List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode add
public ArrayNode add(JsonNode paramJsonNode)
From source
public JsonNode toJsonNode(int min) { ObjectNode result = MAPPER.createObjectNode(); Iterator<String> strings = sortedIterator(min); ArrayNode stringsArrayNode = MAPPER.createArrayNode(); while (strings.hasNext()) { ObjectNode aStringNode = MAPPER.createObjectNode(); String s =; aStringNode.put("string", s); aStringNode.put("frequency", get(s)); stringsArrayNode.add(aStringNode); }/* w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ result.set("strings", stringsArrayNode); return result; }
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@Test public void testWithDataErrors() { ObjectNode objNode = JsonObject.getFactory().objectNode(); ArrayNode arr = JsonObject.getFactory().arrayNode(); for (DataError err : getPopulatedDataErrors(3)) { arr.add(err.toJson()); }/*from ww w.ja v a2s. co m*/ objNode.set("dataErrors", arr); builder.withDataErrors(arr); for (int i = 0; i < builder.buildResponse().getDataErrors().size(); i++) { DataError de = builder.buildResponse().getDataErrors().get(i); for (int j = 0; j < de.getErrors().size(); j++) { Error error = de.getErrors().get(j); assertTrue(error.getErrorCode().equals(getPopulatedErrors(3).get(j).getErrorCode())); } } }
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private void putNode(ObjectMapper mapper, ObjectNode jsonEntity, Node node, Set<Entity> started) { if (node instanceof ValueNode) { setValue(jsonEntity, node.getName(), (ValueNode) node); } else if (node instanceof RefNode) { Entity reffedEntity = ((RefNode) node).getReference(false); if (reffedEntity != null) { if (reffedEntity.isLoadedOrNew()) { JsonNode je = toJson(mapper, reffedEntity, started); if (je != null) { jsonEntity.set(node.getName(), je); }// w w w .ja v a 2 s .c o m } else if (reffedEntity.isFetchRequired()) { /* * a fetch is required, we just output the ID */ jsonEntity.put(node.getName(), reffedEntity.getKey().getValue().toString()); } } else { jsonEntity.putNull(node.getName()); } } else if (node instanceof ToManyNode) { ToManyNode tm = (ToManyNode) node; if (!tm.getList().isEmpty()) { ArrayNode array = jsonEntity.arrayNode(); for (Entity e : tm.getList()) { JsonNode je = toJson(mapper, e, started); if (je != null) { array.add(je); } } jsonEntity.set(tm.getName(), array); } } }
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private void getError(ArrayNode arrayErrors, Throwable exception) { if (exception == null) { return;//from w w w .j a v a 2 s . c om } if (exception instanceof AppException) { AppException appException = (AppException) exception; ObjectNode error = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode().put("errorCode", appException.getErrorCode()); arrayErrors.add(error); } else if (exception instanceof AppMultiException) { AppMultiException appMultiException = (AppMultiException) exception; appMultiException.getAppExceptions().forEach( o -> arrayErrors.add(JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode().put("errorCode", o.getErrorCode()))); } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(exception.getMessage())) { arrayErrors.add(JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode().put("errorMsg", exception.getMessage())); } getError(arrayErrors, exception.getCause()); }
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@Override public String exportJson(DataObject dataObject) { String ret = null;//from www .j ava 2 s . c o m if (dataObject instanceof ServiceFunctionGroup) { ServiceFunctionGroup sfg = (ServiceFunctionGroup) dataObject; ArrayNode sfgArray = mapper.createArrayNode(); ObjectNode sfgNode = mapper.createObjectNode(); sfgNode.put(_NAME, sfg.getName()); sfgNode.put(_IP_MGMT_ADDRESS, ExporterUtil.convertIpAddress(sfg.getIpMgmtAddress())); sfgNode.put(_ALGORITHM, sfg.getAlgorithm()); if (sfg.getRestUri() != null) { sfgNode.put(_REST_URI, sfg.getRestUri().getValue()); } if (sfg.getType() != null) { sfgNode.put(_TYPE, SERVICE_FUNCTION_TYPE_PREFIX + sfg.getType().getValue().toLowerCase()); } // this should be revamped if (sfg.getSfcServiceFunction() != null) { ArrayNode sfArray = mapper.createArrayNode(); for (SfcServiceFunction entry : sfg.getSfcServiceFunction()) { ObjectNode o = mapper.createObjectNode(); o.put(_NAME, entry.getName().getValue()); sfArray.add(o); } sfgNode.putArray(_SERVICE_FUNCTION).addAll(sfArray); } sfgArray.add(sfgNode); try { Object sfObject = mapper.treeToValue(sfgArray, Object.class); ret = mapper.writeValueAsString(sfObject); ret = "{\"" + _SERVICE_FUNCTION_GROUP + "\":" + ret + "}"; LOG.debug("Created Service Function Group JSON: {}", ret); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { LOG.error("Error during creation of JSON for Service Function {}", sfg.getName()); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument is not an instance of ServiceFunction"); } return ret; }
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public static String getAllXSDefinitionsForTypeAheadSelection(short type) { SortedSet<XSDImportId> allImports = Repository.INSTANCE.getAllTOSCAComponentIds(XSDImportId.class); Map<Namespace, Collection<String>> data = new HashMap<>(); for (XSDImportId id : allImports) { XSDImportResource resource = new XSDImportResource(id); Collection<String> allLocalNames = resource.getAllDefinedLocalNames(type); Collection<String> list; if ((list = data.get(id.getNamespace())) == null) { // list does not yet exist list = new ArrayList<>(); data.put(id.getNamespace(), list); }//from ww w. ja v a 2s . c o m list.addAll(allLocalNames); } ArrayNode rootNode = Utils.mapper.createArrayNode(); // ensure ordering in JSON object Collection<Namespace> allns = new TreeSet<>(); allns.addAll(data.keySet()); for (Namespace ns : allns) { Collection<String> localNames = data.get(ns); if (!localNames.isEmpty()) { ObjectNode groupEntry = Utils.mapper.createObjectNode(); rootNode.add(groupEntry); groupEntry.put("text", ns.getDecoded()); ArrayNode children = Utils.mapper.createArrayNode(); groupEntry.put("children", children); Collection<String> sortedLocalNames = new TreeSet<>(); sortedLocalNames.addAll(localNames); for (String localName : sortedLocalNames) { String value = "{" + ns.getDecoded() + "}" + localName; //noinspection UnnecessaryLocalVariable String text = localName; ObjectNode o = Utils.mapper.createObjectNode(); o.put("text", text); o.put("value", value); children.add(o); } } } try { return Utils.mapper.writeValueAsString(rootNode); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create JSON", e); } }
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protected ArrayNode encodeCoordinates(CoordinateSequence coordinates) throws GeometryConverterException { ArrayNode list = getJsonFactory().arrayNode(); for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.size(); ++i) { ArrayNode coordinate = getJsonFactory().arrayNode(); coordinate.add(coordinates.getX(i)); coordinate.add(coordinates.getY(i)); list.add(coordinate);//from w ww .j av a 2 s .c o m } return list; }
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private ObjectNode convertToJson(List<GroupData> hashSortedByCount) { ObjectNode result = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); ArrayNode groupsNode = result.arrayNode(); result.put("name", "???"); result.set("groups", groupsNode); for (GroupData gd : hashSortedByCount) { ObjectNode jgd = groupsNode.objectNode(); ArrayNode filesNode = groupsNode.arrayNode(); groupsNode.add(jgd); jgd.put("hash", gd.hash); jgd.set("files", filesNode); for (FileData fd : { filesNode.add(fd.fqn);/*from www. j a va2 s . c o m*/ } } return result; }
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@Override public void doAction(JsonNode node) throws Exception { if (node.has("modules")) { JsonNode aux = node.get("modules"); ObjectMapper mapper = provider.getObjectMapper(); if (aux.isArray()) { ArrayNode modulesList = (ArrayNode) node.get("modules"); Iterator<JsonNode> it = modulesList.iterator(); ArrayNode newModulesList = new ArrayNode(mapper.getNodeFactory()); while (it.hasNext()) { JsonNode next =; if (next.isTextual()) { String text = next.asText(); if (!modules.contains(text)) { newModulesList.add(text); }//from w w w .j ava 2s . c o m } } ObjectNode oNode = (ObjectNode) node; if (newModulesList.size() > 0) { oNode.set("modules", newModulesList); } else { oNode.remove("modules"); } provider.write(node); } } }
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/** * Write visGraph./* ww w . ja va 2s. co m*/ * * @param agents * the agents * @return the string */ private String writeVisGraph(List<NodeAgent> agents) { final ObjectNode result = JOM.createObjectNode(); final ArrayNode nodes = JOM.createArrayNode(); final ArrayNode edges = JOM.createArrayNode(); for (NodeAgent agent : agents) { final ObjectNode node = JOM.createObjectNode(); node.put("id", agent.getId()); node.put("label", agent.getId()); nodes.add(node); for (Edge edge : agent.getGraph().getEdges()) { final ObjectNode edgeNode = JOM.createObjectNode(); edgeNode.put("from", agent.getId()); edgeNode.put("to", edge.getAddress().toASCIIString().replace("local:", "")); edges.add(edgeNode); } } result.set("nodes", nodes); result.set("edges", edges); return result.toString(); }