Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;


 * Abstract base class for tabular views that supports paging and columns.
 * <p>
 * <h3>Columns</h3> The {@link Column} class defines the {@link Cell} used to
 * render a column. Implement {@link Column#getValue(Object)} to retrieve the
 * field value from the row object that will be rendered in the {@link Cell}.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <h3>Headers and Footers</h3> A {@link Header} can be placed at the top
 * (header) or bottom (footer) of the {@link AbstractCellTable}. You can specify
 * a header as text using {@link #addColumn(Column, String)}, or you can create
 * a custom {@link Header} that can change with the value of the cells, such as
 * a column total. The {@link Header} will be rendered every time the row data
 * changes or the table is redrawn. If you pass the same header instance (==)
 * into adjacent columns, the header will span the columns.
 * </p>
 * @param <T>
 *            the data type of each row
public abstract class AbstractCellTable<T> extends AbstractHasData<T> {
     * The error message used when {@link HeaderBuilder} returns malformed table
     * section HTML.
    private static final String MALFORMED_HTML_SECTION = "Malformed HTML: The table section returned by HeaderBuilder or FooterBuilder must use the "
            + "tag name thead or tfoot, as appropriate, and cannot contain any attributes or styles.";

     * The table specific {@link Impl}.
    private static Impl TABLE_IMPL;

    private static Template template;

     * Check if a column consumes events.
    private static boolean isColumnInteractive(HasCell<?, ?> column) {
        Set<String> consumedEvents = column.getCell().getConsumedEvents();
        return consumedEvents != null && consumedEvents.size() > 0;

     * Get the {@link TableSectionElement} containing the children.
     * @param tag
     *            the expected tag (tbody, tfoot, or thead)
    private static SafeHtml tableSectionToSafeHtml(TableSectionBuilder section, String tag) {
        if (!(section instanceof HtmlTableSectionBuilder)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only HtmlTableSectionBuilder is supported at this time");
        // Strip the table section tags off of the tbody.
        HtmlTableSectionBuilder htmlSection = (HtmlTableSectionBuilder) section;
        String rawHtml = htmlSection.asSafeHtml().asString();
        assert (tag.length()) == 5 : "Unrecognized tag: " + tag;
        assert rawHtml.startsWith("<" + tag + ">") : MALFORMED_HTML_SECTION;
        assert rawHtml.endsWith("</" + tag + ">") : MALFORMED_HTML_SECTION;
        rawHtml = rawHtml.substring(7, rawHtml.length() - 8);
        return SafeHtmlUtils.fromTrustedString(rawHtml);

    private boolean cellIsEditing;

    private final List<Column<T, ?>> columns = new ArrayList<Column<T, ?>>();

    private final Map<Column<T, ?>, String> columnWidths = new HashMap<Column<T, ?>, String>();

    private boolean columnWidthsDirty;

    private final Map<Integer, String> columnWidthsByIndex = new HashMap<Integer, String>();

     * The maximum column index specified in column widths by index.
    private int maxColumnIndex = -1;

     * Indicates that at least one column depends on selection.
    private boolean dependsOnSelection;

    private Widget emptyTableWidget;

    private FooterBuilder<T> footerBuilder;

    private boolean footerRefreshDisabled;

    private final List<Header<?>> footers = new ArrayList<Header<?>>();

     * Indicates that at least one column handles selection.
    private boolean handlesSelection;

    private HeaderBuilder<T> headerBuilder;

    private boolean headerRefreshDisabled;

    private final List<Header<?>> headers = new ArrayList<Header<?>>();

     * Indicates that either the headers or footers are dirty, and both should
     * be refreshed the next time the table is redrawn.
    private boolean headersDirty;

    private TableRowElement hoveringRow;

     * Indicates that at least one column is interactive.
    private boolean isInteractive;

    private int keyboardSelectedColumn = 0;

    private int keyboardSelectedSubrow = 0;

    private int lastKeyboardSelectedSubrow = 0;

    private Widget loadingIndicator;

    private boolean legacyRenderRowValues = true;

    private final Resources resources;

    private RowStyles<T> rowStyles;

    private final ColumnSortList sortList = new ColumnSortList(new ColumnSortList.Delegate() {
        public void onModification() {
            if (!updatingSortList) {

    private final Style style;

    private CellTableBuilder<T> tableBuilder;

    private boolean updatingSortList;

    private boolean skipRowHoverCheck;

    private boolean skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck;

    private boolean skipRowHoverStyleUpdate;

     * Constructs a table with the given page size, the specified {@link Style},
     * and the given key provider.
     * @param elem
     *            the parent {@link Element}
     * @param pageSize
     *            the page size
     * @param resources
     *            the resources to apply to the widget
     * @param keyProvider
     *            an instance of ProvidesKey<T>, or null if the record object
     *            should act as its own key
    public AbstractCellTable(Element elem, final int pageSize, Resources resources, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider) {
        super(elem, pageSize, keyProvider);
        this.resources = resources; =;

     * Constructs a table with the given page size, the specified {@link Style},
     * and the given key provider.
     * @param widget
     *            the parent widget
     * @param pageSize
     *            the page size
     * @param resources
     *            the resources to apply to the widget
     * @param keyProvider
     *            an instance of ProvidesKey<T>, or null if the record object
     *            should act as its own key
    public AbstractCellTable(Widget widget, final int pageSize, Resources resources, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider) {
        super(widget, pageSize, keyProvider);
        this.resources = resources; =;

     * Adds a column to the end of the table.
     * @param col
     *            the column to be added
    public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> col) {
        insertColumn(getColumnCount(), col);

     * Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated header.
     * @param col
     *            the column to be added
     * @param header
     *            the associated {@link Header}
    public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> col, Header<?> header) {
        insertColumn(getColumnCount(), col, header);

     * Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated header and
     * footer.
     * @param col
     *            the column to be added
     * @param header
     *            the associated {@link Header}
     * @param footer
     *            the associated footer (as a {@link Header} object)
    public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> col, Header<?> header, Header<?> footer) {
        insertColumn(getColumnCount(), col, header, footer);

     * Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated {@link SafeHtml}
     * header.
     * @param col
     *            the column to be added
     * @param headerHtml
     *            the associated header text, as safe HTML
    public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml) {
        insertColumn(getColumnCount(), col, headerHtml);

     * Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated {@link SafeHtml}
     * header and footer.
     * @param col
     *            the column to be added
     * @param headerHtml
     *            the associated header text, as safe HTML
     * @param footerHtml
     *            the associated footer text, as safe HTML
    public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml, SafeHtml footerHtml) {
        insertColumn(getColumnCount(), col, headerHtml, footerHtml);

     * Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated String header.
     * @param col
     *            the column to be added
     * @param headerString
     *            the associated header text, as a String
    public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> col, String headerString) {
        insertColumn(getColumnCount(), col, headerString);

     * Adds a column to the end of the table with an associated String header
     * and footer.
     * @param col
     *            the column to be added
     * @param headerString
     *            the associated header text, as a String
     * @param footerString
     *            the associated footer text, as a String
    public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> col, String headerString, String footerString) {
        insertColumn(getColumnCount(), col, headerString, footerString);

     * Add a handler to handle {@link ColumnSortEvent}s.
     * @param handler
     *            the {@link ColumnSortEvent.Handler} to add
     * @return a {@link HandlerRegistration} to remove the handler
    public HandlerRegistration addColumnSortHandler(ColumnSortEvent.Handler handler) {
        return addHandler(handler, ColumnSortEvent.getType());

     * Add a style name to the <code>col</code> element at the specified index,
     * creating it if necessary.
     * @param index
     *            the column index
     * @param styleName
     *            the style name to add
    public abstract void addColumnStyleName(int index, String styleName);

     * Add a handler to handle {@link RowHoverEvent}s.
     * @param handler
     *            the {@link RowHoverEvent.Handler} to add
     * @return a {@link HandlerRegistration} to remove the handler
    public HandlerRegistration addRowHoverHandler(RowHoverEvent.Handler handler) {
        return addHandler(handler, RowHoverEvent.getType());

     * Clear the width of the specified {@link Column}.
     * @param column
     *            the column
    public void clearColumnWidth(Column<T, ?> column) {
        updateColumnWidthImpl(column, null);

     * Clear the width of the specified {@link Column}.
     * @param column
     *            the column index
    public void clearColumnWidth(Integer column) {
        // Recalculate the maximum column index.
        if (column >= maxColumnIndex) {
            maxColumnIndex = -1;
            for (Integer index : columnWidthsByIndex.keySet()) {
                maxColumnIndex = Math.max(maxColumnIndex, index);
        // Update the width of the column.
        if (column < getRealColumnCount()) {
            doSetColumnWidth(column, null);

     * Flush all pending changes to the table and render immediately.
     * <p>
     * Modifications to the table, such as adding columns or setting data, are
     * not rendered immediately. Instead, changes are coalesced at the end of
     * the current event loop to avoid rendering the table multiple times. Use
     * this method to force the table to render all pending modifications
     * immediately.
     * </p>
    public void flush() {

     * Get the column at the specified index.
     * @param col
     *            the index of the column to retrieve
     * @return the {@link Column} at the index
    public Column<T, ?> getColumn(int col) {
        return columns.get(col);

     * Get the number of columns in the table.
     * @return the column count
    public int getColumnCount() {
        return columns.size();

     * Get the index of the specified column.
     * @param column
     *            the column to search for
     * @return the index of the column, or -1 if not found
    public int getColumnIndex(Column<T, ?> column) {
        return columns.indexOf(column);

     * Get the {@link ColumnSortList} that specifies which columns are sorted.
     * Modifications to the {@link ColumnSortList} will be reflected in the
     * table header.
     * <p>
     * Note that the implementation may redraw the headers on every modification
     * to the {@link ColumnSortList}.
     * </p>
     * @return the {@link ColumnSortList}
    public ColumnSortList getColumnSortList() {
        return sortList;

     * Get the width of a {@link Column}.
     * @param column
     *            the column
     * @return the width of the column, or null if not set
     * @see #setColumnWidth(Column, double, Unit)
    public String getColumnWidth(Column<T, ?> column) {
        return columnWidths.get(column);

     * Get the widget displayed when the table has no rows.
     * @return the empty table widget
    public Widget getEmptyTableWidget() {
        return emptyTableWidget;

     * Get the {@link Header} from the footer section that was added with a
     * {@link Column}.
    public Header<?> getFooter(int index) {
        return footers.get(index);

     * Get the {@link HeaderBuilder} used to generate the footer section.
    public FooterBuilder<T> getFooterBuilder() {
        return footerBuilder;

     * Get the {@link Header} from the header section that was added with a
     * {@link Column}.
    public Header<?> getHeader(int index) {
        return headers.get(index);

     * Get the {@link HeaderBuilder} used to generate the header section.
    public HeaderBuilder<T> getHeaderBuilder() {
        return headerBuilder;

     * Get the index of the column that is currently selected via the keyboard.
     * @return the currently selected column, or -1 if none selected
    public int getKeyboardSelectedColumn() {
        return KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED == getKeyboardSelectionPolicy() ? -1 : keyboardSelectedColumn;

     * Get the index of the sub row that is currently selected via the keyboard.
     * If the row value maps to one rendered row element, the subrow is 0.
     * @return the currently selected subrow, or -1 if none selected
    public int getKeyboardSelectedSubRow() {
        return KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED == getKeyboardSelectionPolicy() ? -1 : keyboardSelectedSubrow;

     * Get the widget displayed when the data is loading.
     * @return the loading indicator
    public Widget getLoadingIndicator() {
        return loadingIndicator;

     * Get the resources used by this table.
    public Resources getResources() {
        return resources;

     * Get the {@link TableRowElement} for the specified row. If the row element
     * has not been created, null is returned.
     * @param row
     *            the row index
     * @return the row element, or null if it doesn't exists
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
     *             if the row index is outside of the current page
    public TableRowElement getRowElement(int row) {
        return getChildElement(row);

     * Gets the object used to determine how a row is styled.
     * @return the {@link RowStyles} object if set, null if not
    public RowStyles<T> getRowStyles() {
        return this.rowStyles;

     * Inserts a column into the table at the specified index.
     * @param beforeIndex
     *            the index to insert the column
     * @param col
     *            the column to be added
    public void insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T, ?> col) {
        insertColumn(beforeIndex, col, (Header<?>) null, (Header<?>) null);

     * Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated
     * header.
     * @param beforeIndex
     *            the index to insert the column
     * @param col
     *            the column to be added
     * @param header
     *            the associated {@link Header}
    public void insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T, ?> col, Header<?> header) {
        insertColumn(beforeIndex, col, header, null);

     * Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated
     * header and footer.
     * @param beforeIndex
     *            the index to insert the column
     * @param col
     *            the column to be added
     * @param header
     *            the associated {@link Header}
     * @param footer
     *            the associated footer (as a {@link Header} object)
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
     *             if the index is out of range
    public void insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T, ?> col, Header<?> header, Header<?> footer) {
        // Allow insert at the end.
        if (beforeIndex != getColumnCount()) {
        headers.add(beforeIndex, header);
        footers.add(beforeIndex, footer);
        columns.add(beforeIndex, col);
        // Increment the keyboard selected column.
        if (beforeIndex <= keyboardSelectedColumn) {
            keyboardSelectedColumn = Math.min(keyboardSelectedColumn + 1, columns.size() - 1);
        // Move the keyboard selected column if the current column is not
        // interactive.
        if (isColumnInteractive(col) && ((keyboardSelectedColumn >= columns.size())
                || !isColumnInteractive(columns.get(keyboardSelectedColumn)))) {
            keyboardSelectedColumn = beforeIndex;
        // Sink events used by the new column.
        Set<String> consumedEvents = new HashSet<String>();
            Set<String> cellEvents = col.getCell().getConsumedEvents();
            if (cellEvents != null) {
        if (header != null) {
            Set<String> headerEvents = header.getCell().getConsumedEvents();
            if (headerEvents != null) {
        if (footer != null) {
            Set<String> footerEvents = footer.getCell().getConsumedEvents();
            if (footerEvents != null) {
        CellBasedWidgetImpl.get().sinkEvents(this, consumedEvents);
        headersDirty = true;

     * Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated
     * {@link SafeHtml} header.
     * @param beforeIndex
     *            the index to insert the column
     * @param col
     *            the column to be added
     * @param headerHtml
     *            the associated header text, as safe HTML
    public void insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T, ?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml) {
        insertColumn(beforeIndex, col, new SafeHtmlHeader(headerHtml), null);

     * Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated
     * {@link SafeHtml} header and footer.
     * @param beforeIndex
     *            the index to insert the column
     * @param col
     *            the column to be added
     * @param headerHtml
     *            the associated header text, as safe HTML
     * @param footerHtml
     *            the associated footer text, as safe HTML
    public void insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T, ?> col, SafeHtml headerHtml, SafeHtml footerHtml) {
        insertColumn(beforeIndex, col, new SafeHtmlHeader(headerHtml), new SafeHtmlHeader(footerHtml));

     * Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated
     * String header.
     * @param beforeIndex
     *            the index to insert the column
     * @param col
     *            the column to be added
     * @param headerString
     *            the associated header text, as a String
    public void insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T, ?> col, String headerString) {
        insertColumn(beforeIndex, col, new TextHeader(headerString), null);

     * Inserts a column into the table at the specified index with an associated
     * String header and footer.
     * @param beforeIndex
     *            the index to insert the column
     * @param col
     *            the column to be added
     * @param headerString
     *            the associated header text, as a String
     * @param footerString
     *            the associated footer text, as a String
    public void insertColumn(int beforeIndex, Column<T, ?> col, String headerString, String footerString) {
        insertColumn(beforeIndex, col, new TextHeader(headerString), new TextHeader(footerString));

     * Check if auto footer refresh is enabled or disabled.
     * @return true if disabled, false if enabled
     * @see #setAutoFooterRefreshDisabled(boolean)
    public boolean isAutoFooterRefreshDisabled() {
        return footerRefreshDisabled;

     * Check if auto header refresh is enabled or disabled.
     * @return true if disabled, false if enabled
     * @see #setAutoHeaderRefreshDisabled(boolean)
    public boolean isAutoHeaderRefreshDisabled() {
        return headerRefreshDisabled;

     * Gets the skipRowHoverCheck flag. If true, the CellTable will not check
     * for row-level hover events (MOUSEOVER and MOUSEOUT).
     * @return the flag value
    public boolean isSkipRowHoverCheck() {
        return this.skipRowHoverCheck;

     * Gets the skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck flag. If true, the CellTable will
     * not check for floating (fixed position) elements over the hovered row.
     * @return the flag value
    public boolean isSkipRowHoverFloatElementCheck() {
        return this.skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck;

     * Gets the skipRowHoverStyleUpdate flag. If true, the CellTable will not
     * update the row's style on row-level hover events (MOUSEOVER and
     * MOUSEOUT).
     * @return the flag value
    public boolean isSkipRowHoverStyleUpdate() {
        return this.skipRowHoverStyleUpdate;

     * Redraw the table's footers. The footers will be re-rendered
     * synchronously.
    public void redrawFooters() {

     * Redraw the table's headers. The headers will be re-rendered
     * synchronously.
    public void redrawHeaders() {

     * Remove a column.
     * @param col
     *            the column to remove
    public void removeColumn(Column<T, ?> col) {
        int index = columns.indexOf(col);
        if (index < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified column is not part of this table.");

     * Remove a column.
     * @param index
     *            the column index
    public void removeColumn(int index) {
        if (index < 0 || index >= columns.size()) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The specified column index is out of bounds.");
        // Decrement the keyboard selected column.
        if (index <= keyboardSelectedColumn && keyboardSelectedColumn > 0) {
        // Redraw the table asynchronously.
        headersDirty = true;
        // We don't unsink events because other handlers or user code may have
        // sunk
        // them intentionally.

     * Remove a style from the <code>col</code> element at the specified index.
     * @param index
     *            the column index
     * @param styleName
     *            the style name to remove
    public abstract void removeColumnStyleName(int index, String styleName);

     * Enable or disable auto footer refresh when row data is changed. By
     * default, footers are refreshed every time the row data changes in case
     * the headers depend on the current row data. If the headers do not depend
     * on the current row data, you can disable this feature to improve
     * performance.
     * <p>
     * Note that headers will still refresh when columns are added or removed,
     * regardless of whether or not this feature is enabled.
     * </p>
    public void setAutoFooterRefreshDisabled(boolean disabled) {
        this.footerRefreshDisabled = disabled;

     * Enable or disable auto header refresh when row data is changed. By
     * default, headers are refreshed every time the row data changes in case
     * the footers depend on the current row data. If the footers do not depend
     * on the current row data, you can disable this feature to improve
     * performance.
     * <p>
     * Note that footers will still refresh when columns are added or removed,
     * regardless of whether or not this feature is enabled.
     * </p>
    public void setAutoHeaderRefreshDisabled(boolean disabled) {
        this.headerRefreshDisabled = disabled;

     * Set the width of a {@link Column}. The width will persist with the column
     * and takes precedence of any width set via
     * {@link #setColumnWidth(int, double, Unit)}.
     * @param column
     *            the column
     * @param width
     *            the width of the column
     * @param unit
     *            the {@link Unit} of measurement
    public void setColumnWidth(Column<T, ?> column, double width, Unit unit) {
        setColumnWidth(column, width + unit.getType());

     * Set the width of a {@link Column}. The width will persist with the column
     * and takes precedence of any width set via
     * {@link #setColumnWidth(int, String)}.
     * @param column
     *            the column
     * @param width
     *            the width of the column
    public void setColumnWidth(Column<T, ?> column, String width) {
        columnWidths.put(column, width);
        updateColumnWidthImpl(column, width);

     * Set the width of a {@link Column}.
     * @param column
     *            the column
     * @param width
     *            the width of the column
     * @param unit
     *            the {@link Unit} of measurement
    public void setColumnWidth(int column, double width, Unit unit) {
        setColumnWidth(column, width + unit.getType());

     * Set the width of a {@link Column}.
     * @param column
     *            the column
     * @param width
     *            the width of the column
    public void setColumnWidth(int column, String width) {
        columnWidthsByIndex.put(column, width);
        maxColumnIndex = Math.max(maxColumnIndex, column);
        // Update the column width.
        if (column < getRealColumnCount()) {
            doSetColumnWidth(column, width);

     * Set the widget to display when the table has no rows.
     * @param widget
     *            the empty table widget, or null to disable
    @UiChild(tagname = "emptyTableWidget", limit = 1)
    public void setEmptyTableWidget(Widget widget) {
        this.emptyTableWidget = widget;

     * Set the {@link HeaderBuilder} used to build the footer section of the
     * table.
    public void setFooterBuilder(FooterBuilder<T> builder) {
        assert builder != null : "builder cannot be null";
        this.footerBuilder = builder;

     * Set the {@link HeaderBuilder} used to build the header section of the
     * table.
    public void setHeaderBuilder(HeaderBuilder<T> builder) {
        assert builder != null : "builder cannot be null";
        this.headerBuilder = builder;

     * Set the keyboard selected column index.
     * <p>
     * If keyboard selection is disabled, this method does nothing.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If the keyboard selected column is greater than the number of columns in
     * the keyboard selected row, the last column in the row is selected, but
     * the column index is remembered.
     * </p>
     * @param column
     *            the column index, greater than or equal to zero
    public final void setKeyboardSelectedColumn(int column) {
        setKeyboardSelectedColumn(column, true);

     * Set the keyboard selected column index and optionally focus on the new
     * cell.
     * @param column
     *            the column index, greater than or equal to zero
     * @param stealFocus
     *            true to focus on the new column
     * @see #setKeyboardSelectedColumn(int)
    public void setKeyboardSelectedColumn(int column, boolean stealFocus) {
        assert column >= 0 : "Column must be zero or greater";
        if (KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED == getKeyboardSelectionPolicy()) {
        this.keyboardSelectedColumn = column;
        // Reselect the row to move the selected column.
        setKeyboardSelectedRow(getKeyboardSelectedRow(), keyboardSelectedSubrow, stealFocus);

    public void setKeyboardSelectedRow(int row, boolean stealFocus) {
        setKeyboardSelectedRow(row, 0, stealFocus);

     * Set the keyboard selected row and subrow, optionally focus on the new
     * row.
     * @param row
     *            the row index relative to the page start
     * @param subrow
     *            the row index of the child row
     * @param stealFocus
     *            true to focus on the new row
     * @see #setKeyboardSelectedRow(int)
    public void setKeyboardSelectedRow(int row, int subrow, boolean stealFocus) {
        this.keyboardSelectedSubrow = subrow;
        super.setKeyboardSelectedRow(row, stealFocus);

     * Set the widget to display when the data is loading.
     * @param widget
     *            the loading indicator, or null to disable
    @UiChild(tagname = "loadingIndicator", limit = 1)
    public void setLoadingIndicator(Widget widget) {
        loadingIndicator = widget;

     * Sets the object used to determine how a row is styled; the change will
     * take effect the next time that the table is rendered.
     * @param rowStyles
     *            a {@link RowStyles} object
    public void setRowStyles(RowStyles<T> rowStyles) {
        this.rowStyles = rowStyles;

     * Sets the skipRowHoverCheck flag. If set, the CellTable will not check for
     * row-level hover events (MOUSEOVER and MOUSEOUT).
     * @param skipRowHoverCheck
     *            the new flag value
    public void setSkipRowHoverCheck(boolean skipRowHoverCheck) {
        this.skipRowHoverCheck = skipRowHoverCheck;

     * Sets the skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck flag. If set, the CellTable will
     * not not check for floating (fixed position) elements over the hovered
     * row.
     * @param skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck
     *            the new flag value
    public void setSkipRowHoverFloatElementCheck(boolean skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck) {
        this.skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck = skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck;

     * Sets the skipRowHoverStyleUpdate flag. If set, the CellTable will not
     * update the row's style on row-level hover events (MOUSEOVER and
     * MOUSEOUT).
     * @param skipRowHoverCheck
     *            the new flag value
    public void setSkipRowHoverStyleUpdate(boolean skipRowHoverStyleUpdate) {
        this.skipRowHoverStyleUpdate = skipRowHoverStyleUpdate;

     * Specify the {@link CellTableBuilder} that will be used to render the row
     * values into the table.
    public void setTableBuilder(CellTableBuilder<T> tableBuilder) {
        assert tableBuilder != null : "tableBuilder cannot be null";
        this.tableBuilder = tableBuilder;

     * Build a list of row values.
     * @param values
     *            the row values to render
     * @param start
     *            the absolute start index
     * @param isRebuildingAllRows
     *            is this going to rebuild all rows
     * @return a {@link SafeHtml} string containing the row values
    private SafeHtml buildRowValues(List<T> values, int start, boolean isRebuildingAllRows) {
        int length = values.size();
        int end = start + length;
        for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
            T value = values.get(i - start);
            tableBuilder.buildRow(value, i);
        // Update the properties of the table.
        TableSectionBuilder tableSectionBuilder = tableBuilder.finish();
        return tableSectionToSafeHtml(tableSectionBuilder, "tbody");

     * Check that the specified column is within bounds.
     * @param col
     *            the column index
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
     *             if the column is out of bounds
    private void checkColumnBounds(int col) {
        if (col < 0 || col >= getColumnCount()) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Column index is out of bounds: " + col);

     * Coalesce the various cell properties (dependsOnSelection,
     * handlesSelection, isInteractive) into a table policy.
    private void coalesceCellProperties() {
        dependsOnSelection = false;
        handlesSelection = false;
        isInteractive = false;
        for (HasCell<T, ?> column : tableBuilder.getColumns()) {
            Cell<?> cell = column.getCell();
            if (cell.dependsOnSelection()) {
                dependsOnSelection = true;
            if (cell.handlesSelection()) {
                handlesSelection = true;
            if (isColumnInteractive(column)) {
                isInteractive = true;

     * Render the header or footer.
     * @param isFooter
     *            true if this is the footer table, false if the header table
    private void createHeaders(boolean isFooter) {
        TableSectionBuilder section = isFooter ? footerBuilder.buildFooter() : headerBuilder.buildHeader();
        if (section != null) {
            TABLE_IMPL.replaceAllRows(this, isFooter ? getTableFootElement() : getTableHeadElement(),
                    tableSectionToSafeHtml(section, isFooter ? "tfoot" : "thead"));
            doSetHeaderVisible(isFooter, true);
        } else {
            // If the section isn't used, hide it.
            doSetHeaderVisible(isFooter, false);

     * Fire an event to the Cell within the specified {@link TableCellElement}.
    private <C> void fireEventToCell(Event event, String eventType, Element parentElem, final T rowValue,
            Context context, HasCell<T, C> column) {
        // Check if the cell consumes the event.
        Cell<C> cell = column.getCell();
        if (!cellConsumesEventType(cell, eventType)) {
        C cellValue = column.getValue(rowValue);
        boolean cellWasEditing = cell.isEditing(context, parentElem, cellValue);
        if (column instanceof Column) {
             * If the HasCell is a Column, let it handle the event itself. This
             * is here for legacy support.
            Column<T, C> col = (Column<T, C>) column;
            col.onBrowserEvent(context, parentElem, rowValue, event);
        } else {
            // Create a FieldUpdater.
            final FieldUpdater<T, C> fieldUpdater = column.getFieldUpdater();
            final int index = context.getIndex();
            ValueUpdater<C> valueUpdater = (fieldUpdater == null) ? null : new ValueUpdater<C>() {
                public void update(C value) {
                    fieldUpdater.update(index, rowValue, value);
            // Fire the event to the cell.
            cell.onBrowserEvent(context, parentElem, cellValue, event, valueUpdater);
        // Reset focus if needed.
        cellIsEditing = cell.isEditing(context, parentElem, cellValue);
        if (cellWasEditing && !cellIsEditing) {
            CellBasedWidgetImpl.get().resetFocus(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() {
                public void execute() {

     * Get the keyboard selected element from the selected table cell.
     * @return the keyboard selected element, or null if there is none
    private Element getKeyboardSelectedElement(TableCellElement td) {
        if (td == null) {
            return null;
         * The TD itself is a cell parent, which means its internal structure
         * (including the tabIndex that we set) could be modified by its Cell.
         * We return the TD to be safe.
        if (tableBuilder.isColumn(td)) {
            return td;
         * The default table builder adds a focusable div to the table cell
         * because TDs aren't focusable in all browsers. If the user defines a
         * custom table builder with a different structure, we must assume the
         * keyboard selected element is the TD itself.
        Element firstChild = td.getFirstChildElement();
        if (firstChild != null && td.getChildCount() == 1 && "div".equalsIgnoreCase(firstChild.getTagName())) {
            return firstChild;
        return td;

     * Get the {@link TableCellElement} that is currently keyboard selected.
     * @return the table cell element, or null if not selected
    private TableCellElement getKeyboardSelectedTableCellElement() {
        int colIndex = getKeyboardSelectedColumn();
        if (colIndex < 0) {
            return null;
        // Do not use getRowElement() because that will flush the presenter.
        int rowIndex = getKeyboardSelectedRow();
        if (rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex >= getTableBodyElement().getRows().getLength()) {
            return null;
        TableRowElement tr = getSubRowElement(rowIndex + getPageStart(), keyboardSelectedSubrow);
        if (tr != null) {
            int cellCount = tr.getCells().getLength();
            if (cellCount > 0) {
                int column = Math.min(colIndex, cellCount - 1);
                return tr.getCells().getItem(column);
        return null;

     * Initialize the widget.
    private void init() {
        if (TABLE_IMPL == null) {
            TABLE_IMPL = GWT.create(Impl.class);
        if (template == null) {
            template = GWT.create(Template.class);
        // Set the cell table style
        // Sink events.
        Set<String> eventTypes = new HashSet<String>();
        CellBasedWidgetImpl.get().sinkEvents(this, eventTypes);
        // Set the table builder.
        tableBuilder = new DefaultCellTableBuilder<T>(this);
        headerBuilder = new DefaultHeaderOrFooterBuilder<T>(this, false);
        footerBuilder = new DefaultHeaderOrFooterBuilder<T>(this, true);
        // Set the keyboard handler.
        setKeyboardSelectionHandler(new CellTableKeyboardSelectionHandler<T>(this));

     * Mark the column widths as dirty and redraw the table.
    private void refreshColumnsAndRedraw() {
        columnWidthsDirty = true;

     * Refresh the headers and column widths.
    private void refreshHeadersAndColumnsImpl() {
        // Refresh the column widths if needed.
        if (columnWidthsDirty) {
            columnWidthsDirty = false;
        // Render the headers and footers.
        boolean wereHeadersDirty = headersDirty;
        headersDirty = false;
        if (wereHeadersDirty || !headerRefreshDisabled) {
        if (wereHeadersDirty || !footerRefreshDisabled) {

    private <C> boolean resetFocusOnCellImpl(Context context, T value, HasCell<T, C> column, Element cellParent) {
        C cellValue = column.getValue(value);
        Cell<C> cell = column.getCell();
        return cell.resetFocus(context, cellParent, cellValue);

     * Set a row's hovering style and fire a {@link RowHoverEvent}
     * @param tr
     *            the row element
     * @param event
     *            the original event
     * @param isHovering
     *            false if this is an unhover event
     * @param isRowChange
     *            true if the hover event is a full row change, false if it is a
     *            hover on a cell. Row style update is called only on full row
     *            change.
    private void setRowHover(TableRowElement tr, Event event, boolean isHovering, boolean isRowChange) {
        if (!skipRowHoverStyleUpdate) {
            setRowStyleName(tr, style.hoveredRow(), style.hoveredRowCell(), isHovering);
        }, tr, event, !isHovering,
                isRowChange ? RowHoverEvent.HoveringScope.ROW_HOVER : RowHoverEvent.HoveringScope.CELL_HOVER);

     * Apply a style to a row and all cells in the row.
     * @param tr
     *            the row element
     * @param rowStyle
     *            the style to apply to the row
     * @param cellStyle
     *            the style to apply to the cells
     * @param add
     *            true to add the style, false to remove
    private void setRowStyleName(TableRowElement tr, String rowStyle, String cellStyle, boolean add) {
        setStyleName(tr, rowStyle, add);
        NodeList<TableCellElement> cells = tr.getCells();
        for (int i = 0; i < cells.getLength(); i++) {
            setStyleName(cells.getItem(i), cellStyle, add);

     * Update the width of all instances of the specified column. A column
     * instance may appear multiple times in the table.
     * @param column
     *            the column to update
     * @param width
     *            the width of the column, or null to clear the width
    private void updateColumnWidthImpl(Column<T, ?> column, String width) {
        int columnCount = getColumnCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
            if (columns.get(i) == column) {
                doSetColumnWidth(i, width);

    protected Element convertToElements(SafeHtml html) {
        return TABLE_IMPL.convertToSectionElement(AbstractCellTable.this, "tbody", html);

    protected boolean dependsOnSelection() {
        return dependsOnSelection;

     * Set the width of a column.
     * @param column
     *            the column index
     * @param width
     *            the width, or null to clear the width
    protected abstract void doSetColumnWidth(int column, String width);

     * Show or hide a header section.
     * @param isFooter
     *            true for the footer, false for the header
     * @param isVisible
     *            true to show, false to hide
    protected abstract void doSetHeaderVisible(boolean isFooter, boolean isVisible);

    protected Element getChildContainer() {
        return getTableBodyElement();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * The row element may not be the same as the TR element at the specified
     * index if some row values are rendered with additional rows.
     * </p>
     * @param row
     *            the row index, relative to the page start
     * @return the row element, or null if it doesn't exists
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
     *             if the row index is outside of the current page
    protected TableRowElement getChildElement(int row) {
        return getSubRowElement(row + getPageStart(), 0);

    protected Element getKeyboardSelectedElement() {
        return getKeyboardSelectedElement(getKeyboardSelectedTableCellElement());

     * Get the real column count, which is the greater of the number of Columns
     * or the maximum index of a column with a defined column width.
    protected int getRealColumnCount() {
        return Math.max(getColumnCount(), maxColumnIndex + 1);

     * Get a subrow element given the index of the row value and the sub row
     * index.
     * @param absRow
     *            the absolute row value index
     * @param subrow
     *            the index of the subrow beneath the row.
     * @return the row element, or null if not found
    protected TableRowElement getSubRowElement(int absRow, int subrow) {
        int relRow = absRow - getPageStart();
         * In most tables, the row element that represents the row object at the
         * specified index will be at the same index in the DOM. However, if the
         * user provides a TableBuilder that renders multiple rows per row
         * value, that will not be the case.
         * We use a binary search to find the row, but we start at the index as
         * that is the most likely location.
        NodeList<TableRowElement> rows = getTableBodyElement().getRows();
        int rowCount = rows.getLength();
        if (rowCount == 0) {
            return null;
        int frameStart = 0;
        int frameEnd = rowCount - 1;
        int domIndex = Math.min(relRow, frameEnd);
        while (domIndex >= frameStart && domIndex <= frameEnd) {
            TableRowElement curRow = rows.getItem(domIndex);
            int rowValueIndex = tableBuilder.getRowValueIndex(curRow);
            if (rowValueIndex == absRow) {
                // Found a subrow in the row index.
                int subrowValueIndex = tableBuilder.getSubrowValueIndex(curRow);
                if (subrow != subrowValueIndex) {
                    // Shift to the correct subrow.
                    int offset = subrow - subrowValueIndex;
                    int subrowIndex = domIndex + offset;
                    if (subrowIndex >= rows.getLength()) {
                        // The subrow is out of range of the table.
                        return null;
                    curRow = rows.getItem(subrowIndex);
                    if (tableBuilder.getRowValueIndex(curRow) != absRow) {
                        // The "subrow" is actually part of the next row.
                        return null;
                return curRow;
            } else if (rowValueIndex > absRow) {
                // Shift the frame to lower indexes.
                frameEnd = domIndex - 1;
            } else {
                // Shift the frame to higher indexes.
                frameStart = domIndex + 1;
            // Move the dom index.
            domIndex = (frameStart + frameEnd) / 2;
        // The element wasn't found.
        return null;

     * Get the tbody element that contains the render row values.
    protected abstract TableSectionElement getTableBodyElement();

     * Get the tfoot element that contains the footers.
    protected abstract TableSectionElement getTableFootElement();

     * Get the thead element that contains the headers.
    protected abstract TableSectionElement getTableHeadElement();

    protected boolean isKeyboardNavigationSuppressed() {
        return cellIsEditing;

    protected void onBlur() {
        TableCellElement td = getKeyboardSelectedTableCellElement();
        if (td != null) {
            TableRowElement tr = td.getParentElement().cast();
            setRowStyleName(tr, style.keyboardSelectedRow(), style.keyboardSelectedRowCell(), false);

    protected void onBrowserEvent2(Event event) {
        // Get the event target.
        EventTarget eventTarget = event.getEventTarget();
        if (! {
        final Element target = event.getEventTarget().cast();
        // Find the cell where the event occurred.
        TableSectionElement tbody = getTableBodyElement();
        TableSectionElement tfoot = getTableFootElement();
        TableSectionElement thead = getTableHeadElement();
        TableSectionElement targetTableSection = null;
        TableCellElement targetTableCell = null;
        Element cellParent = null;
        Element headerParent = null; // Header in the headerBuilder.
        Element headerColumnParent = null; // Column in the headerBuilder.
        Element footerParent = null; // Header in the footerBuilder.
        Element footerColumnParent = null; // Column in the footerBuilder.
            Element maybeTableCell = null;
            Element cur = target;
             * If an event happens in the TD element but outside the cell's div,
             * we want to handle it as if it happened within the table cell.
            if (TableCellElement.TAG_TD.equalsIgnoreCase(cur.getTagName())
                    && tableBuilder.isColumn(cur.getFirstChildElement())) {
                cur = cur.getFirstChildElement();
            while (cur != null && targetTableSection == null) {
                 * Found the table section. Return the most recent cell element
                 * that we discovered.
                if (cur == tbody || cur == tfoot || cur == thead) {
                    targetTableSection = cur.cast(); // We found the table
                                                     // section.
                    if (maybeTableCell != null) {
                        targetTableCell = maybeTableCell.cast();
                // Look for a table cell.
                String tagName = cur.getTagName();
                if (TableCellElement.TAG_TD.equalsIgnoreCase(tagName)
                        || TableCellElement.TAG_TH.equalsIgnoreCase(tagName)) {
                     * Found a table cell, but we can't return yet because it
                     * may be part of a sub table within the a CellTable cell.
                    maybeTableCell = cur;
                // Look for the most immediate cell parent if not already found.
                if (cellParent == null && tableBuilder.isColumn(cur)) {
                    cellParent = cur;
                 * Look for the most immediate header parent if not already
                 * found. Its possible that the footer or header will mistakenly
                 * identify a header from the other section, so we remember
                 * both. When we eventually reach the target table section
                 * element, we'll know for sure if its a header of footer.
                if (headerParent == null && headerBuilder.isHeader(cur)) {
                    headerParent = cur;
                if (footerParent == null && footerBuilder.isHeader(cur)) {
                    footerParent = cur;
                // Look for the most immediate column parent if not already
                // found.
                if (headerColumnParent == null && headerBuilder.isColumn(cur)) {
                    headerColumnParent = cur;
                if (footerColumnParent == null && footerBuilder.isColumn(cur)) {
                    footerColumnParent = cur;
                // Iterate.
                cur = cur.getParentElement();
        if (targetTableCell == null) {
        // Support the legacy mode where the div inside of the TD is the cell
        // parent.
        if (legacyRenderRowValues) {
            cellParent = targetTableCell.getFirstChildElement();
         * Forward the event to the associated header, footer, or column.
        TableRowElement targetTableRow = targetTableCell.getParentElement().cast();
        String eventType = event.getType();
        boolean isSelect = BrowserEvents.CLICK.equals(eventType)
                || (BrowserEvents.KEYDOWN.equals(eventType) && event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER);
        int col = targetTableCell.getCellIndex();
        if (targetTableSection == thead || targetTableSection == tfoot) {
            boolean isHeader = (targetTableSection == thead);
            headerParent = isHeader ? headerParent : footerParent;
            Element columnParent = isHeader ? headerColumnParent : footerColumnParent;
            boolean shouldSortColumn = true;
            // Fire the event to the header.
            if (headerParent != null) {
                Header<?> header = isHeader ? headerBuilder.getHeader(headerParent)
                        : footerBuilder.getHeader(footerParent);
                if (header != null) {
                    int headerIndex = isHeader ? headerBuilder.getRowIndex(targetTableRow)
                            : footerBuilder.getRowIndex(targetTableRow);
                    Context context = new Context(headerIndex, col, header.getKey());
                    if (cellConsumesEventType(header.getCell(), eventType)) {
                        header.onBrowserEvent(context, headerParent, event);
                    if (isSelect) {
                        // Preview the event, and possibily disable the column
                        // sort event. The event preview is
                        // forced even if the header cell does not consume click
                        // event
                        shouldSortColumn = header.onPreviewColumnSortEvent(context, headerParent, event);
            // Sort the header.
            if (isSelect && shouldSortColumn && columnParent != null) {
                Column<T, ?> column = isHeader ? headerBuilder.getColumn(columnParent)
                        : footerBuilder.getColumn(columnParent);
                if (column != null && column.isSortable()) {
                     * Force the headers to refresh the next time data is pushed
                     * so we update the sort icon in the header.
                    headersDirty = true;
                    updatingSortList = true;
                    updatingSortList = false;
          , sortList);
        } else if (targetTableSection == tbody) {
             * Get the row index of the data value. This may not correspond to
             * the DOM row index if the user specifies multiple table rows per
             * row object.
            int absRow = tableBuilder.getRowValueIndex(targetTableRow);
            int relRow = absRow - getPageStart();
            int subrow = tableBuilder.getSubrowValueIndex(targetTableRow);
            if (!skipRowHoverCheck) {
                boolean isRowChange = hoveringRow != targetTableRow;
                if (BrowserEvents.MOUSEOVER.equals(eventType)) {
                    // Unstyle the old row if it is still part of the table.
                    if (hoveringRow != null && getTableBodyElement().isOrHasChild(hoveringRow)) {
                        setRowHover(hoveringRow, event, false, isRowChange);
                    hoveringRow = targetTableRow;
                    setRowHover(hoveringRow, event, true, isRowChange);
                } else if (BrowserEvents.MOUSEOUT.equals(eventType) && hoveringRow != null) {
                    boolean unhover = true;
                    if (!skipRowHoverFloatElementCheck) {
                        // Ignore events happening directly over the hovering
                        // row. If there are floating element
                        // on top of the row, mouseout event should not be
                        // triggered. This is to avoid the flickring
                        // effect if the floating element is shown/hide based on
                        // hover event.
                        int clientX = event.getClientX() + Window.getScrollLeft();
                        int clientY = event.getClientY() + Window.getScrollTop();
                        int rowLeft = hoveringRow.getAbsoluteLeft();
                        int rowTop = hoveringRow.getAbsoluteTop();
                        int rowWidth = hoveringRow.getOffsetWidth();
                        int rowHeight = hoveringRow.getOffsetHeight();
                        int rowBottom = rowTop + rowHeight;
                        int rowRight = rowLeft + rowWidth;
                        unhover = clientX < rowLeft || clientX > rowRight || clientY < rowTop
                                || clientY > rowBottom;
                    if (unhover) {
                        setRowHover(hoveringRow, event, false, isRowChange);
                        hoveringRow = null;
            // If the event causes us to page, then the physical index will be
            // out
            // of bounds of the underlying data.
            if (!isRowWithinBounds(relRow)) {
             * Fire a preview event. The preview event is fired even if the TD
             * does not contain a cell so the selection handler and keyboard
             * handler have a chance to act.
            boolean isSelectionHandled = handlesSelection
                    || KeyboardSelectionPolicy.BOUND_TO_SELECTION == getKeyboardSelectionPolicy();
            T value = getVisibleItem(relRow);
             * Create a new context based on the dom column index instead of
             * using the user provided one from TableBuilder. We trigger cell
             * preview events for table cells even if there is no associated
             * Cell instance. If we used the user provided context, we could get
             * inconsistent states where the Context is sometimes user provided
             * and sometimes generated based on the DOM column index.
            Context context = new Context(absRow, col, getValueKey(value), subrow);
            CellPreviewEvent<T> previewEvent =, event, this, context, value,
                    cellIsEditing, isSelectionHandled);
            // Pass the event to the cell.
            if (cellParent != null && !previewEvent.isCanceled()) {
                HasCell<T, ?> column;
                if (legacyRenderRowValues) {
                    column = columns.get(col);
                } else {
                    column = tableBuilder.getColumn(context, value, cellParent);
                if (column != null) {
                    fireEventToCell(event, eventType, cellParent, value, context, column);

    protected void onFocus() {
        TableCellElement td = getKeyboardSelectedTableCellElement();
        if (td != null) {
            TableRowElement tr = td.getParentElement().cast();
            setRowStyleName(tr, style.keyboardSelectedRow(), style.keyboardSelectedRowCell(), true);

    protected void refreshColumnWidths() {
        int columnCount = getRealColumnCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
            doSetColumnWidth(i, getColumnWidth(i));

     * @deprecated as of GWT 2.5, use a {@link CellTableBuilder} to customize
     *             the table structure instead
     * @see #renderRowValuesLegacy(SafeHtmlBuilder, List, int, SelectionModel)
    protected void renderRowValues(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, List<T> values, int start,
            SelectionModel<? super T> selectionModel) {
        legacyRenderRowValues = false;

     * Render all row values into the specified {@link SafeHtmlBuilder}.
     * <p>
     * This method is here for legacy reasons, to support subclasses that call
     * {@link #renderRowValues(SafeHtmlBuilder, List, int, SelectionModel)}.
     * </p>
     * @param sb
     *            the {@link SafeHtmlBuilder} to render into
     * @param values
     *            the row values
     * @param start
     *            the absolute start index of the values
     * @param selectionModel
     *            the {@link SelectionModel}
     * @deprecated as of GWT 2.5, use a {@link CellTableBuilder} to customize
     *             the table structure instead
    protected final void renderRowValuesLegacy(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, List<T> values, int start,
            SelectionModel<? super T> selectionModel) {
        int keyboardSelectedRow = getKeyboardSelectedRow() + getPageStart();
        String evenRowStyle = style.evenRow();
        String oddRowStyle = style.oddRow();
        String cellStyle = style.cell();
        String evenCellStyle = " " + style.evenRowCell();
        String oddCellStyle = " " + style.oddRowCell();
        String firstColumnStyle = " " + style.firstColumn();
        String lastColumnStyle = " " + style.lastColumn();
        String selectedRowStyle = " " + style.selectedRow();
        String selectedCellStyle = " " + style.selectedRowCell();
        int columnCount = columns.size();
        int length = values.size();
        int end = start + length;
        for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
            T value = values.get(i - start);
            boolean isSelected = (selectionModel == null || value == null) ? false
                    : selectionModel.isSelected(value);
            boolean isEven = i % 2 == 0;
            String trClasses = isEven ? evenRowStyle : oddRowStyle;
            if (isSelected) {
                trClasses += selectedRowStyle;
            if (rowStyles != null) {
                String extraRowStyles = rowStyles.getStyleNames(value, i);
                if (extraRowStyles != null) {
                    trClasses += " ";
                    trClasses += extraRowStyles;
            SafeHtmlBuilder trBuilder = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
            int curColumn = 0;
            for (Column<T, ?> column : columns) {
                String tdClasses = cellStyle;
                tdClasses += isEven ? evenCellStyle : oddCellStyle;
                if (curColumn == 0) {
                    tdClasses += firstColumnStyle;
                if (isSelected) {
                    tdClasses += selectedCellStyle;
                // The first and last column could be the same column.
                if (curColumn == columnCount - 1) {
                    tdClasses += lastColumnStyle;
                // Add class names specific to the cell.
                Context context = new Context(i, curColumn, getValueKey(value));
                String cellStyles = column.getCellStyleNames(context, value);
                if (cellStyles != null) {
                    tdClasses += " " + cellStyles;
                SafeHtmlBuilder cellBuilder = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
                if (value != null) {
                    column.render(context, value, cellBuilder);
                // Build the contents.
                SafeHtml contents = SafeHtmlUtils.EMPTY_SAFE_HTML;
                contents = template.div(cellBuilder.toSafeHtml());
                // Build the cell.
                HorizontalAlignmentConstant hAlign = column.getHorizontalAlignment();
                VerticalAlignmentConstant vAlign = column.getVerticalAlignment();
                if (hAlign != null && vAlign != null) {
                    trBuilder.append(template.tdBothAlign(tdClasses, hAlign.getTextAlignString(),
                            vAlign.getVerticalAlignString(), contents));
                } else if (hAlign != null) {
                    trBuilder.append(template.tdHorizontalAlign(tdClasses, hAlign.getTextAlignString(), contents));
                } else if (vAlign != null) {
                            .append(template.tdVerticalAlign(tdClasses, vAlign.getVerticalAlignString(), contents));
                } else {
                    trBuilder.append(, contents));
            sb.append(, trBuilder.toSafeHtml()));

    protected void replaceAllChildren(List<T> values, SafeHtml html) {
         * If html is not null and legacyRenderRowValues is true, then the user
         * overrode renderRowValues() and rendered directly into a
         * SafeHtmlBuilder. The legacy method is deprecated but still supported.
        if (html == null || legacyRenderRowValues == false) {
            html = buildRowValues(values, getPageStart(), true);
        TABLE_IMPL.replaceAllRows(this, getTableBodyElement(), CellBasedWidgetImpl.get().processHtml(html));

    protected void replaceChildren(List<T> values, int start, SafeHtml html) {
         * If html is not null and legacyRenderRowValues is true, then the user
         * override renderRowValues() and rendered directly into a
         * SafeHtmlBuilder. The legacy method is deprecated but still supported.
        if (html == null || legacyRenderRowValues == false) {
            html = buildRowValues(values, getPageStart() + start, false);
        TABLE_IMPL.replaceChildren(this, getTableBodyElement(), CellBasedWidgetImpl.get().processHtml(html), start,

    protected boolean resetFocusOnCell() {
        Element elem = getKeyboardSelectedElement();
        if (elem == null) {
            // There is no selected element.
            return false;
        int row = getKeyboardSelectedRow();
        int col = getKeyboardSelectedColumn();
        T value = getVisibleItem(row);
        Object key = getValueKey(value);
        // TODO(pengzhuang): this doesn't support sub row selection?
        Context context = new Context(row + getPageStart(), col, key);
        HasCell<T, ?> column = tableBuilder.getColumn(context, value, elem);
        if (column == null) {
            // The selected element does not contain a Cell.
            return false;
        resetFocusOnCellImpl(context, value, column, elem);
        return false;

    protected void setKeyboardSelected(int index, boolean selected, boolean stealFocus) {
        if (KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED == getKeyboardSelectionPolicy() || !isRowWithinBounds(index)) {
        // If deselecting, we deselect the previous subrow.
        int subrow = lastKeyboardSelectedSubrow;
        if (selected) {
            subrow = keyboardSelectedSubrow;
            lastKeyboardSelectedSubrow = keyboardSelectedSubrow;
        // Deselect the row.
        TableRowElement tr = getSubRowElement(index + getPageStart(), subrow);
        if (tr == null) {
            // The row does not exist.
        String cellStyle = style.keyboardSelectedCell();
        boolean updatedSelection = !selected || isFocused || stealFocus;
        setRowStyleName(tr, style.keyboardSelectedRow(), style.keyboardSelectedRowCell(), selected);
        NodeList<TableCellElement> cells = tr.getCells();
        int keyboardColumn = Math.min(getKeyboardSelectedColumn(), cells.getLength() - 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < cells.getLength(); i++) {
            TableCellElement td = cells.getItem(i);
            boolean isKeyboardSelected = (i == keyboardColumn);
            // Update the selected style.
            setStyleName(td, cellStyle, updatedSelection && selected && isKeyboardSelected);
            // Mark as focusable.
            final Element focusable = getKeyboardSelectedElement(td);
            setFocusable(focusable, selected && isKeyboardSelected);
            // Move focus to the cell.
            if (selected && stealFocus && !cellIsEditing && isKeyboardSelected) {
                CellBasedWidgetImpl.get().resetFocus(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() {
                    public void execute() {

     * Get the column width. Associating a width with a {@link Column} takes
     * precedence over setting the width of a column index.
     * @param columnIndex
     *            the column index
     * @return the column width, or null if none specified
    String getColumnWidth(int columnIndex) {
        String width = null;
        if (columns.size() > columnIndex) {
            // Look for the width by Column.
            width = columnWidths.get(columns.get(columnIndex));
        if (width == null) {
            // Look for the width by index.
            width = columnWidthsByIndex.get(columnIndex);
        return width;

     * Default implementation of a keyboard navigation handler for tables that
     * supports navigation between cells.
     * @param <T>
     *            the data type of each row
    public static class CellTableKeyboardSelectionHandler<T> extends DefaultKeyboardSelectionHandler<T> {
        private final AbstractCellTable<T> table;

         * Construct a new keyboard selection handler for the specified table.
         * @param table
         *            the display being handled
        public CellTableKeyboardSelectionHandler(AbstractCellTable<T> table) {
            this.table = table;

        public AbstractCellTable<T> getDisplay() {
            return table;

        public void onCellPreview(CellPreviewEvent<T> event) {
            NativeEvent nativeEvent = event.getNativeEvent();
            String eventType = event.getNativeEvent().getType();
            if (BrowserEvents.KEYDOWN.equals(eventType) && !event.isCellEditing()) {
                 * Handle keyboard navigation, unless the cell is being edited.
                 * If the cell is being edited, we do not want to change rows.
                 * Prevent default on navigation events to prevent default
                 * scrollbar behavior.
                int oldRow = table.getKeyboardSelectedRow();
                int oldColumn = table.getKeyboardSelectedColumn();
                boolean isRtl = LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL();
                int keyCodeLineEnd = isRtl ? KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT : KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT;
                int keyCodeLineStart = isRtl ? KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT : KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT;
                int keyCode = nativeEvent.getKeyCode();
                if (keyCode == keyCodeLineEnd) {
                    int nextColumn = findInteractiveColumn(oldColumn, false);
                    if (nextColumn <= oldColumn) {
                        // Wrap to the next row.
                        table.setKeyboardSelectedRow(oldRow + 1);
                        if (table.getKeyboardSelectedRow() != oldRow) {
                            // If the row didn't change, we are at the end of
                            // the table.
                    } else {
                } else if (keyCode == keyCodeLineStart) {
                    int prevColumn = findInteractiveColumn(oldColumn, true);
                    if (prevColumn >= oldColumn) {
                        // Wrap to the previous row.
                        table.setKeyboardSelectedRow(oldRow - 1);
                        if (table.getKeyboardSelectedRow() != oldRow) {
                            // If the row didn't change, we are at the start of
                            // the table.
                    } else {
            } else if (BrowserEvents.CLICK.equals(eventType) || BrowserEvents.FOCUS.equals(eventType)) {
                 * Move keyboard focus to the clicked column, even if the cell
                 * is being edited. Unlike key events, we aren't moving the
                 * currently selected row, just updating it based on where the
                 * user clicked.
                 * Since the user clicked, allow focus to go to a
                 * non-interactive column.
                int col = event.getColumn();
                int relRow = event.getIndex() - table.getPageStart();
                int subrow = event.getContext().getSubIndex();
                if ((table.getKeyboardSelectedColumn() != col) || (table.getKeyboardSelectedRow() != relRow)
                        || (table.getKeyboardSelectedSubRow() != subrow)) {
                    boolean stealFocus = false;
                    if (BrowserEvents.CLICK.equals(eventType)) {
                        // If a natively focusable element was just clicked,
                        // then do not
                        // steal focus.
                        Element target =;
                        stealFocus = !CellBasedWidgetImpl.get().isFocusable(target);
                    // Update the row and subrow.
                    table.setKeyboardSelectedRow(relRow, subrow, stealFocus);
                    // Update the column index.
                    table.setKeyboardSelectedColumn(col, stealFocus);
                // Do not cancel the event as the click may have occurred on a
                // Cell.
            // Let the parent class handle the event.

         * Find and return the index of the next interactive column. If no
         * column is interactive, 0 is returned. If the start index is the only
         * interactive column, it is returned.
         * @param start
         *            the start index, exclusive unless it is the only option
         * @param reverse
         *            true to do a reverse search
         * @return the interactive column index, or 0 if not interactive
        private int findInteractiveColumn(int start, boolean reverse) {
            if (!table.isInteractive) {
                return 0;
            } else if (reverse) {
                for (int i = start - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    if (isColumnInteractive(table.getColumn(i))) {
                        return i;
                // Wrap to the end.
                for (int i = table.getColumnCount() - 1; i >= start; i--) {
                    if (isColumnInteractive(table.getColumn(i))) {
                        return i;
            } else {
                for (int i = start + 1; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++) {
                    if (isColumnInteractive(table.getColumn(i))) {
                        return i;
                // Wrap to the start.
                for (int i = 0; i <= start; i++) {
                    if (isColumnInteractive(table.getColumn(i))) {
                        return i;
            return 0;

     * A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
    public interface Resources {
         * Icon used when a column is sorted in ascending order.
        ImageResource sortAscending();

         * Icon used when a column is sorted in descending order.
        ImageResource sortDescending();

         * The styles used in this widget.
        Style style();

     * Styles used by this widget.
    public interface Style {
         * Applied to every cell.
        String cell();

         * Applied to even rows.
        String evenRow();

         * Applied to cells in even rows.
        String evenRowCell();

         * Applied to the first column.
        String firstColumn();

         * Applied to the first column footers.
        String firstColumnFooter();

         * Applied to the first column headers.
        String firstColumnHeader();

         * Applied to footers cells.
        String footer();

         * Applied to headers cells.
        String header();

         * Applied to the hovered row.
        String hoveredRow();

         * Applied to the cells in the hovered row.
        String hoveredRowCell();

         * Applied to the keyboard selected cell.
        String keyboardSelectedCell();

         * Applied to the keyboard selected row.
        String keyboardSelectedRow();

         * Applied to the cells in the keyboard selected row.
        String keyboardSelectedRowCell();

         * Applied to the last column.
        String lastColumn();

         * Applied to the last column footers.
        String lastColumnFooter();

         * Applied to the last column headers.
        String lastColumnHeader();

         * Applied to odd rows.
        String oddRow();

         * Applied to cells in odd rows.
        String oddRowCell();

         * Applied to selected rows.
        String selectedRow();

         * Applied to cells in selected rows.
        String selectedRowCell();

         * Applied to header cells that are sortable.
        String sortableHeader();

         * Applied to header cells that are sorted in ascending order.
        String sortedHeaderAscending();

         * Applied to header cells that are sorted in descending order.
        String sortedHeaderDescending();

         * Applied to the table.
        String widget();

     * Implementation of {@link AbstractCellTable}.
    private static class Impl {
        private final Element tmpElem = Document.get().createDivElement();

         * Convert the rowHtml into Elements wrapped by the specified table
         * section.
         * @param table
         *            the {@link AbstractCellTable}
         * @param sectionTag
         *            the table section tag
         * @param rowHtml
         *            the Html for the rows
         * @return the section element
        public TableSectionElement convertToSectionElement(AbstractCellTable<?> table, String sectionTag,
                SafeHtml rowHtml) {
            // Attach an event listener so we can catch synchronous load events
            // from
            // cached images.
            DOM.setEventListener(tmpElem, table);
             * Render the rows into a table.
             * IE doesn't support innerHtml on a TableSection or Table element,
             * so we generate the entire table. We do the same for all browsers
             * to avoid any future bugs, since setting innerHTML on a table
             * section seems brittle.
            sectionTag = sectionTag.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
            if ("tbody".equals(sectionTag)) {
            } else if ("thead".equals(sectionTag)) {
            } else if ("tfoot".equals(sectionTag)) {
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid table section tag: " + sectionTag);
            TableElement tableElem = tmpElem.getFirstChildElement().cast();
            // Detach the event listener.
            DOM.setEventListener(tmpElem, null);
            // Get the section out of the table.
            if ("tbody".equals(sectionTag)) {
                return tableElem.getTBodies().getItem(0);
            } else if ("thead".equals(sectionTag)) {
                return tableElem.getTHead();
            } else if ("tfoot".equals(sectionTag)) {
                return tableElem.getTFoot();
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid table section tag: " + sectionTag);

         * Render a table section in the table.
         * @param table
         *            the {@link AbstractCellTable}
         * @param section
         *            the {@link TableSectionElement} to replace
         * @param html
         *            the html of a table section element containing the rows
        public final void replaceAllRows(AbstractCellTable<?> table, TableSectionElement section, SafeHtml html) {
            // If the widget is not attached, attach an event listener so we can
            // catch
            // synchronous load events from cached images.
            if (!table.isAttached()) {
                DOM.setEventListener(table.getElement(), table);
            // Remove the section from the tbody.
            Element parent = section.getParentElement();
            Element nextSection = section.getNextSiblingElement();
            // Render the html.
            replaceAllRowsImpl(table, section, html);
             * Reattach the section. If next section is null, the section will
             * be appended instead.
            reattachSectionElement(parent, section, nextSection);
            // Detach the event listener.
            if (!table.isAttached()) {
                DOM.setEventListener(table.getElement(), null);

         * Replace a set of row values with newly rendered values.
         * This method does not necessarily perform a one to one replacement.
         * Some row values may be rendered as multiple row elements, while
         * others are rendered as only one row element.
         * @param table
         *            the {@link AbstractCellTable}
         * @param section
         *            the {@link TableSectionElement} to replace
         * @param html
         *            the html of a table section element containing the rows
         * @param startIndex
         *            the start index to replace
         * @param childCount
         *            the number of row values to replace
        public final void replaceChildren(AbstractCellTable<?> table, TableSectionElement section, SafeHtml html,
                int startIndex, int childCount) {
            // If the widget is not attached, attach an event listener so we can
            // catch
            // synchronous load events from cached images.
            if (!table.isAttached()) {
                DOM.setEventListener(table.getElement(), table);
            // Remove the section from the tbody.
            Element parent = section.getParentElement();
            Element nextSection = section.getNextSiblingElement();
            // Remove all children in the range.
            final int absEndIndex = table.getPageStart() + startIndex + childCount;
            TableRowElement insertBefore = table.getChildElement(startIndex);
            if (table.legacyRenderRowValues) {
                int count = 0;
                while (insertBefore != null && count < childCount) {
                    Element next = insertBefore.getNextSiblingElement();
                    insertBefore = (next == null) ? null : next.<TableRowElement>cast();
            } else {
                while (insertBefore != null && table.tableBuilder.getRowValueIndex(insertBefore) < absEndIndex) {
                    Element next = insertBefore.getNextSiblingElement();
                    insertBefore = (next == null) ? null : next.<TableRowElement>cast();
            // Add new child elements.
            TableSectionElement newSection = convertToSectionElement(table, section.getTagName(), html);
            Element newChild = newSection.getFirstChildElement();
            while (newChild != null) {
                Element next = newChild.getNextSiblingElement();
                section.insertBefore(newChild, insertBefore);
                newChild = next;
             * Reattach the section. If next section is null, the section will
             * be appended instead.
            reattachSectionElement(parent, section, nextSection);
            // Detach the event listener.
            if (!table.isAttached()) {
                DOM.setEventListener(table.getElement(), null);

         * Detach a table section element from its parent.
         * @param section
         *            the element to detach
        protected void detachSectionElement(TableSectionElement section) {

         * Reattach a table section element from its parent.
         * @param parent
         *            the parent element
         * @param section
         *            the element to reattach
         * @param nextSection
         *            the next section
        protected void reattachSectionElement(Element parent, TableSectionElement section, Element nextSection) {
            parent.insertBefore(section, nextSection);

         * Render a table section in the table.
         * @param table
         *            the {@link AbstractCellTable}
         * @param section
         *            the {@link TableSectionElement} to replace
         * @param html
         *            the html of a table section element containing the rows
        protected void replaceAllRowsImpl(AbstractCellTable<?> table, TableSectionElement section, SafeHtml html) {
            section.setInnerSafeHtml(html, false);

     * Implementation of {@link CellTable} used by Firefox.
    private static class ImplMozilla extends Impl {
         * Return true if using Gecko 1.9.2 (Firefox 3.6) or earlier.
        private native boolean isGecko192OrBefore() /*-{

         * Firefox 3.6 and earlier convert td elements to divs if the tbody is
         * removed from the table element.
        protected void detachSectionElement(TableSectionElement section) {
            if (isGecko192OrBefore()) {

        protected void reattachSectionElement(Element parent, TableSectionElement section, Element nextSection) {
            if (isGecko192OrBefore()) {
            super.reattachSectionElement(parent, section, nextSection);

     * Implementation of {@link AbstractCellTable} used by IE.
    private static class ImplTrident extends Impl {
         * Render html into a table section. This is achieved by first setting
         * the html in a DIV element, and then swap the table section with the
         * corresponding element in the DIV. This method is used in IE since the
         * normal optimizations are not feasible.
         * @param table
         *            the {@link AbstractCellTable}
         * @param section
         *            the {@link TableSectionElement} to replace
         * @param html
         *            the html of a table section element containing the rows
        private void replaceTableSection(AbstractCellTable<?> table, TableSectionElement section, SafeHtml html) {
            String sectionName = section.getTagName().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
            TableSectionElement newSection = convertToSectionElement(table, sectionName, html);
            TableElement tableElement = table.getElement().cast();
            tableElement.replaceChild(newSection, section);
            if ("tbody".equals(sectionName)) {
                ((TableSectionChangeHandler) table).onTableBodyChange(newSection);
            } else if ("thead".equals(sectionName)) {
                ((TableSectionChangeHandler) table).onTableHeadChange(newSection);
            } else if ("tfoot".equals(sectionName)) {
                ((TableSectionChangeHandler) table).onTableFootChange(newSection);

         * A different optimization is used in IE.
        protected void detachSectionElement(TableSectionElement section) {

        protected void reattachSectionElement(Element parent, TableSectionElement section, Element nextSection) {

         * Instead of replacing each TR element, swaping out the entire section
         * is much faster. If the table has a sectionChangeHandler, this method
         * will be used.
        protected void replaceAllRowsImpl(AbstractCellTable<?> table, TableSectionElement section, SafeHtml html) {
            if (table instanceof TableSectionChangeHandler) {
                replaceTableSection(table, section, html);
            } else {
                replaceAllRowsImplLegacy(table, section, html);

         * This method is used for legacy AbstractCellTable that's not a
         * {@link TableSectionChangeHandler}.
        protected void replaceAllRowsImplLegacy(AbstractCellTable<?> table, TableSectionElement section,
                SafeHtml html) {
            // Remove all children.
            Element child = section.getFirstChildElement();
            while (child != null) {
                Element next = child.getNextSiblingElement();
                child = next;
            // Add new child elements.
            TableSectionElement newSection = convertToSectionElement(table, section.getTagName(), html);
            child = newSection.getFirstChildElement();
            while (child != null) {
                Element next = child.getNextSiblingElement();
                child = next;

     * Interface that this class's subclass may implement to get notified with
     * table section change event. During rendering, a faster method based on
     * swaping the entire section will be used iff
     * <li>it's in IE - since all other optimizations have been turned off
     * <li>the table implements TableSectionChangeHandler interface When a
     * section is being replaced by another table with the new table html, the
     * methods in this interface will be invoked with the changed section. The
     * table should update its internal references to the sections properly so
     * that when {@link #getTableBodyElement}, {@link #getTableHeadElement}, or
     * {@link #getTableFootElement} are called, the correct section will be
     * returned.
    protected interface TableSectionChangeHandler {
         * Notify that a table body section has been changed.
         * @param newTBody
         *            the new body section
        void onTableBodyChange(TableSectionElement newTBody);

         * Notify that a table body section has been changed.
         * @param newTFoot
         *            the new foot section
        void onTableFootChange(TableSectionElement newTFoot);

         * Notify that a table head section has been changed.
         * @param newTHead
         *            the new head section
        void onTableHeadChange(TableSectionElement newTHead);

    interface Template extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
        @SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<div style=\"outline:none;\">{0}</div>")
        SafeHtml div(SafeHtml contents);

        SafeHtml tbody(SafeHtml rowHtml);

        @SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<td class=\"{0}\">{1}</td>")
        SafeHtml td(String classes, SafeHtml contents);

        @SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<td class=\"{0}\" align=\"{1}\" valign=\"{2}\">{3}</td>")
        SafeHtml tdBothAlign(String classes, String hAlign, String vAlign, SafeHtml contents);

        @SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<td class=\"{0}\" align=\"{1}\">{2}</td>")
        SafeHtml tdHorizontalAlign(String classes, String hAlign, SafeHtml contents);

        @SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<td class=\"{0}\" valign=\"{1}\">{2}</td>")
        SafeHtml tdVerticalAlign(String classes, String vAlign, SafeHtml contents);

        SafeHtml tfoot(SafeHtml rowHtml);

        SafeHtml thead(SafeHtml rowHtml);

        @SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<tr onclick=\"\" class=\"{0}\">{1}</tr>")
        SafeHtml tr(String classes, SafeHtml contents);