Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


 * A representation of a column in a table. The column may maintain view data
 * for each cell on demand. New view data, if needed, is created by the cell's
 * onBrowserEvent method, stored in the Column, and passed to future calls to
 * Cell's {@link Cell#onBrowserEvent} and {@link Cell#render} methods.
 * @param <T> the row type
 * @param <C> the column type
public abstract class Column<T, C> implements HasCell<T, C>, HasAlignment {

     * The {@link Cell} responsible for rendering items in the column.
    private final Cell<C> cell;

    private String cellStyleNames = null;

     * The {@link FieldUpdater} used for updating values in the column.
    private FieldUpdater<T, C> fieldUpdater;

    private boolean isDefaultSortAscending = true;
    private boolean isSortable = false;
    private HorizontalAlignmentConstant hAlign = null;
    private VerticalAlignmentConstant vAlign = null;

     * Construct a new Column with a given {@link Cell}.
     * @param cell the Cell used by this Column
    public Column(Cell<C> cell) {
        this.cell = cell;

     * Returns the {@link Cell} responsible for rendering items in the column.
     * @return a Cell
    public Cell<C> getCell() {
        return cell;

     * Get extra style names that should be applied to a cell in this column.
     * @param context the cell context
     * @param object the base object to be updated, or null if the row is empty
     * @return the extra styles of the given row in a space-separated list, or
     *         {@code null} if there are no extra styles for the cells in this
     *         column
    public String getCellStyleNames(Context context, T object) {
        return cellStyleNames;

     * Returns the {@link FieldUpdater} used for updating values in the column.
     * @return an instance of FieldUpdater<T, C>
     * @see #setFieldUpdater(FieldUpdater)
    public FieldUpdater<T, C> getFieldUpdater() {
        return fieldUpdater;

    public HorizontalAlignmentConstant getHorizontalAlignment() {
        return hAlign;

     * Returns the column value from within the underlying data object.
    public abstract C getValue(T object);

    public VerticalAlignmentConstant getVerticalAlignment() {
        return vAlign;

     * Check if the default sort order of the column is ascending or descending.
     * @return true if default sort is ascending, false if not
    public boolean isDefaultSortAscending() {
        return isDefaultSortAscending;

     * Check if the column is sortable.
     * @return true if sortable, false if not
    public boolean isSortable() {
        return isSortable;

     * Handle a browser event that took place within the column.
     * @param context the cell context
     * @param elem the parent Element
     * @param object the base object to be updated
     * @param event the native browser event
    public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element elem, final T object, NativeEvent event) {
        final int index = context.getIndex();
        ValueUpdater<C> valueUpdater = (fieldUpdater == null) ? null : new ValueUpdater<C>() {
            public void update(C value) {
                fieldUpdater.update(index, object, value);
        cell.onBrowserEvent(context, elem, getValue(object), event, valueUpdater);

     * Render the object into the cell.
     * @param context the cell context
     * @param object the object to render
     * @param sb the buffer to render into
    public void render(Context context, T object, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
        cell.render(context, getValue(object), sb);

     * Set extra style names that should be applied to every cell.
     * <p>
     * If you want to apply style names based on the row or cell value, override
     * {@link #getCellStyleNames(Context, Object)} directly.
     * </p>
     * @param styleNames the extra style names to applyin a space-separated list,
     *          or {@code null} if there are no extra styles for this cell
    public void setCellStyleNames(String styleNames) {
        this.cellStyleNames = styleNames;

     * Set whether or not the default sort order is ascending.
     * @param isAscending true to set the default order to ascending, false for
     *          descending
    public void setDefaultSortAscending(boolean isAscending) {
        this.isDefaultSortAscending = isAscending;

     * Set the {@link FieldUpdater} used for updating values in the column.
     * @param fieldUpdater the field updater
     * @see #getFieldUpdater()
    public void setFieldUpdater(FieldUpdater<T, C> fieldUpdater) {
        this.fieldUpdater = fieldUpdater;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * The new horizontal alignment will apply the next time the table is
     * rendered.
     * </p>
    public void setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignmentConstant align) {
        this.hAlign = align;

     * Set whether or not the column can be sorted. The change will take effect
     * the next time the table is redrawn.
     * @param sortable true to make sortable, false to make unsortable
    public void setSortable(boolean sortable) {
        this.isSortable = sortable;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * The new vertical alignment will apply the next time the table is rendered.
     * </p>
    public void setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignmentConstant align) {
        this.vAlign = align;