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package com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.scenes; // w w w .j av a 2 s. c o m import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputProcessor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.GameManager; import com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.GameType.BaseGameType; import com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.GameType.Difficulty; import com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.IActivityRequestHandler.IConfirmDialogCallback; import com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.IScene; import com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.ISceneManager; import com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.objects.IntroSceneButtonsObject; import com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.objects.TextButton; import com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.utils.GameHelper; import com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.utils.Mathf; import com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.utils.MyFontDrawer; import com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.utils.MyFontDrawerBatch; import com.igorcrevar.rolloverchuck.utils.MyFontDrawerDefaultFont; public class IntroScene implements IScene, InputProcessor { private SpriteBatch spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(); private String[] title = new String[] { "R", "o", "l", "l", null, "o", "v", "e", "r", null, "B", "a", "l", "l", "!" }; private MyFontDrawer[] titleDrawers = new MyFontDrawer[title.length]; private float[] titleXPos = new float[title.length]; private String creditsText = "Roll over Ball! by WayILook@Games (c) 2014 ..... " + "Concept & design, programming & blabla by Igor Crevar " + "also unknown as \"random guy from somewhere over the nowhere\""; private float creditsPos; private GameManager gameManager; private float timer; private IntroSceneButtonsObject buttons; private ISceneManager sceneManager; // batch for custom font private MyFontDrawerBatch myFontDrawerBatch = new MyFontDrawerBatch(new MyFontDrawerDefaultFont(), 1920, 1080); private boolean isGameChoosen; private BaseGameType choosenBaseGameType; private TextButton[] gameTypeButtons; private TextButton[] difficultyTypeButtons; private float gameChoosenTimer; private TextureRegion textureRegionForTitle; public IntroScene(ISceneManager sceneManager) { this.sceneManager = sceneManager; this.gameManager = sceneManager.getGameManager(); this.textureRegionForTitle = gameManager.getTextureAtlas("base").findRegion("myfont2"); float titleX = 320f; // 220.0f; int i = 0; for (String letter : title) { titleXPos[i] = titleX; if (letter != null) { titleDrawers[i] = new MyFontDrawer(letter, 20f, 20f, 10.0f, 0.00001f, textureRegionForTitle, -60f, 80f, Float.NaN, 1.0f); myFontDrawerBatch.addNew(titleDrawers[i]); titleX += titleDrawers[i].getWidth() + 15.0f; } else { titleDrawers[i] = null; titleX += 60.0f; } ++i; } MyFontDrawer fnt2 = myFontDrawerBatch.addNew(new MyFontDrawer("(c) WayILook@Games 2014", 10f, 10f, 5.0f, 0.00001f, gameManager.getTextureAtlas("base").findRegion("myfont"), 0f, 0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); fnt2.translate((1920 - fnt2.getWidth()) / 2.0f, fnt2.getHeight() + 20, 0.0f); buttons = new IntroSceneButtonsObject(sceneManager, 600f); final IntroScene thisObj = this; gameTypeButtons = new TextButton[2]; gameTypeButtons[0] = new TextButton(gameManager.getBitmapFont(), "Arcade", 600.0f, 600f, 120.0f) { @Override protected void onClick() { thisObj.chooseGameType(BaseGameType.Arcade); } }; gameTypeButtons[1] = new TextButton(gameManager.getBitmapFont(), "Stress Free", 400.0f, 600f, 120.0f) { @Override protected void onClick() { thisObj.chooseGameType(BaseGameType.StressFree); } }; difficultyTypeButtons = new TextButton[3]; difficultyTypeButtons[0] = new TextButton(gameManager.getBitmapFont(), "Easy", 800.0f, 600f, 120f) { @Override protected void onClick() { thisObj.chooseDifficulty(Difficulty.Easy); } }; difficultyTypeButtons[1] = new TextButton(gameManager.getBitmapFont(), "Medium", 600.0f, 600f, 120f) { @Override protected void onClick() { thisObj.chooseDifficulty(Difficulty.Medium); } }; difficultyTypeButtons[2] = new TextButton(gameManager.getBitmapFont(), "Die hard!", 400.0f, 600f, 120f) { @Override protected void onClick() { thisObj.chooseDifficulty(Difficulty.Hard); } }; } public void chooseGameType(BaseGameType baseGameType) { isGameChoosen = true; gameChoosenTimer = 0.0f; this.choosenBaseGameType = baseGameType; } public void chooseDifficulty(Difficulty diff) { sceneManager.startGame(choosenBaseGameType, diff); } @Override public void init(ISceneManager sceneManager) { Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(this);;;; gameManager.playIntroMusic(); timer = 0.0f; creditsPos = 1920.0f; isGameChoosen = false; sceneManager.getGameManager().getStars().init(sceneManager.getGameManager().getTextureAtlas("base").findRegion("star")); } @Override public void update(ISceneManager sceneManager, float deltaTime) { GameHelper.clearScreen(); GameHelper.setProjectionFor2D(spriteBatch, 1920, 1080); spriteBatch.begin(); sceneManager.getGameManager().getStars().update(deltaTime); sceneManager.getGameManager().getStars().draw(spriteBatch); spriteBatch.end(); BitmapFont font = gameManager.getBitmapFont(); if (!isGameChoosen) { float angle = Mathf.lerp(359.0f, 0.0f, timer * 0.45f); float titleScale = Mathf.lerp(4.0f, 1.0f, timer * 0.5f); float ntimer = (timer - (int)Math.max(timer - 0, 0f)) / 1.0f; // every two seconds all colors in texture are rotated float npos = (int)Mathf.lerp(1f, 10f, ntimer) / 10.0f; for (int i = 0; i < titleDrawers.length; ++i) { MyFontDrawer fd = titleDrawers[i]; if (fd != null) { fd.setUVMinMaxScrollV(textureRegionForTitle, npos, 0.3f); fd.idt().translate(titleXPos[i], 800, 0.0f).scale(titleScale, titleScale, 0.0f).rotateAround(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, angle); } } myFontDrawerBatch.draw(gameManager.getShader("region"), textureRegionForTitle.getTexture()); GameHelper.setProjectionFor2D(spriteBatch, 1920, 1080); spriteBatch.begin(); font.setScale(0.6f); font.setColor(Color.WHITE); font.draw(spriteBatch, creditsText, creditsPos, 180); creditsPos -= 200.0f * deltaTime; if (creditsPos < -font.getBounds(creditsText).width - 20.0f) { creditsPos = 1920; } buttons.draw(spriteBatch); // draw textButtons for (TextButton tb : gameTypeButtons) { tb.draw(spriteBatch, font); } } // if game choosen second menu show else { GameHelper.setProjectionFor2D(spriteBatch, 1920, 1080); spriteBatch.begin(); float scale = Mathf.lerp(0.0f, 1.0f, gameChoosenTimer * 4f); Sprite overlaySprite = sceneManager.getGameManager().getOverlaySprite(1.0f, 0.95f); overlaySprite.setScale(scale); overlaySprite.draw(spriteBatch); if (scale == 1.0f) { for (TextButton tb : difficultyTypeButtons) { tb.draw(spriteBatch, font); } } gameChoosenTimer += deltaTime; } spriteBatch.end(); timer += deltaTime; } @Override public void leave(ISceneManager sceneManager) { gameManager.stopIntroMusic(); } @Override public void dispose(ISceneManager sceneManager) { spriteBatch.dispose(); myFontDrawerBatch.dispose(); } @Override public boolean keyDown(int keycode) { return false; } @Override public boolean keyUp(int keycode) { if (keycode == Keys.BACK || keycode == Keys.ESCAPE) { if (isGameChoosen) { isGameChoosen = false; } else { sceneManager.getRequestHandler().confirmDialog("Quit game?", new IConfirmDialogCallback() { @Override public void confirmDialogResult(boolean result) { if (result); } }); } } return true; } @Override public boolean keyTyped(char character) { return false; } @Override public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { float x = GameHelper.screenX2OtherX(screenX, 1920); float y = GameHelper.screenY2OtherY(screenY, 1080); if (isGameChoosen) { for (TextButton tb : difficultyTypeButtons) { tb.check(x, y); } } else { buttons.check(x, y); for (TextButton tb : gameTypeButtons) { tb.check(x, y); } } return true; } @Override public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { return true; } @Override public boolean touchDragged(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer) { return false; } @Override public boolean mouseMoved(int screenX, int screenY) { return false; } @Override public boolean scrolled(int amount) { return false; } }