Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.annotation.CheckResult;
import android.annotation.ColorInt;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.Size;
import android.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage;
import android.annotation.WorkerThread;
import android.content.res.ResourcesImpl;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.os.StrictMode;
import android.os.Trace;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.DisplayListCanvas;
import android.view.RenderNode;
import android.view.ThreadedRenderer;

import libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry;

import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.nio.ShortBuffer;

public final class Bitmap implements Parcelable {
    private static final String TAG = "Bitmap";

     * Indicates that the bitmap was created for an unknown pixel density.
     * @see Bitmap#getDensity()
     * @see Bitmap#setDensity(int)
    public static final int DENSITY_NONE = 0;

    // Estimated size of the Bitmap native allocation, not including
    // pixel data.
    private static final long NATIVE_ALLOCATION_SIZE = 32;

    // Convenience for JNI access
    private final long mNativePtr;

    private final boolean mIsMutable;

     * Represents whether the Bitmap's content is requested to be pre-multiplied.
     * Note that isPremultiplied() does not directly return this value, because
     * isPremultiplied() may never return true for a 565 Bitmap or a bitmap
     * without alpha.
     * setPremultiplied() does directly set the value so that setConfig() and
     * setPremultiplied() aren't order dependent, despite being setters.
     * The native bitmap's premultiplication state is kept up to date by
     * pushing down this preference for every config change.
    private boolean mRequestPremultiplied;

    private byte[] mNinePatchChunk; // may be null
    private NinePatch.InsetStruct mNinePatchInsets; // may be null
    private int mWidth;
    private int mHeight;
    private boolean mRecycled;

    private ColorSpace mColorSpace;

    /** @hide */
    public int mDensity = getDefaultDensity();

    private static volatile int sDefaultDensity = -1;

    /** @hide Used only when ResourcesImpl.TRACE_FOR_DETAILED_PRELOAD is true. */
    public static volatile int sPreloadTracingNumInstantiatedBitmaps;

    /** @hide Used only when ResourcesImpl.TRACE_FOR_DETAILED_PRELOAD is true. */
    public static volatile long sPreloadTracingTotalBitmapsSize;

     * For backwards compatibility, allows the app layer to change the default
     * density when running old apps.
     * @hide
    public static void setDefaultDensity(int density) {
        sDefaultDensity = density;

    static int getDefaultDensity() {
        if (sDefaultDensity >= 0) {
            return sDefaultDensity;
        sDefaultDensity = DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEVICE;
        return sDefaultDensity;

     * Private constructor that must received an already allocated native bitmap
     * int (pointer).
    // called from JNI
    Bitmap(long nativeBitmap, int width, int height, int density, boolean isMutable, boolean requestPremultiplied,
            byte[] ninePatchChunk, NinePatch.InsetStruct ninePatchInsets) {
        if (nativeBitmap == 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("internal error: native bitmap is 0");

        mWidth = width;
        mHeight = height;
        mIsMutable = isMutable;
        mRequestPremultiplied = requestPremultiplied;

        mNinePatchChunk = ninePatchChunk;
        mNinePatchInsets = ninePatchInsets;
        if (density >= 0) {
            mDensity = density;

        mNativePtr = nativeBitmap;
        long nativeSize = NATIVE_ALLOCATION_SIZE + getAllocationByteCount();
        NativeAllocationRegistry registry = new NativeAllocationRegistry(Bitmap.class.getClassLoader(),
                nativeGetNativeFinalizer(), nativeSize);
        registry.registerNativeAllocation(this, nativeBitmap);

        if (ResourcesImpl.TRACE_FOR_DETAILED_PRELOAD) {
            sPreloadTracingTotalBitmapsSize += nativeSize;

     * Return the pointer to the native object.
     * @hide
    public long getNativeInstance() {
        return mNativePtr;

     * Native bitmap has been reconfigured, so set premult and cached
     * width/height values
    @SuppressWarnings("unused") // called from JNI
    void reinit(int width, int height, boolean requestPremultiplied) {
        mWidth = width;
        mHeight = height;
        mRequestPremultiplied = requestPremultiplied;
        mColorSpace = null;

     * <p>Returns the density for this bitmap.</p>
     * <p>The default density is the same density as the current display,
     * unless the current application does not support different screen
     * densities in which case it is
     * {@link android.util.DisplayMetrics#DENSITY_DEFAULT}.  Note that
     * compatibility mode is determined by the application that was initially
     * loaded into a process -- applications that share the same process should
     * all have the same compatibility, or ensure they explicitly set the
     * density of their bitmaps appropriately.</p>
     * @return A scaling factor of the default density or {@link #DENSITY_NONE}
     *         if the scaling factor is unknown.
     * @see #setDensity(int)
     * @see android.util.DisplayMetrics#DENSITY_DEFAULT
     * @see android.util.DisplayMetrics#densityDpi
     * @see #DENSITY_NONE
    public int getDensity() {
        if (mRecycled) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Called getDensity() on a recycle()'d bitmap! This is undefined behavior!");
        return mDensity;

     * <p>Specifies the density for this bitmap.  When the bitmap is
     * drawn to a Canvas that also has a density, it will be scaled
     * appropriately.</p>
     * @param density The density scaling factor to use with this bitmap or
     *        {@link #DENSITY_NONE} if the density is unknown.
     * @see #getDensity()
     * @see android.util.DisplayMetrics#DENSITY_DEFAULT
     * @see android.util.DisplayMetrics#densityDpi
     * @see #DENSITY_NONE
    public void setDensity(int density) {
        mDensity = density;

     * <p>Modifies the bitmap to have a specified width, height, and {@link
     * Config}, without affecting the underlying allocation backing the bitmap.
     * Bitmap pixel data is not re-initialized for the new configuration.</p>
     * <p>This method can be used to avoid allocating a new bitmap, instead
     * reusing an existing bitmap's allocation for a new configuration of equal
     * or lesser size. If the Bitmap's allocation isn't large enough to support
     * the new configuration, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown and the
     * bitmap will not be modified.</p>
     * <p>The result of {@link #getByteCount()} will reflect the new configuration,
     * while {@link #getAllocationByteCount()} will reflect that of the initial
     * configuration.</p>
     * <p>Note: This may change this result of hasAlpha(). When converting to 565,
     * the new bitmap will always be considered opaque. When converting from 565,
     * the new bitmap will be considered non-opaque, and will respect the value
     * set by setPremultiplied().</p>
     * <p>WARNING: This method should NOT be called on a bitmap currently in use
     * by the view system, Canvas, or the AndroidBitmap NDK API. It does not
     * make guarantees about how the underlying pixel buffer is remapped to the
     * new config, just that the allocation is reused. Additionally, the view
     * system does not account for bitmap properties being modifying during use,
     * e.g. while attached to drawables.</p>
     * <p>In order to safely ensure that a Bitmap is no longer in use by the
     * View system it is necessary to wait for a draw pass to occur after
     * invalidate()'ing any view that had previously drawn the Bitmap in the last
     * draw pass due to hardware acceleration's caching of draw commands. As
     * an example, here is how this can be done for an ImageView:
     * <pre class="prettyprint">
     *      ImageView myImageView = ...;
     *      final Bitmap myBitmap = ...;
     *      myImageView.setImageDrawable(null);
     * Runnable() {
     *          public void run() {
     *              // myBitmap is now no longer in use by the ImageView
     *              // and can be safely reconfigured.
     *              myBitmap.reconfigure(...);
     *          }
     *      });
     * </pre></p>
     * @see #setWidth(int)
     * @see #setHeight(int)
     * @see #setConfig(Config)
    public void reconfigure(int width, int height, Config config) {
        checkRecycled("Can't call reconfigure() on a recycled bitmap");
        if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("width and height must be > 0");
        if (!isMutable()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("only mutable bitmaps may be reconfigured");

        nativeReconfigure(mNativePtr, width, height, config.nativeInt, mRequestPremultiplied);
        mWidth = width;
        mHeight = height;
        mColorSpace = null;

     * <p>Convenience method for calling {@link #reconfigure(int, int, Config)}
     * with the current height and config.</p>
     * <p>WARNING: this method should not be used on bitmaps currently used by
     * the view system, see {@link #reconfigure(int, int, Config)} for more
     * details.</p>
     * @see #reconfigure(int, int, Config)
     * @see #setHeight(int)
     * @see #setConfig(Config)
    public void setWidth(int width) {
        reconfigure(width, getHeight(), getConfig());

     * <p>Convenience method for calling {@link #reconfigure(int, int, Config)}
     * with the current width and config.</p>
     * <p>WARNING: this method should not be used on bitmaps currently used by
     * the view system, see {@link #reconfigure(int, int, Config)} for more
     * details.</p>
     * @see #reconfigure(int, int, Config)
     * @see #setWidth(int)
     * @see #setConfig(Config)
    public void setHeight(int height) {
        reconfigure(getWidth(), height, getConfig());

     * <p>Convenience method for calling {@link #reconfigure(int, int, Config)}
     * with the current height and width.</p>
     * <p>WARNING: this method should not be used on bitmaps currently used by
     * the view system, see {@link #reconfigure(int, int, Config)} for more
     * details.</p>
     * @see #reconfigure(int, int, Config)
     * @see #setWidth(int)
     * @see #setHeight(int)
    public void setConfig(Config config) {
        reconfigure(getWidth(), getHeight(), config);

     * Sets the nine patch chunk.
     * @param chunk The definition of the nine patch
     * @hide
    public void setNinePatchChunk(byte[] chunk) {
        mNinePatchChunk = chunk;

     * Free the native object associated with this bitmap, and clear the
     * reference to the pixel data. This will not free the pixel data synchronously;
     * it simply allows it to be garbage collected if there are no other references.
     * The bitmap is marked as "dead", meaning it will throw an exception if
     * getPixels() or setPixels() is called, and will draw nothing. This operation
     * cannot be reversed, so it should only be called if you are sure there are no
     * further uses for the bitmap. This is an advanced call, and normally need
     * not be called, since the normal GC process will free up this memory when
     * there are no more references to this bitmap.
    public void recycle() {
        if (!mRecycled && mNativePtr != 0) {
            if (nativeRecycle(mNativePtr)) {
                // return value indicates whether native pixel object was actually recycled.
                // false indicates that it is still in use at the native level and these
                // objects should not be collected now. They will be collected later when the
                // Bitmap itself is collected.
                mNinePatchChunk = null;
            mRecycled = true;

     * Returns true if this bitmap has been recycled. If so, then it is an error
     * to try to access its pixels, and the bitmap will not draw.
     * @return true if the bitmap has been recycled
    public final boolean isRecycled() {
        return mRecycled;

     * Returns the generation ID of this bitmap. The generation ID changes
     * whenever the bitmap is modified. This can be used as an efficient way to
     * check if a bitmap has changed.
     * @return The current generation ID for this bitmap.
    public int getGenerationId() {
        if (mRecycled) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Called getGenerationId() on a recycle()'d bitmap! This is undefined behavior!");
        return nativeGenerationId(mNativePtr);

     * This is called by methods that want to throw an exception if the bitmap
     * has already been recycled.
    private void checkRecycled(String errorMessage) {
        if (mRecycled) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(errorMessage);

     * This is called by methods that want to throw an exception if the bitmap
     * is {@link Config#HARDWARE}.
    private void checkHardware(String errorMessage) {
        if (getConfig() == Config.HARDWARE) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(errorMessage);

     * Common code for checking that x and y are >= 0
     * @param x x coordinate to ensure is >= 0
     * @param y y coordinate to ensure is >= 0
    private static void checkXYSign(int x, int y) {
        if (x < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("x must be >= 0");
        if (y < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("y must be >= 0");

     * Common code for checking that width and height are > 0
     * @param width  width to ensure is > 0
     * @param height height to ensure is > 0
    private static void checkWidthHeight(int width, int height) {
        if (width <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("width must be > 0");
        if (height <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("height must be > 0");

     * Possible bitmap configurations. A bitmap configuration describes
     * how pixels are stored. This affects the quality (color depth) as
     * well as the ability to display transparent/translucent colors.
    public enum Config {
        // these native values must match up with the enum in SkBitmap.h

         * Each pixel is stored as a single translucency (alpha) channel.
         * This is very useful to efficiently store masks for instance.
         * No color information is stored.
         * With this configuration, each pixel requires 1 byte of memory.

         * Each pixel is stored on 2 bytes and only the RGB channels are
         * encoded: red is stored with 5 bits of precision (32 possible
         * values), green is stored with 6 bits of precision (64 possible
         * values) and blue is stored with 5 bits of precision.
         * This configuration can produce slight visual artifacts depending
         * on the configuration of the source. For instance, without
         * dithering, the result might show a greenish tint. To get better
         * results dithering should be applied.
         * This configuration may be useful when using opaque bitmaps
         * that do not require high color fidelity.
         * <p>Use this formula to pack into 16 bits:</p>
         * <pre class="prettyprint">
         * short color = (R & 0x1f) << 11 | (G & 0x3f) << 5 | (B & 0x1f);
         * </pre>

         * Each pixel is stored on 2 bytes. The three RGB color channels
         * and the alpha channel (translucency) are stored with a 4 bits
         * precision (16 possible values.)
         * This configuration is mostly useful if the application needs
         * to store translucency information but also needs to save
         * memory.
         * It is recommended to use {@link #ARGB_8888} instead of this
         * configuration.
         * Note: as of {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT},
         * any bitmap created with this configuration will be created
         * using {@link #ARGB_8888} instead.
         * @deprecated Because of the poor quality of this configuration,
         *             it is advised to use {@link #ARGB_8888} instead.

         * Each pixel is stored on 4 bytes. Each channel (RGB and alpha
         * for translucency) is stored with 8 bits of precision (256
         * possible values.)
         * This configuration is very flexible and offers the best
         * quality. It should be used whenever possible.
         * <p>Use this formula to pack into 32 bits:</p>
         * <pre class="prettyprint">
         * int color = (A & 0xff) << 24 | (B & 0xff) << 16 | (G & 0xff) << 8 | (R & 0xff);
         * </pre>

         * Each pixels is stored on 8 bytes. Each channel (RGB and alpha
         * for translucency) is stored as a
         * {@link android.util.Half half-precision floating point value}.
         * This configuration is particularly suited for wide-gamut and
         * HDR content.
         * <p>Use this formula to pack into 64 bits:</p>
         * <pre class="prettyprint">
         * long color = (A & 0xffff) << 48 | (B & 0xffff) << 32 | (G & 0xffff) << 16 | (R & 0xffff);
         * </pre>

         * Special configuration, when bitmap is stored only in graphic memory.
         * Bitmaps in this configuration are always immutable.
         * It is optimal for cases, when the only operation with the bitmap is to draw it on a
         * screen.

        final int nativeInt;

        private static Config sConfigs[] = { null, ALPHA_8, null, RGB_565, ARGB_4444, ARGB_8888, RGBA_F16,
                HARDWARE };

        Config(int ni) {
            this.nativeInt = ni;

        static Config nativeToConfig(int ni) {
            return sConfigs[ni];

     * <p>Copy the bitmap's pixels into the specified buffer (allocated by the
     * caller). An exception is thrown if the buffer is not large enough to
     * hold all of the pixels (taking into account the number of bytes per
     * pixel) or if the Buffer subclass is not one of the support types
     * (ByteBuffer, ShortBuffer, IntBuffer).</p>
     * <p>The content of the bitmap is copied into the buffer as-is. This means
     * that if this bitmap stores its pixels pre-multiplied
     * (see {@link #isPremultiplied()}, the values in the buffer will also be
     * pre-multiplied. The pixels remain in the color space of the bitmap.</p>
     * <p>After this method returns, the current position of the buffer is
     * updated: the position is incremented by the number of elements written
     * in the buffer.</p>
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the bitmap's config is {@link Config#HARDWARE}
    public void copyPixelsToBuffer(Buffer dst) {
                "unable to copyPixelsToBuffer, " + "pixel access is not supported on Config#HARDWARE bitmaps");
        int elements = dst.remaining();
        int shift;
        if (dst instanceof ByteBuffer) {
            shift = 0;
        } else if (dst instanceof ShortBuffer) {
            shift = 1;
        } else if (dst instanceof IntBuffer) {
            shift = 2;
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("unsupported Buffer subclass");

        long bufferSize = (long) elements << shift;
        long pixelSize = getByteCount();

        if (bufferSize < pixelSize) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Buffer not large enough for pixels");

        nativeCopyPixelsToBuffer(mNativePtr, dst);

        // now update the buffer's position
        int position = dst.position();
        position += pixelSize >> shift;

     * <p>Copy the pixels from the buffer, beginning at the current position,
     * overwriting the bitmap's pixels. The data in the buffer is not changed
     * in any way (unlike setPixels(), which converts from unpremultipled 32bit
     * to whatever the bitmap's native format is. The pixels in the source
     * buffer are assumed to be in the bitmap's color space.</p>
     * <p>After this method returns, the current position of the buffer is
     * updated: the position is incremented by the number of elements read from
     * the buffer. If you need to read the bitmap from the buffer again you must
     * first rewind the buffer.</p>
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the bitmap's config is {@link Config#HARDWARE}
    public void copyPixelsFromBuffer(Buffer src) {
        checkRecycled("copyPixelsFromBuffer called on recycled bitmap");
        checkHardware("unable to copyPixelsFromBuffer, Config#HARDWARE bitmaps are immutable");

        int elements = src.remaining();
        int shift;
        if (src instanceof ByteBuffer) {
            shift = 0;
        } else if (src instanceof ShortBuffer) {
            shift = 1;
        } else if (src instanceof IntBuffer) {
            shift = 2;
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("unsupported Buffer subclass");

        long bufferBytes = (long) elements << shift;
        long bitmapBytes = getByteCount();

        if (bufferBytes < bitmapBytes) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Buffer not large enough for pixels");

        nativeCopyPixelsFromBuffer(mNativePtr, src);

        // now update the buffer's position
        int position = src.position();
        position += bitmapBytes >> shift;

    private void noteHardwareBitmapSlowCall() {
        if (getConfig() == Config.HARDWARE) {
                    "Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware " + "bitmap, which is very slow operation");

     * Tries to make a new bitmap based on the dimensions of this bitmap,
     * setting the new bitmap's config to the one specified, and then copying
     * this bitmap's pixels into the new bitmap. If the conversion is not
     * supported, or the allocator fails, then this returns NULL.  The returned
     * bitmap has the same density and color space as the original.
     * @param config    The desired config for the resulting bitmap
     * @param isMutable True if the resulting bitmap should be mutable (i.e.
     *                  its pixels can be modified)
     * @return the new bitmap, or null if the copy could not be made.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if config is {@link Config#HARDWARE} and isMutable is true
    public Bitmap copy(Config config, boolean isMutable) {
        checkRecycled("Can't copy a recycled bitmap");
        if (config == Config.HARDWARE && isMutable) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hardware bitmaps are always immutable");
        Bitmap b = nativeCopy(mNativePtr, config.nativeInt, isMutable);
        if (b != null) {
            b.mDensity = mDensity;
        return b;

     * Creates a new immutable bitmap backed by ashmem which can efficiently
     * be passed between processes. The bitmap is assumed to be in the sRGB
     * color space.
     * @hide
    public Bitmap createAshmemBitmap() {
        checkRecycled("Can't copy a recycled bitmap");
        Bitmap b = nativeCopyAshmem(mNativePtr);
        if (b != null) {
            b.mDensity = mDensity;
        return b;

     * Creates a new immutable bitmap backed by ashmem which can efficiently
     * be passed between processes. The bitmap is assumed to be in the sRGB
     * color space.
     * @hide
    public Bitmap createAshmemBitmap(Config config) {
        checkRecycled("Can't copy a recycled bitmap");
        Bitmap b = nativeCopyAshmemConfig(mNativePtr, config.nativeInt);
        if (b != null) {
            b.mDensity = mDensity;
        return b;

     * Create hardware bitmap backed GraphicBuffer.
     * @return Bitmap or null if this GraphicBuffer has unsupported PixelFormat.
     *         currently PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 is the only supported format
     * @hide
    public static Bitmap createHardwareBitmap(@NonNull GraphicBuffer graphicBuffer) {
        return nativeCreateHardwareBitmap(graphicBuffer);

     * Creates a new bitmap, scaled from an existing bitmap, when possible. If the
     * specified width and height are the same as the current width and height of
     * the source bitmap, the source bitmap is returned and no new bitmap is
     * created.
     * @param src       The source bitmap.
     * @param dstWidth  The new bitmap's desired width.
     * @param dstHeight The new bitmap's desired height.
     * @param filter    Whether or not bilinear filtering should be used when scaling the
     *                  bitmap. If this is true then bilinear filtering will be used when
     *                  scaling which has better image quality at the cost of worse performance.
     *                  If this is false then nearest-neighbor scaling is used instead which
     *                  will have worse image quality but is faster. Recommended default
     *                  is to set filter to 'true' as the cost of bilinear filtering is
     *                  typically minimal and the improved image quality is significant.
     * @return The new scaled bitmap or the source bitmap if no scaling is required.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if width is <= 0, or height is <= 0
    public static Bitmap createScaledBitmap(@NonNull Bitmap src, int dstWidth, int dstHeight, boolean filter) {
        Matrix m = new Matrix();

        final int width = src.getWidth();
        final int height = src.getHeight();
        if (width != dstWidth || height != dstHeight) {
            final float sx = dstWidth / (float) width;
            final float sy = dstHeight / (float) height;
            m.setScale(sx, sy);
        return Bitmap.createBitmap(src, 0, 0, width, height, m, filter);

     * Returns an immutable bitmap from the source bitmap. The new bitmap may
     * be the same object as source, or a copy may have been made.  It is
     * initialized with the same density and color space as the original bitmap.
    public static Bitmap createBitmap(@NonNull Bitmap src) {
        return createBitmap(src, 0, 0, src.getWidth(), src.getHeight());

     * Returns an immutable bitmap from the specified subset of the source
     * bitmap. The new bitmap may be the same object as source, or a copy may
     * have been made. It is initialized with the same density and color space
     * as the original bitmap.
     * @param source   The bitmap we are subsetting
     * @param x        The x coordinate of the first pixel in source
     * @param y        The y coordinate of the first pixel in source
     * @param width    The number of pixels in each row
     * @param height   The number of rows
     * @return A copy of a subset of the source bitmap or the source bitmap itself.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the x, y, width, height values are
     *         outside of the dimensions of the source bitmap, or width is <= 0,
     *         or height is <= 0
    public static Bitmap createBitmap(@NonNull Bitmap source, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
        return createBitmap(source, x, y, width, height, null, false);

     * Returns an immutable bitmap from subset of the source bitmap,
     * transformed by the optional matrix. The new bitmap may be the
     * same object as source, or a copy may have been made. It is
     * initialized with the same density and color space as the original
     * bitmap.
     * If the source bitmap is immutable and the requested subset is the
     * same as the source bitmap itself, then the source bitmap is
     * returned and no new bitmap is created.
     * @param source   The bitmap we are subsetting
     * @param x        The x coordinate of the first pixel in source
     * @param y        The y coordinate of the first pixel in source
     * @param width    The number of pixels in each row
     * @param height   The number of rows
     * @param m        Optional matrix to be applied to the pixels
     * @param filter   true if the source should be filtered.
     *                   Only applies if the matrix contains more than just
     *                   translation.
     * @return A bitmap that represents the specified subset of source
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the x, y, width, height values are
     *         outside of the dimensions of the source bitmap, or width is <= 0,
     *         or height is <= 0, or if the source bitmap has already been recycled
    public static Bitmap createBitmap(@NonNull Bitmap source, int x, int y, int width, int height,
            @Nullable Matrix m, boolean filter) {

        checkXYSign(x, y);
        checkWidthHeight(width, height);
        if (x + width > source.getWidth()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("x + width must be <= bitmap.width()");
        if (y + height > source.getHeight()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("y + height must be <= bitmap.height()");
        if (source.isRecycled()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot use a recycled source in createBitmap");

        // check if we can just return our argument unchanged
        if (!source.isMutable() && x == 0 && y == 0 && width == source.getWidth() && height == source.getHeight()
                && (m == null || m.isIdentity())) {
            return source;

        boolean isHardware = source.getConfig() == Config.HARDWARE;
        if (isHardware) {
            source = nativeCopyPreserveInternalConfig(source.mNativePtr);

        int neww = width;
        int newh = height;
        Bitmap bitmap;
        Paint paint;

        Rect srcR = new Rect(x, y, x + width, y + height);
        RectF dstR = new RectF(0, 0, width, height);
        RectF deviceR = new RectF();

        Config newConfig = Config.ARGB_8888;
        final Config config = source.getConfig();
        // GIF files generate null configs, assume ARGB_8888
        if (config != null) {
            switch (config) {
            case RGB_565:
                newConfig = Config.RGB_565;
            case ALPHA_8:
                newConfig = Config.ALPHA_8;
            case RGBA_F16:
                newConfig = Config.RGBA_F16;
            //noinspection deprecation
            case ARGB_4444:
            case ARGB_8888:
                newConfig = Config.ARGB_8888;

        if (m == null || m.isIdentity()) {
            bitmap = createBitmap(neww, newh, newConfig, source.hasAlpha());
            paint = null; // not needed
        } else {
            final boolean transformed = !m.rectStaysRect();

            m.mapRect(deviceR, dstR);

            neww = Math.round(deviceR.width());
            newh = Math.round(deviceR.height());

            Config transformedConfig = newConfig;
            if (transformed) {
                if (transformedConfig != Config.ARGB_8888 && transformedConfig != Config.RGBA_F16) {
                    transformedConfig = Config.ARGB_8888;
            bitmap = createBitmap(neww, newh, transformedConfig, transformed || source.hasAlpha());

            paint = new Paint();
            if (transformed) {

        nativeCopyColorSpace(source.mNativePtr, bitmap.mNativePtr);

        // The new bitmap was created from a known bitmap source so assume that
        // they use the same density
        bitmap.mDensity = source.mDensity;

        Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
        canvas.drawBitmap(source, srcR, dstR, paint);
        if (isHardware) {
            return bitmap.copy(Config.HARDWARE, false);
        return bitmap;

     * Returns a mutable bitmap with the specified width and height.  Its
     * initial density is as per {@link #getDensity}. The newly created
     * bitmap is in the {@link ColorSpace.Named#SRGB sRGB} color space.
     * @param width    The width of the bitmap
     * @param height   The height of the bitmap
     * @param config   The bitmap config to create.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width or height are <= 0, or if
     *         Config is Config.HARDWARE, because hardware bitmaps are always immutable
    public static Bitmap createBitmap(int width, int height, @NonNull Config config) {
        return createBitmap(width, height, config, true);

     * Returns a mutable bitmap with the specified width and height.  Its
     * initial density is determined from the given {@link DisplayMetrics}.
     * The newly created bitmap is in the {@link ColorSpace.Named#SRGB sRGB}
     * color space.
     * @param display  Display metrics for the display this bitmap will be
     *                 drawn on.
     * @param width    The width of the bitmap
     * @param height   The height of the bitmap
     * @param config   The bitmap config to create.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width or height are <= 0, or if
     *         Config is Config.HARDWARE, because hardware bitmaps are always immutable
    public static Bitmap createBitmap(@Nullable DisplayMetrics display, int width, int height,
            @NonNull Config config) {
        return createBitmap(display, width, height, config, true);

     * Returns a mutable bitmap with the specified width and height.  Its
     * initial density is as per {@link #getDensity}. The newly created
     * bitmap is in the {@link ColorSpace.Named#SRGB sRGB} color space.
     * @param width    The width of the bitmap
     * @param height   The height of the bitmap
     * @param config   The bitmap config to create.
     * @param hasAlpha If the bitmap is ARGB_8888 or RGBA_16F this flag can be used to
     *                 mark the bitmap as opaque. Doing so will clear the bitmap in black
     *                 instead of transparent.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width or height are <= 0, or if
     *         Config is Config.HARDWARE, because hardware bitmaps are always immutable
    public static Bitmap createBitmap(int width, int height, @NonNull Config config, boolean hasAlpha) {
        return createBitmap(null, width, height, config, hasAlpha);

     * Returns a mutable bitmap with the specified width and height.  Its
     * initial density is as per {@link #getDensity}.
     * @param width    The width of the bitmap
     * @param height   The height of the bitmap
     * @param config   The bitmap config to create.
     * @param hasAlpha If the bitmap is ARGB_8888 or RGBA_16F this flag can be used to
     *                 mark the bitmap as opaque. Doing so will clear the bitmap in black
     *                 instead of transparent.
     * @param colorSpace The color space of the bitmap. If the config is {@link Config#RGBA_F16},
     *                   {@link ColorSpace.Named#EXTENDED_SRGB scRGB} is assumed, and if the
     *                   config is not {@link Config#ARGB_8888}, {@link ColorSpace.Named#SRGB sRGB}
     *                   is assumed.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width or height are <= 0, if
     *         Config is Config.HARDWARE (because hardware bitmaps are always
     *         immutable), if the specified color space is not {@link ColorSpace.Model#RGB RGB},
     *         if the specified color space's transfer function is not an
     *         {@link ColorSpace.Rgb.TransferParameters ICC parametric curve}, or if
     *         the color space is null
    public static Bitmap createBitmap(int width, int height, @NonNull Config config, boolean hasAlpha,
            @NonNull ColorSpace colorSpace) {
        return createBitmap(null, width, height, config, hasAlpha, colorSpace);

     * Returns a mutable bitmap with the specified width and height.  Its
     * initial density is determined from the given {@link DisplayMetrics}.
     * The newly created bitmap is in the {@link ColorSpace.Named#SRGB sRGB}
     * color space.
     * @param display  Display metrics for the display this bitmap will be
     *                 drawn on.
     * @param width    The width of the bitmap
     * @param height   The height of the bitmap
     * @param config   The bitmap config to create.
     * @param hasAlpha If the bitmap is ARGB_8888 or RGBA_16F this flag can be used to
     *                 mark the bitmap as opaque. Doing so will clear the bitmap in black
     *                 instead of transparent.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width or height are <= 0, or if
     *         Config is Config.HARDWARE, because hardware bitmaps are always immutable
    public static Bitmap createBitmap(@Nullable DisplayMetrics display, int width, int height,
            @NonNull Config config, boolean hasAlpha) {
        return createBitmap(display, width, height, config, hasAlpha, ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.SRGB));

     * Returns a mutable bitmap with the specified width and height.  Its
     * initial density is determined from the given {@link DisplayMetrics}.
     * The newly created bitmap is in the {@link ColorSpace.Named#SRGB sRGB}
     * color space.
     * @param display  Display metrics for the display this bitmap will be
     *                 drawn on.
     * @param width    The width of the bitmap
     * @param height   The height of the bitmap
     * @param config   The bitmap config to create.
     * @param hasAlpha If the bitmap is ARGB_8888 or RGBA_16F this flag can be used to
     *                 mark the bitmap as opaque. Doing so will clear the bitmap in black
     *                 instead of transparent.
     * @param colorSpace The color space of the bitmap. If the config is {@link Config#RGBA_F16},
     *                   {@link ColorSpace.Named#EXTENDED_SRGB scRGB} is assumed, and if the
     *                   config is not {@link Config#ARGB_8888}, {@link ColorSpace.Named#SRGB sRGB}
     *                   is assumed.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width or height are <= 0, if
     *         Config is Config.HARDWARE (because hardware bitmaps are always
     *         immutable), if the specified color space is not {@link ColorSpace.Model#RGB RGB},
     *         if the specified color space's transfer function is not an
     *         {@link ColorSpace.Rgb.TransferParameters ICC parametric curve}, or if
     *         the color space is null
    public static Bitmap createBitmap(@Nullable DisplayMetrics display, int width, int height,
            @NonNull Config config, boolean hasAlpha, @NonNull ColorSpace colorSpace) {
        if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("width and height must be > 0");
        if (config == Config.HARDWARE) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't create mutable bitmap with Config.HARDWARE");
        if (colorSpace == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't create bitmap without a color space");

        Bitmap bm;
        // nullptr color spaces have a particular meaning in native and are interpreted as sRGB
        // (we also avoid the unnecessary extra work of the else branch)
        if (config != Config.ARGB_8888 || colorSpace == ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.SRGB)) {
            bm = nativeCreate(null, 0, width, width, height, config.nativeInt, true, null, null);
        } else {
            if (!(colorSpace instanceof ColorSpace.Rgb)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("colorSpace must be an RGB color space");
            ColorSpace.Rgb rgb = (ColorSpace.Rgb) colorSpace;
            ColorSpace.Rgb.TransferParameters parameters = rgb.getTransferParameters();
            if (parameters == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("colorSpace must use an ICC " + "parametric transfer function");

            ColorSpace.Rgb d50 = (ColorSpace.Rgb) ColorSpace.adapt(rgb, ColorSpace.ILLUMINANT_D50);
            bm = nativeCreate(null, 0, width, width, height, config.nativeInt, true, d50.getTransform(),

        if (display != null) {
            bm.mDensity = display.densityDpi;
        if ((config == Config.ARGB_8888 || config == Config.RGBA_F16) && !hasAlpha) {
            nativeErase(bm.mNativePtr, 0xff000000);
        // No need to initialize the bitmap to zeroes with other configs;
        // it is backed by a VM byte array which is by definition preinitialized
        // to all zeroes.
        return bm;

     * Returns a immutable bitmap with the specified width and height, with each
     * pixel value set to the corresponding value in the colors array.  Its
     * initial density is as per {@link #getDensity}. The newly created
     * bitmap is in the {@link ColorSpace.Named#SRGB sRGB} color space.
     * @param colors   Array of sRGB {@link Color colors} used to initialize the pixels.
     * @param offset   Number of values to skip before the first color in the
     *                 array of colors.
     * @param stride   Number of colors in the array between rows (must be >=
     *                 width or <= -width).
     * @param width    The width of the bitmap
     * @param height   The height of the bitmap
     * @param config   The bitmap config to create. If the config does not
     *                 support per-pixel alpha (e.g. RGB_565), then the alpha
     *                 bytes in the colors[] will be ignored (assumed to be FF)
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width or height are <= 0, or if
     *         the color array's length is less than the number of pixels.
    public static Bitmap createBitmap(@NonNull @ColorInt int[] colors, int offset, int stride, int width,
            int height, @NonNull Config config) {
        return createBitmap(null, colors, offset, stride, width, height, config);

     * Returns a immutable bitmap with the specified width and height, with each
     * pixel value set to the corresponding value in the colors array.  Its
     * initial density is determined from the given {@link DisplayMetrics}.
     * The newly created bitmap is in the {@link ColorSpace.Named#SRGB sRGB}
     * color space.
     * @param display  Display metrics for the display this bitmap will be
     *                 drawn on.
     * @param colors   Array of sRGB {@link Color colors} used to initialize the pixels.
     * @param offset   Number of values to skip before the first color in the
     *                 array of colors.
     * @param stride   Number of colors in the array between rows (must be >=
     *                 width or <= -width).
     * @param width    The width of the bitmap
     * @param height   The height of the bitmap
     * @param config   The bitmap config to create. If the config does not
     *                 support per-pixel alpha (e.g. RGB_565), then the alpha
     *                 bytes in the colors[] will be ignored (assumed to be FF)
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width or height are <= 0, or if
     *         the color array's length is less than the number of pixels.
    public static Bitmap createBitmap(@NonNull DisplayMetrics display, @NonNull @ColorInt int[] colors, int offset,
            int stride, int width, int height, @NonNull Config config) {

        checkWidthHeight(width, height);
        if (Math.abs(stride) < width) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("abs(stride) must be >= width");
        int lastScanline = offset + (height - 1) * stride;
        int length = colors.length;
        if (offset < 0 || (offset + width > length) || lastScanline < 0 || (lastScanline + width > length)) {
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
        if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("width and height must be > 0");
        Bitmap bm = nativeCreate(colors, offset, stride, width, height, config.nativeInt, false, null, null);
        if (display != null) {
            bm.mDensity = display.densityDpi;
        return bm;

     * Returns a immutable bitmap with the specified width and height, with each
     * pixel value set to the corresponding value in the colors array.  Its
     * initial density is as per {@link #getDensity}. The newly created
     * bitmap is in the {@link ColorSpace.Named#SRGB sRGB} color space.
     * @param colors   Array of sRGB {@link Color colors} used to initialize the pixels.
     *                 This array must be at least as large as width * height.
     * @param width    The width of the bitmap
     * @param height   The height of the bitmap
     * @param config   The bitmap config to create. If the config does not
     *                 support per-pixel alpha (e.g. RGB_565), then the alpha
     *                 bytes in the colors[] will be ignored (assumed to be FF)
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width or height are <= 0, or if
     *         the color array's length is less than the number of pixels.
    public static Bitmap createBitmap(@NonNull @ColorInt int[] colors, int width, int height, Config config) {
        return createBitmap(null, colors, 0, width, width, height, config);

     * Returns a immutable bitmap with the specified width and height, with each
     * pixel value set to the corresponding value in the colors array.  Its
     * initial density is determined from the given {@link DisplayMetrics}.
     * The newly created bitmap is in the {@link ColorSpace.Named#SRGB sRGB}
     * color space.
     * @param display  Display metrics for the display this bitmap will be
     *                 drawn on.
     * @param colors   Array of sRGB {@link Color colors} used to initialize the pixels.
     *                 This array must be at least as large as width * height.
     * @param width    The width of the bitmap
     * @param height   The height of the bitmap
     * @param config   The bitmap config to create. If the config does not
     *                 support per-pixel alpha (e.g. RGB_565), then the alpha
     *                 bytes in the colors[] will be ignored (assumed to be FF)
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width or height are <= 0, or if
     *         the color array's length is less than the number of pixels.
    public static Bitmap createBitmap(@Nullable DisplayMetrics display, @NonNull @ColorInt int colors[], int width,
            int height, @NonNull Config config) {
        return createBitmap(display, colors, 0, width, width, height, config);

     * Creates a Bitmap from the given {@link Picture} source of recorded drawing commands.
     * Equivalent to calling {@link #createBitmap(Picture, int, int, Config)} with
     * width and height the same as the Picture's width and height and a Config.HARDWARE
     * config.
     * @param source The recorded {@link Picture} of drawing commands that will be
     *               drawn into the returned Bitmap.
     * @return An immutable bitmap with a HARDWARE config whose contents are created
     * from the recorded drawing commands in the Picture source.
    public static @NonNull Bitmap createBitmap(@NonNull Picture source) {
        return createBitmap(source, source.getWidth(), source.getHeight(), Config.HARDWARE);

     * Creates a Bitmap from the given {@link Picture} source of recorded drawing commands.
     * The bitmap will be immutable with the given width and height. If the width and height
     * are not the same as the Picture's width & height, the Picture will be scaled to
     * fit the given width and height.
     * @param source The recorded {@link Picture} of drawing commands that will be
     *               drawn into the returned Bitmap.
     * @param width The width of the bitmap to create. The picture's width will be
     *              scaled to match if necessary.
     * @param height The height of the bitmap to create. The picture's height will be
     *              scaled to match if necessary.
     * @param config The {@link Config} of the created bitmap. If this is null then
     *               the bitmap will be {@link Config#HARDWARE}.
     * @return An immutable bitmap with a HARDWARE config whose contents are created
     * from the recorded drawing commands in the Picture source.
    public static @NonNull Bitmap createBitmap(@NonNull Picture source, int width, int height,
            @NonNull Config config) {
        if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("width & height must be > 0");
        if (config == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Config must not be null");
        if (source.requiresHardwareAcceleration() && config != Config.HARDWARE) {
            StrictMode.noteSlowCall("GPU readback");
        if (config == Config.HARDWARE || source.requiresHardwareAcceleration()) {
            final RenderNode node = RenderNode.create("BitmapTemporary", null);
            node.setLeftTopRightBottom(0, 0, width, height);
            final DisplayListCanvas canvas = node.start(width, height);
            if (source.getWidth() != width || source.getHeight() != height) {
                canvas.scale(width / (float) source.getWidth(), height / (float) source.getHeight());
            Bitmap bitmap = ThreadedRenderer.createHardwareBitmap(node, width, height);
            if (config != Config.HARDWARE) {
                bitmap = bitmap.copy(config, false);
            return bitmap;
        } else {
            Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, config);
            Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
            if (source.getWidth() != width || source.getHeight() != height) {
                canvas.scale(width / (float) source.getWidth(), height / (float) source.getHeight());
            return bitmap;

     * Returns an optional array of private data, used by the UI system for
     * some bitmaps. Not intended to be called by applications.
    public byte[] getNinePatchChunk() {
        return mNinePatchChunk;

     * Populates a rectangle with the bitmap's optical insets.
     * @param outInsets Rect to populate with optical insets
     * @hide
    public void getOpticalInsets(@NonNull Rect outInsets) {
        if (mNinePatchInsets == null) {
        } else {

    /** @hide */
    public NinePatch.InsetStruct getNinePatchInsets() {
        return mNinePatchInsets;

     * Specifies the known formats a bitmap can be compressed into
    public enum CompressFormat {
        JPEG(0), PNG(1), WEBP(2);

        CompressFormat(int nativeInt) {
            this.nativeInt = nativeInt;

        final int nativeInt;

     * Number of bytes of temp storage we use for communicating between the
     * native compressor and the java OutputStream.
    private final static int WORKING_COMPRESS_STORAGE = 4096;

     * Write a compressed version of the bitmap to the specified outputstream.
     * If this returns true, the bitmap can be reconstructed by passing a
     * corresponding inputstream to BitmapFactory.decodeStream(). Note: not
     * all Formats support all bitmap configs directly, so it is possible that
     * the returned bitmap from BitmapFactory could be in a different bitdepth,
     * and/or may have lost per-pixel alpha (e.g. JPEG only supports opaque
     * pixels).
     * @param format   The format of the compressed image
     * @param quality  Hint to the compressor, 0-100. 0 meaning compress for
     *                 small size, 100 meaning compress for max quality. Some
     *                 formats, like PNG which is lossless, will ignore the
     *                 quality setting
     * @param stream   The outputstream to write the compressed data.
     * @return true if successfully compressed to the specified stream.
    public boolean compress(CompressFormat format, int quality, OutputStream stream) {
        checkRecycled("Can't compress a recycled bitmap");
        // do explicit check before calling the native method
        if (stream == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (quality < 0 || quality > 100) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("quality must be 0..100");
        StrictMode.noteSlowCall("Compression of a bitmap is slow");
        Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_RESOURCES, "Bitmap.compress");
        boolean result = nativeCompress(mNativePtr, format.nativeInt, quality, stream,
                new byte[WORKING_COMPRESS_STORAGE]);
        return result;

     * Returns true if the bitmap is marked as mutable (i.e.&nbsp;can be drawn into)
    public final boolean isMutable() {
        return mIsMutable;

    /** @hide */
    public final void makeImmutable() {
        // todo mIsMutable = false;
        // todo nMakeImmutable();

     * <p>Indicates whether pixels stored in this bitmaps are stored pre-multiplied.
     * When a pixel is pre-multiplied, the RGB components have been multiplied by
     * the alpha component. For instance, if the original color is a 50%
     * translucent red <code>(128, 255, 0, 0)</code>, the pre-multiplied form is
     * <code>(128, 128, 0, 0)</code>.</p>
     * <p>This method always returns false if {@link #getConfig()} is
     * {@link Bitmap.Config#RGB_565}.</p>
     * <p>The return value is undefined if {@link #getConfig()} is
     * {@link Bitmap.Config#ALPHA_8}.</p>
     * <p>This method only returns true if {@link #hasAlpha()} returns true.
     * A bitmap with no alpha channel can be used both as a pre-multiplied and
     * as a non pre-multiplied bitmap.</p>
     * <p>Only pre-multiplied bitmaps may be drawn by the view system or
     * {@link Canvas}. If a non-pre-multiplied bitmap with an alpha channel is
     * drawn to a Canvas, a RuntimeException will be thrown.</p>
     * @return true if the underlying pixels have been pre-multiplied, false
     *         otherwise
     * @see Bitmap#setPremultiplied(boolean)
     * @see BitmapFactory.Options#inPremultiplied
    public final boolean isPremultiplied() {
        if (mRecycled) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Called isPremultiplied() on a recycle()'d bitmap! This is undefined behavior!");
        return nativeIsPremultiplied(mNativePtr);

     * Sets whether the bitmap should treat its data as pre-multiplied.
     * <p>Bitmaps are always treated as pre-multiplied by the view system and
     * {@link Canvas} for performance reasons. Storing un-pre-multiplied data in
     * a Bitmap (through {@link #setPixel}, {@link #setPixels}, or {@link
     * BitmapFactory.Options#inPremultiplied BitmapFactory.Options.inPremultiplied})
     * can lead to incorrect blending if drawn by the framework.</p>
     * <p>This method will not affect the behavior of a bitmap without an alpha
     * channel, or if {@link #hasAlpha()} returns false.</p>
     * <p>Calling {@link #createBitmap} or {@link #createScaledBitmap} with a source
     * Bitmap whose colors are not pre-multiplied may result in a RuntimeException,
     * since those functions require drawing the source, which is not supported for
     * un-pre-multiplied Bitmaps.</p>
     * @see Bitmap#isPremultiplied()
     * @see BitmapFactory.Options#inPremultiplied
    public final void setPremultiplied(boolean premultiplied) {
        checkRecycled("setPremultiplied called on a recycled bitmap");
        mRequestPremultiplied = premultiplied;
        nativeSetPremultiplied(mNativePtr, premultiplied);

    /** Returns the bitmap's width */
    public final int getWidth() {
        if (mRecycled) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Called getWidth() on a recycle()'d bitmap! This is undefined behavior!");
        return mWidth;

    /** Returns the bitmap's height */
    public final int getHeight() {
        if (mRecycled) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Called getHeight() on a recycle()'d bitmap! This is undefined behavior!");
        return mHeight;

     * Convenience for calling {@link #getScaledWidth(int)} with the target
     * density of the given {@link Canvas}.
    public int getScaledWidth(Canvas canvas) {
        return scaleFromDensity(getWidth(), mDensity, canvas.mDensity);

     * Convenience for calling {@link #getScaledHeight(int)} with the target
     * density of the given {@link Canvas}.
    public int getScaledHeight(Canvas canvas) {
        return scaleFromDensity(getHeight(), mDensity, canvas.mDensity);

     * Convenience for calling {@link #getScaledWidth(int)} with the target
     * density of the given {@link DisplayMetrics}.
    public int getScaledWidth(DisplayMetrics metrics) {
        return scaleFromDensity(getWidth(), mDensity, metrics.densityDpi);

     * Convenience for calling {@link #getScaledHeight(int)} with the target
     * density of the given {@link DisplayMetrics}.
    public int getScaledHeight(DisplayMetrics metrics) {
        return scaleFromDensity(getHeight(), mDensity, metrics.densityDpi);

     * Convenience method that returns the width of this bitmap divided
     * by the density scale factor.
     * @param targetDensity The density of the target canvas of the bitmap.
     * @return The scaled width of this bitmap, according to the density scale factor.
    public int getScaledWidth(int targetDensity) {
        return scaleFromDensity(getWidth(), mDensity, targetDensity);

     * Convenience method that returns the height of this bitmap divided
     * by the density scale factor.
     * @param targetDensity The density of the target canvas of the bitmap.
     * @return The scaled height of this bitmap, according to the density scale factor.
    public int getScaledHeight(int targetDensity) {
        return scaleFromDensity(getHeight(), mDensity, targetDensity);

     * @hide
    static public int scaleFromDensity(int size, int sdensity, int tdensity) {
        if (sdensity == DENSITY_NONE || tdensity == DENSITY_NONE || sdensity == tdensity) {
            return size;

        // Scale by tdensity / sdensity, rounding up.
        return ((size * tdensity) + (sdensity >> 1)) / sdensity;

     * Return the number of bytes between rows in the bitmap's pixels. Note that
     * this refers to the pixels as stored natively by the bitmap. If you call
     * getPixels() or setPixels(), then the pixels are uniformly treated as
     * 32bit values, packed according to the Color class.
     * <p>As of {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT}, this method
     * should not be used to calculate the memory usage of the bitmap. Instead,
     * see {@link #getAllocationByteCount()}.
     * @return number of bytes between rows of the native bitmap pixels.
    public final int getRowBytes() {
        if (mRecycled) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Called getRowBytes() on a recycle()'d bitmap! This is undefined behavior!");
        return nativeRowBytes(mNativePtr);

     * Returns the minimum number of bytes that can be used to store this bitmap's pixels.
     * <p>As of {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT}, the result of this method can
     * no longer be used to determine memory usage of a bitmap. See {@link
     * #getAllocationByteCount()}.</p>
    public final int getByteCount() {
        if (mRecycled) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Called getByteCount() on a recycle()'d bitmap! " + "This is undefined behavior!");
            return 0;
        // int result permits bitmaps up to 46,340 x 46,340
        return getRowBytes() * getHeight();

     * Returns the size of the allocated memory used to store this bitmap's pixels.
     * <p>This can be larger than the result of {@link #getByteCount()} if a bitmap is reused to
     * decode other bitmaps of smaller size, or by manual reconfiguration. See {@link
     * #reconfigure(int, int, Config)}, {@link #setWidth(int)}, {@link #setHeight(int)}, {@link
     * #setConfig(Bitmap.Config)}, and {@link BitmapFactory.Options#inBitmap
     * BitmapFactory.Options.inBitmap}. If a bitmap is not modified in this way, this value will be
     * the same as that returned by {@link #getByteCount()}.</p>
     * <p>This value will not change over the lifetime of a Bitmap.</p>
     * @see #reconfigure(int, int, Config)
    public final int getAllocationByteCount() {
        if (mRecycled) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Called getAllocationByteCount() on a recycle()'d bitmap! " + "This is undefined behavior!");
            return 0;
        return nativeGetAllocationByteCount(mNativePtr);

     * If the bitmap's internal config is in one of the public formats, return
     * that config, otherwise return null.
    public final Config getConfig() {
        if (mRecycled) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Called getConfig() on a recycle()'d bitmap! This is undefined behavior!");
        return Config.nativeToConfig(nativeConfig(mNativePtr));

    /** Returns true if the bitmap's config supports per-pixel alpha, and
     * if the pixels may contain non-opaque alpha values. For some configs,
     * this is always false (e.g. RGB_565), since they do not support per-pixel
     * alpha. However, for configs that do, the bitmap may be flagged to be
     * known that all of its pixels are opaque. In this case hasAlpha() will
     * also return false. If a config such as ARGB_8888 is not so flagged,
     * it will return true by default.
    public final boolean hasAlpha() {
        if (mRecycled) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Called hasAlpha() on a recycle()'d bitmap! This is undefined behavior!");
        return nativeHasAlpha(mNativePtr);

     * Tell the bitmap if all of the pixels are known to be opaque (false)
     * or if some of the pixels may contain non-opaque alpha values (true).
     * Note, for some configs (e.g. RGB_565) this call is ignored, since it
     * does not support per-pixel alpha values.
     * This is meant as a drawing hint, as in some cases a bitmap that is known
     * to be opaque can take a faster drawing case than one that may have
     * non-opaque per-pixel alpha values.
    public void setHasAlpha(boolean hasAlpha) {
        checkRecycled("setHasAlpha called on a recycled bitmap");
        nativeSetHasAlpha(mNativePtr, hasAlpha, mRequestPremultiplied);

     * Indicates whether the renderer responsible for drawing this
     * bitmap should attempt to use mipmaps when this bitmap is drawn
     * scaled down.
     * If you know that you are going to draw this bitmap at less than
     * 50% of its original size, you may be able to obtain a higher
     * quality
     * This property is only a suggestion that can be ignored by the
     * renderer. It is not guaranteed to have any effect.
     * @return true if the renderer should attempt to use mipmaps,
     *         false otherwise
     * @see #setHasMipMap(boolean)
    public final boolean hasMipMap() {
        if (mRecycled) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Called hasMipMap() on a recycle()'d bitmap! This is undefined behavior!");
        return nativeHasMipMap(mNativePtr);

     * Set a hint for the renderer responsible for drawing this bitmap
     * indicating that it should attempt to use mipmaps when this bitmap
     * is drawn scaled down.
     * If you know that you are going to draw this bitmap at less than
     * 50% of its original size, you may be able to obtain a higher
     * quality by turning this property on.
     * Note that if the renderer respects this hint it might have to
     * allocate extra memory to hold the mipmap levels for this bitmap.
     * This property is only a suggestion that can be ignored by the
     * renderer. It is not guaranteed to have any effect.
     * @param hasMipMap indicates whether the renderer should attempt
     *                  to use mipmaps
     * @see #hasMipMap()
    public final void setHasMipMap(boolean hasMipMap) {
        checkRecycled("setHasMipMap called on a recycled bitmap");
        nativeSetHasMipMap(mNativePtr, hasMipMap);

     * Returns the color space associated with this bitmap. If the color
     * space is unknown, this method returns null.
    public final ColorSpace getColorSpace() {
        // A reconfigure can change the configuration and rgba16f is
        // always linear scRGB at this time
        if (getConfig() == Config.RGBA_F16) {
            // Reset the color space for potential future reconfigurations
            mColorSpace = null;
            return ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.LINEAR_EXTENDED_SRGB);

        // Cache the color space retrieval since it can be fairly expensive
        if (mColorSpace == null) {
            if (nativeIsSRGB(mNativePtr)) {
                mColorSpace = ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.SRGB);
            } else if (getConfig() == Config.HARDWARE && nativeIsSRGBLinear(mNativePtr)) {
                mColorSpace = ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.LINEAR_EXTENDED_SRGB);
            } else {
                float[] xyz = new float[9];
                float[] params = new float[7];

                boolean hasColorSpace = nativeGetColorSpace(mNativePtr, xyz, params);
                if (hasColorSpace) {
                    ColorSpace.Rgb.TransferParameters parameters = new ColorSpace.Rgb.TransferParameters(params[0],
                            params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5], params[6]);
                    ColorSpace cs = ColorSpace.match(xyz, parameters);
                    if (cs != null) {
                        mColorSpace = cs;
                    } else {
                        mColorSpace = new ColorSpace.Rgb("Unknown", xyz, parameters);

        return mColorSpace;

     * Fills the bitmap's pixels with the specified {@link Color}.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the bitmap is not mutable.
    public void eraseColor(@ColorInt int c) {
        checkRecycled("Can't erase a recycled bitmap");
        if (!isMutable()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("cannot erase immutable bitmaps");
        nativeErase(mNativePtr, c);

     * Returns the {@link Color} at the specified location. Throws an exception
     * if x or y are out of bounds (negative or >= to the width or height
     * respectively). The returned color is a non-premultiplied ARGB value in
     * the {@link ColorSpace.Named#SRGB sRGB} color space.
     * @param x    The x coordinate (0...width-1) of the pixel to return
     * @param y    The y coordinate (0...height-1) of the pixel to return
     * @return     The argb {@link Color} at the specified coordinate
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if x, y exceed the bitmap's bounds
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the bitmap's config is {@link Config#HARDWARE}
    public int getPixel(int x, int y) {
        checkRecycled("Can't call getPixel() on a recycled bitmap");
        checkHardware("unable to getPixel(), " + "pixel access is not supported on Config#HARDWARE bitmaps");
        checkPixelAccess(x, y);
        return nativeGetPixel(mNativePtr, x, y);

     * Returns in pixels[] a copy of the data in the bitmap. Each value is
     * a packed int representing a {@link Color}. The stride parameter allows
     * the caller to allow for gaps in the returned pixels array between
     * rows. For normal packed results, just pass width for the stride value.
     * The returned colors are non-premultiplied ARGB values in the
     * {@link ColorSpace.Named#SRGB sRGB} color space.
     * @param pixels   The array to receive the bitmap's colors
     * @param offset   The first index to write into pixels[]
     * @param stride   The number of entries in pixels[] to skip between
     *                 rows (must be >= bitmap's width). Can be negative.
     * @param x        The x coordinate of the first pixel to read from
     *                 the bitmap
     * @param y        The y coordinate of the first pixel to read from
     *                 the bitmap
     * @param width    The number of pixels to read from each row
     * @param height   The number of rows to read
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if x, y, width, height exceed the
     *         bounds of the bitmap, or if abs(stride) < width.
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the pixels array is too small
     *         to receive the specified number of pixels.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the bitmap's config is {@link Config#HARDWARE}
    public void getPixels(@ColorInt int[] pixels, int offset, int stride, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
        checkRecycled("Can't call getPixels() on a recycled bitmap");
        checkHardware("unable to getPixels(), " + "pixel access is not supported on Config#HARDWARE bitmaps");
        if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
            return; // nothing to do
        checkPixelsAccess(x, y, width, height, offset, stride, pixels);
        nativeGetPixels(mNativePtr, pixels, offset, stride, x, y, width, height);

     * Shared code to check for illegal arguments passed to getPixel()
     * or setPixel()
     * @param x x coordinate of the pixel
     * @param y y coordinate of the pixel
    private void checkPixelAccess(int x, int y) {
        checkXYSign(x, y);
        if (x >= getWidth()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("x must be < bitmap.width()");
        if (y >= getHeight()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("y must be < bitmap.height()");

     * Shared code to check for illegal arguments passed to getPixels()
     * or setPixels()
     * @param x left edge of the area of pixels to access
     * @param y top edge of the area of pixels to access
     * @param width width of the area of pixels to access
     * @param height height of the area of pixels to access
     * @param offset offset into pixels[] array
     * @param stride number of elements in pixels[] between each logical row
     * @param pixels array to hold the area of pixels being accessed
    private void checkPixelsAccess(int x, int y, int width, int height, int offset, int stride, int pixels[]) {
        checkXYSign(x, y);
        if (width < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("width must be >= 0");
        if (height < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("height must be >= 0");
        if (x + width > getWidth()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("x + width must be <= bitmap.width()");
        if (y + height > getHeight()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("y + height must be <= bitmap.height()");
        if (Math.abs(stride) < width) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("abs(stride) must be >= width");
        int lastScanline = offset + (height - 1) * stride;
        int length = pixels.length;
        if (offset < 0 || (offset + width > length) || lastScanline < 0 || (lastScanline + width > length)) {
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();

     * <p>Write the specified {@link Color} into the bitmap (assuming it is
     * mutable) at the x,y coordinate. The color must be a
     * non-premultiplied ARGB value in the {@link ColorSpace.Named#SRGB sRGB}
     * color space.</p>
     * @param x     The x coordinate of the pixel to replace (0...width-1)
     * @param y     The y coordinate of the pixel to replace (0...height-1)
     * @param color The ARGB color to write into the bitmap
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the bitmap is not mutable
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if x, y are outside of the bitmap's
     *         bounds.
    public void setPixel(int x, int y, @ColorInt int color) {
        checkRecycled("Can't call setPixel() on a recycled bitmap");
        if (!isMutable()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        checkPixelAccess(x, y);
        nativeSetPixel(mNativePtr, x, y, color);

     * <p>Replace pixels in the bitmap with the colors in the array. Each element
     * in the array is a packed int representing a non-premultiplied ARGB
     * {@link Color} in the {@link ColorSpace.Named#SRGB sRGB} color space.</p>
     * @param pixels   The colors to write to the bitmap
     * @param offset   The index of the first color to read from pixels[]
     * @param stride   The number of colors in pixels[] to skip between rows.
     *                 Normally this value will be the same as the width of
     *                 the bitmap, but it can be larger (or negative).
     * @param x        The x coordinate of the first pixel to write to in
     *                 the bitmap.
     * @param y        The y coordinate of the first pixel to write to in
     *                 the bitmap.
     * @param width    The number of colors to copy from pixels[] per row
     * @param height   The number of rows to write to the bitmap
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the bitmap is not mutable
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if x, y, width, height are outside of
     *         the bitmap's bounds.
     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the pixels array is too small
     *         to receive the specified number of pixels.
    public void setPixels(@ColorInt int[] pixels, int offset, int stride, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
        checkRecycled("Can't call setPixels() on a recycled bitmap");
        if (!isMutable()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
            return; // nothing to do
        checkPixelsAccess(x, y, width, height, offset, stride, pixels);
        nativeSetPixels(mNativePtr, pixels, offset, stride, x, y, width, height);

    public static final Parcelable.Creator<Bitmap> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<Bitmap>() {
         * Rebuilds a bitmap previously stored with writeToParcel().
         * @param p    Parcel object to read the bitmap from
         * @return a new bitmap created from the data in the parcel
        public Bitmap createFromParcel(Parcel p) {
            Bitmap bm = nativeCreateFromParcel(p);
            if (bm == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Failed to unparcel Bitmap");
            return bm;

        public Bitmap[] newArray(int size) {
            return new Bitmap[size];

     * No special parcel contents.
    public int describeContents() {
        return 0;

     * Write the bitmap and its pixels to the parcel. The bitmap can be
     * rebuilt from the parcel by calling CREATOR.createFromParcel().
     * If this bitmap is {@link Config#HARDWARE}, it may be unparceled with a different pixel
     * format (e.g. 565, 8888), but the content will be preserved to the best quality permitted
     * by the final pixel format
     * @param p    Parcel object to write the bitmap data into
    public void writeToParcel(Parcel p, int flags) {
        checkRecycled("Can't parcel a recycled bitmap");
        if (!nativeWriteToParcel(mNativePtr, mIsMutable, mDensity, p)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("native writeToParcel failed");

     * Returns a new bitmap that captures the alpha values of the original.
     * This may be drawn with Canvas.drawBitmap(), where the color(s) will be
     * taken from the paint that is passed to the draw call.
     * @return new bitmap containing the alpha channel of the original bitmap.
    public Bitmap extractAlpha() {
        return extractAlpha(null, null);

     * Returns a new bitmap that captures the alpha values of the original.
     * These values may be affected by the optional Paint parameter, which
     * can contain its own alpha, and may also contain a MaskFilter which
     * could change the actual dimensions of the resulting bitmap (e.g.
     * a blur maskfilter might enlarge the resulting bitmap). If offsetXY
     * is not null, it returns the amount to offset the returned bitmap so
     * that it will logically align with the original. For example, if the
     * paint contains a blur of radius 2, then offsetXY[] would contains
     * -2, -2, so that drawing the alpha bitmap offset by (-2, -2) and then
     * drawing the original would result in the blur visually aligning with
     * the original.
     * <p>The initial density of the returned bitmap is the same as the original's.
     * @param paint Optional paint used to modify the alpha values in the
     *              resulting bitmap. Pass null for default behavior.
     * @param offsetXY Optional array that returns the X (index 0) and Y
     *                 (index 1) offset needed to position the returned bitmap
     *                 so that it visually lines up with the original.
     * @return new bitmap containing the (optionally modified by paint) alpha
     *         channel of the original bitmap. This may be drawn with
     *         Canvas.drawBitmap(), where the color(s) will be taken from the
     *         paint that is passed to the draw call.
    public Bitmap extractAlpha(Paint paint, int[] offsetXY) {
        checkRecycled("Can't extractAlpha on a recycled bitmap");
        long nativePaint = paint != null ? paint.getNativeInstance() : 0;
        Bitmap bm = nativeExtractAlpha(mNativePtr, nativePaint, offsetXY);
        if (bm == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to extractAlpha on Bitmap");
        bm.mDensity = mDensity;
        return bm;

     *  Given another bitmap, return true if it has the same dimensions, config,
     *  and pixel data as this bitmap. If any of those differ, return false.
     *  If other is null, return false.
    public boolean sameAs(Bitmap other) {
        checkRecycled("Can't call sameAs on a recycled bitmap!");
        if (this == other)
            return true;
        if (other == null)
            return false;
        if (other.isRecycled()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't compare to a recycled bitmap!");
        return nativeSameAs(mNativePtr, other.mNativePtr);

     * Builds caches associated with the bitmap that are used for drawing it.
     * <p>Starting in {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#N}, this call initiates an asynchronous
     * upload to the GPU on RenderThread, if the Bitmap is not already uploaded. With Hardware
     * Acceleration, Bitmaps must be uploaded to the GPU in order to be rendered. This is done by
     * default the first time a Bitmap is drawn, but the process can take several milliseconds,
     * depending on the size of the Bitmap. Each time a Bitmap is modified and drawn again, it must
     * be re-uploaded.</p>
     * <p>Calling this method in advance can save time in the first frame it's used. For example, it
     * is recommended to call this on an image decoding worker thread when a decoded Bitmap is about
     * to be displayed. It is recommended to make any pre-draw modifications to the Bitmap before
     * calling this method, so the cached, uploaded copy may be reused without re-uploading.</p>
     * In {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT} and below, for purgeable bitmaps, this call
     * would attempt to ensure that the pixels have been decoded.
    public void prepareToDraw() {
        checkRecycled("Can't prepareToDraw on a recycled bitmap!");
        // Kick off an update/upload of the bitmap outside of the normal
        // draw path.

     * @return {@link GraphicBuffer} which is internally used by hardware bitmap
     * @hide
    public GraphicBuffer createGraphicBufferHandle() {
        return nativeCreateGraphicBufferHandle(mNativePtr);

    //////////// native methods

    private static native Bitmap nativeCreate(int[] colors, int offset, int stride, int width, int height,
            int nativeConfig, boolean mutable, @Nullable @Size(9) float[] xyzD50,
            @Nullable ColorSpace.Rgb.TransferParameters p);

    private static native Bitmap nativeCopy(long nativeSrcBitmap, int nativeConfig, boolean isMutable);

    private static native Bitmap nativeCopyAshmem(long nativeSrcBitmap);

    private static native Bitmap nativeCopyAshmemConfig(long nativeSrcBitmap, int nativeConfig);

    private static native long nativeGetNativeFinalizer();

    private static native boolean nativeRecycle(long nativeBitmap);

    private static native void nativeReconfigure(long nativeBitmap, int width, int height, int config,
            boolean isPremultiplied);

    private static native boolean nativeCompress(long nativeBitmap, int format, int quality, OutputStream stream,
            byte[] tempStorage);

    private static native void nativeErase(long nativeBitmap, int color);

    private static native int nativeRowBytes(long nativeBitmap);

    private static native int nativeConfig(long nativeBitmap);

    private static native int nativeGetPixel(long nativeBitmap, int x, int y);

    private static native void nativeGetPixels(long nativeBitmap, int[] pixels, int offset, int stride, int x,
            int y, int width, int height);

    private static native void nativeSetPixel(long nativeBitmap, int x, int y, int color);

    private static native void nativeSetPixels(long nativeBitmap, int[] colors, int offset, int stride, int x,
            int y, int width, int height);

    private static native void nativeCopyPixelsToBuffer(long nativeBitmap, Buffer dst);

    private static native void nativeCopyPixelsFromBuffer(long nativeBitmap, Buffer src);

    private static native int nativeGenerationId(long nativeBitmap);

    private static native Bitmap nativeCreateFromParcel(Parcel p);

    // returns true on success
    private static native boolean nativeWriteToParcel(long nativeBitmap, boolean isMutable, int density, Parcel p);

    // returns a new bitmap built from the native bitmap's alpha, and the paint
    private static native Bitmap nativeExtractAlpha(long nativeBitmap, long nativePaint, int[] offsetXY);

    private static native boolean nativeHasAlpha(long nativeBitmap);

    private static native boolean nativeIsPremultiplied(long nativeBitmap);

    private static native void nativeSetPremultiplied(long nativeBitmap, boolean isPremul);

    private static native void nativeSetHasAlpha(long nativeBitmap, boolean hasAlpha, boolean requestPremul);

    private static native boolean nativeHasMipMap(long nativeBitmap);

    private static native void nativeSetHasMipMap(long nativeBitmap, boolean hasMipMap);

    private static native boolean nativeSameAs(long nativeBitmap0, long nativeBitmap1);

    private static native void nativePrepareToDraw(long nativeBitmap);

    private static native int nativeGetAllocationByteCount(long nativeBitmap);

    private static native Bitmap nativeCopyPreserveInternalConfig(long nativeBitmap);

    private static native Bitmap nativeCreateHardwareBitmap(GraphicBuffer buffer);

    private static native GraphicBuffer nativeCreateGraphicBufferHandle(long nativeBitmap);

    private static native boolean nativeGetColorSpace(long nativePtr, float[] xyz, float[] params);

    private static native boolean nativeIsSRGB(long nativePtr);

    private static native boolean nativeIsSRGBLinear(long nativePtr);

    private static native void nativeCopyColorSpace(long srcBitmap, long dstBitmap);