List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode add
public ArrayNode add(JsonNode paramJsonNode)
From source
protected void processAttributes(ObjectNode node, Class<?> type) { final Attributes attributes = type.getAnnotation(Attributes.class); if (attributes != null) { //node.put("$schema", SchemaVersion.DRAFTV4.getLocation().toString()); if (! { node.put("id",; }// ww w .java 2s .com if (!attributes.description().isEmpty()) { node.put("description", attributes.description()); } if (!attributes.pattern().isEmpty()) { node.put("pattern", attributes.pattern()); } if (!attributes.title().isEmpty()) { node.put("title", attributes.title()); } if (attributes.maximum() > -1) { node.put("maximum", attributes.maximum()); } if (attributes.exclusiveMaximum()) { node.put("exclusiveMaximum", true); } if (attributes.minimum() > -1) { node.put("minimum", attributes.minimum()); } if (attributes.exclusiveMinimum()) { node.put("exclusiveMinimum", true); } if (attributes.enums().length > 0) { ArrayNode enumArray = node.putArray("enum"); String[] enums = attributes.enums(); for (String v : enums) { enumArray.add(v); } } if (attributes.uniqueItems()) { node.put("uniqueItems", true); } if (attributes.minItems() > 0) { node.put("minItems", attributes.minItems()); } if (attributes.maxItems() > -1) { node.put("maxItems", attributes.maxItems()); } if (attributes.multipleOf() > 0) { node.put("multipleOf", attributes.multipleOf()); } if (attributes.minLength() > 0) { node.put("minLength", attributes.minItems()); } if (attributes.maxLength() > -1) { node.put("maxLength", attributes.maxItems()); } if (attributes.required()) { setRequired(true); } if (attributes.readonly()) { node.put("readonly", attributes.readonly()); } } }
From source
@Override public Configuration parseConfiguration(T2FlowParser t2FlowParser, ConfigBean configBean, ParserState parserState) throws ReaderException { RESTConfig restConfig = unmarshallConfig(t2FlowParser, configBean, "xstream", RESTConfig.class); Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.setParent(parserState.getCurrentProfile()); parserState.setCurrentConfiguration(configuration); try {/*from w ww . ja v a2s. c o m*/ ObjectNode json = (ObjectNode) configuration.getJson(); configuration.setType(ACTIVITY_URI.resolve("#Config")); ObjectNode request = json.objectNode(); json.put("request", request); String method = restConfig.getHttpMethod().toUpperCase(); request.put("httpMethod", method); request.put("absoluteURITemplate", restConfig.getUrlSignature()); ArrayNode headers = json.arrayNode(); request.put("headers", headers); if (restConfig.getAcceptsHeaderValue() != null && !restConfig.getAcceptsHeaderValue().isEmpty()) { ObjectNode accept = json.objectNode(); headers.add(accept); accept.put("header", "Accept"); accept.put("value", restConfig.getAcceptsHeaderValue()); } if (hasContent(method)) { if (restConfig.getContentTypeForUpdates() != null && !restConfig.getContentTypeForUpdates().isEmpty()) { ObjectNode accept = json.objectNode(); headers.add(accept); accept.put("header", "Content-Type"); accept.put("value", restConfig.getContentTypeForUpdates()); } if (restConfig.isSendHTTPExpectRequestHeader()) { ObjectNode accept = json.objectNode(); headers.add(accept); accept.put("header", "Expect"); accept.put("value", "100-Continue"); } } if (restConfig.getOtherHTTPHeaders() != null && restConfig.getOtherHTTPHeaders().getList() != null) for (HTTPHeaders.List list : restConfig.getOtherHTTPHeaders().getList()) { String fieldName = list.getContent().get(0).getValue(); String fieldValue = list.getContent().get(1).getValue(); ObjectNode accept = json.objectNode(); headers.add(accept); accept.put("header", fieldName); accept.put("value", fieldValue); } if (restConfig.getShowActualUrlPort() != null) json.put("showActualURLPort", restConfig.getShowActualUrlPort().booleanValue()); if (restConfig.getShowResponseHeadersPort() != null) json.put("showResponseHeadersPort", restConfig.getShowResponseHeadersPort().booleanValue()); if (restConfig.isShowRedirectionOutputPort()) json.put("showRedirectionOutputPort", true); if (restConfig.getEscapeParameters() != null && !restConfig.getEscapeParameters()) json.put("escapeParameters", false); if (restConfig.getOutgoingDataFormat() != null) json.put("outgoingDataFormat", restConfig.getOutgoingDataFormat()); return configuration; } finally { parserState.setCurrentConfiguration(null); } }
From source
@Override public ObjectNode encode(MultiPoint geometry) throws GeometryConverterException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(geometry); ObjectNode json = getJsonFactory().objectNode(); json.put(TYPE_KEY, MULTI_POINT_TYPE); ArrayNode list = getJsonFactory().arrayNode(); for (int i = 0; i < geometry.getNumGeometries(); ++i) { list.add(encodeCoordinates((Point) geometry.getGeometryN(i))); }// ww w .j a v a 2 s . c o m json.put(COORDINATES_KEY, list); return json; }
From source
@Override public ObjectNode encode(MultiLineString geometry) throws GeometryConverterException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(geometry); ObjectNode json = getJsonFactory().objectNode(); json.put(TYPE_KEY, MULTI_LINE_STRING_TYPE); ArrayNode list = getJsonFactory().arrayNode(); for (int i = 0; i < geometry.getNumGeometries(); ++i) { list.add(encodeCoordinates((LineString) geometry.getGeometryN(i))); }//from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m json.put(COORDINATES_KEY, list); return json; }
From source
@Override public ObjectNode encode(MultiPolygon geometry) throws GeometryConverterException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(geometry); ObjectNode json = getJsonFactory().objectNode(); json.put(TYPE_KEY, MULTI_POLYGON_TYPE); ArrayNode list = getJsonFactory().arrayNode(); for (int i = 0; i < geometry.getNumGeometries(); ++i) { list.add(encodeCoordinates((Polygon) geometry.getGeometryN(i))); }//from w ww .ja va 2 s . c om json.put(COORDINATES_KEY, list); return json; }
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@Override public void addTag(String tag) { ArrayNode array = null; if (!has(FIELD_TAGS)) { array = JsonUtil.createArray();// w w w. j a va 2s . c om set(FIELD_TAGS, array); } else { array = getArray(FIELD_TAGS); } if (!JsonUtil.arrayContains(array, tag)) { array.add(tag); set(FIELD_TAGS, array); } }
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@Override public ObjectNode encode(GeometryCollection geometry) throws GeometryConverterException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(geometry); ObjectNode json = getJsonFactory().objectNode(); json.put(TYPE_KEY, GEOMETRY_COLLECTION_TYPE); ArrayNode geometries = getJsonFactory().arrayNode(); for (int i = 0; i < geometry.getNumGeometries(); ++i) { geometries.add(encodeGeometry(geometry.getGeometryN(i))); }//from w w w . j a va2s. co m json.put(GEOMETRIES_KEY, geometries); return json; }
From source
public ObjectNode execute(final HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { // get cluster object Cluster cluster = Repository.get().getCluster(); // json object to be sent as response ObjectNode responseJSON = mapper.createObjectNode(); // members list ArrayNode connectedClusterListJson = mapper.createArrayNode(); for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry : cluster.getWanInformation().entrySet()) { ObjectNode clusterJSON = mapper.createObjectNode(); clusterJSON.put("clusterId", entry.getKey()); clusterJSON.put("name", entry.getKey()); clusterJSON.put("status", entry.getValue()); connectedClusterListJson.add(clusterJSON); }/*from w w w .j ava2 s. com*/ // Response JSON responseJSON.put("connectedClusters", connectedClusterListJson); // Send json response return responseJSON; }
From source
/** * Adds a map of key-value pairs under the key tag of the JSON * * @param key the key// ww w .jav a 2 s. co m * @param keyValuePairs map of pairs to be added * @return a reference to this instance of {@link AuditLogUtil} */ public AuditLogUtil addArrayOfMappedProperties(String key, Map<String, ?> keyValuePairs) { // Don't add anything if empty if (keyValuePairs.isEmpty()) { return this; } final ArrayNode arrayNode = MAPPER.createArrayNode(); for (Entry<String, ?> entry : keyValuePairs.entrySet()) { final ObjectNode arrayObjectNode = MAPPER.createObjectNode(); arrayObjectNode.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() != null ? entry.getValue().toString() : null); arrayNode.add(arrayObjectNode); } node.set(key, arrayNode); return this; }
From source
private void moveEmbeddedCollection(HalResource halResource, String relation) { List<HalResource> embeddedResources = halResource.getEmbedded(relation); ObjectNode model = halResource.getModel(); ArrayNode container = model.putArray(relation); // iterate on relation specific embedded resources*from w ww. jav a 2 s .co m*/ // get items .flatMap(e -> e.getEmbedded("item").stream()) // get state .map(item -> item.removeEmbedded().removeLinks().getModel()) // add to array .forEach(itemState -> container.add(itemState)); }