Example usage for com.badlogic.gdx.graphics Pixmap Pixmap

List of usage examples for com.badlogic.gdx.graphics Pixmap Pixmap


In this page you can find the example usage for com.badlogic.gdx.graphics Pixmap Pixmap.


public Pixmap(byte[] encodedData, int offset, int len) 

Source Link


Creates a new Pixmap instance from the given encoded image data.


From source file:com.o2d.pkayjava.editor.utils.poly.TextureUtils.java

License:Apache License

public static Pixmap getPOTPixmap(Texture texture) {
    if (texture == null)
        return null;
    texture.getTextureData().prepare();/*from www  .j a v a2  s. c  o m*/
    Pixmap pixmap = texture.getTextureData().consumePixmap();
    int origW = pixmap.getWidth();
    int origH = pixmap.getHeight();
    int w = getNearestPOT(origW);
    int h = getNearestPOT(origH);
    int len = Math.max(w, h);

    Pixmap potPixmap = new Pixmap(len, len, pixmap.getFormat());
    potPixmap.drawPixmap(pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, origW, origH);

    return potPixmap;

From source file:com.o2d.pkayjava.editor.utils.poly.TextureUtils.java

License:Apache License

public static TextureRegion getPOTTexture(Texture texture) {
    if (texture == null)
        return null;

    texture.getTextureData().prepare();//  w  w w . ja va  2  s  .  c o m
    Pixmap pixmap = texture.getTextureData().consumePixmap();
    int origW = pixmap.getWidth();
    int origH = pixmap.getHeight();
    int w = getNearestPOT(origW);
    int h = getNearestPOT(origH);
    int len = Math.max(w, h);

    Pixmap potPixmap = new Pixmap(len, len, pixmap.getFormat());
    potPixmap.drawPixmap(pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, origW, origH);

    Texture otherTexture = new Texture(potPixmap);
    otherTexture.setFilter(Texture.TextureFilter.Linear, Texture.TextureFilter.Linear);

    return new TextureRegion(otherTexture, 0, 0, origW, origH);

From source file:com.o2d.pkayjava.editor.view.ui.widget.components.color.ColorChannelWidget.java

License:Apache License

public ColorChannelWidget(String label, int maxValue, boolean useAlpha,
        final ColorChannelWidgetListener drawer) {
    super(true);//w  ww.ja  v  a  2s.  co  m

    this.value = 0;
    this.maxValue = maxValue;
    this.drawer = drawer;
    this.useAlpha = useAlpha;

    barListener = new ChangeListener() {
        public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) {
            value = bar.getValue();

    if (useAlpha)
        pixmap = new Pixmap(maxValue, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
        pixmap = new Pixmap(maxValue, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGB888);

    texture = new Texture(pixmap);
    add(new VisLabel(label)).width(10).center();
    add(inputField = new ColorInputField(maxValue, new ColorInputField.ColorInputFieldListener() {
        public void changed(int newValue) {
            value = newValue;
    add(bar = createBarImage()).size(CustomColorPicker.BAR_WIDTH, CustomColorPicker.BAR_HEIGHT);


From source file:com.o2d.pkayjava.editor.view.ui.widget.components.color.CustomColorPicker.java

License:Apache License

private void createColorWidgets() {
    palettePixmap = new Pixmap(100, 100, Pixmap.Format.RGB888);
    paletteTexture = new Texture(palettePixmap);

    barPixmap = new Pixmap(1, 360, Pixmap.Format.RGB888);

    for (int h = 0; h < 360; h++) {
        ColorUtils.HSVtoRGB(360 - h, 100, 100, tmpColor);
        barPixmap.drawPixel(0, h, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));
    }//from  ww w  .  ja va 2 s  .  c  o  m

    barTexture = new Texture(barPixmap);

    palette = new Palette(VisUI.getSkin().get(ColorPickerStyle.class),
            VisUI.getSkin().get(com.kotcrab.vis.ui.Sizes.class), paletteTexture, 0, 0, 100,
            new ChangeListener() {
                public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) {
                    //S ans V are flipped because the plate is flipped as well!


    verticalBar = new VerticalChannelBar(VisUI.getSkin().get(ColorPickerStyle.class),
            VisUI.getSkin().get(com.kotcrab.vis.ui.Sizes.class), barTexture, 0, 360, new ChangeListener() {
                public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) {

    hBar = new ColorChannelWidget("H", 360, new ColorChannelWidget.ColorChannelWidgetListener() {
        public void updateFields() {

        public void draw(Pixmap pixmap) {
            for (int h = 0; h < 360; h++) {
                ColorUtils.HSVtoRGB(h, sBar.getValue(), vBar.getValue(), tmpColor);
                pixmap.drawPixel(h, 0, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));

    sBar = new ColorChannelWidget("S", 100, new ColorChannelWidget.ColorChannelWidgetListener() {
        public void updateFields() {
            palette.setValue(vBar.getValue(), sBar.getValue());

        public void draw(Pixmap pixmap) {
            for (int s = 0; s < 100; s++) {
                ColorUtils.HSVtoRGB(hBar.getValue(), s, vBar.getValue(), tmpColor);
                pixmap.drawPixel(s, 0, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));

    vBar = new ColorChannelWidget("V", 100, new ColorChannelWidget.ColorChannelWidgetListener() {
        public void updateFields() {
            palette.setValue(vBar.getValue(), sBar.getValue());

        public void draw(Pixmap pixmap) {
            for (int v = 0; v < 100; v++) {
                ColorUtils.HSVtoRGB(hBar.getValue(), sBar.getValue(), v, tmpColor);
                pixmap.drawPixel(v, 0, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));


    rBar = new ColorChannelWidget("R", 255, new ColorChannelWidget.ColorChannelWidgetListener() {
        public void updateFields() {

        public void draw(Pixmap pixmap) {
            for (int r = 0; r < 255; r++) {
                tmpColor.set(r / 255.0f, color.g, color.b, 1);
                pixmap.drawPixel(r, 0, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));

    gBar = new ColorChannelWidget("G", 255, new ColorChannelWidget.ColorChannelWidgetListener() {
        public void updateFields() {

        public void draw(Pixmap pixmap) {
            for (int g = 0; g < 255; g++) {
                tmpColor.set(color.r, g / 255.0f, color.b, 1);
                pixmap.drawPixel(g, 0, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));

    bBar = new ColorChannelWidget("B", 255, new ColorChannelWidget.ColorChannelWidgetListener() {
        public void updateFields() {

        public void draw(Pixmap pixmap) {
            for (int b = 0; b < 255; b++) {
                tmpColor.set(color.r, color.g, b / 255.0f, 1);
                pixmap.drawPixel(b, 0, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));


    aBar = new ColorChannelWidget("A", 255, true, new ColorChannelWidget.ColorChannelWidgetListener() {
        public void updateFields() {
            if (aBar.isInputValid())
                color.a = aBar.getValue() / 255.0f;

        public void draw(Pixmap pixmap) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
                tmpColor.set(color.r, color.g, color.b, i / 255.0f);
                pixmap.drawPixel(i, 0, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));

From source file:com.quadbits.gdxhelper.actors.ScreenDimActor.java

License:Apache License

public ScreenDimActor() {
    super();//from   w  w  w.  ja v  a2  s .c om

    // Create a 1x1 black pixmap and send it to the graphics card (create texture)
    Pixmap dimPixmap = new Pixmap(1, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
    dimPixmap.drawPixel(0, 0, Color.rgba8888(0, 0, 0, 1));
    dimTexture = new Texture(dimPixmap);

    this.dimSprite = new Sprite(dimTexture);
    setSize(dimSprite.getWidth(), dimSprite.getHeight());
    alpha = 0;

From source file:com.quadbits.gdxhelper.actors.SkyActor.java

License:Apache License

public void setSize(float width, float height) {
    super.setSize(width, height);

    Pixmap vgradientPixmap;/*from   w  w  w  .  j a va2 s. c  om*/

    // Read any previously existing pixmap from file
    String vgradientPixmapFilenameSize = String.format("vgradient_%d_%d.cim", (int) width, (int) height);
    FileHandle dataFile = Gdx.files.local(vgradientPixmapFilenameSize);

    if (dataFile.exists()) {
        vgradientPixmap = PixmapIO.readCIM(dataFile);
    } else {
        vgradientPixmap = new Pixmap((int) width, (int) height, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);

        // Create an array of viewportWidth integers indicating the shift in alpha for a certain
        // horizontal pixel value
        float[] alphaShifts = new float[(int) width];
        float maxAlphaShift = 3f / 255f;
        for (int i = 0; i < alphaShifts.length; i++) {
            alphaShifts[i] = maxAlphaShift * (2 * random.nextFloat() - 1);

        // Pixmaps' (0,0) is at the top-left corner
        float deltaAlpha = 1f / vgradientPixmap.getHeight();
        float alpha = 0;
        int startAlphaShiftIndex = 0;
        tmpColor.set(0xffffffff); // initialize to white
        for (int y = 0; y < vgradientPixmap.getHeight(); y++, alpha += deltaAlpha) {
            // select a (wrapped) starting point in the alphaShift array
            startAlphaShiftIndex += random.nextInt(alphaShifts.length / 2);
            startAlphaShiftIndex = startAlphaShiftIndex % alphaShifts.length;
            for (int x = 0; x < vgradientPixmap.getWidth(); x++) {
                int alphaShiftIndex = startAlphaShiftIndex + x;
                alphaShiftIndex = alphaShiftIndex % alphaShifts.length;
                tmpColor.a = alpha + alphaShifts[alphaShiftIndex];
                vgradientPixmap.drawPixel(x, y, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));

        // Write pixmap to file
        PixmapIO.writeCIM(dataFile, vgradientPixmap);

    // Free any previously existing texture
    if (vgradient != null && vgradient.getTexture() != null) {

    vgradient = new Sprite(new Texture(vgradientPixmap));
    vgradient.setPosition(0, 0);
    vgradient.setSize(width, height);

    // Dispose pixmap

From source file:com.ray3k.skincomposer.data.AtlasData.java

License:Open Source License

public void readAtlas(FileHandle fileHandle) throws Exception {
    if (fileHandle.exists()) {
        FileHandle saveFile = main.getProjectData().getSaveFile();
        FileHandle targetDirectory;//from  ww  w .  j  a v  a2 s  .co m
        if (saveFile != null) {
            targetDirectory = saveFile.sibling(saveFile.nameWithoutExtension() + "_data/");
        } else {
            targetDirectory = Gdx.files.local("temp/" + main.getProjectData().getId() + "_data/");


        TextureAtlas atlas = new TextureAtlas(fileHandle);
        Array<AtlasRegion> regions = atlas.getRegions();

        for (AtlasRegion region : regions) {
            Texture texture = region.getTexture();
            if (!texture.getTextureData().isPrepared()) {
            Pixmap pixmap = texture.getTextureData().consumePixmap();
            Pixmap savePixmap;
            String name;

            if (region.splits == null && region.pads == null) {
                name = region.name + ".png";
                savePixmap = new Pixmap(region.getRegionWidth(), region.getRegionHeight(),
                for (int x = 0; x < region.getRegionWidth(); x++) {
                    for (int y = 0; y < region.getRegionHeight(); y++) {
                        int colorInt = pixmap.getPixel(region.getRegionX() + x, region.getRegionY() + y);
                        savePixmap.drawPixel(x, y, colorInt);
            } else {
                name = region.name + ".9.png";
                savePixmap = new Pixmap(region.getRegionWidth() + 2, region.getRegionHeight() + 2,
                int x;
                int y;

                //draw 9 patch lines

                if (region.splits != null) {
                    x = 0;
                    for (y = region.splits[2] + 1; y < savePixmap.getHeight() - region.splits[3] - 1; y++) {
                        savePixmap.drawPixel(x, y);

                    y = 0;
                    for (x = region.splits[0] + 1; x < savePixmap.getWidth() - region.splits[1] - 1; x++) {
                        savePixmap.drawPixel(x, y);

                if (region.pads != null) {
                    x = savePixmap.getWidth() - 1;
                    for (y = region.pads[2] + 1; y < savePixmap.getHeight() - region.pads[3] - 1; y++) {
                        savePixmap.drawPixel(x, y);

                    y = savePixmap.getHeight() - 1;
                    for (x = region.pads[0] + 1; x < savePixmap.getWidth() - region.pads[1] - 1; x++) {
                        savePixmap.drawPixel(x, y);

                for (x = 0; x < region.getRegionWidth(); x++) {
                    for (y = 0; y < region.getRegionHeight(); y++) {
                        int colorInt = pixmap.getPixel(region.getRegionX() + x, region.getRegionY() + y);
                        savePixmap.drawPixel(x + 1, y + 1, colorInt);
            FileHandle outputFile = targetDirectory.child(name);
            PixmapIO.writePNG(outputFile, savePixmap);
            DrawableData drawable = new DrawableData(outputFile);

            //delete drawables with the same name
            for (DrawableData originalData : new Array<>(main.getProjectData().getAtlasData().getDrawables())) {
                if (originalData.name.equals(drawable.name)) {
                    main.getProjectData().getAtlasData().getDrawables().removeValue(originalData, true);


    } else {
        throw new FileNotFoundException();

From source file:com.ridiculousRPG.GameBase.java

License:Apache License

 * Takes a screenshot from the current frame buffer. The screenshot will be
 * stretched to fit into the Rectangle specified by dstW and dstH
 * //from  ww  w .j av  a  2 s . c om
 * @param srcX
 * @param srcY
 * @param srcW
 * @param srcH
 * @param dstW
 * @param dstH
 * @return A Pixmap containing the screenshot. The screenshot will be
 *         flipped at the y-axis.
 * @throws IOException
public Pixmap takeScreenshot(int srcX, int srcY, int srcW, int srcH, int dstW, int dstH) throws IOException {
    Gdx.gl.glPixelStorei(GL10.GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
    Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(srcW, srcH, Format.RGBA8888);
    Gdx.gl.glReadPixels(srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, GL10.GL_RGBA, GL10.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixmap.getPixels());

    // scale the picture
    if (srcW != dstW || srcH != dstH) {
        Pixmap scale = new Pixmap(dstW, dstH, Format.RGBA8888);
        Blending old = Pixmap.getBlending();
        scale.drawPixmap(pixmap, 0, 0, srcW, srcH, 0, 0, dstW, dstH);
        pixmap = scale;

    return pixmap;

From source file:com.ridiculousRPG.util.TextureRegionLoader.java

License:Apache License

 * Obtains a texture region for drawing {@link Pixmap}s on it.<br>
 * This method creates a texture region with an underlying texture (which is
 * sized with the next powers of two) for drawing.
 * /* www  . jav a 2  s .c  om*/
 * @param width
 *            the width of the texture region
 * @param height
 *            the height of the texture region
 * @param format
 *            the format for drawing {@link Pixmap}s onto this TextureRegion
 * @return A texture region with the specified width and height for drawing
 *         on it.
public static TextureRegionRef obtainEmptyRegion(int width, int height, final Format format) {
    final int safeWidth = MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo(width);
    final int safeHeight = MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo(height);
    final PixmapTextureData ptd = new PixmapTextureData(new Pixmap(safeWidth, safeHeight, format), null, false,
    TextureCache tCache;
    if (GameBase.$().isGlContextThread()) {
        tCache = new TextureCache(ptd);
    } else {
        final TextureCacheContainer tCC = new TextureCacheContainer();
        new ExecWithGlContext() {
            public void exec() {
                tCC.tCache = new TextureCache(ptd);
        tCache = tCC.tCache;
    return tCache.obtainRegion(0, 0, width, height);

From source file:com.ridiculousRPG.video.cortado.CortadoPlayerAppletWrapper.java

License:Open Source License

 * Instantiates a new video player. Don't forget to dispose the player!
 * /*w  w w  .  java  2  s .  c  om*/
 * @param url
 *            url to ogg / ogv file
 * @param screenBounds
 *            the screen position, width and height
 * @param projectToMap
 *            Defines whether to project the video onto the map or onto the
 *            screen coordinates
 * @param withAudio
 *            if false, the audio channel will be disabled.
public CortadoPlayerAppletWrapper(URL url, Rectangle screenBounds, boolean projectToMap, boolean withAudio,
        boolean drawPlaceholder) {
    this.screenBounds = new Rectangle(screenBounds);
    this.projectToMap = projectToMap;
    if (!projectToMap) {
        GameBase gb = GameBase.$();
        this.screenBounds.width /= gb.getScreen().width;
        this.screenBounds.height /= gb.getScreen().height;
        this.screenBounds.x /= gb.getScreen().width;
        this.screenBounds.y /= gb.getScreen().height;
    int width = (int) screenBounds.width;
    int height = (int) screenBounds.height;

    textureRef = TextureRegionLoader.obtainEmptyRegion(width, height, Format.RGBA8888);
    if (drawPlaceholder) {
        Pixmap placeholder = new Pixmap(width, height, Format.RGBA8888);
        placeholder.setColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
        placeholder.fillRectangle(0, 0, width, height);
        placeholder.setColor(.7f, .7f, .7f, 1);
        placeholder.fillCircle(width / 2, height / 2, Math.min(width, height) / 3);
        placeholder.setColor(.4f, .4f, .4f, 1);
        placeholder.drawRectangle(0, 0, width, height);
        placeholder.drawRectangle(2, 2, width - 4, height - 4);
        placeholder.drawLine(1, 0, width, height - 1);
        placeholder.drawLine(0, 1, width - 1, height);
        placeholder.drawLine(1, height, width, 1);
        placeholder.drawLine(0, height - 1, width - 1, 0);
    graphicsPixmap = new VideoARGBintPixmapWrapper();
    player = new CortadoPlayerApplet(graphicsPixmap);
    player.setParam("url", url.toString());
    player.setParam("audio", String.valueOf(withAudio));
    player.setSize(width, height);