Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE file at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * */ package org.roda.wui.common.client.widgets.wcag; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class AccessibleHeaderOrFooterBuilder<T> extends AbstractHeaderOrFooterBuilder<T> { /** * Create a new DefaultHeaderBuilder for the header of footer section. * * @param table * the table being built * @param isFooter * true if building the footer, false if the header */ private boolean footer; public AccessibleHeaderOrFooterBuilder(AbstractCellTable<T> table, boolean isFooter) { super(table, isFooter); this.footer = isFooter; } /** * Append the extra style names for the header. * * @param header * the header that may contain extra styles, it can be null * @param classesBuilder * the string builder for the TD classes */ private <H> void appendExtraStyles(Header<H> header, StringBuilder classesBuilder) { if (header == null) { return; } String headerStyleNames = header.getHeaderStyleNames(); if (headerStyleNames != null) { classesBuilder.append(" "); classesBuilder.append(headerStyleNames); } } @Override protected boolean buildHeaderOrFooterImpl() { AbstractCellTable<T> table = getTable(); boolean isFooter = isBuildingFooter(); // Early exit if there aren't any columns to render. int columnCount = table.getColumnCount(); if (columnCount == 0) { // Nothing to render return false; } // Early exit if there aren't any headers in the columns to render. boolean hasHeader = false; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { if (getHeader(i) != null) { hasHeader = true; break; } } if (!hasHeader) { return false; } // Get information about the sorted column. ColumnSortList sortList = table.getColumnSortList(); ColumnSortInfo sortedInfo = (sortList.size() == 0) ? null : sortList.get(0); Column<?, ?> sortedColumn = (sortedInfo == null) ? null : sortedInfo.getColumn(); boolean isSortAscending = (sortedInfo == null) ? false : sortedInfo.isAscending(); // Get the common style names. Style style = getTable().getResources().style(); String className = isBuildingFooter() ? style.footer() : style.header(); String sortableStyle = " " + style.sortableHeader(); String sortedStyle = " " + (isSortAscending ? style.sortedHeaderAscending() : style.sortedHeaderDescending()); // Setup the first column. Header<?> prevHeader = getHeader(0); Column<T, ?> column = getTable().getColumn(0); int prevColspan = 1; boolean isSortable = false; boolean isSorted = false; StringBuilder classesBuilder = new StringBuilder(className); classesBuilder.append(" " + (isFooter ? style.firstColumnFooter() : style.firstColumnHeader())); if (!isFooter && column.isSortable()) { isSortable = true; isSorted = (column == sortedColumn); } // Loop through all column headers. TableRowBuilder tr = startRow(); int curColumn; for (curColumn = 1; curColumn < columnCount; curColumn++) { Header<?> header = getHeader(curColumn); if (header != prevHeader) { // The header has changed, so append the previous one. if (isSortable) { classesBuilder.append(sortableStyle); } if (isSorted) { classesBuilder.append(sortedStyle); } appendExtraStyles(prevHeader, classesBuilder); // Render the header. TableCellBuilder th = tr.startTH().colSpan(prevColspan).className(classesBuilder.toString()); enableColumnHandlers(th, column); if (prevHeader != null) { // Build the header. Context context = new Context(0, curColumn - prevColspan, prevHeader.getKey()); // Add div element with aria button role if (isSortable) { // TODO: Figure out aria-label and translation of label text th.attribute("role", "button"); th.tabIndex(-1); } updatedRenderSortableHeader(th, context, prevHeader, isSorted, isSortAscending); } th.endTH(); // Reset the previous header. prevHeader = header; prevColspan = 1; classesBuilder = new StringBuilder(className); isSortable = false; isSorted = false; } else { // Increment the colspan if the headers == each other. prevColspan++; } // Update the sorted state. column = table.getColumn(curColumn); if (!isFooter && column.isSortable()) { isSortable = true; isSorted = (column == sortedColumn); } } // Append the last header. if (isSortable) { classesBuilder.append(sortableStyle); } if (isSorted) { classesBuilder.append(sortedStyle); } // The first and last columns could be the same column. classesBuilder.append(" ").append(isFooter ? style.lastColumnFooter() : style.lastColumnHeader()); appendExtraStyles(prevHeader, classesBuilder); // Render the last header. TableCellBuilder th = tr.startTH().colSpan(prevColspan).className(classesBuilder.toString()); enableColumnHandlers(th, column); if (prevHeader != null) { Context context = new Context(0, curColumn - prevColspan, prevHeader.getKey()); updatedRenderSortableHeader(th, context, prevHeader, isSorted, isSortAscending); } th.endTH(); // End the row. tr.endTR(); return true; } protected final void updatedRenderSortableHeader(ElementBuilderBase<?> out, Context context, Header<?> header, boolean isSorted, boolean isSortAscending) { ElementBuilderBase<?> headerContainer = out; // Wrap the header in a sort icon if sorted. boolean isSortedAndNotFooter = isSorted && !footer; if (isSortedAndNotFooter) { // Determine the position of the sort icon. boolean posRight = LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL() ? isSortIconStartOfLine() : !isSortIconStartOfLine(); // Create an outer container to hold the icon and the header. int iconWidth = isSortAscending ? getTable().getResources().sortAscending().getWidth() + 6 : getTable().getResources().sortDescending().getWidth() + 6; int halfHeight = isSortAscending ? (int) Math.round(getTable().getResources().sortAscending().getHeight() / 2.0) : (int) Math.round(getTable().getResources().sortDescending().getHeight() / 2.0); DivBuilder outerDiv = out.startDiv(); StylesBuilder style ="zoom", "1"); if (posRight) { style.paddingRight(iconWidth, Unit.PX); } else { style.paddingLeft(iconWidth, Unit.PX); } style.endStyle(); // Add the icon. DivBuilder imageHolder = outerDiv.startDiv(); style =, Unit.PCT).lineHeight(0.0, Unit.PX) .marginTop(-halfHeight, Unit.PX); if (posRight) { style.right(0, Unit.PX); } else { style.left(0, Unit.PX); } style.endStyle(); imageHolder.html(getSortingIcon(isSortAscending)); imageHolder.endDiv(); // Create the header wrapper. headerContainer = outerDiv.startDiv(); } // Build the header. renderHeader(headerContainer, context, header); // Close the elements used for the sort icon. if (isSortedAndNotFooter) { headerContainer.endDiv(); // headerContainer. headerContainer.endDiv(); // outerDiv } } private SafeHtml getSortingIcon(boolean isAscending) { AbstractCellTable<T> table = getTable(); SafeHtmlBuilder shb = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); if (isAscending) { table.getResources().sortAscending(); shb.appendEscaped("A"); } else { table.getResources().sortDescending(); shb.appendEscaped("D"); } return shb.toSafeHtml(); } }