Example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap keySet

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap keySet


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap keySet.


public ImmutableSet<K> keySet() 

Source Link


From source file:com.google.devtools.build.lib.remote.CachedLocalSpawnRunner.java

private static Command buildCommand(List<String> arguments, ImmutableMap<String, String> environment) {
    Command.Builder command = Command.newBuilder();
    command.addAllArgv(arguments);//from   w w  w .  j a v a 2s  .  co  m
    // Sorting the environment pairs by variable name.
    TreeSet<String> variables = new TreeSet<>(environment.keySet());
    for (String var : variables) {
    return command.build();

From source file:com.telefonica.iot.cygnus.management.GUIHandlers.java

 * Handles GET /points.//from   w ww. j  a  v a 2  s . c  o  m
 * @param response
 * @param channels
 * @throws IOException
public static void getPoints(HttpServletResponse response, ImmutableMap<String, Channel> channels)
        throws IOException {
    // add a new source row
    String sourceColumns = "";

    // add a new channel row
    String channelColumns = "\"count\"";
    String point = "[" + numPoints;

    for (String key : channels.keySet()) {
        Channel channel = channels.get(key);
        channelColumns += ",\"" + channel.getName() + "\"";

        if (channel instanceof CygnusChannel) {
            CygnusChannel cygnusChannel = (CygnusChannel) channel;
            point += "," + cygnusChannel.getNumEvents();
        } // if12
    } // for

    point += "]";

    if (channelRows.length() == 0) {
        channelRows += point;
    } else {
        channelRows += "," + point;
    } // if else

    // add a new sink row
    String sinkColumns = "";

    // increase the points counter

    // return the points
    response.setContentType("application/json; charset=utf-8");
            .println("{\"source_points\":{\"columns\":[" + sourceColumns + "],\"rows\":[" + SOURCE_ROWS + "]},"
                    + "\"channel_points\":{\"columns\":[" + channelColumns + "],\"rows\":[" + channelRows
                    + "]}," + "\"sink_points\":{\"columns\":[" + sinkColumns + "],\"rows\":[" + SINK_ROWS
                    + "]}}");

From source file:com.sourceclear.headlines.util.HeaderBuilder.java

public static String formatDirectives(ImmutableMap<String, ImmutableList<String>> directives) {

    // In the case of an empty map return the empty string:
    if (directives.isEmpty()) {
        return "";
    }/*from   w  ww. j a v  a 2 s  .c  o m*/

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    // Outer loop - loop through each directive
    for (String directive : directives.keySet()) {

        // Don't add a directive if it has zero elements
        if (directives.get(directive).size() == 0) {

        StringBuilder elements = new StringBuilder();

        // Inner loop = for each directive build up the element String
        for (String element : directives.get(directive)) {
            elements.append(element).append(" ");

        if (sb.length() > 0) {
            sb.append("; ");

        sb.append(directive).append(" ").append(elements.append(" ").toString());

    return sb.toString().trim();

From source file:com.android.builder.files.IncrementalRelativeFileSets.java

 * Counts how many different base directories are there in a relative file set. This method will
 * look at the base of every {@link RelativeFile} and count how many distinct bases are that
 * that are directories./*ww  w  .j a va 2  s.  c  o m*/
 * @param set the file set
 * @return the number of distinct base directories
public static int getBaseDirectoryCount(@NonNull ImmutableMap<RelativeFile, FileStatus> set) {
    return Sets.newHashSet(
            Iterables.filter(Iterables.transform(set.keySet(), RelativeFile.EXTRACT_BASE), Files.isDirectory()))

From source file:com.telefonica.iot.cygnus.management.MetricsHandlers.java

 * Merges metrics from all the given sources and sinks. It is protected in order it can be tested.
 * @param sources//from w w  w .j  a va2s  .c o m
 * @param sinks
 * @return
protected static CygnusMetrics mergeMetrics(ImmutableMap<String, SourceRunner> sources,
        ImmutableMap<String, SinkRunner> sinks) {
    CygnusMetrics mergedMetrics = new CygnusMetrics();

    if (sources != null) {
        for (String key : sources.keySet()) {
            Source source;
            HTTPSourceHandler handler;

            try {
                SourceRunner sr = sources.get(key);
                source = sr.getSource();
                Field f = source.getClass().getDeclaredField("handler");
                handler = (HTTPSourceHandler) f.get(source);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException
                    | SecurityException e) {
                LOGGER.error("There was a problem when getting a sink. Details: " + e.getMessage());
            } // try catch

            if (handler instanceof CygnusHandler) {
                CygnusHandler ch = (CygnusHandler) handler;
                CygnusMetrics sourceMetrics = ch.getServiceMetrics();
            } // if
        } // for
    } // if

    if (sinks != null) {
        for (String key : sinks.keySet()) {
            Sink sink;

            try {
                SinkRunner sr = sinks.get(key);
                SinkProcessor sp = sr.getPolicy();
                Field f = sp.getClass().getDeclaredField("sink");
                sink = (Sink) f.get(sp);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException
                    | SecurityException e) {
                LOGGER.error("There was a problem when getting a sink. Details: " + e.getMessage());
            } // try catch

            if (sink instanceof CygnusSink) {
                CygnusSink cs = (CygnusSink) sink;
                CygnusMetrics sinkMetrics = cs.getServiceMetrics();
            } // if
        } // for
    } // if

    return mergedMetrics;

From source file:org.chaston.oakfunds.storage.RecordType.java

private static ImmutableMap<String, AttributeType> buildAttributes(Class<?> recordTypeClass,
        String columnNamespace, @Nullable Class<?> parentClass) {
    Map<String, AttributeType> attributes = new HashMap<>();
    extractAttributesFromMethods(attributes, recordTypeClass, columnNamespace);
    boolean seenParentClass = false;
    for (Class<?> interfaceClass : recordTypeClass.getInterfaces()) {
        if (interfaceClass.equals(parentClass)) {
            seenParentClass = true;//from   w w w  .  j  a  v a 2  s.co  m
        ImmutableMap<String, AttributeType> superInterfaceAttributes = buildAttributes(interfaceClass,
                columnNamespace, null);
        for (String otherAttribute : superInterfaceAttributes.keySet()) {
            if (attributes.containsKey(otherAttribute)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Attribute " + otherAttribute + " is declared more than once for type "
                                + recordTypeClass.getName() + " via super types.");
    if (parentClass != null && !seenParentClass) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Parent class " + parentClass.getName() + " was not seen while extracting attributes for "
                        + recordTypeClass.getName() + ".  Was the parent type set correctly?");
    return ImmutableMap.copyOf(attributes);

From source file:com.google.devtools.build.lib.skylarkdebug.server.DebugEventHelper.java

private static ImmutableList<Scope> getScopes(DebugFrame frame) {
    ImmutableMap<String, Object> localVars = frame.lexicalFrameBindings();
    if (localVars.isEmpty()) {
        return ImmutableList.of(getScope("global", frame.globalBindings()));
    }/*w ww.  j  a  v a2 s  . com*/
    Map<String, Object> globalVars = new LinkedHashMap<>(frame.globalBindings());
    // remove shadowed bindings

    return ImmutableList.of(getScope("local", localVars), getScope("global", globalVars));

From source file:org.apache.james.jmap.model.Message.java

protected static boolean areAttachedMessagesKeysInAttachments(ImmutableList<Attachment> attachments,
        ImmutableMap<BlobId, SubMessage> attachedMessages) {
    return attachedMessages.isEmpty()
            || attachedMessages.keySet().stream().anyMatch(inAttachments(attachments));

From source file:com.google.template.soy.shared.internal.ModuleUtils.java

 * Given the set of all Soy function implementations, a specific Soy function type (subtype of
 * SoyFunction) to look for, another Soy function type to look for that is an equivalent
 * deprecated version of the specific Soy function type, and an adapt function for adapting the
 * deprecated type to the specific type, finds the Soy functions that implement either type and
 * returns them in the form of a map from function name to function, where the functions with
 * the deprecated type have been adapted using the adapt function.
 * @param <T> The specific Soy function type to look for.
 * @param <D> The equivalent deprecated Soy function type to also look for.
 * @param soyFunctionsSet The set of all Soy functions.
 * @param specificSoyFunctionType The class of the specific Soy function type to look for.
 * @param equivDeprecatedSoyFunctionType The class of the equivalent deprecated Soy function
 *     type to also look for./*from w w w. java 2 s  .  c  o  m*/
 * @param adaptFn The adapt function that adapts the deprecated type to the specific type.
 * @return A map of the relevant specific Soy functions (name to function).
public static <T extends SoyFunction, D extends SoyFunction> ImmutableMap<String, T> buildSpecificSoyFunctionsMapWithAdaptation(
        Set<SoyFunction> soyFunctionsSet, Class<T> specificSoyFunctionType,
        Class<D> equivDeprecatedSoyFunctionType, Function<D, T> adaptFn) {

    ImmutableMap<String, T> tMap = buildSpecificSoyFunctionsMap(soyFunctionsSet, specificSoyFunctionType);
    ImmutableMap<String, D> dMap = buildSpecificSoyFunctionsMap(soyFunctionsSet,

    ImmutableMap.Builder<String, T> resultMapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
    for (String functionName : dMap.keySet()) {
        if (tMap.containsKey(functionName)) {
            if (tMap.get(functionName).equals(dMap.get(functionName))) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
                        "Found function named '%s' that implements both %s and"
                                + " %s -- please remove the latter deprecated interface.",
                        functionName, specificSoyFunctionType.getSimpleName(),
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
                        "Found two functions with the same name '%s', one implementing %s and the"
                                + " other implementing %s",
                        functionName, specificSoyFunctionType.getSimpleName(),
        resultMapBuilder.put(functionName, adaptFn.apply(dMap.get(functionName)));
    return resultMapBuilder.build();

From source file:com.google.template.soy.shared.internal.ModuleUtils.java

 * Given the set of all Soy directive implementations, a specific Soy directive type (subtype of
 * SoyPrintDirective) to look for, another Soy directive type to look for that is an equivalent
 * deprecated version of the specific Soy directive type, and an adapt function for adapting the
 * deprecated type to the specific type, finds the Soy directives that implement either type and
 * returns them in the form of a map from directive name to directive, where the directives with
 * the deprecated type have been adapted using the adapt function.
 * @param <T> The specific Soy directive type to look for.
 * @param <D> The equivalent deprecated Soy directive type to also look for.
 * @param soyDirectivesSet The set of all Soy directives.
 * @param specificSoyDirectiveType The class of the specific Soy directive type to look for.
 * @param equivDeprecatedSoyDirectiveType The class of the equivalent deprecated Soy directive
 *     type to also look for.//from  w w  w. j ava 2  s.co  m
 * @param adaptFn The adapt function that adapts the deprecated type to the specific type.
 * @return A map of the relevant specific Soy directives (name to directive).
public static <T extends SoyPrintDirective, D extends SoyPrintDirective> ImmutableMap<String, T> buildSpecificSoyDirectivesMapWithAdaptation(
        Set<SoyPrintDirective> soyDirectivesSet, Class<T> specificSoyDirectiveType,
        Class<D> equivDeprecatedSoyDirectiveType, Function<D, T> adaptFn) {

    ImmutableMap<String, T> tMap = buildSpecificSoyDirectivesMap(soyDirectivesSet, specificSoyDirectiveType);
    ImmutableMap<String, D> dMap = buildSpecificSoyDirectivesMap(soyDirectivesSet,

    ImmutableMap.Builder<String, T> resultMapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
    for (String directiveName : dMap.keySet()) {
        if (tMap.containsKey(directiveName)) {
            if (tMap.get(directiveName).equals(dMap.get(directiveName))) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
                        "Found print directive named '%s' that implements both %s and"
                                + " %s -- please remove the latter deprecated interface.",
                        directiveName, specificSoyDirectiveType.getSimpleName(),
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
                        "Found two print directives with the same name '%s', one implementing %s and the"
                                + " other implementing %s",
                        directiveName, specificSoyDirectiveType.getSimpleName(),
        resultMapBuilder.put(directiveName, adaptFn.apply(dMap.get(directiveName)));
    return resultMapBuilder.build();