Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Tan Jung * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package illab.nabal; import illab.nabal.agent.FacebookOperation; import illab.nabal.agent.OpAgent; import illab.nabal.agent.Operation; import illab.nabal.agent.TwitterOperation; import illab.nabal.agent.WeiboOperation; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.FacebookPhoto; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.FacebookPost; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.FacebookProfile; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.TwitterPost; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.TwitterProfile; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.WeiboPost; import illab.nabal.agent.dto.WeiboProfile; import illab.nabal.proxy.Delegate; import illab.nabal.proxy.FacebookDelegate; import illab.nabal.proxy.TwitterDelegate; import illab.nabal.proxy.WeiboDelegate; import illab.nabal.settings.SocialNetwork; import illab.nabal.util.DialogHelper; import illab.nabal.util.StorageHelper; import illab.nabal.util.StringHelper; import; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.provider.MediaStore; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.Log; import android.view.GestureDetector; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnLongClickListener; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.Window; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; import android.webkit.CookieSyncManager; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import android.widget.Toast; /** * Nabal Simple Demo activity. * * @version 1.0, 02/10/14 * @author <a href="">Tan Jung</a> */ public class NabalSimpleDemoActivity extends Activity { private final static String TAG = "NabalSimpleDemoActivity"; /** * Dialog for photo exhibition. * * * @version 1.0, 02/10/14 * @author <a href="">Tan Jung</a> */ private class PhotoDialog extends Dialog { Context mContext; /** * Layout for web view dialog. */ private LinearLayout mLayout; /** * Bitmap image to exhibit. */ private Bitmap mBitmap; public PhotoDialog(Context context, Bitmap bitmap) { super(context); mContext = context; mBitmap = bitmap; } protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mLayout = new LinearLayout(getContext()); mLayout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); ImageView imageView = new ImageView(mContext); imageView.setImageBitmap(mBitmap); mLayout.addView(imageView); // add layout to screen LinearLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); //Log.i(TAG, "############## opening a photo exhibition dialog..."); setContentView(mLayout, layoutParams); } } private final static int SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE = 120; private final static int SWIPE_MAX_OFF_PATH = 250; private final static int SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY = 200; private final static int REQ_CODE_FETCH_BITMAP_FROM_GALLERY = 187; private final static int DEFAULT_BG_ALPHA = 30; private final static int STATUS_THUMBNAIL_BG_ALPHA = 50; private final static String TEMP_IMG_FILE_NAME = "temporary_image.png"; private final static String OP_AGENT_ALIAS = "Sam Fisher"; private SocialNetwork mCurrentSnsId = SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK; /** * Nabal agent for social network integration. */ private final OpAgent mOpAgent = new OpAgent(OP_AGENT_ALIAS, NabalSimpleDemoActivity.this, new NabalSimpleDemoSystemProperties(), // system properties for this demo new NabalSimpleDemoSnsProperties()); // social network properties for this demo private final DialogHelper mDialogHelper = DialogHelper.newInstance(NabalSimpleDemoActivity.this, new Handler(), new NabalSimpleDemoSystemProperties()); // system properties for this demo private boolean mIsFetchingProfile; private boolean mIsFetchingStatus; private boolean mIsFetchingPhoto; private boolean mIsUpdatingStatus; private boolean mIsUploadingPhoto; private boolean mHasErrorOccurredWhileFetchingProfile; private String mTmpImgFilePath; private Bitmap mTmpImgBitmap; private String mFbProfileUrl; private String mTwProfileUrl; private String mWeProfileUrl; private String mFbProfileName; private String mTwProfileName; private String mWeProfileName; private Bitmap mFbProfilePhoto; private Bitmap mTwProfilePhoto; private Bitmap mWeProfilePhoto; private String mFbProfileStatus; private String mTwProfileStatus; private String mWeProfileStatus; private String mFbStatusLink; private String mTwStatusLink; private String mWeStatusLink; private Bitmap mFbBgBitmap; private Bitmap mTwBgBitmap; private Bitmap mWeBgBitmap; private RelativeLayout mBackground; private ImageButton mImgBtn1; private ImageButton mImgBtn2; private ImageButton mImgBtn3; private ImageButton mImgBtn4; private ImageButton mImgBtn5; private ImageButton mImgBtn7; private ImageButton mImgBtn8; private EditText mEditText1; private EditText mEditText2; private EditText mEditText3; private GestureDetector mGestureDetector; private InputMethodManager mInputMethodManager; /** * Show spinner. */ private void showSpinner() { mImgBtn7.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mImgBtn2.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); showSpinner(false); } /** * Show spinner. * * @param isCancelable */ private void showSpinner(boolean isCancelable) { mDialogHelper.showSpinner(isCancelable); } /** * Dismiss spinner. */ private void dismissSpinner() { // dismiss spinner only when all profile fetch jobs are all finished if (mIsFetchingProfile == false && mIsFetchingStatus == false && mIsFetchingPhoto == false) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { mImgBtn7.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mImgBtn2.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } }); mDialogHelper.dismissSpinner(); } } /** * Show dialog interface to purge a SNS session. * * @param snsId */ private void confirmLogOffDialog(final SocialNetwork snsId) { DialogInterface.OnClickListener onClickListener = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface paramDialogInterface, int paramInt) { if (paramInt == DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE) { purgeSnsSession(snsId); mDialogHelper.toast(snsId.getName() + " session has been purged."); } } }; mDialogHelper.showSimpleAlert("Purging " + snsId.getName() + " Session...", "Are you sure you want to log off from " + snsId.getName() + "?", true, "Yes", onClickListener, "No", onClickListener); } /** * Show dialog interface to jump to SNS profile. * * @param url */ private void confirmJumpToSnsProfile() { DialogInterface.OnClickListener onClickListener = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface paramDialogInterface, int paramInt) { if (paramInt == DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE) { String url = null; if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { url = mFbProfileUrl; } else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.TWITTER) { url = mTwProfileUrl; } else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.WEIBO) { url = mWeProfileUrl; } Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url)); startActivity(browserIntent); } } }; if (mOpAgent.isSessionValid(mCurrentSnsId) == true) { mDialogHelper.showSimpleAlert("Open Web Browser", "Jump to " + mEditText3.getText() + "'s " + mCurrentSnsId.getName() + " profile page?", true, "Yes", onClickListener, "No", onClickListener); } else { mDialogHelper.toast("Please log in first.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT, true); } } /** * Show dialog interface to jump to a link. * * @param url */ private void confirmJumpToLinkDialog() { DialogInterface.OnClickListener onClickListener = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface paramDialogInterface, int paramInt) { if (paramInt == DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE) { String url = null; if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { url = mFbStatusLink; } else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.TWITTER) { url = mTwStatusLink; } else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.WEIBO) { url = mWeStatusLink; } Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url)); startActivity(browserIntent); } } }; mDialogHelper.showSimpleAlert("Open Web Browser", "There's a link attached to this post. Jump to the link?", true, "Yes", onClickListener, "No", onClickListener); } /** * Purge a SNS session. * * @param snsId */ private void purgeSnsSession(SocialNetwork snsId) { showSpinner(); clearProfileBufferData(snsId); mOpAgent.purgeSession(snsId); if (snsId == mCurrentSnsId) { mImgBtn1.setVisibility(View.GONE); clearOutProfileUi(); mImgBtn1.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } dismissSpinner(); } /** * Toast up a message when status update is successfully executed. */ private void toastStatusUpdateSuccess() { mEditText1.setText(""); mImgBtn1.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mDialogHelper.toast("Your " + mCurrentSnsId.getName() + " status has been successfully updated."); // try to dissmiss the spinner currently showing dismissSpinner(); } /** * Toast up a message corresponding to the result of profile fetch requests. */ private void toastProfileFetchResult() { // if there have been any errors while fetching profile data, clear out UI if (mHasErrorOccurredWhileFetchingProfile == true) { clearProfileBufferData(mCurrentSnsId); clearOutProfileUi(); } else { // toast up a success message only when profile data is fully fetched if (isProfileFullyFetched(mCurrentSnsId) == true) { // if requesting my last status update is called after posting status update if (mIsUpdatingStatus == true) { mIsUpdatingStatus = false; toggleSnsButtons(mCurrentSnsId); toastStatusUpdateSuccess(); } // if all profile data has been fetched successfully else { toggleSnsButtons(mCurrentSnsId); mDialogHelper.toast("You're logged in as " + mEditText3.getText().toString() + " now.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); } } } // try to dissmiss the spinner currently showing dismissSpinner(); } /** * Handle an error occurred while fetching user's profile data. * * @param e */ private void handleProfileFetchingError(Exception e) { mHasErrorOccurredWhileFetchingProfile = true; // forcefully set false to all profile fetch flags to dismiss spinner if user declined OAuth authorization if (e.getMessage().indexOf("User declined") > -1) { mIsFetchingProfile = false; mIsFetchingStatus = false; mIsFetchingPhoto = false; } clearProfileBufferData(mCurrentSnsId); clearOutProfileUi(); runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { mImgBtn1.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } }); toastErrorMessage(e); } /** * Toast up an error message and dismiss the current spinner. * * @param e */ private void toastErrorMessage(final Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { // toast up an error message and dismiss spinner mDialogHelper.toast(e.getMessage()); dismissSpinner(); } }); } /** * Inflate or deflate given image button. * * @param imgBtn * @param isInflating */ @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) private void inflateButton(ImageButton imgBtn, boolean isInflating) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { if (isInflating == true) { imgBtn.setScaleX(1.0F); imgBtn.setScaleY(1.0F); } else { imgBtn.setScaleX(0.7F); imgBtn.setScaleY(0.7F); } } } /** * Clear out and set SNS buttons. */ private void setSnsButtons(SocialNetwork snsId) { // clear out all SNS buttons mImgBtn3.setImageBitmap(((BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.fb_btn_bw)).getBitmap()); inflateButton(mImgBtn3, false); mImgBtn4.setImageBitmap(((BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.tw_btn_bw)).getBitmap()); inflateButton(mImgBtn4, false); mImgBtn5.setImageBitmap(((BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.we_btn_bw)).getBitmap()); inflateButton(mImgBtn5, false); // highlight the current SNS button if (snsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { mImgBtn3.setImageBitmap(((BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.fb_btn)).getBitmap()); inflateButton(mImgBtn3, true); } else if (snsId == SocialNetwork.TWITTER) { mImgBtn4.setImageBitmap(((BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.tw_btn)).getBitmap()); inflateButton(mImgBtn4, true); } else if (snsId == SocialNetwork.WEIBO) { mImgBtn5.setImageBitmap(((BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.we_btn)).getBitmap()); inflateButton(mImgBtn5, true); } } /** * Clear out buffered data. * * @param snsId */ private void clearProfileBufferData(SocialNetwork snsId) { if (snsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { mFbProfileUrl = null; mFbProfileName = null; mFbProfileStatus = null; mFbProfilePhoto = null; mFbStatusLink = null; mFbBgBitmap = null; } else if (snsId == SocialNetwork.TWITTER) { mTwProfileUrl = null; mTwProfileName = null; mTwProfileStatus = null; mTwProfilePhoto = null; mTwStatusLink = null; mTwBgBitmap = null; } else if (snsId == SocialNetwork.WEIBO) { mWeProfileUrl = null; mWeProfileName = null; mWeProfileStatus = null; mWeProfilePhoto = null; mWeStatusLink = null; mWeBgBitmap = null; } mTmpImgBitmap = null; mTmpImgFilePath = null; } /** * Clear out the current profile UI. */ private void clearOutProfileUi() { showSpinner(); // reset background mBackground.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.anon_black); mBackground.getBackground().setAlpha(DEFAULT_BG_ALPHA); // reset profile UI runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { mImgBtn1.setImageBitmap( ((BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.anon_black)).getBitmap()); mEditText1.setText(""); mEditText2.setText(""); mImgBtn8.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mEditText3.setText(""); } }); dismissSpinner(); } /** * Determine if current SNS profile data is fully fetched. * * @param snsId * @return true if current SNS profile data is fully fetched */ private boolean isProfileFullyFetched(SocialNetwork snsId) { boolean isProfileFullyFetched = false; if (snsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { if (mFbProfileName != null && mFbProfileStatus != null && mFbProfilePhoto != null) { isProfileFullyFetched = true; } } else if (snsId == SocialNetwork.TWITTER) { if (mTwProfileName != null && mTwProfileStatus != null && mTwProfilePhoto != null) { isProfileFullyFetched = true; } } else if (snsId == SocialNetwork.WEIBO) { if (mWeProfileName != null && mWeProfileStatus != null && mWeProfilePhoto != null) { isProfileFullyFetched = true; } } return isProfileFullyFetched; } /** * Set UI corresponding to the selected SNS. */ private void populateUi(SocialNetwork snsId) { String profileName = null; String profileStatus = null; Bitmap profilePhoto = null; String statusLink = null; Bitmap bgBitmap = null; if (snsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { profileName = mFbProfileName; profileStatus = mFbProfileStatus; profilePhoto = mFbProfilePhoto; statusLink = mFbStatusLink; bgBitmap = mFbBgBitmap; } else if (snsId == SocialNetwork.TWITTER) { profileName = mTwProfileName; profileStatus = mTwProfileStatus; profilePhoto = mTwProfilePhoto; statusLink = mTwStatusLink; bgBitmap = mTwBgBitmap; } else if (snsId == SocialNetwork.WEIBO) { profileName = mWeProfileName; profileStatus = mWeProfileStatus; profilePhoto = mWeProfilePhoto; statusLink = mWeStatusLink; bgBitmap = mWeBgBitmap; } mEditText3.setText(profileName); mEditText2.setText(profileStatus); mImgBtn1.setImageBitmap(profilePhoto); // if a link exists if (StringHelper.isEmpty(statusLink) == false) { mImgBtn8.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { mImgBtn8.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } // set background if (bgBitmap != null) { mBackground.setBackgroundDrawable(new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bgBitmap)); mBackground.getBackground().setAlpha(STATUS_THUMBNAIL_BG_ALPHA); } else { mBackground.setBackgroundDrawable(new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), profilePhoto)); mBackground.getBackground().setAlpha(DEFAULT_BG_ALPHA); } } /** * Toggle SNS buttons. * * @param snsId */ private void toggleSnsButtons(SocialNetwork snsId) { //Log.i(TAG, "### toggleSnsButtons : " + snsId); // only when there are no other jobs currently running on background if (mIsFetchingProfile == false && mIsFetchingStatus == false && mIsFetchingPhoto == false && mIsUpdatingStatus == false && mIsUploadingPhoto == false) { showSpinner(); mImgBtn1.setVisibility(View.GONE); // set the current SNS ID mCurrentSnsId = snsId; clearOutProfileUi(); // if session is invalid, clear out buffer to make everything clean and new if (mOpAgent.isSessionValid(snsId) == false) { clearProfileBufferData(snsId); } // set SNS buttons setSnsButtons(mCurrentSnsId); // read from buffer to display profile data if (isProfileFullyFetched(snsId) == true) { populateUi(snsId); } // set hint text mEditText1.setHint("Share your " + snsId.getName() + " status here."); mImgBtn1.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); dismissSpinner(); } } /** * Listener for menu button. */ OnMenuItemClickListener mClickListener = new OnMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { if (item.getItemId() == 1) { //Log.i(TAG, "#### PURGING FACEBOOK SESSION..."); confirmLogOffDialog(SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK); return true; } else if (item.getItemId() == 2) { //Log.i(TAG, "#### PURGING TWITTER SESSION..."); confirmLogOffDialog(SocialNetwork.TWITTER); return true; } else if (item.getItemId() == 3) { //Log.i(TAG, "#### PURGING WEIBO SESSION..."); confirmLogOffDialog(SocialNetwork.WEIBO); return true; } return false; } }; @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); menu.add(0, 1, 0, "Purge Facebook Session").setOnMenuItemClickListener(mClickListener); menu.add(0, 2, 0, "Purge Twitter Session").setOnMenuItemClickListener(mClickListener); menu.add(0, 3, 0, "Purge Weibo Session").setOnMenuItemClickListener(mClickListener); return true; } @Override public void onBackPressed() { //Log.d(TAG, "onBackPressed() called..."); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); if (mCurrentSnsId == null) { mCurrentSnsId = SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK; } toggleSnsButtons(mCurrentSnsId); } @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_nabal_simple_demo); CookieSyncManager.createInstance(NabalSimpleDemoActivity.this); mBackground = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(; mImgBtn1 = (ImageButton) findViewById(; mImgBtn2 = (ImageButton) findViewById(; mImgBtn3 = (ImageButton) findViewById(; mImgBtn4 = (ImageButton) findViewById(; mImgBtn5 = (ImageButton) findViewById(; mImgBtn7 = (ImageButton) findViewById(; mImgBtn8 = (ImageButton) findViewById(; mEditText1 = (EditText) findViewById(; mEditText2 = (EditText) findViewById(; mEditText3 = (EditText) findViewById(; mDialogHelper.toast("Please log in first."); mInputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); mInputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(mEditText1.getWindowToken(), 0); mInputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(mEditText2.getWindowToken(), 0); // set a listener to background for a fling mGestureDetector = new GestureDetector(this, new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() { @Override public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { try { if (Math.abs(e1.getY() - e2.getY()) > SWIPE_MAX_OFF_PATH) { return false; } // right to left swipe if (e1.getX() - e2.getX() > SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE && Math.abs(velocityX) > SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY) { if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { toggleSnsButtons(SocialNetwork.WEIBO); } else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.TWITTER) { toggleSnsButtons(SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK); } else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.WEIBO) { toggleSnsButtons(SocialNetwork.TWITTER); } } // left to right swipe else if (e2.getX() - e1.getX() > SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE && Math.abs(velocityX) > SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY) { if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { toggleSnsButtons(SocialNetwork.TWITTER); } else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.TWITTER) { toggleSnsButtons(SocialNetwork.WEIBO); } else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.WEIBO) { toggleSnsButtons(SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK); } } } catch (Exception e) { // nothing } return false; } }); View.OnTouchListener gestureListener = new View.OnTouchListener() { public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { return mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event); } }; mBackground.setOnTouchListener(gestureListener); // set a listener to background for a long-click mBackground.setOnLongClickListener(new OnLongClickListener() { public boolean onLongClick(View v) { Log.i(TAG, "#### background area long-clicked"); if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { if (mFbBgBitmap != null) { new PhotoDialog(NabalSimpleDemoActivity.this, mFbBgBitmap).show(); } } else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.TWITTER) { if (mTwBgBitmap != null) { new PhotoDialog(NabalSimpleDemoActivity.this, mTwBgBitmap).show(); } } else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.WEIBO) { if (mWeBgBitmap != null) { new PhotoDialog(NabalSimpleDemoActivity.this, mWeBgBitmap).show(); } } return false; } }); // set a listener to Facebook button mImgBtn3.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { //Log.i(TAG, "#### Facebook button clicked"); toggleSnsButtons(SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK); } }); // set a listener to Twitter button mImgBtn4.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { //Log.i(TAG, "#### Twitter button clicked"); toggleSnsButtons(SocialNetwork.TWITTER); } }); // set a listener to Weibo button mImgBtn5.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { //Log.i(TAG, "#### Weibo button clicked"); toggleSnsButtons(SocialNetwork.WEIBO); } }); // set a listener to portrait button mImgBtn1.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { //Log.i(TAG, "#### portrait button clicked"); clearOutProfileUi(); clearProfileBufferData(mCurrentSnsId); mHasErrorOccurredWhileFetchingProfile = false; mImgBtn1.setVisibility(View.GONE); requestMyProfile(); requestMyLastStatus(); } }); mImgBtn1.setOnLongClickListener(new OnLongClickListener() { public boolean onLongClick(View paramView) { //Log.i(TAG, "#### portrait button long-clicked"); confirmJumpToSnsProfile(); return true; } }); // set a listener to photo attach button mImgBtn7.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { //Log.i(TAG, "#### photo attach button clicked"); // if not logged-in yet if (mOpAgent.isSessionValid(mCurrentSnsId) == false) { mEditText1.setText(""); mDialogHelper.toast("Please log in first."); } // if logged-in already else { final String message = mEditText1.getText().toString(); if (StringHelper.isEmpty(message) == true) { mDialogHelper.toast("Please enter the photo description correctly."); } else { Intent pickPhoto = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI); startActivityForResult(pickPhoto, REQ_CODE_FETCH_BITMAP_FROM_GALLERY); } } } }); // set a listener to status update button mImgBtn2.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { //Log.i(TAG, "#### status update button clicked"); // if not logged-in yet if (mOpAgent.isSessionValid(mCurrentSnsId) == false) { mEditText1.setText(""); mDialogHelper.toast("Please log in first."); } // if logged-in already else { final String message = mEditText1.getText().toString(); if (StringHelper.isEmpty(message) == true) { mDialogHelper.toast("Please enter your status correctly."); } else { postStatus(message); } } } }); // set a listener to link button mImgBtn8.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { //Log.i(TAG, "#### photo attach button clicked"); // if not logged-in yet if (mOpAgent.isSessionValid(mCurrentSnsId) == false) { } // if logged-in already else { confirmJumpToLinkDialog(); } } }); } @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); // if request code is sent from here and the result is ok if (requestCode == REQ_CODE_FETCH_BITMAP_FROM_GALLERY && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { Uri imgUri = data.getData(); // if user has selected a photo from Gallery if (imgUri.toString().startsWith("content://media") == true) { // imgUri : content://media/external/images/media/13570 String[] filePathColumn = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA }; Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(imgUri, filePathColumn, null, null, null); if (cursor.moveToFirst() == true) { int columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(filePathColumn[0]); // go post this photo with description mTmpImgFilePath = cursor.getString(columnIndex); postPhoto(mTmpImgFilePath, mEditText1.getText().toString()); // uncomment and use Bitmap object to handle the selected bitmap image //Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(mTmpImgFilePath); } cursor.close(); } else { // if user has selected a photo from Google Photo if (imgUri.toString().indexOf("") > -1 && (imgUri.toString().indexOf("http%3A%2F%2F") > -1 || imgUri.toString().indexOf("https%3A%2F%2F") > -1)) { try { String imgUrl = imgUri.toString(); int urlStartIndex = (imgUri.toString().indexOf("http%3A%2F%2F") > -1) ? imgUri.toString().indexOf("http%3A%2F%2F") : imgUri.toString().indexOf("https%3A%2F%2F"); String remotePhotoUrl = URLDecoder.decode(imgUrl.substring(urlStartIndex), HTTP.UTF_8); mDialogHelper.toast("Downloading the selected image...", Toast.LENGTH_LONG); fetchRemotePhoto(remotePhotoUrl); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { String errMessage = "Failed to parse image URL."; Log.e(TAG, errMessage); mDialogHelper.toast(errMessage, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT, true); dismissSpinner(); } } // unsupported action else { mDialogHelper.toast("The app you selected is currently not supported."); } } } } /** * Get absolute path of the file stored in the application storage. * * @param fileName * @return absolute path of the file */ private String getFilePath(String fileName) { return getApplicationContext().getFilesDir().getPath() + ((fileName.startsWith("/") == false) ? "/" + fileName : fileName); } /** * Fetch a photo from a remote URL * * @param remotePhotoUrl */ private final void fetchRemotePhoto(final String remotePhotoUrl) { mIsFetchingPhoto = true; showSpinner(); Operation<Delegate, Bitmap> bitmapOp = new Operation<Delegate, Bitmap>() { public void onResult(final Bitmap result) { if (result != null) { //Log.d(TAG, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>> remotePhotoUrl : " + remotePhotoUrl); //Log.d(TAG, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>> result.getWidth() : " + result.getWidth()); //Log.d(TAG, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>> result.getHeight() : " + result.getHeight()); // resize the image if it's too big mTmpImgBitmap = result; if (mTmpImgBitmap.getWidth() > 2000 || mTmpImgBitmap.getHeight() > 2000) { mTmpImgBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(mTmpImgBitmap, (int) (mTmpImgBitmap.getWidth() * 0.5F), (int) (mTmpImgBitmap.getHeight() * 0.5F), true); } else if (mTmpImgBitmap.getWidth() > 1000 || mTmpImgBitmap.getHeight() > 1000) { mTmpImgBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(mTmpImgBitmap, (int) (mTmpImgBitmap.getWidth() * 0.66F), (int) (mTmpImgBitmap.getHeight() * 0.66F), true); } //Log.d(TAG, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>> mTmpImgBitmap.getWidth() : " + mTmpImgBitmap.getWidth()); //Log.d(TAG, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>> mTmpImgBitmap.getHeight() : " + mTmpImgBitmap.getHeight()); // store the image to a temporary file mDialogHelper.toast("Saving the downloaded image...", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, true); try { StorageHelper.newInstance(NabalSimpleDemoActivity.this).saveBitmap(mTmpImgBitmap, TEMP_IMG_FILE_NAME, Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 90); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); return; } // go post this photo with description mTmpImgFilePath = getFilePath(TEMP_IMG_FILE_NAME); mIsFetchingPhoto = false; postPhoto(mTmpImgFilePath, mEditText1.getText().toString()); } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsFetchingPhoto = false; toastErrorMessage(e); } public void execute(Delegate networkDelegate) { if (StringHelper.isEmpty(remotePhotoUrl) == false) { networkDelegate.getBitmapFromUrl(this, remotePhotoUrl); } } }; mOpAgent.carryOut(bitmapOp); } /** * Fetch a photo attached to the current profile status from a remote URL * * @param remotePhotoUrl */ private final void fetchStatusThumbnailPhoto(final String remotePhotoUrl) { showSpinner(); Operation<Delegate, Bitmap> bitmapOp = new Operation<Delegate, Bitmap>() { public void onResult(final Bitmap result) { if (result != null) { //Log.d(TAG, "############## remotePhotoUrl : " + remotePhotoUrl); //Log.d(TAG, "############## result.getWidth() : " + result.getWidth()); //Log.d(TAG, "############## result.getheight() : " + result.getHeight()); // determine screen width and height DisplayMetrics displaymetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); getWindow().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(displaymetrics); int screenWidth = displaymetrics.widthPixels; int screenHeight = displaymetrics.heightPixels; int screenBiggerLength = (screenWidth > screenHeight) ? screenWidth : screenHeight; //Log.d(TAG, ">>>>>>>>>>>> screenWidth : " + screenWidth); //Log.d(TAG, ">>>>>>>>>>>> screenHeight : " + screenHeight); //Log.d(TAG, ">>>>>>>>>>>> screenBiggerLength : " + screenBiggerLength); // try to resize if the image is too big mTmpImgBitmap = result; if (mTmpImgBitmap.getWidth() > screenBiggerLength) { int dstWidth = screenBiggerLength; float ratio = (float) dstWidth / (float) mTmpImgBitmap.getWidth(); //Log.i(TAG, ">>>>>>>>>>>> ratio : " + ratio); int dstHeight = (int) (mTmpImgBitmap.getHeight() * ratio); //Log.i(TAG, ">>>>>>>>>>>> dstHeight : " + dstHeight); mTmpImgBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(mTmpImgBitmap, dstWidth, dstHeight, true); } //Log.d(TAG, "############## mTmpImgBitmap.getWidth() : " + mTmpImgBitmap.getWidth()); //Log.d(TAG, "############## mTmpImgBitmap.getheight() : " + mTmpImgBitmap.getHeight()); if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { mFbBgBitmap = mTmpImgBitmap; } else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.TWITTER) { mTwBgBitmap = mTmpImgBitmap; } else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.WEIBO) { mWeBgBitmap = mTmpImgBitmap; } // set the image to background runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { mBackground.setBackgroundDrawable(new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), mTmpImgBitmap)); mBackground.getBackground().setAlpha(STATUS_THUMBNAIL_BG_ALPHA); // finally finishing up the status fetch job mIsFetchingStatus = false; toastProfileFetchResult(); } }); } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsFetchingStatus = false; handleProfileFetchingError(e); } public void execute(Delegate networkDelegate) { if (StringHelper.isEmpty(remotePhotoUrl) == false) { networkDelegate.getBitmapFromUrl(this, remotePhotoUrl); } } }; mOpAgent.carryOut(bitmapOp); } /** * Fetch my profile. */ private final void requestMyProfile() { mIsFetchingProfile = true; showSpinner(); Operation<? extends Delegate, ? extends Object> profileOp = null; // Facebook profile if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { profileOp = new FacebookOperation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookProfile>() { public void onResult(final FacebookProfile result) { if (result != null) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { requestMyProfilePhoto(result.getLargeProfilePhotoUrl()); mFbProfileName = result.getFullName(); mEditText3.setText(mFbProfileName); mFbProfileUrl = result.getProfilePageUrl(); mIsFetchingProfile = false; toastProfileFetchResult(); } }); } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsFetchingProfile = false; handleProfileFetchingError(e); } public void execute(FacebookDelegate networkDelegate) { networkDelegate.getMyProfile(this, null, null); } }; } // Twitter profile else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.TWITTER) { profileOp = new TwitterOperation<TwitterDelegate, TwitterProfile>() { public void onResult(final TwitterProfile result) { if (result != null) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { // make profile photo larger by removing '_normal' prefix from the file name if (StringHelper.isEmpty(result.getProfilePhotoUrl()) == false && result.getProfilePhotoUrl().indexOf("_normal") > -1) { requestMyProfilePhoto(result.getProfilePhotoUrl().replaceAll("_normal", "")); } else { requestMyProfilePhoto(result.getProfilePhotoUrl()); } mTwProfileName = result.getFullName(); mEditText3.setText(mTwProfileName); mTwProfileUrl = result.getProfilePageUrl(); mIsFetchingProfile = false; toastProfileFetchResult(); } }); } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsFetchingProfile = false; handleProfileFetchingError(e); } public void execute(TwitterDelegate networkDelegate) { networkDelegate.verifyCredentials(this); } }; } // Weibo profile else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.WEIBO) { profileOp = new WeiboOperation<WeiboDelegate, WeiboProfile>() { public void onResult(final WeiboProfile result) { if (result != null) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { requestMyProfilePhoto(result.getLargeProfilePhotoUrl()); mWeProfileName = result.getFullName(); mEditText3.setText(mWeProfileName); mWeProfileUrl = result.getProfilePageUrl(); mIsFetchingProfile = false; toastProfileFetchResult(); } }); } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsFetchingProfile = false; handleProfileFetchingError(e); } public void execute(WeiboDelegate networkDelegate) { networkDelegate.getMyProfile(this); } }; } // execute the request mOpAgent.carryOut(profileOp); } /** * Fetch a Facebook photo object. */ private final void requestFacebookPhotoObject(final String photoId) { FacebookOperation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPhoto> photoObjectOp = null; // this is only for Facebook if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { Log.i(TAG, "############## fetching a Facebook photo object " + photoId + "..."); photoObjectOp = new FacebookOperation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPhoto>() { public void onResult(final FacebookPhoto result) { if (result != null) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { //Log.i(TAG, "############## FacebookPhoto : " + result); mFbProfileStatus = result.getName(); mEditText2.setText(mFbProfileStatus); mFbStatusLink = result.getLink(); fetchStatusThumbnailPhoto(result.getOriginalPhotoUrl()); } }); } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsFetchingStatus = false; handleProfileFetchingError(e); } public void execute(FacebookDelegate networkDelegate) { networkDelegate.getPhoto(this, photoId, null); } }; } else { String errMessage = "Cannot try to fetch a Facebook photo object when other SNS is selected."; Log.e(TAG, errMessage); mIsFetchingStatus = false; handleProfileFetchingError(new Exception(errMessage)); } // execute the request mOpAgent.carryOut(photoObjectOp); } /** * Fetch my last status update. */ private final void requestMyLastStatus() { mIsFetchingStatus = true; Operation<? extends Delegate, ? extends Object> statusOp = null; // Facebook status if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { statusOp = new FacebookOperation<FacebookDelegate, List<FacebookPost>>() { public void onResult(final List<FacebookPost> result) { if (result != null) { try { for (final FacebookPost facebookPost : result) { // sort out petty stories without an actual text content if (StringHelper.isEmpty(facebookPost.getTextContent()) == false) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { //Log.i(TAG, "############## facebookPost : " + facebookPost); mFbProfileStatus = facebookPost.getTextContent(); mEditText2.setText(mFbProfileStatus); // if a link exists if (StringHelper.isEmpty(facebookPost.getLinkUrl()) == false) { mFbStatusLink = facebookPost.getLinkUrl(); } else { mFbStatusLink = null; } // if a thumbnail exists if (StringHelper .isEmpty(facebookPost.getThumbnailPhotoUrl()) == false) { String photoUrl = facebookPost.getThumbnailPhotoUrl(); // try to clean up the URL if the image is provided through Facebook's safe image URL if (photoUrl.indexOf("safe_image.php") > -1) { try { fetchStatusThumbnailPhoto(URLDecoder.decode( photoUrl.substring(photoUrl.indexOf("url=http")) .replace("url=", ""), HTTP.UTF_8)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { onFail(e); return; } } // try to enlarge the size of the image if it's stored in Facebook's storage else { fetchStatusThumbnailPhoto(photoUrl.replace("_s.jpg", "_b.jpg")); } } // if there's no thumbnail else { mFbBgBitmap = null; mIsFetchingStatus = false; toastProfileFetchResult(); } } }); break; } // posts without text contents else { //Log.i(TAG, "############## facebookPost without text content : \n" + facebookPost); // when the type of this post is PHOTO if (facebookPost.getType() == FacebookPost.Type.PHOTO && StringHelper.isEmpty(facebookPost.getObjectId()) == false) { Log.i(TAG, "Facebook photo object is detected."); requestFacebookPhotoObject(facebookPost.getObjectId()); break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); return; } } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsFetchingStatus = false; handleProfileFetchingError(e); } public void execute(FacebookDelegate networkDelegate) { networkDelegate.getMyTimeline(this, 0, 0, 20, false, null, false); } }; } // Twitter status else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.TWITTER) { statusOp = new TwitterOperation<TwitterDelegate, TwitterProfile>() { public void onResult(final TwitterProfile result) { if (result != null) { try { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { TwitterPost twitterPost = result.getLastPost(); //Log.i(TAG, "############## twitterPost : " + twitterPost); mTwProfileStatus = twitterPost.getTextContent(); mEditText2.setText(mTwProfileStatus); // if a link exists if (StringHelper.isEmpty(twitterPost.getMediaDisplayUrl()) == false) { mTwStatusLink = twitterPost.getMediaDisplayUrl(); } else { mTwStatusLink = null; } // if a thumbnail exists if (StringHelper.isEmpty(twitterPost.getMediaUrl()) == false && (twitterPost.getMediaUrl().indexOf(".jpg") > -1 || twitterPost.getMediaUrl().indexOf(".gif") > -1 || twitterPost.getMediaUrl().indexOf(".png") > -1 || twitterPost.getMediaUrl().indexOf(".bmp") > -1)) { fetchStatusThumbnailPhoto(twitterPost.getMediaUrl()); } // if there's no thumbnail else { mTwBgBitmap = null; mIsFetchingStatus = false; toastProfileFetchResult(); } } }); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); return; } } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsFetchingStatus = false; handleProfileFetchingError(e); } public void execute(TwitterDelegate networkDelegate) { networkDelegate.verifyCredentials(this); } }; } // Weibo status else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.WEIBO) { statusOp = new WeiboOperation<WeiboDelegate, List<WeiboPost>>() { public void onResult(final List<WeiboPost> result) { if (result != null) { try { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { WeiboPost weiboPost = result.get(0); //Log.i(TAG, "############## weiboPost : " + weiboPost); mWeProfileStatus = weiboPost.getTextContent(); mEditText2.setText(mWeProfileStatus); // cannot extract any links from Weibo post mWeStatusLink = null; // if a thumbnail exists if (StringHelper.isEmpty(weiboPost.getFullSizePhotoUrl()) == false) { fetchStatusThumbnailPhoto(weiboPost.getFullSizePhotoUrl()); } else if (StringHelper.isEmpty(weiboPost.getMidSizePhotoUrl()) == false) { fetchStatusThumbnailPhoto(weiboPost.getMidSizePhotoUrl()); } else if (StringHelper.isEmpty(weiboPost.getThumbnailPhotoUrl()) == false) { fetchStatusThumbnailPhoto(weiboPost.getThumbnailPhotoUrl()); } // if there's no thumbnail else { mWeBgBitmap = null; mIsFetchingStatus = false; toastProfileFetchResult(); } } }); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); return; } } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsFetchingStatus = false; handleProfileFetchingError(e); } public void execute(WeiboDelegate networkDelegate) { networkDelegate.getMyTimeline(this, 1, 1, 0, false); } }; } // execute the request mOpAgent.carryOut(statusOp); } /** * Fetch my profile photo. */ private final void requestMyProfilePhoto(final String profilePhotoUrl) { mIsFetchingPhoto = true; Operation<Delegate, Bitmap> bitmapOp = new Operation<Delegate, Bitmap>() { public void onResult(final Bitmap result) { if (result != null) { if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { mFbProfilePhoto = result; } else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.TWITTER) { mTwProfilePhoto = result; } else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.WEIBO) { mWeProfilePhoto = result; } runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { mImgBtn1.setImageBitmap(result); mIsFetchingPhoto = false; toastProfileFetchResult(); } }); try { StorageHelper.newInstance(NabalSimpleDemoActivity.this).saveBitmap(result, mCurrentSnsId.getAbbreviation() + "_profile.png", Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 90); } catch (Exception e) { onFail(e); return; } } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsFetchingPhoto = false; handleProfileFetchingError(e); } public void execute(Delegate networkDelegate) { if (StringHelper.isEmpty(profilePhotoUrl) == false) { networkDelegate.getBitmapFromUrl(this, profilePhotoUrl); } } }; mOpAgent.carryOut(bitmapOp); } /** * Post status update. * * @param message */ private final void postStatus(final String message) { mIsUpdatingStatus = true; showSpinner(); mImgBtn1.setVisibility(View.GONE); mInputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(mEditText3.getWindowToken(), 0); mDialogHelper.toast("Updating your status...", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT, true); Operation<? extends Delegate, ? extends Object> postStatusOp = null; // Facebook status update if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { postStatusOp = new FacebookOperation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPost>() { public void onResult(final FacebookPost result) { if (result != null && StringHelper.isEmpty(result.getTextContent()) == false) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { requestMyLastStatus(); } }); } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsUpdatingStatus = false; toastErrorMessage(e); } public void execute(FacebookDelegate networkDelegate) { networkDelegate.postStatus(this, message, null, null, null); } }; } // Twitter status update else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.TWITTER) { postStatusOp = new TwitterOperation<TwitterDelegate, TwitterPost>() { public void onResult(final TwitterPost result) { if (result != null && StringHelper.isEmpty(result.getTextContent()) == false) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { requestMyLastStatus(); } }); } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsUpdatingStatus = false; toastErrorMessage(e); } public void execute(TwitterDelegate networkDelegate) { networkDelegate.postStatus(this, message, -999F, -999F, null, false); } }; } // Weibo status update else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.WEIBO) { postStatusOp = new WeiboOperation<WeiboDelegate, WeiboPost>() { public void onResult(final WeiboPost result) { if (result != null && StringHelper.isEmpty(result.getTextContent()) == false) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { requestMyLastStatus(); } }); } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsUpdatingStatus = false; toastErrorMessage(e); } public void execute(WeiboDelegate networkDelegate) { networkDelegate.postStatus(this, message, 0, 0, null); } }; } // execute the request mOpAgent.carryOut(postStatusOp); } /** * Post photo with description. * * @param message */ private final void postPhoto(final String photoPath, final String message) { mIsUpdatingStatus = true; runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { showSpinner(); mImgBtn1.setVisibility(View.GONE); mInputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(mEditText3.getWindowToken(), 0); mDialogHelper.toast("Uploading a photo...", Toast.LENGTH_LONG, true); } }); Operation<? extends Delegate, ? extends Object> postPhotoOp = null; // Facebook photo attach if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.FACEBOOK) { postPhotoOp = new FacebookOperation<FacebookDelegate, FacebookPost>() { public void onResult(final FacebookPost result) { if (result != null && StringHelper.isEmpty(result.getTextContent()) == false) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { requestMyLastStatus(); } }); } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsUpdatingStatus = false; toastErrorMessage(e); } public void execute(FacebookDelegate networkDelegate) { networkDelegate.postPhoto(this, photoPath, null, message, null, null, null); } }; } // Twitter status photo attach else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.TWITTER) { postPhotoOp = new TwitterOperation<TwitterDelegate, TwitterPost>() { public void onResult(final TwitterPost result) { if (result != null && StringHelper.isEmpty(result.getTextContent()) == false) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { requestMyLastStatus(); } }); } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsUpdatingStatus = false; toastErrorMessage(e); } public void execute(TwitterDelegate networkDelegate) { networkDelegate.postPhoto(this, photoPath, message, false, -999F, -999F, null, false); } }; } // Weibo photo attach else if (mCurrentSnsId == SocialNetwork.WEIBO) { postPhotoOp = new WeiboOperation<WeiboDelegate, WeiboPost>() { public void onResult(final WeiboPost result) { if (result != null && StringHelper.isEmpty(result.getTextContent()) == false) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { requestMyLastStatus(); } }); } } public void onFail(Exception e) { mIsUpdatingStatus = false; toastErrorMessage(e); } public void execute(WeiboDelegate networkDelegate) { networkDelegate.postPhoto(this, photoPath, message, 0, 0, null); } }; } // execute the request mOpAgent.carryOut(postPhotoOp); } }