Photoshop Photo Paint Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Photo Paint
Transform Photo into Watercolor Painting Photoshop,13 Images, 1760 words
There are plenty of great stock images to choose from Night Fate Stock of deviantArt. I'm using one of them for this tutorial. Create a new document with size 750 550 pixels. Open up the Scenery image, drag into the document and resize it so it fits ..

How to Create a Traditional, Chinese Ink Painting Based on a Scenic Photo Photoshop,38 Images, 1112 words
Try a breath of ancient Chinese art and culture! With these simple intuitive steps of manipulations, you will learn how to create an original traditional style Chinese painting, which has an archaic charm just beyond your photo. Even with these basic..

Distort Paint Splatters to Construct a Unique Photo-Manipulation Photoshop,28 Images, 846 words
Call this layer 'old paper texture'. Then reduce this layer's opacity to 60%. Now apply a hue/saturation adjustment layer. Decrease your saturation to -60 and increase your lightness to +25. Then cut it out from it's background. Because the backgroun..

Create a Charismatic Paint Dispersion Photo Manipulation in Photoshop Photoshop,27 Images, 628 words
Another Photo manipulation tutorial today. As usual we'll be using Adobe Photoshop to create our image. In this tutorial I'll be creating an artistic paint splatter effect on the picture of a beautiful young lady. This photo manipulation is easy to m..

Create An Instant Photo To Oil Painting Action In Photoshop Photoshop,21 Images, 1692 words
Written by Steve Patterson. In this Photo Effects tutorial, we're going to take a photo and make it look like an oil painting, which is a popular and fun thing to do with Photoshop. Problem is, creating the effect requires the use of a few different ..

Turning Photos into Oil Paintings Photoshop,20 Images, 874 words
One interesting tutorial is how to turn photos into oil painting and that is what you will learn using Photoshop. Open photo on Photoshop. First thing which you need to do is to unlock the background layer. To do this, double click on the "Background..

How to Combine Digital Painting and Photo Manipulation to Create a Platform Environment Photoshop,17 Images, 798 words
In this tutorial, you will learn how to combine digital painting and photo manipulation to create polished fantasy art. The process of combining digital painting and photo manipulation is a great mix. It truly allows you conquer the world with beauti..

Faking HDR - painting-style photos Photoshop,17 Images, 594 words
This HDR Photoshop tutorial shows quite easy way to fake HDR photos in Photoshop. You don't need to shoot into RAW or take multiple photos - one JPEG file is enough. HDR Photoshop effect gives a cool painterly style to your photos. If you want get th..

How to Convert Your Photo into a Watercolor Painting Photoshop,10 Images, 151 words
Hi guys, I'm here with another short tutorial for you. Today, I'll show you how you can transform your Photo into a watercolor painting in Photoshop just in 5-10 min. So, let's get started. Open the image on you want to apply watercolor painting effe..

Create Oil Painting Photo Effects Photoshop,2 Images, 323 words
Today's Photoshop CS6 Tutorial on Creating an Oil painting photo effect by using the newly added special effects option called " Oil Paint ". To achieve this effect you need to download the new Adobe Photoshop CS6 version [beta]. We made a brief note..

Photo to Painted Photoshop,4 Images, 119 words
This is pretty much what u can do after u have finished this tutorial. I've found this pic on Okey Let's get started. 2. Go to: Filter > Artistic > Cutout, Use Smudge stick with the settings; Stroke Length: 1, Highlight Area: 5 and Inte..

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