List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode add
public ArrayNode add(JsonNode paramJsonNode)
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public ObjectNode encode(GeometryCollection geometry, int parentSrid) throws GeoJSONException { checkNotNull(geometry);/*w w w . ja v a 2 s. com*/ ObjectNode json = jsonFactory.objectNode(); ArrayNode geometries = json.put(TYPE, GEOMETRY_COLLECTION).putArray(GEOMETRIES); int srid = encodeCRS(json, geometry, parentSrid); for (int i = 0; i < geometry.getNumGeometries(); ++i) { geometries.add(encodeGeometry(geometry.getGeometryN(i), srid)); } return json; }
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private ObjectNode json(ObjectMapper mapper, Device device, List<FlowEntry> flows) { ObjectNode result = mapper.createObjectNode(); ArrayNode array = mapper.createArrayNode(); flows.forEach(flow -> array.add(jsonForEntity(flow, FlowEntry.class))); result.put("device","flowCount", flows.size()).set("flows", array); return result; }
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@Override protected JsonNode select(JsonNode input) { if (input.isArray()) { ArrayNode result = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode(); for (JsonNode node : input) { JsonNode nodeResult = selectNode(node); if (nodeResult != null) { if (nodeResult.isArray()) { result.addAll((ArrayNode) nodeResult); } else { result.add(nodeResult); }/* ww w .j a va2s . com*/ } } return result; } else { return selectNode(input); } }
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@Override protected void processNullable() { final Nullable nullable = getAccessibleObject().getAnnotation(Nullable.class); if (nullable != null) { if (isEnumWrapper()) { ((ArrayNode) getNode().get("enum")).add("null"); } else {/*from w ww . ja v a2s .c o m*/ String oldType = getType(); ArrayNode typeArray = getNode().putArray("type"); typeArray.add(oldType); typeArray.add("null"); } } }
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@Override public void doAction(JsonNode node) throws Exception { HashSet<String> chainsSet = new HashSet<String>(chains); ArrayNode chainsList = null;//from w w w .ja v a2 s . co m ObjectMapper mapper = provider.getObjectMapper(); if (node.has("chains")) { JsonNode aux = node.get("chains"); if (aux.isArray()) { chainsList = (ArrayNode) node.get("chains"); Iterator<JsonNode> it = chainsList.iterator(); ArrayNode newChainsList = new ArrayNode(mapper.getNodeFactory()); while (it.hasNext()) { JsonNode next =; if (next.isObject()) { String type = next.get("name").asText(); if (!chainsSet.contains(type)) { newChainsList.add(next); } } } ObjectNode oNode = (ObjectNode) node; if (newChainsList.size() > 0) { oNode.set("chains", newChainsList); } else { oNode.remove("chains"); } provider.write(node); } } else if (node.has("transformations") && chainsSet.contains("default")) { ObjectNode oNode = (ObjectNode) node; oNode.remove("transformations"); provider.write(node); } }
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private int rename(DrillImplementor implementor, int inputId, List<String> inputFields, List<String> outputFields) { final ObjectNode project = implementor.mapper.createObjectNode(); project.put("op", "project"); project.put("input", inputId); final ArrayNode transforms = implementor.mapper.createArrayNode(); project.put("projections", transforms); for (Pair<String, String> pair :, outputFields)) { final ObjectNode objectNode = implementor.mapper.createObjectNode(); transforms.add(objectNode); objectNode.put("expr", pair.left); objectNode.put("ref", "output." + pair.right); // objectNode.put("ref", pair.right); }//from w ww . j a v a 2 s . co m return implementor.add(project); }
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private void serializeListOfStrings(List toSerialize, String key, ObjectNode node, JsonNodeFactory factory) { if (toSerialize == null || toSerialize.size() == 0) return;//from w ww . j a va 2 s.c om ArrayNode keyNode = factory.arrayNode(); for (Object obj : toSerialize) { if (obj instanceof String) { keyNode.add((String) obj); } else { LOGGER.debug("Array at Key:{} was expecting item types of String. Received class : {}", key, obj.getClass().toString()); } } node.put(key, keyNode); }
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protected void validate(JsonNode instance, JsonSchema schema) throws ValidationException, ProcessingException { ProcessingReport report = schema.validate(instance); if (!report.isSuccess()) { ObjectNode error = factory.objectNode(); ArrayNode errors = error.putArray(JSONConstants.ERRORS_KEY); for (ProcessingMessage message : report) { errors.add(message.asJson()); }/*from w ww . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ error.put(JSONConstants.INSTANCE_KEY, instance); throw new JSONValidationException(error); } }
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@Override public Configuration parseConfiguration(T2FlowParser t2FlowParser, ConfigBean configBean, ParserState parserState) throws ReaderException { SpreadsheetImportConfig config = unmarshallConfig(t2FlowParser, configBean, "xstream", SpreadsheetImportConfig.class); Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.setParent(parserState.getCurrentProfile()); ObjectNode json = (ObjectNode) configuration.getJson(); configuration.setType(ACTIVITY_URI.resolve("#Config")); ObjectNode columnRange = json.objectNode(); json.put("columnRange", columnRange); makeRange(config.getColumnRange(), columnRange); ObjectNode rowRange = json.objectNode(); json.put("rowRange", rowRange); makeRange(config.getRowRange(), rowRange); if (config.getEmptyCellValue() != null) json.put("emptyCellValue", config.getEmptyCellValue()); ArrayNode columnNames = json.arrayNode(); if (config.getColumnNames() != null && config.getColumnNames().getEntry() != null) { for (SpreadsheetColumnNameEntry entry : config.getColumnNames().getEntry()) { ObjectNode mapping = json.objectNode(); columnNames.add(mapping); mapping.put("column", entry.getString().get(0)); mapping.put("port", entry.getString().get(1)); }/*from ww w . j av a 2 s.c o m*/ if (columnNames.size() > 0) json.put("columnNames", columnNames); } json.put("allRows", config.isAllRows()); json.put("excludeFirstRow", config.isExcludeFirstRow()); json.put("ignoreBlankRows", config.isIgnoreBlankRows()); if (config.getEmptyCellPolicy() != null) json.put("emptyCellPolicy", config.getEmptyCellPolicy().value()); if (config.getOutputFormat() != null) json.put("outputFormat", config.getOutputFormat().value()); if (config.getCsvDelimiter() != null) json.put("csvDelimiter", config.getCsvDelimiter()); return configuration; }
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private ObjectNode getMABXMLContentSchema() { final ObjectNode requestJson = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); requestJson.put("record_identifier_attribute_path", ""); final ArrayNode keyAttributePaths = objectMapper.createArrayNode(); keyAttributePaths.add( "\u001E"); keyAttributePaths.add(/*from w w w.j a va 2 s . c o m*/ "\u001E"); requestJson.set("key_attribute_paths", keyAttributePaths); requestJson.put("value_attribute_path", "\u001E"); return requestJson; }