(context.getConnectorName())) { continue; } if (persistentStore.getConnectorConfiguration(context) == null) { logMissing(context, "configuration"); } if (persistentStore.getConnectorSchedule(context) == null) { logMissing(context, "traversal schedule"); } if (persistentStore.getConnectorState(context) == null) { logMissing(context, "traversal state"); } } }
From source
public static Map<PValue, ReplacementOutput> tagged(Map<TupleTag<?>, PValue> original, POutput replacement) { Map<TupleTag<?>, TaggedPValue> originalTags = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<TupleTag<?>, PValue> originalValue : original.entrySet()) { originalTags.put(originalValue.getKey(), TaggedPValue.of(originalValue.getKey(), originalValue.getValue())); }/*w w w. j a v a2s .c o m*/ ImmutableMap.Builder<PValue, ReplacementOutput> resultBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); Set<TupleTag<?>> missingTags = new HashSet<>(originalTags.keySet()); for (Map.Entry<TupleTag<?>, PValue> replacementValue : replacement.expand().entrySet()) { TaggedPValue mapped = originalTags.get(replacementValue.getKey()); checkArgument(mapped != null, "Missing original output for Tag %s and Value %s Between original %s and replacement %s", replacementValue.getKey(), replacementValue.getValue(), original, replacement.expand()); resultBuilder.put(replacementValue.getValue(), ReplacementOutput.of(mapped, TaggedPValue.of(replacementValue.getKey(), replacementValue.getValue()))); missingTags.remove(replacementValue.getKey()); } ImmutableMap<PValue, ReplacementOutput> result =; checkArgument(missingTags.isEmpty(), "Missing replacement for tags %s. Encountered tags: %s", missingTags, result.keySet()); return result; }
From source
/** * Migrates data from the {@code sourceStore} to the {@code destStore}. * * @param sourceStore source {@link PersistentStore} * @param destStore destination {@link PersistentStore} * @param connectorNames Collection of connector names to migrate. * @param force if {@code true} overwrite existing data in the * {@code destStore}.//from ww w.j av a2 s .c o m */ public static void migrate(PersistentStore sourceStore, PersistentStore destStore, Collection<String> connectorNames, boolean force) { ImmutableMap<StoreContext, ConnectorStamps> inventory = sourceStore.getInventory(); for (StoreContext context : inventory.keySet()) { if (connectorNames != null && !connectorNames.contains(context.getConnectorName())) { continue; } // This double assignment ensures that we check the same // object type that we're storing. Configuration config = destStore.getConnectorConfiguration(context); if (force || config == null) { config = sourceStore.getConnectorConfiguration(context); if (config != null) { logMigration(sourceStore, destStore, context, "configuration"); destStore.storeConnectorConfiguration(context, config); } } Schedule sched = destStore.getConnectorSchedule(context); if (force || sched == null) { sched = sourceStore.getConnectorSchedule(context); if (sched != null) { logMigration(sourceStore, destStore, context, "traversal schedule"); destStore.storeConnectorSchedule(context, sched); } } String state = destStore.getConnectorState(context); if (force || state == null) { state = sourceStore.getConnectorState(context); if (state != null) { logMigration(sourceStore, destStore, context, "traversal state"); destStore.storeConnectorState(context, state); } } } }
From source
public static <T> Arborescence<T> of(ImmutableMap<T, T> parents) { if (parents != null && !parents.isEmpty()) { HashSet<T> allParents = Sets.newHashSet(parents.values()); allParents.removeAll(parents.keySet()); if (allParents.size() == 1) { return new Arborescence<>(parents, allParents.iterator().next()); }/* www. j a v a2 s .com*/ } return new Arborescence<>(parents, null); }
From source
public static Map<PValue, ReplacementOutput> tagged(List<TaggedPValue> original, POutput replacement) { Map<TupleTag<?>, TaggedPValue> originalTags = new HashMap<>(); for (TaggedPValue value : original) { TaggedPValue former = originalTags.put(value.getTag(), value); checkArgument(former == null || former.equals(value), "Found two tags in an expanded output which map to different values: output: %s " + "Values: %s and %s", original, former, value); }/*from w w w . ja v a2 s. c o m*/ ImmutableMap.Builder<PValue, ReplacementOutput> resultBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); Set<TupleTag<?>> missingTags = new HashSet<>(originalTags.keySet()); for (TaggedPValue replacementValue : replacement.expand()) { TaggedPValue mapped = originalTags.get(replacementValue.getTag()); checkArgument(mapped != null, "Missing original output for Tag %s and Value %s Between original %s and replacement %s", replacementValue.getTag(), replacementValue.getValue(), original, replacement.expand()); resultBuilder.put(replacementValue.getValue(), ReplacementOutput.of(mapped, replacementValue)); missingTags.remove(replacementValue.getTag()); } ImmutableMap<PValue, ReplacementOutput> result =; checkArgument(missingTags.isEmpty(), "Missing replacement for tags %s. Encountered tags: %s", missingTags, result.keySet()); return result; }
From source
public static TagCompound convert(MplCompilationResult result) { ImmutableMap<Coordinate3D, MplBlock> blockMap = result.getBlocks(); ImmutableSet<Coordinate3D> coordinates = blockMap.keySet(); Coordinate3D min = getMinCoordinate(coordinates); Coordinate3D max = getMaxCoordinate(coordinates); short width = (short) (1 + max.getX() - min.getX()); short heigth = (short) (1 + max.getY() - min.getY()); short length = (short) (1 + max.getZ() - min.getZ()); int volume = width * heigth * length; ByteBuffer blocks = ByteBuffer.allocate(volume); ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate(volume); List<ITag> tileEntities = new ArrayList<>(blockMap.size()); for (int y = min.getY(); y <= max.getY(); y++) { for (int z = min.getZ(); z <= max.getZ(); z++) { for (int x = min.getX(); x <= max.getX(); x++) { Coordinate3D coord = new Coordinate3D(x, y, z); MplBlock block = blockMap.get(coord); if (block == null) { block = new AirBlock(coord); }/* w ww . j ava2 s .c o m*/ // block blocks.put(block.getByteBlockId()); // data if (block instanceof CommandBlock) { data.put(((CommandBlock) block).getDamageValue()); } else { data.put((byte) 0); } // tile entity if (block instanceof CommandBlock) { tileEntities.add(toControl((CommandBlock) block)); } } } } TagCompound schematic = new TagCompound("Schematic"); schematic.setTag(new TagShort("Width", width)); schematic.setTag(new TagShort("Height", heigth)); schematic.setTag(new TagShort("Length", length)); schematic.setTag(new TagString("Materials", "Alpha")); schematic.setTag(new TagByteArray("Blocks", blocks.array())); schematic.setTag(new TagByteArray("Data", data.array())); schematic.setTag(new TagList("TileEntities", tileEntities)); schematic.setTag(new TagList("Entities", new ArrayList<>())); schematic.setTag(new TagList("TileTicks", new ArrayList<>())); return schematic; }
From source
/** * Gets the union of all {@link Ds3Type} names in both maps *///from www . j a v a 2 s . c o m static ImmutableSet<String> getTypeNameUnion(final ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Type> oldTypes, final ImmutableMap<String, Ds3Type> newTypes) { final ImmutableSet.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableSet.builder(); if (hasContent(oldTypes)) { oldTypes.keySet().forEach(builder::add); } if (hasContent(newTypes)) { newTypes.keySet().forEach(builder::add); } return; }
From source
@VisibleForTesting static Map<String, VTLExpression> mergeArguments(VTLFunction.Signature signature, List<VTLExpression> arguments, Map<String, VTLExpression> namedArguments) { // Check unnamed arguments count. checkArgument(arguments.size() <= signature.size(), TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS, signature.size(), arguments.size()); ImmutableMap.Builder<String, VTLExpression> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); // Match the list with the signature names. Iterator<String> namesIterator = signature.keySet().iterator(); for (VTLExpression argument : arguments) { builder.put(, argument); }//w w w. j a v a 2 s . co m // Check for duplicates Set<String> duplicates = Sets.intersection(namedArguments.keySet(),; checkArgument(duplicates.isEmpty(), DUPLICATE_ARGUMENTS, String.join(", ", duplicates)); ImmutableMap<String, VTLExpression> computedArguments = builder.putAll(namedArguments).build(); // Check for unknown arguments. Set<String> unknown = Sets.difference(computedArguments.keySet(), signature.keySet()); checkArgument(unknown.isEmpty(), UNKNOWN_ARGUMENTS, String.join(", ", unknown)); // Check for missing arguments Set<String> required = Maps.filterValues(signature, VTLFunction.Argument::isRequired).keySet(); Set<String> missing = Sets.difference(required, computedArguments.keySet()); checkArgument(missing.isEmpty(), MISSING_ARGUMENTS, String.join(", ", missing)); return computedArguments; }
From source
/** * Deletes metrics from all the given sources and sinks. * @param sources//from ww w.j a v a2 s . co m * @param sinks */ private static void deleteMetrics(ImmutableMap<String, SourceRunner> sources, ImmutableMap<String, SinkRunner> sinks) { if (sources != null) { for (String key : sources.keySet()) { Source source; HTTPSourceHandler handler; try { SourceRunner sr = sources.get(key); source = sr.getSource(); Field f = source.getClass().getDeclaredField("handler"); f.setAccessible(true); handler = (HTTPSourceHandler) f.get(source); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) { LOGGER.error("There was a problem when getting a sink. Details: " + e.getMessage()); continue; } // try catch if (handler instanceof CygnusHandler) { CygnusHandler ch = (CygnusHandler) handler; ch.setServiceMetrics(new CygnusMetrics()); } // if } // for } // if if (sinks != null) { for (String key : sinks.keySet()) { Sink sink; try { SinkRunner sr = sinks.get(key); SinkProcessor sp = sr.getPolicy(); Field f = sp.getClass().getDeclaredField("sink"); f.setAccessible(true); sink = (Sink) f.get(sp); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) { LOGGER.error("There was a problem when getting a sink. Details: " + e.getMessage()); continue; } // try catch if (sink instanceof CygnusSink) { CygnusSink cs = (CygnusSink) sink; cs.setServiceMetrics(new CygnusMetrics()); } // if } // for } // if }