List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode add
public ArrayNode add(JsonNode paramJsonNode)
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/** * Serializes a repeated field./*from w w w . j av a 2s . c o m*/ * * @param message the message being serialized * @param registry a registry of schemas, for enclosed object types * @param field the descriptor of the repeated field to serialize * @param count the count of repeated items in the field * @return the JSON representation of the serialized * @throws SerializationException */ private ArrayNode serializeRepeatedField(Message message, ReadableSchemaRegistry registry, FieldDescriptor field, int count) throws SerializationException { ArrayNode array = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Object value = message.getRepeatedField(field, i); JsonNode valueNode = serializeValue(value, field, registry); if (!valueNode.isNull()) { array.add(valueNode); } } return array; }
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@Override public String getJson() throws JsonProcessingException { JsonNodeFactory factory = JsonNodeFactory.instance; ObjectNode root = factory.objectNode(); ObjectNode update = factory.objectNode(); root.put("update", update); if (!fixVersionsAdded.isEmpty() || !fixVersionsRemoved.isEmpty()) { ArrayNode fixVersions = factory.arrayNode(); for (String version : fixVersionsAdded) { ObjectNode add = factory.objectNode(); ObjectNode addVersion = factory.objectNode(); addVersion.put("name", version); add.put("add", addVersion); fixVersions.add(add); }/*from ww w . j a va 2 s . co m*/ for (String version : fixVersionsRemoved) { ObjectNode remove = factory.objectNode(); ObjectNode removeVersion = factory.objectNode(); removeVersion.put("name", version); remove.put("remove", removeVersion); fixVersions.add(remove); } update.put("fixVersions", fixVersions); } if (!affectsVersionsAdded.isEmpty() || !affectsVersionsRemoved.isEmpty()) { ArrayNode affectsVersions = factory.arrayNode(); for (String version : affectsVersionsAdded) { ObjectNode add = factory.objectNode(); ObjectNode addVersion = factory.objectNode(); addVersion.put("name", version); add.put("add", addVersion); affectsVersions.add(add); } for (String version : affectsVersionsRemoved) { ObjectNode remove = factory.objectNode(); ObjectNode removeVersion = factory.objectNode(); removeVersion.put("name", version); remove.put("remove", removeVersion); affectsVersions.add(remove); } update.put("versions", affectsVersions); } return new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(root); }
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protected static void addObjectsToItemArray(ArrayNode itemArray, Object object) throws IOException { JsonNode node = toJsonNode(object);//w ww .ja v a 2 s . com JsonNode items = node.get("items"); if (items != null && items.isArray()) { Iterator<JsonNode> iter = items.iterator(); for (JsonNode item : items) { itemArray.add(item); } } else { itemArray.add(node); } }
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private ObjectNode getMatchesObjectNode(Matches matches) { if (matches == null) { return null; }/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ ObjectNode matchesNode = mapper.createObjectNode(); if (matches.getInputInterface() != null) { matchesNode.put(_INPUT_INTERFACE, matches.getInputInterface()); } if (matches.getAceType() != null) { String aceType = matches.getAceType().getImplementedInterface().getSimpleName(); switch (aceType) { case ACE_IP: AceIp aceIp = (AceIp) matches.getAceType(); if (aceIp.getDscp() != null) { matchesNode.put(_DSCP, aceIp.getDscp().getValue()); } matchesNode.put(_PROTOCOL, aceIp.getProtocol()); matchesNode.put(_SOURCE_PORT_RANGE, this.getSourcePortRangeObjectNode(aceIp)); matchesNode.put(_DESTINATION_PORT_RANGE, this.getDestinationPortRangeObjectNode(aceIp)); matchesNode = this.getAceIpVersionObjectNode(aceIp, matchesNode); break; case ACE_ETH: AceEth aceEth = (AceEth) matches.getAceType(); if (aceEth.getDestinationMacAddress() != null) { matchesNode.put(_DESTINATION_MAC_ADDRESS, aceEth.getDestinationMacAddress().getValue()); } if (aceEth.getDestinationMacAddressMask() != null) { matchesNode.put(_DESTINATION_MAC_ADDRESS_MASK, aceEth.getDestinationMacAddressMask().getValue()); } if (aceEth.getSourceMacAddress() != null) { matchesNode.put(_SOURCE_MAC_ADDRESS, aceEth.getSourceMacAddress().getValue()); } if (aceEth.getSourceMacAddressMask() != null) { matchesNode.put(_SOURCE_MAC_ADDRESS_MASK, aceEth.getSourceMacAddressMask().getValue()); } break; } } Matches1 matches1 = matches.getAugmentation(Matches1.class); if (matches1 != null) { List<String> appIds = matches1.getApplicationId(); if (appIds != null) { ArrayNode an = matchesNode.putArray(_ACE_APPLICATIONIDS); for (String appId : appIds) { an.add(appId); } } } return matchesNode; }
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private ArrayNode buildHeaders(Set<Header> headers) { ArrayNode jsonHS = mapper.createArrayNode(); for (Header header : headers) { JsonNode jsonH = mapper.createObjectNode(); ((ObjectNode) jsonH).put("key", header.getName()); ((ObjectNode) jsonH).put("value", buildValue(header.getValues())); jsonHS.add(jsonH); }/*from ww w. j av a 2 s . com*/ return jsonHS; }
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public SpinJsonNode append(Object property) { ensureNotNull("property", property); if (jsonNode.isArray()) { ArrayNode node = (ArrayNode) jsonNode; node.add(dataFormat.createJsonNode(property)); return this; } else {/*from ww w . ja va2s . c o m*/ throw LOG.unableToModifyNode(jsonNode.getNodeType().name()); } }
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private boolean processAction(ArrayNode errorList, boolean failed, PatchAction action) { if (action.cause != null) { // this is the failed operation errorList.add(toErrorNode(action.cause.getMessage(), action.cause.getStatus())); failed = true;/*from w ww .j a va 2s . com*/ } else if (!failed) { // this operation succeeded errorList.add(ERR_NODE_ERR_IN_SUBSEQUENT_OPERATION); } else { // this operation never ran errorList.add(ERR_NODE_OPERATION_NOT_RUN); } return failed; }
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protected void parseGraph(JsonNode sourceParent, List<String> fields, RateUnit rateUnit, ObjectNode targetMeta, ArrayNode targetGraph) {/*from w ww . j a va2 s . c o m*/ DateTimeFormatter parser = ISODateTimeFormat.basicDateTime(); Map<MetricKey, ArrayNode> outputGraphs = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(4); JsonNode hitsObj = sourceParent.get("hits"); if (hitsObj != null) { JsonNode hitsArr = hitsObj.get("hits"); if (hitsArr != null) { for (JsonNode hitObj : hitsArr) { JsonNode fieldsObj = hitObj.get("fields"); if (fieldsObj != null) { MetricKey key = new MetricKey(getStringField(fieldsObj, "name"), getStringField(fieldsObj, "application"), getStringField(fieldsObj, "host"), getStringField(fieldsObj, "instance")); ArrayNode samplesArr = outputGraphs.get(key); if (samplesArr == null) { ObjectNode graphObj = targetGraph.addObject(); addMeta(key, graphObj, targetMeta); samplesArr = graphObj.putArray("samples"); outputGraphs.put(key, samplesArr); } ArrayNode sampleArr = samplesArr.addArray(); DateTime timestamp = parser.parseDateTime(getStringField(fieldsObj, "ts")); sampleArr.add(timestamp.getMillis()); sampleArr.add(1); //Samples.. for (String field : fields) { if (!graphIgnoreProperties.contains(field)) { JsonNode fieldNode = getFieldNode(fieldsObj, field); if (rateUnit == RAW_RATE_UNIT || fieldNode == null || !rateFields.contains(field)) { if (fieldNode != null) { sampleArr.add(fieldNode); } else { sampleArr.addNull(); } } else { sampleArr.add(fieldNode.doubleValue() * rateUnit.mult); } } } } } } } }
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@Override public String exportJson(DataObject dataObject) { String ret = null;//w ww. j av a2 s .co m if (dataObject instanceof ServiceFunctionSchedulerType) { ServiceFunctionSchedulerType sfst = (ServiceFunctionSchedulerType) dataObject; ArrayNode sfstArray = mapper.createArrayNode(); ObjectNode sfstNode = mapper.createObjectNode(); sfstNode.put(_NAME, sfst.getName()); sfstNode.put(_ENABLED, sfst.isEnabled()); if (sfst.getType() != null) { sfstNode.put(_TYPE, SERVICE_FUNCTION_SCHEDULE_TYPE_PREFIX + sfst.getType().getSimpleName().toLowerCase()); } sfstArray.add(sfstNode); try { Object sfstObject = mapper.treeToValue(sfstArray, Object.class); ret = mapper.writeValueAsString(sfstObject); ret = "{\"" + _SERVICE_FUNCTION_SCHEDULE_TYPE + "\":" + ret + "}"; LOG.debug("Created Service Function Schedule Type JSON: {}", ret); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { LOG.error("Error during creation of JSON for Service Function Schedule Type {}", sfst.getName()); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument is not an instance of ServiceFunctionSchedulerType"); } return ret; }
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@Override public ObjectNode toJSONNode(TCAPIVersion version) { ObjectMapper mapper = Mapper.getInstance(); ObjectNode node = mapper.createObjectNode(); if ( != null) { node.put("name", this.getName().toJSONNode(version)); }//from w w w . j a v a2s. c o m if (this.description != null) { node.put("description", this.getDescription().toJSONNode(version)); } if (this.type != null) { node.put("type", this.getType().toString()); } if (this.moreInfo != null) { node.put("moreInfo", this.getMoreInfo().toString()); } if (this.extensions != null) { node.put("extensions", this.getExtensions().toJSONNode(version)); } if (this.interactionType != null) { node.put("interactionType", this.getInteractionType().toString()); switch (this.interactionType) { case CHOICE: case SEQUENCING: if (this.choices != null && this.choices.size() > 0) { ArrayNode choices = mapper.createArrayNode(); node.put("choices", choices); for (InteractionComponent ic : this.getChoices()) { choices.add(ic.toJSONNode(version)); } } break; case LIKERT: if (this.scale != null && this.scale.size() > 0) { ArrayNode scale = mapper.createArrayNode(); node.put("scale", scale); for (InteractionComponent ic : this.getScale()) { scale.add(ic.toJSONNode(version)); } } break; case MATCHING: if (this.source != null && this.source.size() > 0) { ArrayNode source = mapper.createArrayNode(); node.put("source", source); for (InteractionComponent ic : this.getSource()) { source.add(ic.toJSONNode(version)); } } if ( != null && > 0) { ArrayNode target = mapper.createArrayNode(); node.put("target", target); for (InteractionComponent ic : this.getTarget()) { target.add(ic.toJSONNode(version)); } } break; case PERFORMANCE: if (this.steps != null && this.steps.size() > 0) { ArrayNode steps = mapper.createArrayNode(); node.put("steps", steps); for (InteractionComponent ic : this.getSteps()) { steps.add(ic.toJSONNode(version)); } } break; case TRUE_FALSE: case FILL_IN: case NUMERIC: case OTHER: break; } } if (this.correctResponsesPattern != null && this.correctResponsesPattern.size() > 0) { ArrayNode responses = mapper.createArrayNode(); node.put("correctResponsesPattern", responses); for (String resp : this.getCorrectResponsesPattern()) { responses.add(resp); } } return node; }