Photoshop Photo Scene Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Photo Scene
Photo Manipulate a Complex Surrogate Scene Photoshop,131 Images, 1413 words
Create a new file with a width of 2500px and a height of 4000 px at 300 dpi (Dots per Inch). Background Contents should be White. To start off we'll use various textures to create a subtle distress background. First, add a group folder called "Textur..

Photo Manipulate a Surreal Sky Station Scene Photoshop,123 Images, 2374 words
In this tutorial I will show you how to create a surreal photo manipulation called "The Sky Station". We'll go through different techniques of manipulating, retouching, masking, using brush, coloring and much more. On background layer, i use Lasso To..

Create Bring Me To Life Photo Manipulation Scene Photoshop,129 Images, 2537 words
Hello guys, this is my second tutorial and I hope you will enjoy it as much as the first one. In this tutorial you will learn different photo manipulation techniques such as how to implement stock photos in your picture, how to combine them together ..

Photo Manipulate a Surreal, Gravity-Defying Desert Scene Photoshop,124 Images, 1432 words
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create an conceptual surreal photo-manipulation. We are going to learn the process of creating depth of field using a few advance tools. We are going to learn how to blend images so seamlessly that it would look..

Photo Manipulate a Dramatic Battle Scene in Photoshop Photoshop,115 Images, 2149 words
In this tutorial I will show you how to create a dramatic action scene. During process of making this piece, you will learn how to combine different stock images, create exciting effects, effectively use blending modes, adjust color correctly and muc..

Photo Manipulate a Magical Shoe House Scene Photoshop,66 Images, 2175 words
Paste the sky into the top part of your canvas. I used the transform scaling box to make the height of this sky a little taller, filling more of the canvas: Apply a color balance adjustment layer, being sure to give you adjustment layer a clipping ma..

Photo Manipulate an Eerie Grim Reaper Scene in Photoshop Photoshop,55 Images, 1762 words
In this tutorial we will create a dark fantasy landscape featuring a grim reaper sitting on an old carriage. Follow through the steps in this tutorial on how to set mood to the scene, lighting and sharpening your image. Firstly, open the sourced stoc..

Photo Manipulate an Artistic Cloudscape Scene Photoshop,57 Images, 1164 words
NOTE: For this tutorial unless otherwise stated always apply a clipping mask to all of your adjustment layers. This ensures that your adjustments will only effect the underlying layer, rather than your entire canvas. Paste in your mountain range imag..

Photo Manipulate a Surreal Apple Habitat Scene Photoshop,54 Images, 1636 words
We want our background to be slightly out of focus, as it will be in the background after all, and we want our foreground images to appear more in focus. To achieve this, ensure that your 'field background' layer is selected and then go to filter>con..

Photo Manipulate an Explosive Magical Reading Scene Photoshop,48 Images, 1185 words
Paste in your background landscape image, positioning it until it looks like the image below: Now we want to blur our background, as this will later act to create a depth of field effect. To do this, go to filters>blur>gaussian blur. Apply a gaussian..

Photo Manipulate a Cute Flying Pig Scene Photoshop,54 Images, 1629 words
Paste in your sky photo from the resources section for this tutorial, positioning it to fit like the image below: Apply a color balance adjustment layer to your sky layer. For all adjustment layers in this tutorial be sure to apply a clipping mask so..

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