List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode add
public ArrayNode add(JsonNode paramJsonNode)
From source
@Test public void testPrefixFromUnknownClient() { message = null;//from w ww . j av a 2s . co m Json json = new JsonService(); Publisher publisher = mock(Publisher.class); final Answer<Object> answer = new Answer<Object>() { @Override public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { message = (String) invocation.getArguments()[2]; return null; } }; doAnswer(answer).when(publisher).send(anyString(), anyString(), anyString()); WampController controller = new WampController(json, publisher, TestConstants.PREFIX);"id"); assertThat(message).isNotNull(); ArrayNode prefix = json.newArray(); prefix.add(MessageType.PREFIX.code()); prefix.add("calc"); prefix.add(""); controller.onMessage("unknown", prefix); Map.Entry<String, WampClient> entry = controller.getClientById("id"); assertThat(entry).isNotNull(); assertThat(entry.getValue().getUri("calc:square")).isNotEqualTo(""); assertThat(entry.getValue().getUri("")).isEqualTo(""); }
From source
@GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)//from w w w. j a va2s .com public Response getAll() { service = get(FwdTrafficService.class); map = service.getMap(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode root = mapper.createObjectNode(); ArrayNode dev = mapper.createArrayNode(); ObjectNode element = mapper().createObjectNode(); for (DeviceId devId : map.keySet()) { ArrayNode flow = mapper().createArrayNode(); map.get(devId).forEach((k, v) -> flow.add(convert(k, v))); element.set(devId.toString(), flow); } // iterate the map, extract the element and fill up element JSON obj // hint: need to generate flow ArrayNode first, add converted // JSON object of host pair and counter into the flow // Add flow into element by specifying switch id dev.add(element); root.set("data", dev); return ok(root).build(); }
From source
@Override public ObjectNode toJSON(Json json) { ObjectNode result = json.newObject(); result.put("statement", statement); result.put("language", language); result.put("abstractQueryModel", aqm); String[] planParts = plan.split("\\n"); ArrayNode planArray = result.putArray("queryPlan"); for (String part : planParts) { planArray.add(part); }// w w w . j ava 2s. c o m return result; }
From source
/** * Returns a json representation of this query *///www .j a v a 2 s .co m @Override public JsonNode toJson() { ArrayNode arr = getFactory().arrayNode(); for (Value x : values) { arr.add(x.toJson()); } return getFactory().objectNode().put("field", getField().toString()).put("op", getOp().toString()) .set("values", arr); }
From source
@Override public String exportJsonNameOnly(DataObject dataObject) { String ret = null;//from w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m if (dataObject instanceof ServiceFunction) { ServiceFunction obj = (ServiceFunction) dataObject; ObjectNode node = mapper.createObjectNode(); node.put(_NAME, obj.getName().getValue()); ArrayNode sfArray = mapper.createArrayNode(); sfArray.add(node); ret = "{\"" + _SERVICE_FUNCTION + "\":" + sfArray.toString() + "}"; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument is not an instance of ServiceFunction"); } return ret; }
From source
private JsonNode selectNode(JsonNode input) { if (this.names.length == 1) { return input.get(this.names[0]); } else {/* w ww . j a v a 2s. c o m*/ ArrayNode result = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode(); for (String name : this.names) { result.add(input.get(name)); } return result; } }
From source
@Override public String exportJsonNameOnly(DataObject dataObject) { String ret = null;/*from w w w . j av a 2s . co m*/ if (dataObject instanceof RenderedServicePath) { RenderedServicePath obj = (RenderedServicePath) dataObject; ObjectNode node = mapper.createObjectNode(); node.put("name", obj.getName().getValue()); ArrayNode rspArray = mapper.createArrayNode(); rspArray.add(node); ret = "{\"" + _RENDERED_SERVICE_PATH + "\":" + rspArray.toString() + "}"; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument is not an instance of RenderedServicePath"); } return ret; }
From source
/** * Returns a json representation of the query *//*w ww.ja va2 s . co m*/ @Override public JsonNode toJson() { ArrayNode arr = getFactory().arrayNode(); for (Value x : values) { arr.add(x.toJson()); } return getFactory().objectNode().put("array", array.toString()).put("contains", op.toString()).set("values", arr); }
From source
@Override public ObjectNode toJSONNode(TCAPIVersion version) { ObjectNode node = super.toJSONNode(version); if (this.getMembers() != null && this.getMembers().size() > 0) { ArrayNode memberNode = Mapper.getInstance().createArrayNode(); for (Agent member : this.getMembers()) { memberNode.add(member.toJSONNode(version)); }/*from www .j a v a2s . c o m*/ node.put("member", memberNode); } return node; }
From source
private String getJsonResponse(String message) { final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); final ObjectNode node = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); final ArrayNode arrayNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode(); arrayNode.add("java.lang:type=Memory"); node.putArray("value").addAll(arrayNode); node.put("status", 200); node.put("timestamp", 1244839118); return node.toString(); }