Photoshop Photo Focus Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Photo Focus
Create A Photo Within A Photo To Add Excitement And Bring Focus To Your Subject Photoshop,27 Images, 2154 words
Written by Steve Patterson. In this Photoshop Effects tutorial, we'll learn how to add excitement to a photo (not that your photos aren't exciting enough, of course) and bring more focus and attention to your main subject by creating the illusion of ..

Creating Focus on the Photo Photoshop,13 Images, 478 words
In this tutorial I will show you how to create the focus on individual items on a photo. Usually, this effect can be done with a photo camera. But what if the focus needs to be done already on the finished photo? Now we need to decide where we want t..

Adding Focus in Your Photo for the "WOW" facotr Photoshop,11 Images, 263 words
Thank julepils. Didnt realised i missed that two bubbles. :D will edit it asap. I'm just trying this out (newbie)...Got everything so far but can't find the Blur part....under what menu is it, or am I doing this all wrong. Thanks for the info....Meli..

Create Amazingly Sharp Photos with Focus Stacking Photoshop,9 Images, 1648 words
We often use focus stacking for critical product shots, where closed aperture or tilt-shift lens does not provide enough DOF and/or details. For this photography and photoshop CS5 tutorial, we have photographed a silver bracelet, positioned at about ..

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