Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


 * Builds the style attribute on an element.
 * <p>
 * The HTML implementation of class appends the style properties to the HTML
 * string. The DOM implementation of this class sets the element's styles
 * directly.
 * </p>
public interface StylesBuilder {

     * Sets the background-image CSS property.
     * @param uri the URI of the background image
     * @return this {@link StylesBuilder}
     * @see #trustedBackgroundImage(String)
    StylesBuilder backgroundImage(SafeUri uri);

     * Sets the border-style CSS property.
    StylesBuilder borderStyle(BorderStyle value);

     * Set the border-width css property.
    StylesBuilder borderWidth(double value, Unit unit);

     * Set the bottom css property.
    StylesBuilder bottom(double value, Unit unit);

     * Sets the cursor CSS property.
    StylesBuilder cursor(Cursor value);

     * Sets the display CSS property.
    StylesBuilder display(Display value);

     * End the current style attribute.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the style attribute is already closed
    void endStyle();

     * Set the float css property.
    StylesBuilder floatprop(Float value);

     * Set the font-size css property.
    StylesBuilder fontSize(double value, Unit unit);

     * Sets the font-style CSS property.
    StylesBuilder fontStyle(FontStyle value);

     * Sets the font-weight CSS property.
    StylesBuilder fontWeight(FontWeight value);

     * Set the height css property.
    StylesBuilder height(double value, Unit unit);

     * Set the left css property.
    StylesBuilder left(double value, Unit unit);

     * Sets the list-style-type CSS property.
    StylesBuilder listStyleType(ListStyleType value);

     * Set the margin css property.
    StylesBuilder margin(double value, Unit unit);

     * Set the margin-bottom css property.
    StylesBuilder marginBottom(double value, Unit unit);

     * Set the margin-left css property.
    StylesBuilder marginLeft(double value, Unit unit);

     * Set the margin-right css property.
    StylesBuilder marginRight(double value, Unit unit);

     * Set the margin-top css property.
    StylesBuilder marginTop(double value, Unit unit);

     * Set the opacity css property.
    StylesBuilder opacity(double value);

     * Sets the outline-style CSS property.
    StylesBuilder outlineStyle(OutlineStyle value);

     * Set the outline-width css property.
    StylesBuilder outlineWidth(double value, Unit unit);

     * Sets the overflow CSS property.
    StylesBuilder overflow(Overflow value);

     * Sets the overflow-x CSS property.
    StylesBuilder overflowX(Overflow value);

     * Sets the overflow-y CSS property.
    StylesBuilder overflowY(Overflow value);

     * Set the padding css property.
    StylesBuilder padding(double value, Unit unit);

     * Set the padding-bottom css property.
    StylesBuilder paddingBottom(double value, Unit unit);

     * Set the padding-left css property.
    StylesBuilder paddingLeft(double value, Unit unit);

     * Set the padding-right css property.
    StylesBuilder paddingRight(double value, Unit unit);

     * Set the padding-top css property.
    StylesBuilder paddingTop(double value, Unit unit);

     * Sets the position CSS property.
    StylesBuilder position(Position value);

     * Set the right css property.
    StylesBuilder right(double value, Unit unit);

     * Set the table-layout CSS property.
    StylesBuilder tableLayout(TableLayout value);

     * Sets the text-decoration CSS property.
    StylesBuilder textDecoration(TextDecoration value);

     * Set the top css property.
    StylesBuilder top(double value, Unit unit);

     * <p>
     * Sets the "background-color" style property to the specified color string.
     * Does not check or escape the color string. The calling code should be
     * carefully reviewed to ensure that the provided color string won't cause a
     * security issue if included in a style attribute.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * For details and constraints, see
     * {@link}.
     * </p>
     * @return this {@link StylesBuilder}
    StylesBuilder trustedBackgroundColor(String value);

     * <p>
     * Sets the "background-image" style property to the specified value. Does not
     * check or escape the value. The calling code should be carefully reviewed to
     * ensure that the provided value string won't cause a security issue if
     * included in a style attribute.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * For details and constraints, see
     * {@link}.
     * </p>
     * @return this {@link StylesBuilder}
    StylesBuilder trustedBackgroundImage(String value);

     * <p>
     * Sets the "border-color" style property to the specified color string. Does
     * not check or escape the color string. The calling code should be carefully
     * reviewed to ensure that the provided color string won't cause a security
     * issue if included in a style attribute.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * For details and constraints, see
     * {@link}.
     * </p>
     * @return this {@link StylesBuilder}
    StylesBuilder trustedBorderColor(String value);

     * <p>
     * Sets the "color" style property, which controls font color, to the
     * specified color string. Does not check or escape the color string. The
     * calling code should be carefully reviewed to ensure that the provided color
     * string won't cause a security issue if included in a style attribute.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * For details and constraints, see
     * {@link}.
     * </p>
     * @return this {@link StylesBuilder}
    StylesBuilder trustedColor(String value);

     * <p>
     * Sets the "outline-color" style property to the specified color string. Does
     * not check or escape the color string. The calling code should be carefully
     * reviewed to ensure that the provided color string won't cause a security
     * issue if included in a style attribute.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * For details and constraints, see
     * {@link}.
     * </p>
     * @return this {@link StylesBuilder}
    StylesBuilder trustedOutlineColor(String value);

     * <p>
     * Set a style property from a trusted name and a trusted value, i.e., without
     * escaping the name and value. No checks are performed. The calling code
     * should be carefully reviewed to ensure the argument will satisfy the
     * {@link} contract when they are
     * composed into the form: "&lt;name&gt;:&lt;value&gt;;".
     * <p>
     * SafeStyles may never contain literal angle brackets. Otherwise, it could be
     * unsafe to place a SafeStyles into a &lt;style&gt; tag (where it can't be
     * HTML escaped). For example, if the SafeStyles containing "
     * <code>font: 'foo &lt;style&gt;&lt;script&gt;evil&lt;/script&gt;</code>'" is
     * used in a style sheet in a &lt;style&gt; tag, this could then break out of
     * the style context into HTML.
     * @param unit the units of the value
     * @return this {@link StylesBuilder}
    StylesBuilder trustedProperty(String name, double value, Unit unit);

     * <p>
     * Set a style property from a trusted name and a trusted value, i.e., without
     * escaping the name and value. No checks are performed. The calling code
     * should be carefully reviewed to ensure the argument will satisfy the
     * {@link} contract when they are
     * composed into the form: "&lt;name&gt;:&lt;value&gt;;".
     * <p>
     * SafeStyles may never contain literal angle brackets. Otherwise, it could be
     * unsafe to place a SafeStyles into a &lt;style&gt; tag (where it can't be
     * HTML escaped). For example, if the SafeStyles containing "
     * <code>font: 'foo &lt;style&gt;&lt;script&gt;evil&lt;/script&gt;</code>'" is
     * used in a style sheet in a &lt;style&gt; tag, this could then break out of
     * the style context into HTML.
     * @return this {@link StylesBuilder}
    StylesBuilder trustedProperty(String name, String value);

     * Sets the vertical-align CSS property.
    StylesBuilder verticalAlign(double value, Unit unit);

     * Sets the vertical-align CSS property.
    StylesBuilder verticalAlign(VerticalAlign value);

     * Sets the visibility CSS property.
    StylesBuilder visibility(Visibility value);

     * Set the width css property.
    StylesBuilder width(double value, Unit unit);

     * Set the z-index css property.
    StylesBuilder zIndex(int value);