Example usage for com.badlogic.gdx.graphics Pixmap Pixmap

List of usage examples for com.badlogic.gdx.graphics Pixmap Pixmap


In this page you can find the example usage for com.badlogic.gdx.graphics Pixmap Pixmap.


public Pixmap(byte[] encodedData, int offset, int len) 

Source Link


Creates a new Pixmap instance from the given encoded image data.


From source file:name.herve.bastod.gui.screen.game.OverlayManager.java

License:Open Source License

public void renderGrid() {
    if (grid == null) {
        Dimension dimG = engine.getGridDimension();
        Dimension dimB = engine.getBoardDimension();
        int sqs = engine.getGridSquareSize();

        Blending bck = Pixmap.getBlending();

        Pixmap p = new Pixmap(dimB.getW() + 1, dimB.getH() + 1, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
        Color c = Color.WHITE.cpy();
        c.a = 0.2f;/*ww  w. j  av a2  s.  c o  m*/

        for (int x = 0; x <= dimG.getW(); x++) {
            int bx = x * sqs;
            p.drawLine(bx, 0, bx, dimB.getH() - 1);
        for (int y = 0; y <= dimG.getH(); y++) {
            int by = y * sqs;
            p.drawLine(0, by, dimB.getW() - 1, by);

        grid = new Texture(p);


    draw(grid, Engine._SP_SIDE, Engine._SP_BOTTOM);

From source file:name.herve.bastod.gui.screen.game.OverlayManager.java

License:Open Source License

public void renderUnitOverlay(Unit selected) {
    if (selected != null) {
        if (selected instanceof Tower) {
            int shotRange = (int) (((Tower) selected).getRangeOnBoard());
            String k = selected.getPlayer().getColor() + "-" + shotRange;

            if (!towerRanges.containsKey(k)) {
                int gfxSize = shotRange * 2;

                Blending bck = Pixmap.getBlending();

                Pixmap p = new Pixmap(gfxSize, gfxSize, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
                Color c = GUIResources.getInstance().getColor(selected.getPlayer().getColor()).cpy();
                c.a = 0.2f;//  w  w w. j a  v  a2s.co  m
                p.fillCircle(shotRange, shotRange, shotRange);
                Texture t = new Texture(p);
                towerRanges.put(k, t);

            draw(towerRanges.get(k), Engine._SP_SIDE + selected.getPositionOnBoard().getX() - shotRange,
                    Engine._SP_BOTTOM + selected.getPositionOnBoard().getY() - shotRange);

From source file:name.herve.bastod.gui.screen.game.SpriteManager.java

License:Open Source License

private Texture initArmorLeft(int step, Color c) {
    Blending bck = Pixmap.getBlending();
    Pixmap.setBlending(Blending.None);/*from w  w w  . j a  v  a  2  s.  c  o m*/

    int sqs = engine.getGridSquareSize();

    Pixmap p = new Pixmap(sqs, sqs + 4, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);

    //p.drawRectangle(0, 0, sqs, 3);

    int w = step * sqs / armorLeftStep;
    p.fillRectangle(0, 0, w, 3);

    Texture t = new Texture(p);

    return t;

From source file:name.herve.bastod.gui.screen.game.SpriteManager.java

License:Open Source License

private void renderPath(Mobile m) {
    if (!pathTextures.containsKey(m)) {
        Dimension dimB = engine.getBoardDimension();

        Blending bck = Pixmap.getBlending();

        Pixmap p = new Pixmap(dimB.getW() + 1, dimB.getH() + 1, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);

        Color c = Color.GREEN.cpy();
        p.setColor(c);//w w  w .j a  va 2  s .  com
        Vector current = m.getPlayer().getStartPositionOnBoard();
        for (Vector next : m.getUnsmoothedPath()) {
            p.drawLine(current.getXInt(), dimB.getH() - current.getYInt(), next.getXInt(),
                    dimB.getH() - next.getYInt());
            current = next;

        c = Color.YELLOW.cpy();
        current = m.getPlayer().getStartPositionOnBoard();
        for (Vector next : m.getPath()) {
            p.drawLine(current.getXInt(), dimB.getH() - current.getYInt(), next.getXInt(),
                    dimB.getH() - next.getYInt());
            current = next;

        pathTextures.put(m, new Texture(p));

    draw(pathTextures.get(m), Engine._SP_SIDE, Engine._SP_BOTTOM);

    // tPath.dispose();

From source file:name.herve.bastod.guifwk.AbstractComponent.java

License:Open Source License

public void start() {
    lastUpdateTime = 0;/*from w  w w  . j  av  a 2 s .  com*/

    Blending bck = Pixmap.getBlending();

    Pixmap p = new Pixmap(getWidth(), getHeight(), Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
    Color c1 = Color.BLACK.cpy();
    c1.a = 0.8f;
    p.fillRectangle(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());

    //      p.setColor(Color.WHITE);
    //      int step = 8;
    //      for (int d = 0; d < w; d += step) {
    //         p.drawLine(x + d, h, 0, h - d);
    //         p.drawLine(x + d, h - w, w, h - d);
    //         p.drawLine(x + d, h, w, h - w + d);
    //         p.drawLine(x + d, h - w, 0, h - w + d);
    //      }

    disabled = new Texture(p);


From source file:net.ijbrown.snowdroid.TexReader.java

License:Open Source License

public Pixmap read(ByteBuffer fileDataBuffer) {
    Pixmap pixmap = null;/*from  ww  w.  j  a v a2  s .  com*/
    int finalw = fileDataBuffer.getLEShort(0);
    int finalh = fileDataBuffer.getLEShort(2);
    int sourcew = finalw;
    int sourceh = finalh;
    PalEntry[] pixels = null;

    int curIdx = 0x80;
    GIFTag gifTag = new GIFTag();
    gifTag.parse(fileDataBuffer, curIdx);

    // This is basically heuristics
    if (gifTag.nloop == 4) {

        int palw = fileDataBuffer.getLEShort(curIdx + 0x30);
        int palh = fileDataBuffer.getLEShort(curIdx + 0x34);

        curIdx += 0x50;
        GIFTag gifTag2 = new GIFTag();
        gifTag2.parse(fileDataBuffer, curIdx);

        // 8 bit palletised
        PalEntry[] palette = PalEntry.readPalette(fileDataBuffer, curIdx + 0x10, palw, palh);

        palette = PalEntry.unswizzlePalette(palette);

        int palLen = palw * palh * 4;
        curIdx += (palLen + 0x10);

        GIFTag gifTag50 = new GIFTag();
        gifTag50.parse(fileDataBuffer, curIdx);
        curIdx += 0x20;

        int dbw = (sourcew / 2 + 0x07) & ~0x07;
        int dbh = (sourceh / 2 + 0x07) & ~0x07;

        int endIndex = fileDataBuffer.len;

        // The following should be a loop, there are repeating sections
        while (curIdx < endIndex - 0x10) {
            GIFTag gifTag3 = new GIFTag();
            gifTag3.parse(fileDataBuffer, curIdx);

            int dimOffset = 0x10;

            int thisRrw = fileDataBuffer.getLEShort(curIdx + dimOffset);
            int thisRrh = fileDataBuffer.getLEShort(curIdx + dimOffset + 4);

            int startx = fileDataBuffer.getLEShort(curIdx + dimOffset + 20);
            int starty = fileDataBuffer.getLEShort(curIdx + dimOffset + 22);

            curIdx += gifTag.nloop * 0x10 + 0x10;
            pixels = readPixels32(pixels, fileDataBuffer, palette, curIdx, startx, starty, thisRrw, thisRrh,
                    dbw, dbh);
            curIdx += thisRrw * thisRrh * 4;

        if (palLen != 64) {
            pixels = unswizzle8bpp(pixels, dbw * 2, dbh * 2);
            sourcew = dbw * 2;
            sourceh = dbh * 2;
        } else {
            sourcew = dbw;
            sourceh = dbh;

    } else if (gifTag.nloop == 3) {
        GIFTag gifTag2 = new GIFTag();
        gifTag2.parse(fileDataBuffer, 0xC0);

        if (gifTag2.flg == 2) {
            // image mode
            pixels = readPixels32(pixels, fileDataBuffer, 0xD0, finalw, finalh);
    if (finalw != 0 && pixels != null) {
        pixmap = new Pixmap(finalw, finalh, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);

        for (int y = 0; y < sourceh; ++y) {
            for (int x = 0; x < sourcew; ++x) {
                PalEntry pixel = pixels[y * sourcew + x];
                if (pixel != null) {
                    pixmap.drawPixel(x, y, pixel.rgba());
    return pixmap;

From source file:net.mwplay.cocostudio.ui.parser.group.CCPanel.java

License:Apache License

public Actor parse(CocoStudioUIEditor editor, ObjectData widget) {
    Table table = new Table();

    Size size = widget.getSize();/*from w ww .  j a  va 2s  .  c  om*/
    if (widget.getComboBoxIndex() == 0) { // 

    } else if (widget.getComboBoxIndex() == 1 && widget.getBackColorAlpha() != 0) {// ?
        Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap((int) size.getX(), (int) size.getY(), Format.RGBA8888);

        pixmap.setColor(editor.getColor(widget.getSingleColor(), widget.getBackColorAlpha()));


        Drawable d = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(new Texture(pixmap)));

    if (widget.getFileData() != null) {// Panel?!!.
        Drawable tr = editor.findDrawable(widget, widget.getFileData());
        if (tr != null) {
            Image bg = new Image(tr);
            bg.setPosition((size.getX() - bg.getWidth()) / 2, (size.getY() - bg.getHeight()) / 2);
            // bg.setFillParent(true);



    return table;

From source file:net.mwplay.cocostudio.ui.parser.group.CCScrollView.java

License:Apache License

public Actor parse(CocoStudioUIEditor editor, ObjectData widget) {
    ScrollPaneStyle style = new ScrollPaneStyle();

    if (widget.getFileData() != null) {

        style.background = editor.findDrawable(widget, widget.getFileData());
    }//ww  w. j a  va2  s .  c o  m

    ScrollPane scrollPane = new ScrollPane(null, style);

    if ("Vertical_Horizontal".equals(widget.getScrollDirectionType())) {
        scrollPane.setForceScroll(true, true);
    } else if ("Horizontal".equals(widget.getScrollDirectionType())) {
        scrollPane.setForceScroll(true, false);
    } else if ("Vertical".equals(widget.getScrollDirectionType())) {
        scrollPane.setForceScroll(false, true);


    Table table = new Table();
    table.setSize(widget.getInnerNodeSize().getWidth(), widget.getInnerNodeSize().getHeight());

    if (widget.getComboBoxIndex() == 0) {// 

    } else if (widget.getComboBoxIndex() == 1) {// ?

        Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap((int) table.getWidth(), (int) table.getHeight(), Format.RGBA8888);
        Color color = editor.getColor(widget.getSingleColor(), widget.getBackColorAlpha());



        Drawable drawable = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(new Texture(pixmap)));


    return scrollPane;

From source file:net.mwplay.cocostudio.ui.particleutil.CCParticleActor.java

License:Apache License

public void initWithDictionary(ObjectMap<String, Object> dictionary, String dir, Texture texture) {
    //int maxParticles = Integer.parseInt((String) dictionary.get("maxParticles"));

    int maxParticles = (int) Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("maxParticles"));

    _positionType = PositionTypeGrouped;

    m_fAngle = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("angle"));
    m_fAngleVar = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("angleVariance"));

    // duration/*from   www  .  j  av a  2 s .c  o  m*/
    _duration = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("duration"));

    blendSrc = Integer.parseInt((String) dictionary.get("blendFuncSource"));
    blendDst = Integer.parseInt((String) dictionary.get("blendFuncDestination"));

    m_tStartColor.r = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("startColorRed"));
    m_tStartColor.g = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("startColorGreen"));
    m_tStartColor.b = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("startColorBlue"));
    m_tStartColor.a = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("startColorAlpha"));

    m_tStartColorVar.r = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("startColorVarianceRed"));
    m_tStartColorVar.g = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("startColorVarianceGreen"));
    m_tStartColorVar.b = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("startColorVarianceBlue"));
    m_tStartColorVar.a = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("startColorVarianceAlpha"));

    m_tEndColor.r = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("finishColorRed"));
    m_tEndColor.g = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("finishColorGreen"));
    m_tEndColor.b = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("finishColorBlue"));
    m_tEndColor.a = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("finishColorAlpha"));

    m_tEndColorVar.r = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("finishColorVarianceRed"));
    m_tEndColorVar.g = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("finishColorVarianceGreen"));
    m_tEndColorVar.b = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("finishColorVarianceBlue"));
    m_tEndColorVar.a = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("finishColorVarianceAlpha"));

    // particle size
    m_fStartSize = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("startParticleSize"));
    m_fStartSizeVar = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("startParticleSizeVariance"));
    _endSize = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("finishParticleSize"));
    _endSizeVar = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("finishParticleSizeVariance"));

    // position
    float x = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("sourcePositionx"));
    float y = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("sourcePositiony"));

    //        m_tSourcePosition.x = x;
    //        m_tSourcePosition.y = y;
    this.setPosition(x, y);

    m_tPosVar.x = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("sourcePositionVariancex"));
    m_tPosVar.y = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("sourcePositionVariancey"));

    // Spinning
    m_fStartSpin = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("rotationStart"));
    m_fStartSpinVar = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("rotationStartVariance"));
    m_fEndSpin = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("rotationEnd"));
    m_fEndSpinVar = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("rotationEndVariance"));

    float em = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("emitterType"));
    _emitterMode = (int) em;

    if (_emitterMode == ParticleModeGravity) {
        // gravity
        modeA.gravity.x = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("gravityx"));
        modeA.gravity.y = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("gravityy"));
        // speed
        modeA.speed = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("speed"));
        modeA.speedVar = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("speedVariance"));
        // radial acceleration
        modeA.radialAccel = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("radialAcceleration"));
        modeA.radialAccelVar = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("radialAccelVariance"));
        // tangential acceleration
        modeA.tangentialAccel = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("tangentialAcceleration"));
        modeA.tangentialAccelVar = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("tangentialAccelVariance"));
        // rotation is dir
        modeA.rotationIsDir = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) dictionary.get("rotationIsDir"));
    } else if (_emitterMode == ParticleModeRadius) {
        modeB.startRadius = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("maxRadius"));
        modeB.startRadiusVar = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("maxRadiusVariance"));
        modeB.endRadius = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("minRadius"));
        modeB.endRadiusVar = 0.0f;
        modeB.rotatePerSecond = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("rotatePerSecond"));
        modeB.rotatePerSecondVar = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("rotatePerSecondVariance"));
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid emitterType in config file");
    // life span
    m_fLife = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("particleLifespan"));
    m_fLifeVar = Float.parseFloat((String) dictionary.get("particleLifespanVariance"));
    // emission Rate
    _emissionRate = _totalParticles / m_fLife;
    if (texture != null) {
        ownesTexture = false;
        m_pTexture = texture;
    } else {
        ownesTexture = true;
        String textureName = (String) dictionary.get("textureFileName");
        FileHandle handle;
        if ("".equals(dir)) {
            handle = Gdx.files.internal(textureName);
        } else {
            handle = Gdx.files.internal(dir + "/" + textureName);
        if (handle.exists() && !handle.isDirectory()) {
            m_pTexture = new Texture(handle);
        } else {
            String textureData = new String(((String) dictionary.get("textureImageData")).getBytes(),
            int dataLen = textureData.length();
            if (dataLen > 0) {
                byte[] decodeData = Base64Coder.decode(textureData);
                byte[] imageData = LyU.unGzip(decodeData);
                Pixmap image = new Pixmap(imageData, 0, imageData.length);
                m_pTexture = new Texture(image);

From source file:net.mwplay.cocostudio.ui.particleutil.CCParticleActor.java

License:Apache License

public static Texture getDefaultTexture() {
    Pixmap pImage = new Pixmap(__firePngData, 0, __firePngData.length);
    Texture texture = new Texture(pImage);
    pImage.dispose();//from  w  ww. jav a 2  s.co m
    return texture;