List of usage examples for ImmutableMap keySet
public ImmutableSet<K> keySet()
From source
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Optional<? extends Comparable<?>> getPropertyValue(String name) { ImmutableMap<IProperty, Comparable<?>> properties = ((IBlockState) this).getProperties(); for (IProperty property : properties.keySet()) { if (property.getName().equals(name)) { return Optional.fromNullable(properties.get(property)); }/*from www . j a va2s . com*/ } return Optional.absent(); }
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@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Optional<BlockProperty<?>> getPropertyByName(String name) { ImmutableMap<IProperty, Comparable<?>> properties = ((IBlockState) this).getProperties(); for (IProperty property : properties.keySet()) { if (property.getName().equals(name)) { // The extra specification here is because Java auto-detects <? extends BlockProperty<?>> return Optional.<BlockProperty<?>>fromNullable((BlockProperty<?>) property); }/*from w ww .ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ } return Optional.absent(); }
From source
private Table buildTable(RestRequest req, ClusterStateResponse state, NodesInfoResponse nodesInfo, NodesStatsResponse nodesStats) { boolean fullId = req.paramAsBoolean("full_id", false); DiscoveryNodes nodes = state.getState().nodes(); Table table = getTableWithHeader(req); for (DiscoveryNode node : nodes) { NodeInfo info = nodesInfo.getNodesMap().get(; ImmutableMap<String, String> attrs = node.getAttributes(); for (String att : attrs.keySet()) { table.startRow();//w ww . java2s. c o m table.addCell(; table.addCell(fullId ? : Strings.substring(node.getId(), 0, 4)); table.addCell(info == null ? null : info.getProcess().getId()); table.addCell(node.getHostName()); table.addCell(node.getHostAddress()); if (node.address() instanceof InetSocketTransportAddress) { table.addCell(((InetSocketTransportAddress) node.address()).address().getPort()); } else { table.addCell("-"); } table.addCell(att); table.addCell(attrs.containsKey(att) ? attrs.get(att) : null); table.endRow(); } } return table; }
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@Override public Values execute(TridentTuple tridentTuple) { ImmutableMap<String, String> kv = (ImmutableMap<String, String>) tridentTuple.getValue(0); LatencyReporter reporter = new KafkaReporter(config.reporterTopic, config.brokerList);, System.currentTimeMillis()); return new Values(kv); }
From source
private void printLinkState(ImmutableMap<Link, Boolean> seenLinks, ImmutableMap<DeviceId, Set<PortNumber>> downedPortState) { List<Link> a = Lists.newArrayList(); a.addAll(seenLinks.keySet()); a.sort(new CompLinks()); StringBuilder slbldr = new StringBuilder(); slbldr.append("\n Seen Links: "); for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) { slbldr.append("\n " + (seenLinks.get(a.get(i)) == Boolean.TRUE ? " up : " : "down : ")); slbldr.append(a.get(i).src() + " --> " + a.get(i).dst()); }/* ww w .ja v a2 s.c om*/ print(FORMAT_MAPPING, slbldr.toString()); StringBuilder dpbldr = new StringBuilder(); dpbldr.append("\n\n Administratively Disabled Ports: "); downedPortState.entrySet().forEach(entry -> dpbldr.append("\n " + entry.getKey() + entry.getValue())); print(FORMAT_MAPPING, dpbldr.toString()); }
From source
/** @return a mapping from destinationPathOnDevice -> localPath */ public ImmutableMap<Path, Path> getFilesToInstall() throws IOException { ImmutableMap.Builder<Path, Path> filesToInstallBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); ImmutableMap<String, ImmutableMultimap<String, Path>> filesByHashForAbis = getFilesByHashForAbis(); for (String abi : filesByHashForAbis.keySet()) { ImmutableMultimap<String, Path> filesByHash = Objects.requireNonNull(filesByHashForAbis.get(abi)); Path abiDir = NATIVE_LIBS_DIR.resolve(abi); for (Entry<Path, Collection<Path>> entry : ExopackageUtil .applyFilenameFormat(filesByHash, abiDir, "").asMap().entrySet()) { // The files in the getValue collection should all be identical // (because the key in their hash), so just pick the first one. filesToInstallBuilder.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().iterator().next()); }//w w w . j av a2 s . c o m } return; }
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public ImmutableMap<String, ResourceAmounts> getResourceAmountsPerRuleType() { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ResourceAmounts> result = ImmutableMap.builder(); ImmutableMap<String, String> entries = getDelegate() .getEntriesForSection(RESOURCES_PER_RULE_SECTION_HEADER); for (String ruleName : entries.keySet()) { ImmutableList<String> configAmounts = getDelegate() .getListWithoutComments(RESOURCES_PER_RULE_SECTION_HEADER, ruleName); Preconditions.checkArgument(configAmounts.size() == ResourceAmounts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COUNT, "Buck config entry [%s].%s contains %s values, but expected to contain %s values " + "in the following order: cpu, memory, disk_io, network_io", RESOURCES_PER_RULE_SECTION_HEADER, ruleName, configAmounts.size(), ResourceAmounts.RESOURCE_TYPE_COUNT); ResourceAmounts amounts = ResourceAmounts.of(Integer.parseInt(configAmounts.get(0)), Integer.parseInt(configAmounts.get(1)), Integer.parseInt(configAmounts.get(2)), Integer.parseInt(configAmounts.get(3))); result.put(ruleName, amounts);//from w w w . ja v a2s . co m } return; }
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private Integer getType(String dataType) throws QuarkException { if (DATA_TYPES.containsKey(dataType)) { return DATA_TYPES.get(dataType); } else {/* ww w . j av a2 s . c o m*/ ImmutableMap<String, Integer> dataTypes = this.getDataTypes(); for (String key : dataTypes.keySet()) { if (dataType.matches(key)) { return dataTypes.get(key); } } } throw new QuarkException("Unknown DataType `" + dataType + "`"); }
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public BashCompletionGenerator() { ImmutableMap<String, Class<BasicOptions>> commands = ZanataClient.OPTIONS; baseCommands = ImmutableList.copyOf(commands.keySet()); commandName = ZanataClient.COMMAND_NAME; commandDescription = ZanataClient.COMMAND_DESCRIPTION; genericOptions = getOptions(ZanataClient.class); allOptions.addAll(genericOptions);/*from www .ja v a 2s . c o m*/ for (String commandName : commands.keySet()) { List<Option> options = getOptions(commands.get(commandName)); // do we still want generic options to appear? // options.removeAll(genericOptions); commandOptions.put(commandName, options); allOptions.addAll(options); } }
From source
/** * Configure void.//from ww w. ja va 2 s . c o m * * @param context * the context */ @Override public void configure(Context context) { this.context = context; ImmutableMap<String, String> props = context.getParameters(); parameters = new Properties(); for (String key : props.keySet()) { String value = props.get(key); this.parameters.put(key, value); } }