Photoshop Photo Surreal Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Photo Surreal
Creating The Surreal Photo Manipulation ?Solstice? Photoshop,179 Images, 8308 words
Today we will be creating a surreal and dream-like photo manipulation from various stocks, brushes, and textures. We will be using Adjustment Layers to modify and blend our images non-destructively into a cohesive scene. We will also cover some prett..

Photo Manipulate a Surreal Coffee Machine Contraption Photoshop,114 Images, 2009 words
In this tutorial I'll show you how to create a surreal and conceptual photo manipulation called " Coffee Mind". We'll go through the techniques of manipulating, retouching, masking, using brush, blending and more. Create a new document and fill it wi..

Creating the Surreal Photo Illustration ?Checkmate? Photoshop,80 Images, 3430 words
For this tutorial I will be showing you how to take a few simple elements and turn them into something dark and surreal. We will be covering different masking and blending techniques along with light and coloring effects. We will also be playing with..

Create a Surreal Environment Using a Photo Photoshop,27 Images, 1916 words
Lately, it has become popular to manipulate photos to create intense surreal environments. This tutorial will show you some of the ways to create such environments. After browsing some free stock photos at stock.xchng, I finally decided on a picture ..

Create a Out of Bounds Surreal Photo manipulation in Photoshop Photoshop,40 Images, 2962 words
Photo manipulation is an art that requires a lot of patience along with the expertise in Photoshop. With our creativity and imagination, we can manipulate any photograph the way we want. Its all about how we use our imagination and properly understan..

Design a Surreal and Ornate Photo Manipulation Photoshop,46 Images, 1618 words
Now reduce this photo layer's opacity to 45%, and use your mask tool to mask off the top of the photo (fading the tops of the trees using a large, soft black paintbrush within your mask). Now apply a hue/saturation adjustment layer. Be sure to create..

Create a Surreal Smoking Photo Manipulation Photoshop,42 Images, 895 words
Create a new layer called 'background gradient'. Fill your canvas with a radial gradient ranging from 003851 to 001a26. Now paste in your mountain range photo. Reduce this layer's opacity to 8%, to add a subtle background texture. Now add a couple of..

Create a Beautiful Surreal Night Photo Manipulation Photoshop,47 Images, 2090 words
In this Step I have provided all the links to the sources I have used to make this image. Sources:- 1. TREE Stock: (Thanks to Linzee777) 2. PITCHER: (Thanks to SalsolaStock) 3. Window: (Thanks to inkd-in-blood) 4. Floor: (Thanks to CamaroGirl666-Stoc..

Create a Surreal Out of Bounds Photo Manipulation in Photosho Photoshop,42 Images, 2127 words
In this tutorial we will combine several images of water, animals, and people to create a surreal out of bounds photo manipulation in Photoshop. Let's get started! The first Step is to open the picture with the human head. Select the pen tool and cut..

Create a Surreal Photo Manip Photoshop,32 Images, 1197 words
Open up a new document (600X700px) and create a new layer called 'background'. Draw a radial gradient ranging from dark gray to very dark gray. Next, create a new layer called 'clouds' and go to filter>render>clouds. Now set your cloud layer's blend ..

Create a Terrifying Surreal Photo Manipulation Photoshop,32 Images, 1023 words
Open up a new document (600X600px) and then start by pasting in one of the incredible textures from our recent texture set: Now go to edit>transform>distort and distort your text to look like the shape below: Then in your layers palette option+click ..

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