Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2011 Alexander Baumgartner
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.ridiculousRPG;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.script.Invocable;
import javax.script.ScriptContext;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptException;

import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationListener;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Input;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Application.ApplicationType;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Buttons;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys;
import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Rectangle;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array;
import com.ridiculousRPG.event.EventObject;
import com.ridiculousRPG.i18n.TextLoader;
import com.ridiculousRPG.movement.Movable;
import com.ridiculousRPG.movement.misc.MoveFadeColorAdapter;
import com.ridiculousRPG.service.GameService;
import com.ridiculousRPG.service.GameServiceDefaultImpl;
import com.ridiculousRPG.service.GestureDetectorService;
import com.ridiculousRPG.ui.DisplayErrorService;
import com.ridiculousRPG.ui.MenuService;
import com.ridiculousRPG.util.ColorSerializable;
import com.ridiculousRPG.util.ExecInMainThread;
import com.ridiculousRPG.util.ExecWithGlContext;
import com.ridiculousRPG.util.ObjectState;
import com.ridiculousRPG.util.Speed;
import com.ridiculousRPG.util.Zipper;

 * @author Alexander Baumgartner
public abstract class GameBase extends GameServiceDefaultImpl implements ApplicationListener {
    private static GameBase instance;
    private SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
    private Camera camera;
    private ObjectState globalState;
    private GameServiceProvider serviceProvider;
    private ScriptFactory scriptFactory;
    private ScriptEngine sharedEngine;
    private GameOptions options;
    private TextLoader i18n;

    private Rectangle plane = new Rectangle();
    private Rectangle screen = new Rectangle();

    private List<Thread> glContextThread = new ArrayList<Thread>();
    private Map<String, EventObject> globalEvents = new HashMap<String, EventObject>();

    private boolean exitForced = true;
    private boolean triggerActionKeyPressed;
    private boolean fullscreen;
    private boolean controlKeyPressedOld, controlKeyPressed, actionKeyPressedOld, actionKeyPressed;
    private boolean glAsyncLoadable;

    private Color backgroundColor = new ColorSerializable(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
    private Color gameColorTint = new ColorSerializable(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
    private float gameColorBits = gameColorTint.toFloatBits();
    private float longPressTime;

    private boolean terminating;

    private boolean tap;
    private boolean longPress;

    public GameBase(GameOptions options) {
        this.options = options;

    public void create() {
        fullscreen = options.fullscreen;
        scriptFactory = options.scriptFactory;
        camera = new CameraSimpleOrtho2D();
        globalState = new ObjectState();
        serviceProvider = new GameServiceProvider();
        options.width =;
        options.height =;
        plane.width = camera.viewportWidth = screen.width =;
        plane.height = camera.viewportHeight = screen.height =;
        // Compute language locale
        FileHandle fh = Gdx.files.internal(options.i18nPath);
        FileHandle i18nPath = fh.child(options.i18nDefault);
        if (!i18nPath.exists() && options.i18nDefault.length() > 2) {
            i18nPath = fh.child(options.i18nDefault.substring(0, 2));
        if (!i18nPath.exists()) {
            GameBase.$error("GameBase.i18nmissing", "The default language " + "file is missing (invalid game.ini)",
        i18n = new TextLoader(i18nPath, 5);

        // instance != null indicates that GameBase is initialized
        if (!isInitialized())
            instance = this;

        try {
            scriptFactory.evalAllScripts(getSharedEngine(), GameBase.$options().initScript, false);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            GameBase.$error("GameBase.create", "Error occured while initializing the game", e);

        // restore last display mode and language

    public synchronized static void $error(String tag, String message, Exception e) {
        if ($().terminating)
            return;, message, e);
        StringWriter stackTrace = new StringWriter();
        e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stackTrace));
        String msg = "<" + tag + ">: " + message;
        msg += "\n\n" + stackTrace;
        msg += "\n\nEngine version: " + $options().engineVersion;

    public static void $info(String tag, String message, Exception ex) {
        if ($().terminating)
            return;, message, ex);

    public static ObjectState $state() {
        return $().globalState;

    public String getText(String container, String key) throws IOException {
        return i18n.getText(container, key);

    public void setLanguage(Locale locale) {
        FileHandle fh = Gdx.files.internal(options.i18nPath);
        FileHandle i18nPath = fh.child(locale.getISO3Language());
        if (i18nPath.exists()) {
        } else {
            i18nPath = fh.child(locale.getLanguage());
            if (i18nPath.exists())

    public void setLanguageDir(FileHandle directory) {
        if (isInitialized())

    public void setLanguageISO(String iso639_1) {
        setLanguage(new Locale(iso639_1));

    public void rebuildSpriteBatch() {
        if (spriteBatch != null)
        spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch();

     * Returns the FIRST GameBase instance which has been initialized to
     * simplify the access
     * @return The first instance, which has been initialized.
    public static GameBase $() {
        if (!isInitialized())
            throw new IllegalStateException("GameBase not initialized!");
        return instance;

     * The {@link GameServiceProvider} from the first GameBase instance which
     * has been initialized is used to obtain the requested service.<br>
     * A shortcut for calling {@link #$serviceProvider()
     * (TYPE_CAST)$serviceProvider()}
     * {@link GameServiceProvider#getService(String) .getService(String)}
     * @return The requested service or null if no service matches.
     * @throws ClassCastException
     *             If the named service is not from type T
    public static <T extends GameService> T $service(String name) {
        if (!isInitialized())
            throw new IllegalStateException("GameBase not initialized!");
        return (T) $serviceProvider().getService(name);

     * The {@link GameServiceProvider} from the first GameBase instance which
     * has been initialized.<br>
     * A shortcut for calling {@link GameBase#$()}{@link #getServiceProvider()
     * .getServiceProvider()}
     * @return The standard game service provider
    public static GameServiceProvider $serviceProvider() {
        return $().getServiceProvider();

     * The {@link ScriptFactory} from the first GameBase instance which has been
     * initialized.<br>
     * A shortcut for calling {@link GameBase#$()}{@link #getScriptFactory()
     * .getScriptFactory()}
     * @return The standard script factory
    public static ScriptFactory $scriptFactory() {
        return $().getScriptFactory();

     * The {@link GameOptions} from the first GameBase instance which has been
     * initialized.<br>
     * A shortcut for calling {@link GameBase#$()}{@link #getOptions()
     * .getOptions()}
     * @return The standard script factory
    public static GameOptions $options() {
        return $().getOptions();

     * Returns a path to store temporary files while the game is running
     * @return Path to store temporary files
    public static FileHandle $tmpPath() {
        FileHandle fh = Gdx.files.external($().options.savePath).child(".tmpStorage");
        if (!fh.exists())
        return fh;

     * Deletes all temporary files
    public void clearTmpFiles() {

    public final void render() {
        try {
            if (Gdx.input.isTouched(0) && Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Buttons.LEFT)) {
                longPressTime +=;
                if (!longPress && longPressTime > .3f) {
                    longPress = true;
                    Array<GestureDetectorService> services = serviceProvider
                    for (int i = 0; i < services.size; i++) {
            } else {
                if (longPressTime > 0f && longPressTime <= .3f)
                    tap = true;
                longPress = false;
                longPressTime = 0f;

            controlKeyPressedOld = controlKeyPressed;
            controlKeyPressed = Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.CONTROL_LEFT)
                    || Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.CONTROL_RIGHT) || Gdx.input.isTouched(1);
            actionKeyPressedOld = actionKeyPressed;
            actionKeyPressed = tap || triggerActionKeyPressed || Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.SPACE)
                    || Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.ENTER);

            triggerActionKeyPressed &= !actionKeyPressedOld;
            tap &= !actionKeyPressedOld;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            GameBase.$error("GameBase.render", "Error occured while executing the game", e);

     * Indicates if the first {@link GameBase} instance has been initialized.<br>
     * (The first instance which is initzalized becomes the default)
     * @return true if initialized
    public static boolean isInitialized() {
        return instance != null;

     * Signals if the control key is just pressed.<br>
     * This method is safe for hiding the keyboard on mobile devices
     * @return true if left or right control key is just pressed or the third
     *         finger touches the touchpad
    public boolean isControlKeyDown() {
        return controlKeyPressed && !controlKeyPressedOld;

     * Evaluates the given script term and returns the result.<br>
     * The same engine is used for all evaluations!
     * @param script
     *            The script to evaluate (Either the path to the script or the
     *            script itself)
     * @return The result from this evaluation.
     * @throws ScriptException
    public Object eval(String script) throws ScriptException {
        ScriptEngine sharedEngine = getSharedEngine();
        Object result = sharedEngine.eval(loadWithLogInfo(script, sharedEngine));
        return result;

    private String loadWithLogInfo(String script, ScriptEngine sharedEngine) {
        String s = getScriptFactory().loadScript(script);
        if (s != script) {
            sharedEngine.put(ScriptEngine.FILENAME, script);
        } else if (sharedEngine.get(ScriptEngine.FILENAME) == null) {
            String excerpt = script.replaceAll("\\s+", " ").trim();
            if (excerpt.length() > 30)
                excerpt = excerpt.substring(0, 30);
            sharedEngine.put(ScriptEngine.FILENAME, excerpt);
        return s;

     * Invokes the function which is defined inside the given script, using the
     * given arguments.<br>
     * The same engine is used for all evaluations/invocations!
     * @param script
     *            The script containing the function to invoke (Either the path
     *            to the script or the script itself)
     * @param fncName
     *            The function to invoke
     * @param args
     *            Arguments for the function
     * @return The result which was returned by the invoked function
     * @throws ScriptException
     * @throws NoSuchMethodException
    public Object invokeFunction(String script, String fncName, Object... args)
            throws ScriptException, NoSuchMethodException {
        ScriptEngine sharedEngine = getSharedEngine();
        try {
            if (sharedEngine instanceof Invocable) {
                sharedEngine.eval(loadWithLogInfo(script, sharedEngine));
                return ((Invocable) sharedEngine).invokeFunction(fncName, args);
            } else {
                throw new ScriptException("ScriptEngine not Invocable!");
        } finally {

     * Returns a shared script engine, which is used in many different cases.
     * @return A script engine instance
    public ScriptEngine getSharedEngine() {
        if (sharedEngine == null) {
            sharedEngine = getScriptFactory().obtainEngine();
        return sharedEngine;

     * Signals if the action key is just pressed.<br>
     * This method is safe for hiding the keyboard on mobile devices
     * @return true if space, enter or the right mouse button is just pressed
     *         (left mouse button is used for movement) or the second finger
     *         touches the touchpad (first finger is used for movement)
    public boolean isActionKeyDown() {
        return actionKeyPressed && !actionKeyPressedOld;

     * Signals if the control key is pressed.<br>
     * This method is safe for hiding the keyboard on mobile devices
     * @return true if left or right control key is pressed or the third finger
     *         touches the touchpad
    public boolean isControlKeyPressed() {
        return controlKeyPressed && controlKeyPressedOld;

     * Signals if the action key is pressed.<br>
     * This method is safe for hiding the keyboard on mobile devices
     * @return true if space, enter or the right mouse button is pressed (left
     *         mouse button is used for movement) or the second finger touches
     *         the touchpad (first finger is used for movement)
    public boolean isActionKeyPressed() {
        return actionKeyPressed && actionKeyPressedOld;

     * The start up options for the game
     * @return start up options
    public GameOptions getOptions() {
        return options;

     * Signals if the control key is just released.<br>
     * This method is safe for hiding the keyboard on mobile devices
     * @return true if left or right control key is just released or the third
     *         finger released the touchpad
    public boolean isControlKeyUp() {
        return controlKeyPressedOld && !controlKeyPressed;

     * Signals if the action key is just released.<br>
     * This method is safe for hiding the keyboard on mobile devices
     * @return true if space, enter or the right mouse button is just released
     *         (left mouse button is used for movement) or the second finger
     *         released the touchpad (first finger is used for movement)
    public boolean isActionKeyUp() {
        return actionKeyPressedOld && !actionKeyPressed;

    public boolean isLongPress() {
        return longPress;

     * Resizes the planes dimensions (e.g. the dimension of the tiled map).
    public void resizePlane(int planeWidth, int planeHeight) {
        plane.width = planeWidth;
        plane.height = planeHeight;
        serviceProvider.resize((int) screen.width, (int) screen.height);

    public void resize(int width, int height) {
        Camera cam = camera;
        if (options.resize) {
            float centerX = cam.viewportWidth * .5f;
            float centerY = cam.viewportHeight * .5f;
            cam.viewportWidth *= width / screen.width;
            cam.viewportHeight *= height / screen.height;
            centerX -= cam.viewportWidth * .5f;
            centerY -= cam.viewportHeight * .5f;
            cam.translate(centerX, centerY, 0);
        screen.width = width;
        screen.height = height;
        serviceProvider.resize(width, height);
        if (!terminating)

    public void restoreDefaultResolution() {, options.height, fullscreen);

    public void pause() {
        if ( != ApplicationType.Desktop && exitForced
                && !(getServiceProvider().queryAttention() instanceof MenuService))

    public void resume() {
        if (lastExitForced())

     * The default tint is {@link Color#WHITE}. That means, that everything is
     * drawn as it is.<br>
     * Reset to {@link Color#WHITE} if you want to remove the coloring.<br>
     * If you use the alpha channel on the entire game, all layers of a map will
     * become visible. That's probably not what you want.<br>
     * If you want to fade the entire game out, make a transition to
     * {@link Color#BLACK}.<br>
     * Tip: Use an {@link EventObject} in combination with the
     * {@link MoveFadeColorAdapter} to create color animations (e.g. day and
     * night effects).
     * @see {@link MoveFadeColorAdapter#$(Speed, Color, boolean)}
    public void setGameColorTint(Color tint) {
        gameColorTint = ColorSerializable.wrap(tint);
        gameColorBits = tint.toFloatBits();

    public Color getGameColorTint() {
        return gameColorTint;

    public float getGameColorBits() {
        return gameColorBits;

    public Camera getCamera() {
        return camera;

    public void setCamera(Camera camera) { = camera;

     * The {@link GameServiceProvider} contains all services which are managed
     * inside this engine instance.
    public GameServiceProvider getServiceProvider() {
        return serviceProvider;

     * The {@link #globalState} can be used to share global variables
    public ObjectState getGlobalState() {
        return globalState;

     * Returns the screen bounds. x and y should always be zero.<br>
     * Don't forget to update the camera if you change the bounds.
     * @return The windows (or full screens) dimension
    public Rectangle getScreen() {
        return screen;

     * Returns the planes position, which is actually shown by the camera and
     * the planes width and height .<br>
     * <br>
     * The planes position will automatically be updated by
     * {@link CameraSimpleOrtho2D}. So... use
     * {@link CameraSimpleOrtho2D#translate(float, float, float)} or
     * {@link CameraSimpleOrtho2D#lookAt(float, float, float)} instead setting
     * it directly!<br>
     * Furthermore you should use {@link #setPlaneWidth(int)} and
     * {@link #setPlaneHeight(int)} to change the planes dimension! The
     * dimension should be set to the displayed maps width and height. For
     * example the class {@link MapRenderService} will automatically change the
     * dimension when a new map is loaded.
     * @return The planes bounds actually displayed on the screen
    public Rectangle getPlane() {
        return plane;

     * True if the game is running in fullscreen mode
    public boolean isFullscreen() {
        return fullscreen;

     * Toggle the fullscreen mode
     * @return true if succeeded, false otherwise
    public boolean toggleFullscreen() {
        try {
            // resize is called
  , options.height, !fullscreen);
            // In Linux setDisplayMode returns false even though it succeeds
            // ==> DON'T make an if statement!
            fullscreen = !fullscreen;
            return true;
        } catch (Throwable notTooBad) {
        return false;

    public SpriteBatch getSpriteBatch() {
        return spriteBatch;

    public int getOriginalWidth() {
        return options.width;

    public int getOriginalHeight() {
        return options.height;

    public ScriptFactory getScriptFactory() {
        return scriptFactory;

    public static void toggleCursor() {

    public void dispose() {
        try {
            terminating = true;
            if (fullscreen)
            if (spriteBatch != null)
        } catch (Exception ignored) {

     * Exits the running game
    public void exit() {
        terminating = true;
        exitForced = false;
        if (fullscreen)
        new ExecWithGlContext() {
            public void exec() {

    public void setBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor) {
        this.backgroundColor = ColorSerializable.wrap(backgroundColor);

    public Color getBackgroundColor() {
        return backgroundColor;

    public void setGlobalEvents(HashMap<String, EventObject> globalEvents) {
        this.globalEvents = globalEvents;

     * Returns the map which stores the global events
     * @return A map with all global events
     * @see #getGlobalEventsClone()
    public Map<String, EventObject> getGlobalEvents() {
        return globalEvents;

     * Returns a shallow clone of the global events map, which may be
     * manipulated without effecting the main map.
     * @return A map with all global events
     * @see #getGlobalEvents()
    public Map<String, EventObject> getGlobalEventsClone() {
        // the clone method should be faster than instantiating a new map
        if (globalEvents instanceof HashMap<?, ?>) {
            return (Map<String, EventObject>) ((HashMap<String, EventObject>) globalEvents).clone();
        return new HashMap<String, EventObject>(globalEvents);

     * Simulates the action key pressed event.
    public void triggerActionKeyPressed() {
        this.triggerActionKeyPressed = true;

     * You have to implement sharing the rendering context yourself.<br>
     * E.g. In LWJGL you can share the context by the following code:<br>
     * <code>new SharedDrawable(Display.getDrawable()).makeCurrent();</code><br>
     * <br>
     * If sharing the context fails or is not supported, all texture loading and
     * drawing is done in the main thread.
     * @return false If sharing the context failed or is not supported by the
     *         backend, true otherwise.
    protected abstract boolean shareGLContext();

     * Register a thread context to allow parallel texture loading if possible.
    public void registerGlContextThread() {
        if (shareGLContext()) {
            glAsyncLoadable = true;
            synchronized (glContextThread) {

    public boolean isGlContextThread() {
        return glContextThread.contains(Thread.currentThread());

    public boolean isMainThread() {
        return Thread.currentThread() == glContextThread.get(0);

    public boolean isGlAsyncLoadable() {
        return glAsyncLoadable;

    private String getUserContextPath() {
        return GameBase.$options().savePath + "userContext.sav";

    private FileHandle getServiceStateTmpPath() {
        return $tmpPath().child("restoreGameServiceState.ser.sav");

    public String getScreenThumbnailName() {
        return "screenShot.cim";

    public FileHandle getSaveFile(int i) {
        return Gdx.files.external(GameBase.$options().savePath + "gameState" + i + ".sav");

     * Calls {@link #listSaveFiles(int, int, int)} with the default values (2,
     * 1, 1)
     * @see #listSaveFiles(int, int)
     * @return An array of files, containing null values for empty save slots
    public FileHandle[] listSaveFiles() {
        return listSaveFiles(2, 1, 1);

     * Reads all files at the specified save directory.<br>
     * Empty files are indicated with null. The maximum number of files is
     * 100*cols+2, where the first file is reserved for auto save (e.g. incoming
     * call on android device). The second file is reserved for a quick save
     * feature and should be treated specially by the load/save menu (the auto
     * save file can be entirely ignored or can also be treated as a special
     * save file by the menu).<br>
     * In fact, the amount of 100*cols+2 represents a maximum of 100 rows.
     * @param cols
     *            Amount of columns per row
     * @param emptyTailRows
     *            Amount of empty rows appended at the end
     * @param minRows
     *            Minimum amount of rows
     * @return An array of files, containing null values for empty save slots
    public FileHandle[] listSaveFiles(int cols, int emptyTailRows, int minRows) {
        return listSaveFiles(cols, emptyTailRows, minRows, 100);

     * Reads all files at the specified save directory.<br>
     * Empty files are indicated with null. The maximum number of files is
     * maxRows*cols+2, where the first file is reserved for auto save (e.g.
     * incoming call on android device). The second file is reserved for a quick
     * save feature and should be treated specially by the load/save menu (the
     * auto save file can be entirely ignored or can also be treated as a
     * special save file by the menu).<br>
     * @param cols
     *            Amount of columns per row
     * @param emptyTailRows
     *            Amount of empty rows appended at the end
     * @param minRows
     *            Minimum amount of rows
     * @param maxRows
     *            Maximum amount of rows
     * @return An array of files, containing null values for empty save slots
    public FileHandle[] listSaveFiles(int cols, int emptyTailRows, int minRows, int maxRows) {
        maxRows = maxRows * cols + 2;
        String[] fileNames = Gdx.files.external(GameBase.$options().savePath).file().list(new FilenameFilter() {
            public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                return name.startsWith("gameState") && name.endsWith(".sav");
        // 1 auto save + 1 quick save + maxRows * cols save files
        FileHandle[] fh = new FileHandle[maxRows];
        int max = 0;
        for (String nm : fileNames) {
            int index = Integer.parseInt(nm.substring(9, nm.length() - 4));
            if (index < fh.length) {
                fh[index] = getSaveFile(index);
                int idxEnd = index + 2 + cols * emptyTailRows;
                if (idxEnd > max) {
                    max = Math.min(idxEnd, fh.length);
        if (max < 2 + minRows * cols) {
            max = 2 + minRows * cols;
        } else
            while ((max - 2) % cols != 0) {
        if (max < fh.length) {
            FileHandle[] newHandles = new FileHandle[max];
            System.arraycopy(fh, 0, newHandles, 0, max);
            fh = newHandles;
        return fh;

    private void saveUserContext() {
        FileHandle fh = Gdx.files.external(getUserContextPath());
        try {
            ObjectOutputStream oOut = new ObjectOutputStream(fh.write(false));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            GameBase.$info("GameBase.saveUserContext", "Error occured while saving the user context", e);

    private void loadUserContext() {
        FileHandle fh = Gdx.files.external(getUserContextPath());
        if (fh.exists()) {
            try {
                ObjectInputStream oIn = new ObjectInputStream(;
                Rectangle newScreen = (Rectangle) oIn.readObject();
                fullscreen = oIn.readBoolean();
                String i18nPath = (String) oIn.readObject();
       newScreen.width, (int) newScreen.height, false);
                if (fullscreen) {
           newScreen.width, (int) newScreen.height, true);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                GameBase.$info("GameBase.loadUserContext", "Error occured while loading the user context", e);

     * Saves the state to the save-file number 1, which is the quick-load/save
     * file
     * @see #saveFile(int)
     * @return true if save is successful, false otherwise
    public boolean quickSave() {
        return saveFile(1);

     * Saves the state to the save-file number 0, which is the auto-load/save
     * file. This will automatically be called on android device, when the game
     * is paused by an incoming call.
     * @see #saveFile(int)
     * @return true if save is successful, false otherwise
    public boolean autoSave() {
        return saveFile(0);

     * Loads the state from save-file number 1, which is the quick-load/save
     * file
     * @see #loadFile(int)
     * @return true if load is successful, false otherwise
    public boolean quickLoad() {
        return loadFile(1);

     * Loads the state from save-file number 0, which is the auto-load/save
     * file. This will automatically be called on android device, when the game
     * is resumed (e.g. after an incoming call).
     * @see #saveFile(int)
     * @return true if save is successful, false otherwise
    public boolean autoLoad() {
        return loadFile(0);

     * Determines if last exit has been forced by a phone call
     * @return true if exit has been forced
    protected boolean lastExitForced() {
        FileHandle fh = getSaveFile(0);
        if (fh.exists()) {
            try {
                Zipper.unzip(fh, $tmpPath());

                InputStream is = getServiceStateTmpPath().read();
                ObjectInputStream oIn = new ObjectInputStream(is);
                boolean exitForced = oIn.readBoolean();
                return exitForced;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                GameBase.$info("GameBase.lastExitForced", "Error occured while verifying the last exit state", e);
        return false;

     * Reset the entire engine. The initialization script(s) will be executed to
     * set the engine into the same state as starting it from scratch.
    public void resetEngine() {
        try {
            new ExecInMainThread() {
                public void exec() {

                    scriptFactory.evalAllScripts(sharedEngine, GameBase.$options().initScript, false);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            GameBase.$error("GameBase.create", "Error occured while initializing the game", e);

     * Saves the state to the specified save-file
     * @return true if save is successful, false otherwise
    public boolean saveFile(int fileNumber) {
        try {
            OutputStream os = getServiceStateTmpPath().write(false);
            ObjectOutputStream oOut = new ObjectOutputStream(os);

  $tmpPath(), getSaveFile(fileNumber));
            return true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            GameBase.$error("GameBase.saveFile", "Error occured while saving the game", e);
        return false;

     * Takes a screenshot from the current frame buffer. The screenshot will be
     * stretched to fit into the Rectangle specified by dstW and dstH
     * @param srcX
     * @param srcY
     * @param srcW
     * @param srcH
     * @param dstW
     * @param dstH
     * @return A Pixmap containing the screenshot. The screenshot will be
     *         flipped at the y-axis.
     * @throws IOException
    public Pixmap takeScreenshot(int srcX, int srcY, int srcW, int srcH, int dstW, int dstH) throws IOException {, 1);
        Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(srcW, srcH, Format.RGBA8888);, srcY, srcW, srcH, GL10.GL_RGBA, GL10.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixmap.getPixels());

        // scale the picture
        if (srcW != dstW || srcH != dstH) {
            Pixmap scale = new Pixmap(dstW, dstH, Format.RGBA8888);
            Blending old = Pixmap.getBlending();
            scale.drawPixmap(pixmap, 0, 0, srcW, srcH, 0, 0, dstW, dstH);
            pixmap = scale;

        return pixmap;

     * Takes a screenshot from the current player position and stores it as CIM
     * file into the temporary save directory.<br>
     * The following default values will be used:<br>
     * width=64, height=48, reduction=5, lookAt=player
     * @see #writeScreenshot(int, int, float, Movable, FileHandle)
     * @throws IOException
    public void writeScreenshot() throws IOException {
        // first try with common name "cameraTrack"
        CameraTrackMovableService s = serviceProvider.getService(CameraTrackMovableService.class, "cameraTrack");
        if (s.getTrackObj() == null)
            s = null;
        if (s == null) {
            Array<CameraTrackMovableService> s2 = serviceProvider.getServices(CameraTrackMovableService.class);
            for (int i = 0; s == null && i < s2.size; i++) {
                s = s2.get(i);
                if (s.getTrackObj() == null)
                    s = null;
        writeScreenshot(64, 48, 5, s == null ? null : s.getTrackObj(), $tmpPath().child(getScreenThumbnailName()));

     * Takes a screenshot using the parameters below. If the given
     * {@link FileHandle} has the extension png, the image will be stored as
     * PNG-image. Otherwise the internal CIM format will be used.
     * @param width
     *            The width of the screenshot
     * @param height
     *            The height of the screenshot
     * @param reduction
     *            Zoom value. The higher the value, the more the image will be
     *            shrinked.<br>
     *            1 means no shrinking. &lt; 1 will zoom in. &gt; 1 will zoom
     *            out.
     * @param lookAt
     *            Optional parameter. If null, the center of the screen will be
     *            the reference point
     * @param saveTo
     *            The path to save the image
     * @throws IOException
    public void writeScreenshot(int width, int height, float reduction, Movable lookAt, FileHandle saveTo)
            throws IOException {
        Pixmap thumbnail = takeScreenshot(width, height, reduction, lookAt);
        if ("png".equalsIgnoreCase(saveTo.extension())) {
            PixmapIO.writePNG(saveTo, thumbnail);
        } else {
            PixmapIO.writeCIM(saveTo, thumbnail);

     * Takes a screenshot using the parameters below.
     * @param width
     *            The width of the screenshot
     * @param height
     *            The height of the screenshot
     * @param reduction
     *            Zoom value. The higher the value, the more the image will be
     *            shrinked.<br>
     *            1 means no shrinking. &lt; 1 will zoom in. &gt; 1 will zoom
     *            out.
     * @param lookAt
     *            Optional parameter. If null, the center of the screen will be
     *            the reference point
     * @return A Pixmap containing the screenshot. The screenshot will be
     *         flipped at the y-axis.
     * @throws IOException
    public Pixmap takeScreenshot(int width, int height, float reduction, Movable lookAt) throws IOException {
        // revise distortion from zooming and changing window size
        float ratioX = screen.width / camera.viewportWidth;
        float ratioY = screen.height / camera.viewportHeight;
        float clipW = width * reduction * ratioX;
        float clipH = height * reduction * ratioY;
        // border at the left/right of the screen
        float camX = Math.max(0f, -camera.position.x * ratioX);
        // border at the top/bottom of the screen
        float camY = Math.max(0f, -camera.position.y * ratioY);

        if (clipW == 0 || clipW > - camX * 2f) {
            clipW = - camX * 2f;
        if (clipH == 0 || clipH > - camY * 2f) {
            clipH = - camY * 2f;
        int x;
        int y;
        if (lookAt != null) {
            x = (int) (lookAt.getScreenX() - clipW * .5f);
            y = (int) (lookAt.getScreenY() - clipH * .5f);
        } else {
            x = (int) ( - clipW * .5f);
            y = (int) ( - clipH * .5f);
        int w = (int) clipW;
        int h = (int) clipH;
        if (x < camX) {
            x = (int) camX;
        } else if ( - camX < x + w) {
            x = - (int) camX - w;
        if (y < camY) {
            y = (int) camY;
        } else if ( - camY < y + h) {
            y = - (int) camY - h;
        Pixmap thumbnail = takeScreenshot(x, y, w, h, width, height);
        return thumbnail;

     * Loads the state from the specified save-file
     * @return true if save is successful, false otherwise
    public boolean loadFile(int fileNumber) {
        FileHandle fh = getSaveFile(fileNumber);
        if (fh.exists()) {
            try {
                Zipper.unzip(fh, $tmpPath());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                GameBase.$error("GameBase.loadFile", "Error occured while loading the game", e);

            new ExecWithGlContext() {
                public void exec() throws Exception {
                    InputStream is = getServiceStateTmpPath().read();
                    ObjectInputStream oIn = new ObjectInputStream(is);
                    oIn.readBoolean(); // exitForced
                    globalState = (ObjectState) oIn.readObject();
                    globalEvents = (Map<String, EventObject>) oIn.readObject();
                    camera = (Camera) oIn.readObject();
                    plane = (Rectangle) oIn.readObject();
                    Rectangle oldScreen = screen;
                    screen = (Rectangle) oIn.readObject();
                    resize((int) oldScreen.width, (int) oldScreen.height);
                    backgroundColor = (Color) oIn.readObject();
                    gameColorTint = (Color) oIn.readObject();
                    gameColorBits = gameColorTint.toFloatBits();

                    serviceProvider.resize((int) screen.width, (int) screen.height);
            return true;
        return false;