Photoshop Photo Old Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Photo Old
Create An Old-Fashioned, Hand-Tinted Photo Effect Photoshop,25 Images, 1029 words
Written by Steve Patterson. In this Photoshop Effects tutorial, we're going to learn how to easily create an old-fashioned, hand-tinted photo effect. All it takes is an adjustment layer, a layer blend mode, some blurring, a slider bar, and a couple o..

Old Railway - Digital Scrapbooking with Photos Photoshop,19 Images, 210 words
Learn how to create a digital scrapbook template or design in this tutorial. You will learn how to pull different scrapbook elements together with your photos. Find a texture representing the tree bark of 1280 1024 px and 72 dpi. (I used this texture..

Old Photo Effect Photoshop,4 Images, 161 words
First of all, open up the photo you want to edit. Make sure to make up a backup copy of your original before working on it. First, lets turn the photo in black and white, go to Image Adjustments desaturate. Then apply some brightness/contrast to ..

Older Photo Effect Photoshop,7 Images, 119 words
This tutorial will show you, step by step, how to take an ordinary photo and turn in into a Renaissance style painting. Please do not mix this tutorial "old photo effect", as we will try to take our picture not only a few decades back in time, but a ..

Old Photo Effect Photoshop,3 Images, 196 words
2. Duplicate your background, and change the new layer level (image>adjustment>level). In my case, i use 52, 1.44, 255 3. Give it sephia effect using the color balance tool (ctrl+b). I enter 64,-4,-73 for my sephia effect. 5. Get your paper layer fil..

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