Source code

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 * Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


 * Provides access to the currently-active locale and the list of available
 * locales.
public class LocaleInfo {

     * Currently we only support getting the currently running locale, so this
     * is a static.  In the future, we would need a hash map from locale names
     * to LocaleInfo instances.
    private static LocaleInfo instance = new LocaleInfo((LocaleInfoImpl) GWT.create(LocaleInfoImpl.class),
            (CldrImpl) GWT.create(CldrImpl.class));

     * Returns an array of available locale names.
    public static final String[] getAvailableLocaleNames() {
         * The set of all locales is constant across all permutations, so this
         * is static.  Ideally, the set of available locales would be generated
         * by a different GWT.create but that would slow the compilation process
         * unnecessarily.
         * This is static, and accesses infoImpl this way, with an eye towards
         * when we implement static LocaleInfo getLocale(String localeName) as
         * you might want to get the list of available locales in order to create
         * instances of each of them.
        return instance.infoImpl.getAvailableLocaleNames();

     * Returns a LocaleInfo instance for the current locale.
    public static final LocaleInfo getCurrentLocale() {
         * In the future, we could make additional static methods which returned a
         * LocaleInfo instance for a specific locale (from the set of those the app
         * was compiled with), accessed via a method like:
         *    public static LocaleInfo getLocale(String localeName)
        return instance;

     * Returns the name of the name of the cookie holding the locale to use,
     * which is defined in the config property {@code locale.cookie}.
     * @return locale cookie name, or null if none
    public static final String getLocaleCookieName() {
        return instance.infoImpl.getLocaleCookieName();

     * Returns the display name of the requested locale in its native locale, if
     * possible. If no native localization is available, the English name will
     * be returned, or as a last resort just the locale name will be returned.  If
     * the locale name is unknown (including an user overrides) or is not a valid
     * locale property value, null is returned.
     * If the I18N module has not been imported, this will always return null.
     * @param localeName the name of the locale to lookup.
     * @return the name of the locale in its native locale
    public static String getLocaleNativeDisplayName(String localeName) {
         * See the comment from getAvailableLocaleNames() above.
        return instance.infoImpl.getLocaleNativeDisplayName(localeName);

     * Returns the name of the query parameter holding the locale to use, which is
     * defined in the config property {@code locale.queryparam}.
     * @return locale URL query parameter name, or null if none
    public static String getLocaleQueryParam() {
        return instance.infoImpl.getLocaleQueryParam();

     * Returns true if any locale supported by this build of the app is RTL.
    public static boolean hasAnyRTL() {
        return instance.infoImpl.hasAnyRTL();

    private final LocaleInfoImpl infoImpl;

    private final CldrImpl cldrImpl;

    private DateTimeConstants dateTimeConstants;

    private DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo;

    private NumberConstants numberConstants;

     * Constructor to be used by subclasses, such as mock classes for testing.
     * Any such subclass should override all methods.
    protected LocaleInfo() {
        infoImpl = null;
        cldrImpl = null;

     * Create a LocaleInfo instance, passing in the implementation classes.
     * @param impl LocaleInfoImpl instance to use
     * @param cldr CldrImpl instance to use
    private LocaleInfo(LocaleInfoImpl impl, CldrImpl cldr) {
        this.infoImpl = impl;
        this.cldrImpl = cldr;

     * Returns a DateTimeConstants instance for this locale.
    public final DateTimeConstants getDateTimeConstants() {
        return dateTimeConstants;

     * Returns a DateTimeConstants instance for this locale.
    public final DateTimeFormatInfo getDateTimeFormatInfo() {
        return dateTimeFormatInfo;

     * Returns the name of this locale, such as "default, "en_US", etc.
    public final String getLocaleName() {
        return infoImpl.getLocaleName();

     * @return an implementation of {@link LocalizedNames} for this locale.
    public final LocalizedNames getLocalizedNames() {
        return infoImpl.getLocalizedNames();

     * Returns a NumberConstants instance for this locale.
    public final NumberConstants getNumberConstants() {
        return numberConstants;

     * Returns true if this locale is right-to-left instead of left-to-right.
    public final boolean isRTL() {
        return cldrImpl.isRTL();

    private void ensureDateTimeConstants() {
        if (dateTimeConstants == null) {
            dateTimeConstants = new DateTimeConstantsAdapter(dateTimeFormatInfo);

    private void ensureDateTimeFormatInfo() {
        if (dateTimeFormatInfo == null) {
            dateTimeFormatInfo = infoImpl.getDateTimeFormatInfo();

    private void ensureNumberConstants() {
        if (numberConstants == null) {
            numberConstants = infoImpl.getNumberConstants();