List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode add
public ArrayNode add(JsonNode paramJsonNode)
From source
@Override protected void processSchemaProperty(ObjectNode schema, Attributes props) { if (!props.$ref().isEmpty()) { schema.put("$ref", props.$ref()); }/*from w ww . ja v a2 s . com*/ if (autoPutVersion) { schema.put("$schema", SchemaVersion.DRAFTV4.getLocation().toString()); } if (! { schema.put("id",; } if (props.required()) { schema.put("selfRequired", true); } if (!props.description().isEmpty()) { schema.put("description", props.description()); } if (!props.pattern().isEmpty()) { schema.put("pattern", props.pattern()); } if (!props.format().isEmpty()) { schema.put("format", props.format()); } if (!props.title().isEmpty()) { schema.put("title", props.title()); } if (props.maximum() > -1) { schema.put("maximum", props.maximum()); } if (props.exclusiveMaximum()) { schema.put("exclusiveMaximum", true); } if (props.minimum() > -1) { schema.put("minimum", props.minimum()); } if (props.exclusiveMinimum()) { schema.put("exclusiveMinimum", true); } if (props.enums().length > 0) { ArrayNode enumArray = schema.putArray("enum"); String[] enums = props.enums(); for (String v : enums) { enumArray.add(v); } } if (props.uniqueItems()) { schema.put("uniqueItems", true); } if (props.minItems() > 0) { schema.put("minItems", props.minItems()); } if (props.maxItems() > -1) { schema.put("maxItems", props.maxItems()); } if (props.multipleOf() > 0) { schema.put("multipleOf", props.multipleOf()); } if (props.minLength() > 0) { schema.put("minLength", props.minLength()); } if (props.maxLength() > -1) { schema.put("maxLength", props.maxLength()); } if (props.readonly()) { schema.put("readonly", true); } }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}//from w w w .j a v a 2 s .c o m */ @Override protected JsonReturnObject createJsonObject(FreenetRequest request) { Sone currentSone = getCurrentSone(request.getToadletContext(), false); Collection<Notification> notifications = webInterface.getNotifications().getNotifications(); List<Notification> filteredNotifications = ListNotificationFilters.filterNotifications(notifications, currentSone); Collections.sort(filteredNotifications, Notification.CREATED_TIME_SORTER); ArrayNode jsonNotifications = new ArrayNode(instance); for (Notification notification : filteredNotifications) { jsonNotifications.add(createJsonNotification(request, notification)); } return createSuccessJsonObject().put("notificationHash", filteredNotifications.hashCode()) .put("notifications", jsonNotifications).put("options", createJsonOptions(currentSone)); }
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@Override public JsonNode toJson() { ObjectNode objectNode = Json.newObject(); ArrayNode arrayNode = Json.newObject().arrayNode(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) { for (T t : list) { JsonNode node = MobileVOUtil.toJson(t); arrayNode.add(node); }/* www . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ } objectNode.put(totalFieldName, totalRowCount); objectNode.set(listFieldName, arrayNode); return objectNode; }
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@Test public void test_mapWritableWrapper() { final ObjectMapper mapper = BeanTemplateUtils.configureMapper(Optional.empty()); final BasicDBObject m1 = new BasicDBObject(); m1.put("test1", true); final BasicDBObject m2 = new BasicDBObject(); m2.put("nested", m1); m2.put("test2", "test2"); final BasicDBList a1 = new BasicDBList(); a1.add(4);// w w w . ja va 2s.c o m a1.add(5); final BasicDBList a2 = new BasicDBList(); a2.add(m1); a2.add(m1); m2.put("array", a2); m1.put("array", a1); final JsonNode j2 = JsonNodeBsonUtils.from(m2); assertEquals(3, j2.size()); // Check j's contents assertEquals(Stream.of("nested", "test2", "array").sorted().collect(Collectors.toList()), Optionals.streamOf(j2.fieldNames(), false).sorted().collect(Collectors.toList())); assertEquals("test2", j2.get("test2").asText()); final JsonNode j1 = j2.get("nested"); assertEquals(2, j1.size()); final JsonNode j1b = JsonNodeBsonUtils.from(m1); assertTrue("entrySet wrong: " + j1b.toString(), "{\"test1\":true,\"array\":[4,5]}".equals(j1b.toString()) || "{\"array\":[4,5],\"test1\":true}".equals(j1b.toString())); //(tests entrySet) final ArrayNode an = mapper.createArrayNode(); an.add(mapper.convertValue(4, JsonNode.class)); an.add(mapper.convertValue(5, JsonNode.class)); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(mapper.convertValue(true, JsonNode.class), an), Optionals.streamOf(((ObjectNode) j1).elements(), false).collect(Collectors.toList())); // OK, now test adding: assertEquals(2, j1.size()); final ObjectNode o1 = (ObjectNode) j1; o1.put("added", "added_this"); final ObjectNodeWrapper o1c = (ObjectNodeWrapper) o1; assertFalse(o1c.containsKey("not_present")); assertTrue(o1c.containsKey("added")); assertTrue(o1c.containsKey("test1")); assertEquals(Stream.of("test1", "array", "added").sorted().collect(Collectors.toList()), Optionals.streamOf(j1.fieldNames(), false).sorted().collect(Collectors.toList())); assertEquals( Arrays.asList(mapper.convertValue(true, JsonNode.class), an, mapper.convertValue("added_this", JsonNode.class)), Optionals.streamOf(((ObjectNode) j1).elements(), false).collect(Collectors.toList())); assertTrue(j1.toString().contains("added_this")); assertTrue(j1.toString().contains("4,5")); assertEquals(mapper.convertValue("added_this", JsonNode.class), j1.get("added")); assertEquals(3, j1.size()); // OK now test removing: assertEquals(null, o1.remove("not_present")); assertEquals(mapper.convertValue(true, JsonNode.class), o1.remove("test1")); assertEquals(2, o1.size()); ObjectNode o1b = o1.remove(Arrays.asList("added", "array")); assertEquals(0, o1.size()); assertEquals(0, o1b.size()); o1.setAll(JsonNodeBsonUtils.from(m1)); // will be minus one object assertEquals(2, o1.size()); assertTrue(o1c.containsValue(mapper.convertValue(true, JsonNode.class))); assertFalse(o1c.containsValue("banana")); final ObjectNodeWrapper o2 = (ObjectNodeWrapper) JsonNodeBsonUtils.from(m2); assertFalse(o2.isEmpty()); assertTrue(o2.containsKey("array")); assertFalse(o2.containsValue("array")); assertTrue(o2.containsValue(mapper.convertValue("test2", JsonNode.class))); assertEquals(TextNode.class, o2.remove("test2").getClass()); assertEquals(2, o2.size()); o2.removeAll(); assertEquals(0, o2.size()); }
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@Override public Configuration parseConfiguration(T2FlowParser t2FlowParser, ConfigBean configBean, ParserState parserState) throws ReaderException { ApiConsumerConfig config = unmarshallConfig(t2FlowParser, configBean, "xstream", ApiConsumerConfig.class); Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.setParent(parserState.getCurrentProfile()); ObjectNode json = (ObjectNode) configuration.getJson(); configuration.setType(ACTIVITY_URI.resolve("#Config")); json.put("apiConsumerDescription", config.getApiConsumerDescription()); json.put("apiConsumerName", config.getApiConsumerName()); json.put("description", config.getDescription()); json.put("className", config.getClassName()); json.put("methodName", config.getMethodName()); ArrayNode parameterNames = json.arrayNode(); json.put("parameterNames", parameterNames); for (String parameterName : config.getParameterNames().getString()) parameterNames.add(parameterName); ArrayNode parameterDimensions = json.arrayNode(); json.put("parameterDimensions", parameterDimensions); for (BigInteger parameterDimension : config.getParameterDimensions().getInt()) parameterDimensions.add(parameterDimension.intValue()); ArrayNode parameterTypes = json.arrayNode(); json.put("parameterTypes", parameterTypes); for (String parameterType : config.getParameterTypes().getString()) parameterTypes.add(parameterType); json.put("returnType", config.getReturnType()); json.put("returnDimension", config.getReturnDimension().intValue()); json.put("isMethodConstructor", config.isIsMethodConstructor()); json.put("isMethodStatic", config.isIsMethodStatic()); return configuration; }
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/** * Gets the json./* w ww . j a v a 2s .c o m*/ * * @return the json */ @JsonIgnore public ArrayNode getJson() { final ArrayNode result = JOM.createArrayNode(); synchronized (logs) { for (LogLine ll : logs) { result.add(JOM.getInstance().valueToTree(ll)); } } return result; }
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public void decode(Map<String, Object> previousResponses) throws Exception { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ArrayNode response = mapper.createArrayNode(); if (!previousResponses.containsKey(XmlResponseAnalyzer.XML_DOM)) { previousResponses.put(DOC_LIST, response); //empty return;/*from ww w . ja va 2 s . co m*/ } NodeList nodeList = (NodeList) expr.evaluate((Document) previousResponses.get(XmlResponseAnalyzer.XML_DOM), XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node doc = nodeList.item(i); ObjectNode oDoc = mapper.createObjectNode(); Node subel = doc.getFirstChild(); while (subel != null) { if (subel.getNodeType() != Node.TEXT_NODE) { String fieldName = subel.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue(); String elementName = subel.getNodeName(); if ("arr".equals(elementName)) { ArrayNode multivaluedField = mapper.createArrayNode(); Node mvItem = subel.getFirstChild(); while (mvItem != null) { multivaluedField.add(mvItem.getTextContent()); mvItem = mvItem.getNextSibling(); } oDoc.put(fieldName, multivaluedField); } else { String value = subel.getTextContent(); oDoc.put(fieldName, value); } } subel = subel.getNextSibling(); } response.add(oDoc); } previousResponses.put(DOC_LIST, response); }
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/** * * @param start/*from ww w .j a v a 2s . c o m*/ * @param end * @param showInstances if true, shows instances information instead of nodes information * @return */ public ObjectNode getAllApps(long start, long end, boolean showInstances) { DBObject query = (DBObject) JSON.parse("{ '$or' : [" + "{ '$and' : [ { timestamp : { '$gte' : " + start + " }}, { timestamp : {'$lte' : " + end + "}} ] }," + "{ '$and' : [ { endtime : { '$gte' : " + start + " }}, { endtime : {'$lte' : " + end + "}} ] }" + "]}"); //DBObject orderby = new BasicDBObject("timestamp":-1); BasicDBList ret = DBManager.instance.find(EventsDBMapper.COLL_NAME, query); Map<String, Set<String>> appsInfo = new HashMap<>(); Iterator<Object> iter = ret.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { DBObject event = (DBObject); try { String appName = event.get(EventsDBMapper.APPID).toString(); Object node = event.get(showInstances ? EventsDBMapper.INSTANCEID : EventsDBMapper.NODEID); String nodeName = node == null ? "" : node.toString(); Set<String> appSet = appsInfo.get(appName); if (appSet == null) { appSet = new TreeSet<String>(); appsInfo.put(appName, appSet); } appSet.add(nodeName); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { Logger.warn("This element did not parsed as an application: " + event.toString() + ". Removing it from DB..."); try { EventsDBMapper.getInstance().remove(event); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("Cannot remove it from database"); } } } ObjectNode all = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : appsInfo.entrySet()) { ArrayNode nodes = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); for (String n : entry.getValue()) { nodes.add(n); } all.put(entry.getKey(), nodes); } return all; }
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@Override public int implement(DrillImplementor implementor) { int inputId = implementor.visitChild(this, 0, getChild()); final List<String> childFields = getChild().getRowType().getFieldNames(); final List<String> fields = getRowType().getFieldNames(); /*/*from www . ja v a 2s .com*/ * E.g. { op: "segment", ref: "segment", exprs: ["deptId"] }, { op: "collapsingaggregate", within: "segment", * carryovers: ["deptId"], aggregations: [ {ref: "c", expr: "count(1)"} ] } */ final ObjectNode segment = implementor.mapper.createObjectNode(); segment.put("op", "segment"); segment.put("input", inputId); // TODO: choose different name for field if there is already a field // called "segment" segment.put("ref", "segment"); final ArrayNode exprs = implementor.mapper.createArrayNode(); segment.put("exprs", exprs); for (int group : Util.toIter(groupSet)) { exprs.add(childFields.get(group)); } final int segmentId = implementor.add(segment); final ObjectNode aggregate = implementor.mapper.createObjectNode(); aggregate.put("op", "collapsingaggregate"); aggregate.put("input", segmentId); aggregate.put("within", "segment"); final ArrayNode carryovers = implementor.mapper.createArrayNode(); aggregate.put("carryovers", carryovers); for (int group : Util.toIter(groupSet)) { carryovers.add(childFields.get(group)); } final ArrayNode aggregations = implementor.mapper.createArrayNode(); aggregate.put("aggregations", aggregations); for (Ord<AggregateCall> aggCall : { final ObjectNode aggregation = implementor.mapper.createObjectNode(); aggregation.put("ref", fields.get(groupSet.cardinality() + aggCall.i)); aggregation.put("expr", toDrill(aggCall.e, childFields)); aggregations.add(aggregation); } return implementor.add(aggregate); }