Example usage for com.badlogic.gdx.graphics Pixmap Pixmap

List of usage examples for com.badlogic.gdx.graphics Pixmap Pixmap


In this page you can find the example usage for com.badlogic.gdx.graphics Pixmap Pixmap.


public Pixmap(byte[] encodedData, int offset, int len) 

Source Link


Creates a new Pixmap instance from the given encoded image data.


From source file:com.bladecoder.engine.util.RectangleRenderer.java

License:Apache License

private static Texture makePixel() {
    Texture _temp;//from   ww  w.  j a v a2 s.  co  m
    Pixmap p = new Pixmap(1, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
    p.fillRectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
    _temp = new Texture(p, true);
    return _temp;

From source file:com.bombinggames.clonkrageremade.ClonkRage.java

public void create() {
    view = new View(this);
    devtools = new DevTools(0, 0);
    //koordinatensystem nach unten zeigend
    foreGround = new Pixmap(1920, 1080, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
    //foreGround.setColor(new Color(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.9f, 1));
    backGround = new Pixmap(1920, 1080, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
    backGround.setColor(new Color(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.9f, 1));
    backGround.fill();// w w w  .j  a v a2  s .  c o  m
    int surfaceheight = 300;
    int amplitude = 50;
    float width = (float) (Math.PI / 300f);
    float colornoise = 0.3f;
    int curvatureHeight = 30;
    for (int x = 0; x < foreGround.getWidth(); x++) {
        //y position of surface
        int surface = (int) (Math.sin(width * x) * amplitude + surfaceheight);
        for (int y = 0; y < surface; y++) {
            float topCurvature = 0;//brightness of added top curvature
            if (y > surface - curvatureHeight) {//is in area of curvature
                topCurvature = (1 - (y - surface) / (float) curvatureHeight) * 0.5f;

            int color = ((int) ((topCurvature + 0.4f * (1 - colornoise / 2 + colornoise * Math.random()))
                    * 255) << 24)//R
                    | ((int) ((topCurvature + 0.3f * (1 - colornoise / 2 + colornoise * Math.random()))
                            * 255) << 16)//G
                    | ((int) ((topCurvature + 0.2f * (1 - colornoise / 2 + colornoise * Math.random()))
                            * 255) << 8)//B
                    | 1 * 255;//A
            if (x < 500) {
                foreGround.drawPixel(x, y, color);
            backGround.drawPixel(x, y,
                    ((int) ((0.2f * (1 - colornoise / 2 + colornoise * Math.random())) * 255) << 24)//R
                            | ((int) ((0.1f * (1 - colornoise / 2 + colornoise * Math.random())) * 255) << 16)//G
                            | ((int) ((0.1f * (1 - colornoise / 2 + colornoise * Math.random())) * 255) << 8)//B
                            | 1 * 255//A


From source file:com.commons.color.ColorChannelWidget.java

License:Apache License

public ColorChannelWidget(ColorPickerStyle style, Sizes sizes, String label, int maxValue, boolean useAlpha,
        final ColorChannelWidgetListener drawer) {
    super(true);/*from   w  w w. j  a  va2s . c  o m*/

    this.style = style;
    this.sizes = sizes;
    this.value = 0;
    this.maxValue = maxValue;
    this.drawer = drawer;
    this.useAlpha = useAlpha;

    barListener = new ChangeListener() {
        public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) {
            value = bar.getValue();

    if (useAlpha)
        pixmap = new Pixmap(maxValue, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
        pixmap = new Pixmap(maxValue, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGB888);

    texture = new Texture(pixmap);
    add(new VisLabel(label)).width(10 * sizes.scaleFactor).center();
    add(inputField = new ColorInputField(maxValue, new ColorInputField.ColorInputFieldListener() {
        public void changed(int newValue) {
            value = newValue;
    })).width(CustomColorPicker.FIELD_WIDTH * sizes.scaleFactor);
    add(bar = createBarImage()).size(CustomColorPicker.BAR_WIDTH * sizes.scaleFactor,
            CustomColorPicker.BAR_HEIGHT * sizes.scaleFactor);


From source file:com.commons.color.CustomColorPicker.java

License:Apache License

private void createColorWidgets() {
    palettePixmap = new Pixmap(100, 100, Format.RGB888);
    paletteTexture = new Texture(palettePixmap);

    barPixmap = new Pixmap(1, 360, Format.RGB888);

    for (int h = 0; h < 360; h++) {
        ColorUtils.HSVtoRGB(360 - h, 100, 100, tmpColor);
        barPixmap.drawPixel(0, h, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));
    }//  w  w w  .  j ava2s  .  co m

    barTexture = new Texture(barPixmap);

    palette = new Palette(style, sizes, paletteTexture, 0, 0, 100, new ChangeListener() {
        public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) {


    verticalBar = new VerticalChannelBar(style, sizes, barTexture, 0, 360, new ChangeListener() {
        public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) {

    hBar = new ColorChannelWidget(style, sizes, "H", 360, new ColorChannelWidget.ColorChannelWidgetListener() {
        public void updateFields() {

        public void draw(Pixmap pixmap) {
            for (int h = 0; h < 360; h++) {
                ColorUtils.HSVtoRGB(h, sBar.getValue(), vBar.getValue(), tmpColor);
                pixmap.drawPixel(h, 0, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));

    sBar = new ColorChannelWidget(style, sizes, "S", 100, new ColorChannelWidget.ColorChannelWidgetListener() {
        public void updateFields() {
            palette.setValue(vBar.getValue(), sBar.getValue());

        public void draw(Pixmap pixmap) {
            for (int s = 0; s < 100; s++) {
                ColorUtils.HSVtoRGB(hBar.getValue(), s, vBar.getValue(), tmpColor);
                pixmap.drawPixel(s, 0, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));

    vBar = new ColorChannelWidget(style, sizes, "V", 100, new ColorChannelWidget.ColorChannelWidgetListener() {
        public void updateFields() {
            palette.setValue(vBar.getValue(), sBar.getValue());

        public void draw(Pixmap pixmap) {
            for (int v = 0; v < 100; v++) {
                ColorUtils.HSVtoRGB(hBar.getValue(), sBar.getValue(), v, tmpColor);
                pixmap.drawPixel(v, 0, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));


    rBar = new ColorChannelWidget(style, sizes, "R", 255, new ColorChannelWidget.ColorChannelWidgetListener() {
        public void updateFields() {

        public void draw(Pixmap pixmap) {
            for (int r = 0; r < 255; r++) {
                tmpColor.set(r / 255.0f, color.g, color.b, 1);
                pixmap.drawPixel(r, 0, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));

    gBar = new ColorChannelWidget(style, sizes, "G", 255, new ColorChannelWidget.ColorChannelWidgetListener() {
        public void updateFields() {

        public void draw(Pixmap pixmap) {
            for (int g = 0; g < 255; g++) {
                tmpColor.set(color.r, g / 255.0f, color.b, 1);
                pixmap.drawPixel(g, 0, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));

    bBar = new ColorChannelWidget(style, sizes, "B", 255, new ColorChannelWidget.ColorChannelWidgetListener() {
        public void updateFields() {

        public void draw(Pixmap pixmap) {
            for (int b = 0; b < 255; b++) {
                tmpColor.set(color.r, color.g, b / 255.0f, 1);
                pixmap.drawPixel(b, 0, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));


    aBar = new ColorChannelWidget(style, sizes, "A", 255, true,
            new ColorChannelWidget.ColorChannelWidgetListener() {
                public void updateFields() {
                    if (aBar.isInputValid())
                        color.a = aBar.getValue() / 255.0f;

                public void draw(Pixmap pixmap) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
                        tmpColor.set(color.r, color.g, color.b, i / 255.0f);
                        pixmap.drawPixel(i, 0, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));

From source file:com.cyphercove.doublehelix.PowerLUT.java

License:Apache License

/** W power will be in luminance, and H power will be in alpha**/
public PowerLUT(float powerW, float intensityW, float powerH, float intensityH, int width, int height) {

    Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(width, height, Format.RGBA8888);
    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
        float valueW = (float) Math.pow((float) i / width, powerW) * intensityW;
        for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
            float valueH = (float) Math.pow((float) j / height, powerH) * intensityH;
            pixmap.setColor(valueW, valueH, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            pixmap.drawPixel(i, j);/*  ww  w .  ja va2  s .c om*/

    PixmapTextureData data = new PixmapTextureData(pixmap, Format.RGBA8888, false, false, true);

    texture = new Texture(data);
    texture.setWrap(TextureWrap.ClampToEdge, TextureWrap.ClampToEdge);
    texture.setFilter(TextureFilter.Linear, TextureFilter.Linear);

From source file:com.dongbat.game.screen.DbScreen.java

public DbScreen() {
    camera = CameraUtil.getCamera();/* ww w .j  ava2 s  .  c  om*/
    batch = RenderUtil.getBatch();
    logo = new Sprite(AssetUtil.db);
    logo.setSize(CameraUtil.MIN_WIDTH * .75f, CameraUtil.MIN_WIDTH * .75f / backgroundRatio);
    logo.setPosition(-logo.getWidth() / 2, -logo.getHeight() / 2);

    Pixmap pm1 = new Pixmap(1, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGB565);
    background = new Sprite(new Texture(pm1));
    background.setSize(CameraUtil.MIN_WIDTH, CameraUtil.MIN_HEIGHT);
    background.setPosition(-background.getWidth() / 2, -background.getHeight() / 2);

    startTime = TimeUtils.millis();

From source file:com.dongbat.game.screen.SplashScreen.java

public SplashScreen() {
    camera = CameraUtil.getCamera();// w  ww.j  av a  2s  .  c  o m
    batch = RenderUtil.getBatch();
    logo = new Sprite(AssetUtil.logo);
    logo.setSize(CameraUtil.MIN_WIDTH * .75f, CameraUtil.MIN_WIDTH * .75f / backgroundRatio);
    logo.setPosition(-logo.getWidth() / 2, -logo.getHeight() / 2);

    Pixmap pm1 = new Pixmap(1, 1, Format.RGB565);
    background = new Sprite(new Texture(pm1));
    background.setSize(CameraUtil.MIN_WIDTH, CameraUtil.MIN_HEIGHT);
    background.setPosition(-background.getWidth() / 2, -background.getHeight() / 2);

    startTime = TimeUtils.millis();


From source file:com.eightpuzzle.game.EightPuzzle.java

License:Apache License

public void create() {
    gameFont = new BitmapFont();
    solvedFont = new BitmapFont();
    batch = new SpriteBatch();
    aspectRatio = (float) Gdx.graphics.getHeight() / (float) Gdx.graphics.getWidth();
    OrthographicCamera camera = new OrthographicCamera(GAME_WIDTH * aspectRatio, GAME_HEIGHT * aspectRatio);
    //camera.position.set(GAME_WIDTH/2, GAME_HEIGHT/2, 0)
    camera.setToOrtho(false, GAME_WIDTH * aspectRatio, GAME_HEIGHT * aspectRatio);
    stage = new Stage(new ExtendViewport(GAME_WIDTH * aspectRatio, GAME_HEIGHT * aspectRatio, camera));//Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight(), camera));
    Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage);//w  ww .  j av a  2  s.  c  o m

    // A skin can be loaded via JSON or defined programmatically, either is fine. Using a skin is optional but strongly
    // recommended solely for the convenience of getting a texture, region, etc as a drawable, tinted drawable, etc.
    skin = new Skin();

    // Generate a 1x1 white texture and store it in the skin named "white".
    Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(1, 1, Format.RGBA8888);
    skin.add("white", new Texture(pixmap));

    // Store the default libgdx font under the name "default".
    skin.add("default", new BitmapFont());

    // Configure a TextButtonStyle and name it "default". Skin resources are stored by type, so this doesn't overwrite the font.
    TextButtonStyle textButtonStyle = new TextButtonStyle();
    textButtonStyle.up = skin.newDrawable("white", Color.DARK_GRAY);
    textButtonStyle.down = skin.newDrawable("white", Color.DARK_GRAY);
    //textButtonStyle.checked = skin.newDrawable("white", Color.BLUE);
    textButtonStyle.over = skin.newDrawable("white", Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
    textButtonStyle.font = skin.getFont("default");
    skin.add("default", textButtonStyle);

    Label.LabelStyle labelSty = new Label.LabelStyle();
    labelSty.font = skin.getFont("default");
    //labelSty.fontColor = Color.GREEN;
    skin.add("default", labelSty);

    WindowStyle ws = new Window.WindowStyle();
    ws.titleFont = new BitmapFont();
    ws.background = skin.newDrawable("white", Color.BLACK);
    skin.add("default", ws);

    FreeTypeFontGenerator generator = new FreeTypeFontGenerator(Gdx.files.internal("fonts/Zig.ttf"));

    FreeTypeFontParameter parameter = new FreeTypeFontParameter();
    parameter.size = 25;
    gameFont = generator.generateFont(parameter);

    FreeTypeFontParameter parameter2 = new FreeTypeFontParameter();
    parameter2.size = 100;
    parameter2.color = Color.GREEN;
    solvedFont = generator.generateFont(parameter2);

    FileHandle blue, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, solveUp, solveDown;
    if (Gdx.app.getType() == ApplicationType.Desktop) {
        blue = Gdx.files.internal("icons64px/blue-square.png");
        n1 = Gdx.files.internal("icons64px/Number-1-icon.png");
        n2 = Gdx.files.internal("icons64px/Number-2-icon.png");
        n3 = Gdx.files.internal("icons64px/Number-3-icon.png");
        n4 = Gdx.files.internal("icons64px/Number-4-icon.png");
        n5 = Gdx.files.internal("icons64px/Number-5-icon.png");
        n6 = Gdx.files.internal("icons64px/Number-6-icon.png");
        n7 = Gdx.files.internal("icons64px/Number-7-icon.png");
        n8 = Gdx.files.internal("icons64px/Number-8-icon.png");
        solveUp = blue;
        solveDown = blue;
    } else {
        blue = Gdx.files.internal("icons256px/blue-circle.png");
        n1 = Gdx.files.internal("icons256px/Number-1-icon.png");
        n2 = Gdx.files.internal("icons256px/Number-2-icon.png");
        n3 = Gdx.files.internal("icons256px/Number-3-icon.png");
        n4 = Gdx.files.internal("icons256px/Number-4-icon.png");
        n5 = Gdx.files.internal("icons256px/Number-5-icon.png");
        n6 = Gdx.files.internal("icons256px/Number-6-icon.png");
        n7 = Gdx.files.internal("icons256px/Number-7-icon.png");
        n8 = Gdx.files.internal("icons256px/Number-8-icon.png");
        solveUp = Gdx.files.internal("icons256px/Box_Green.png");
        solveDown = Gdx.files.internal("icons256px/rectangle_green.png");
    Texture bSquare = new Texture(blue);
    Texture n1T = new Texture(n1);
    Texture n2T = new Texture(n2);
    Texture n3T = new Texture(n3);
    Texture n4T = new Texture(n4);
    Texture n5T = new Texture(n5);
    Texture n6T = new Texture(n6);
    Texture n7T = new Texture(n7);
    Texture n8T = new Texture(n8);

    TextureRegion bSquareReg = new TextureRegion(bSquare);
    TextureRegion n1Reg = new TextureRegion(n1T);
    TextureRegion n2Reg = new TextureRegion(n2T);
    TextureRegion n3Reg = new TextureRegion(n3T);
    TextureRegion n4Reg = new TextureRegion(n4T);
    TextureRegion n5Reg = new TextureRegion(n5T);
    TextureRegion n6Reg = new TextureRegion(n6T);
    TextureRegion n7Reg = new TextureRegion(n7T);
    TextureRegion n8Reg = new TextureRegion(n8T);

    TextureRegionDrawable solveDUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(new Texture(solveUp)));
    TextureRegionDrawable solveDDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(new Texture(solveDown)));
    ImageTextButton.ImageTextButtonStyle tbSty = new ImageTextButton.ImageTextButtonStyle(solveDUp, solveDDown,
            solveDUp, gameFont);
    skin.add("default", tbSty);

    ImageButtonStyle bSquareSty = new ImageButtonStyle();
    bSquareSty.imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(bSquareReg);
    bSquareSty.imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(bSquareReg);

    ImageButtonStyle n1Sty = new ImageButtonStyle();
    n1Sty.imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(n1Reg);
    n1Sty.imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(n1Reg);

    ImageButtonStyle n2Sty = new ImageButtonStyle();
    n2Sty.imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(n2Reg);
    n2Sty.imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(n2Reg);

    ImageButtonStyle n3Sty = new ImageButtonStyle();
    n3Sty.imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(n3Reg);
    n3Sty.imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(n3Reg);

    ImageButtonStyle n4Sty = new ImageButtonStyle();
    n4Sty.imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(n4Reg);
    n4Sty.imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(n4Reg);

    ImageButtonStyle n5Sty = new ImageButtonStyle();
    n5Sty.imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(n5Reg);
    n5Sty.imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(n5Reg);

    ImageButtonStyle n6Sty = new ImageButtonStyle();
    n6Sty.imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(n6Reg);
    n6Sty.imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(n6Reg);

    ImageButtonStyle n7Sty = new ImageButtonStyle();
    n7Sty.imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(n7Reg);
    n7Sty.imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(n7Reg);

    ImageButtonStyle n8Sty = new ImageButtonStyle();
    n8Sty.imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(n8Reg);
    n8Sty.imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(n8Reg);

    ImageButton b1 = new ImageButton(n1Sty);
    b1.addListener(new MyChangeListener(1));
    map.put(1, b1);

    ImageButton holeB = new ImageButton(bSquareSty);
    map.put(0, holeB);

    ImageButton ib = new ImageButton(n2Sty);
    ib.addListener(new MyChangeListener(2));
    map.put(2, ib);

    ImageButton b4 = new ImageButton(n3Sty);
    b4.addListener(new MyChangeListener(3));
    ImageButton b5 = new ImageButton(n4Sty);
    b5.addListener(new MyChangeListener(4));
    ImageButton b6 = new ImageButton(n5Sty);
    b6.addListener(new MyChangeListener(5));
    map.put(3, b4);
    map.put(4, b5);
    map.put(5, b6);

    ImageButton b7 = new ImageButton(n6Sty);
    b7.addListener(new MyChangeListener(6));
    ImageButton b8 = new ImageButton(n7Sty);
    b8.addListener(new MyChangeListener(7));
    ImageButton b9 = new ImageButton(n8Sty);
    b9.addListener(new MyChangeListener(8));
    map.put(6, b7);
    map.put(7, b8);
    map.put(8, b9);

    newGameB = new ImageTextButton("New Game", skin);
    newGameB.addListener(new NewGameListener());

    solveB = new ImageTextButton("Solve", skin);
    solveB.addListener(new MySolveListener());



    VerticalGroup vg = new VerticalGroup();


From source file:com.esotericsoftware.spine.SkeletonViewer.java

License:Open Source License

void loadSkeleton(FileHandle skeletonFile, boolean reload) {
    if (skeletonFile == null)
        return;//w  ww .j ava 2s.c o m

    // A regular texture atlas would normally usually be used. This returns a white image for images not found in the atlas.
    Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(32, 32, Format.RGBA8888);
    pixmap.setColor(new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.33f));
    final AtlasRegion fake = new AtlasRegion(new Texture(pixmap), 0, 0, 32, 32);

    String atlasFileName = skeletonFile.nameWithoutExtension();
    if (atlasFileName.endsWith(".json"))
        atlasFileName = new FileHandle(atlasFileName).nameWithoutExtension();
    FileHandle atlasFile = skeletonFile.sibling(atlasFileName + ".atlas");
    if (!atlasFile.exists())
        atlasFile = skeletonFile.sibling(atlasFileName + ".atlas.txt");
    TextureAtlasData data = !atlasFile.exists() ? null
            : new TextureAtlasData(atlasFile, atlasFile.parent(), false);
    TextureAtlas atlas = new TextureAtlas(data) {
        public AtlasRegion findRegion(String name) {
            AtlasRegion region = super.findRegion(name);
            return region != null ? region : fake;

    try {
        String extension = skeletonFile.extension();
        if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase("json") || extension.equalsIgnoreCase("txt")) {
            SkeletonJson json = new SkeletonJson(atlas);
            skeletonData = json.readSkeletonData(skeletonFile);
        } else {
            SkeletonBinary binary = new SkeletonBinary(atlas);
            skeletonData = binary.readSkeletonData(skeletonFile);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        ui.toast("Error loading skeleton: " + skeletonFile.name());
        lastModifiedCheck = 5;

    skeleton = new Skeleton(skeletonData);
    skeleton = new Skeleton(skeleton);

    state = new AnimationState(new AnimationStateData(skeletonData));

    this.skeletonFile = skeletonFile;
    Preferences prefs = Gdx.app.getPreferences("spine-skeletontest");
    prefs.putString("lastFile", skeletonFile.path());
    lastModified = skeletonFile.lastModified();
    lastModifiedCheck = checkModifiedInterval;

    // Populate UI.

        Array<String> items = new Array();
        for (Skin skin : skeletonData.getSkins())
        Array<String> items = new Array();
        for (Animation animation : skeletonData.getAnimations())

    // Configure skeleton from UI.

    state.setAnimation(0, ui.animationList.getSelected(), ui.loopCheckbox.isChecked());

    if (reload)

From source file:com.explatcreations.sft.graphics.RectSprite.java

License:Open Source License

private static Texture makeTexture() {
    final Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(1, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
    pixmap.fill();/*from   www .  j av  a 2  s  . c  o m*/
    final Texture result = new Texture(pixmap);
    return result;