Exercise 4: Applying Gof and J2EE Patterns:Deploy to WebLogic and Test : Struts « J2EE « Java

Exercise 4: Applying Gof and J2EE Patterns:Deploy to WebLogic and Test

First edition copyright 2004 ObjectSource LLC. All rights reserved.
This training material and the accompanying lab exercises were prepared 
by Srikanth Shenoy for ObjectSource LLC.

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Technical Objectives for this exercise: 
The technical objectives of this exercise is to learn ?how to?: 
1. A whole lot of patterns based code is added in this exercise. Hence no Struts related functionality 
is added. Just the Search Functionality with Database is Implemented 
2. Gof Patterns - Factory Method, Abstract Factory are implemented 
3. Core J2EE Patterns - Business Delegate, Session Facade, Transfer Object, Data Access Object 
are implemented 
Observe how patterns are applied and the Search functionality is implemented. This steps are not 
listed since they are not core to Struts usage that we want to illustrate. Time permitting, I will add 
this section later. Let us move on to important coverage of Struts features in subsequent exercises. 



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