Utility for checking colors given either hexa or natural language string descriptions.
import java.awt.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Utility for checking colors given either hexa or "natural language" string descriptions.
* <p>For all assertEquals/equals methods, the "expected" parameter can be either:
* <ul>
* <li>A <code>Color</code> object specifying the exact color</li>
* <li>A <code>String</code> object containing the hexadecimal description of the exact color</li>
* <li>A <code>String</code> object containing the name of a color for an approximate comparison.
* The authorized names are those of the predefined Color objects defined in the Java
* <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/awt/Color.html">Color</a> class.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @see <a href="http://www.uispec4j.org/usingcolors.html">Using colors</a>
public final class ColorUtils {
private static final Map<String, Color> nameToColorMap = buildNameToColorMap();
static final String UNEXPECTED_COLOR_CLASS = "Expected color should be an instance of Color or String";
public static boolean equals(Object expectedColor, Color actual) {
if (expectedColor instanceof Color) {
return expectedColor.equals(actual);
else if (expectedColor instanceof String) {
return equals((String)expectedColor, actual);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNEXPECTED_COLOR_CLASS);
public static boolean equals(String expectedColor, Color actual) {
Color foundColor = nameToColorMap.get(expectedColor.toUpperCase());
if (foundColor != null) {
return equals(foundColor, actual, true);
try {
foundColor = getColor(expectedColor);
return equals(foundColor, actual, false);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + expectedColor + "' does not seem to be a color");
public static Color getColor(String hexaString) {
return new Color(Integer.parseInt(hexaString, 16));
* Returns a normalized string description given a Color or another String description
public static String getColorDescription(Object color) {
if (color instanceof Color) {
return getColorDescription((Color)color);
else if (color instanceof String) {
return getColorDescription((String)color);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNEXPECTED_COLOR_CLASS);
* Returns a description string for a given Color object
public static String getColorDescription(Color color) {
return toHexString(color).toUpperCase();
* Normalizes a given color description string
public static String getColorDescription(String color) {
return color.toUpperCase();
private static boolean equals(Color expected, Color actual, boolean matchBySimilarity) {
if (matchBySimilarity) {
return computeHSBDistance(expected, actual) < 0.9;
else {
return expected.equals(actual);
private static Color getColor(Object input) {
if (input instanceof Color) {
return (Color)input;
else if (input instanceof String) {
Color namedColor = nameToColorMap.get(((String)input).toUpperCase());
if (namedColor != null) {
return namedColor;
return getColor((String)input);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNEXPECTED_COLOR_CLASS);
private static double computeHSBDistance(Color expected, Color actual) {
float[] expectedHSB = toHSB(expected);
float[] actualHSB = toHSB(actual);
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((expectedHSB[0] - actualHSB[0]) * 20, 2)
+ Math.pow(expectedHSB[1] - actualHSB[1], 2)
+ Math.pow((expectedHSB[2] - actualHSB[2]) * 2, 2));
private static float[] toHSB(Color aColor) {
return Color.RGBtoHSB(aColor.getRed(), aColor.getGreen(), aColor.getBlue(), null);
private static Map<String, Color> buildNameToColorMap() {
Map<String, Color> colorMap = new HashMap<String, Color>();
for (Field field : Color.class.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (isConstantColorField(field)) {
try {
Color color = (Color)field.get(null);
colorMap.put(field.getName().toUpperCase(), color);
catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// Should not occur because the field is public and static
colorMap.put("DARKGREY", getColor("555555"));
colorMap.put("DARKBLUE", getColor("000055"));
colorMap.put("DARKRED", getColor("550000"));
colorMap.put("DARKGREEN", getColor("005500"));
colorMap.put("DARK_GREY", getColor("555555"));
colorMap.put("DARK_BLUE", getColor("000055"));
colorMap.put("DARK_RED", getColor("550000"));
colorMap.put("DARK_GREEN", getColor("005500"));
return colorMap;
private static boolean isConstantColorField(Field field) {
return Modifier.isPublic(field.getModifiers()) && Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())
&& Color.class == field.getType();
private static String toHexString(Color color) {
return Integer.toHexString(color.getRGB()).substring(2);
Related examples in the same category
1. | Color class is used to work with colors in Java 2D | | |
2. | Color Utilities: common color operations | | |
3. | Color Difference | | |
4. | Rainbow Color | |  |
5. | XOR color | |  |
6. | Color Gradient | | |
7. | Common color utilities | | |
8. | Drawing with Color | | |
9. | Color fading animation | | |
10. | 140 colors - defined for X Window System listed in O'Reilly html pocket reference 87pp | | |
11. | Color Util | | |
12. | Color Factory | | |
13. | An efficient color quantization algorithm | | |
14. | Derives a color by adding the specified offsets to the base color's hue, saturation, and brightness values | | |
15. | Map colors into names and vice versa. | | |
16. | Converts a given string into a color. | | |
17. | If the color is equal to one of the defined constant colors, that name is returned instead. | | |
18. | Converts the String representation of a color to an actual Color object. | | |
19. | Returns blue-yellow-red color scale | | |
20. | Returns green-yellow-red-black color scale | | |
21. | Returns black-red-yellow-green color scale | | |
22. | Returns color based on 0-9 scale ranging from green to yellow | | |
23. | Returns color based on 0-9 scale ranging from yellow to red | | |
24. | Returns color based on 0-9 scale ranging from black to green | | |
25. | Returns n-dimensional array of colors for given nx3 integer array of RGB values | | |
26. | Web color enum | | |
27. | Utility class for managing resources such as colors, fonts, images, etc. | | |
28. | Make a color transparent | | |
29. | Return a Color object given a string representation of it | | |
30. | Return a string representation of a color | | |
31. | Serializes a color to its HTML markup (e.g. "#ff0000" for red) | | |
32. | Parses a java.awt.Color from an HTML color string in the form '#RRGGBB' where RR, GG, and BB are the red, green, and blue bytes in hexadecimal form | | |
33. | Performs a somewhat subjective analysis of a color to determine how dark it looks to a user | | |
34. | Lightens a color by a given amount | | |
35. | Darkens a color by a given amount | | |
36. | Blend two colors | | |
37. | Utility for working with natively-ordered integer-packed RGBA-format colours. | | |
38. | HSV to RGB | | |
39. | A widget to manipulate an RGBA colour. | | |