Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Menny Even-Danan * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.anysoftkeyboard; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.Vibrator; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.SparseBooleanArray; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils; import android.view.inputmethod.CompletionInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedText; import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedTextRequest; import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import com.anysoftkeyboard.api.KeyCodes; import com.anysoftkeyboard.base.dictionaries.Dictionary; import com.anysoftkeyboard.base.dictionaries.WordComposer; import com.anysoftkeyboard.base.utils.CompatUtils; import com.anysoftkeyboard.dictionaries.DictionaryAddOnAndBuilder; import com.anysoftkeyboard.dictionaries.ExternalDictionaryFactory; import com.anysoftkeyboard.dictionaries.TextEntryState; import com.anysoftkeyboard.dictionaries.sqlite.AutoDictionary; import com.anysoftkeyboard.ime.AnySoftKeyboardWithQuickText; import com.anysoftkeyboard.ime.InputViewBinder; import com.anysoftkeyboard.keyboards.AnyKeyboard; import com.anysoftkeyboard.keyboards.AnyKeyboard.HardKeyboardTranslator; import com.anysoftkeyboard.keyboards.CondenseType; import com.anysoftkeyboard.keyboards.Keyboard.Key; import com.anysoftkeyboard.keyboards.KeyboardAddOnAndBuilder; import com.anysoftkeyboard.keyboards.KeyboardSwitcher; import com.anysoftkeyboard.keyboards.KeyboardSwitcher.NextKeyboardType; import com.anysoftkeyboard.keyboards.physical.HardKeyboardActionImpl; import com.anysoftkeyboard.keyboards.physical.MyMetaKeyKeyListener; import com.anysoftkeyboard.keyboards.views.AnyKeyboardView; import com.anysoftkeyboard.keyboards.views.CandidateView; import com.anysoftkeyboard.quicktextkeys.QuickKeyHistoryRecords; import com.anysoftkeyboard.receivers.PackagesChangedReceiver; import com.anysoftkeyboard.receivers.SoundPreferencesChangedReceiver; import com.anysoftkeyboard.receivers.SoundPreferencesChangedReceiver.SoundPreferencesChangedListener; import com.anysoftkeyboard.theme.KeyboardTheme; import com.anysoftkeyboard.theme.KeyboardThemeFactory; import com.anysoftkeyboard.ui.VoiceInputNotInstalledActivity; import; import com.anysoftkeyboard.ui.settings.MainSettingsActivity; import com.anysoftkeyboard.utils.ChewbaccaOnTheDrums; import com.anysoftkeyboard.utils.IMEUtil; import com.anysoftkeyboard.utils.Logger; import com.anysoftkeyboard.utils.ModifierKeyState; import com.anysoftkeyboard.utils.Workarounds; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Input method implementation for QWERTY-ish keyboard. */ public abstract class AnySoftKeyboard extends AnySoftKeyboardWithQuickText implements SoundPreferencesChangedListener { private static final long ONE_FRAME_DELAY = 1000L / 60L; private static final long CLOSE_DICTIONARIES_DELAY = 5 * ONE_FRAME_DELAY; private static final ExtractedTextRequest EXTRACTED_TEXT_REQUEST = new ExtractedTextRequest(); public static final String PREFS_KEY_POSTFIX_OVERRIDE_DICTIONARY = "_override_dictionary"; private final ModifierKeyState mShiftKeyState = new ModifierKeyState(true/*supports locked state*/); private final ModifierKeyState mControlKeyState = new ModifierKeyState(false/*does not support locked state*/); private final HardKeyboardActionImpl mHardKeyboardAction = new HardKeyboardActionImpl(); private final KeyboardUIStateHandler mKeyboardHandler = new KeyboardUIStateHandler(this); // receive ringer mode changes to detect silent mode private final SoundPreferencesChangedReceiver mSoundPreferencesChangedReceiver = new SoundPreferencesChangedReceiver( this); private final PackagesChangedReceiver mPackagesChangedReceiver = new PackagesChangedReceiver(this); protected IBinder mImeToken = null; @Nullable //this field is set at a undetermine point in service life-cycle /*package*/ TextView mCandidateCloseText; private View mCandidatesParent; private CandidateView mCandidateView; private CompletionInfo[] mCompletions; private long mMetaState; @NonNull private final SparseBooleanArray mSentenceSeparators = new SparseBooleanArray(); private AutoDictionary mAutoDictionary; private WordComposer mWord = new WordComposer(); private static final long MAX_TIME_TO_EXPECT_SELECTION_UPDATE = 1500; private long mExpectingSelectionUpdateBy = Long.MIN_VALUE; private int mOrientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; @NonNull private CharSequence mCommittedWord = ""; private int mGlobalCursorPosition = 0; private int mGlobalSelectionStartPosition = 0; private int mLastEditorIdPhysicalKeyboardWasUsed = 0; /* * Do we do prediction now */ //private boolean mPredicting; /* * is prediction needed for the current input connection */ private boolean mPredictionOn; /* * is out-side completions needed */ private boolean mCompletionOn; private boolean mAutoSpace; private boolean mAutoCorrectOn; private boolean mAllowSuggestionsRestart = true; private boolean mCurrentlyAllowSuggestionRestart = true; private boolean mJustAutoAddedWord = false; private boolean mAutoCap; private boolean mQuickFixes; /* * Configuration flag. Should we support dictionary suggestions */ private boolean mShowSuggestions = false; private boolean mAutoComplete; private boolean mShowKeyboardIconInStatusBar; private static final int UNDO_COMMIT_NONE = -1; private static final int UNDO_COMMIT_WAITING_TO_RECORD_POSITION = -2; /* * This will help us find out if UNDO_COMMIT is still possible to be done */ private int mUndoCommitCursorPosition = UNDO_COMMIT_NONE; private AudioManager mAudioManager; private boolean mSilentMode; private boolean mSoundOn; // between 0..100. This is the custom volume private int mSoundVolume; private Vibrator mVibrator; private int mVibrationDuration; private CondenseType mKeyboardInCondensedMode = CondenseType.None; private boolean mJustAddedAutoSpace; private boolean mLastCharacterWasShifted = false; private InputMethodManager mInputMethodManager; private VoiceRecognitionTrigger mVoiceRecognitionTrigger; //a year ago. private static final long NEVER_TIME_STAMP = (-1L) * (365L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L); private long mLastSpaceTimeStamp = NEVER_TIME_STAMP; private View mFullScreenExtractView; private EditText mFullScreenExtractTextView; public AnySoftKeyboard() { super(); } //TODO SHOULD NOT USE THIS METHOD AT ALL! private static int getCursorPosition(@Nullable InputConnection connection) { if (connection == null) return 0; ExtractedText extracted = connection.getExtractedText(EXTRACTED_TEXT_REQUEST, 0); if (extracted == null) return 0; return extracted.startOffset + extracted.selectionStart; } private static boolean isBackWordDeleteChar(int c) { return Character.isLetter(c); } private static String getDictionaryOverrideKey(AnyKeyboard currentKeyboard) { return currentKeyboard.getKeyboardPrefId() + PREFS_KEY_POSTFIX_OVERRIDE_DICTIONARY; } @Override @NonNull public AbstractInputMethodImpl onCreateInputMethodInterface() { return new InputMethodImpl() { @Override public void attachToken(IBinder token) { super.attachToken(token); mImeToken = token; } }; } @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); mOrientation = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation; if ((!BuildConfig.DEBUG) && DeveloperUtils.hasTracingRequested(getApplicationContext())) { try { DeveloperUtils.startTracing(); Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), R.string.debug_tracing_starting, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } catch (Exception e) { //see issue //I might get a "Permission denied" error. e.printStackTrace(); Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), R.string.debug_tracing_starting_failed, Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } } Logger.i(TAG, "****** AnySoftKeyboard v%s (%d) service started.", BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME, BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE); if (!BuildConfig.DEBUG && BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) throw new RuntimeException("You can not run a 'RELEASE' build with a SNAPSHOT postfix!"); if (mAskPrefs.getAnimationsLevel() != AskPrefs.AnimationsLevel.None) { final int fancyAnimation = getResources().getIdentifier("Animation_InputMethodFancy", "style", "android"); if (fancyAnimation != 0) { Logger.i(TAG, "Found Animation_InputMethodFancy as %d, so I'll use this", fancyAnimation); getWindow().getWindow().setWindowAnimations(fancyAnimation); } else { Logger.w(TAG, "Could not find Animation_InputMethodFancy, using default animation"); getWindow().getWindow().setWindowAnimations(; } } mInputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); mAudioManager = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); updateRingerMode(); // register to receive ringer mode changes for silent mode registerReceiver(mSoundPreferencesChangedReceiver, mSoundPreferencesChangedReceiver.createFilterToRegisterOn()); // register to receive packages changes registerReceiver(mPackagesChangedReceiver, mPackagesChangedReceiver.createFilterToRegisterOn()); mVibrator = ((Vibrator) getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE)); onLoadSettingsRequired(PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this)); mAskPrefs.addChangedListener(this); mVoiceRecognitionTrigger = new VoiceRecognitionTrigger(this); } @NonNull protected KeyboardSwitcher createKeyboardSwitcher() { return new KeyboardSwitcher(this, getApplicationContext()); } @Override public void onDestroy() { Logger.i(TAG, "AnySoftKeyboard has been destroyed! Cleaning resources.."); mKeyboardHandler.removeAllMessages(); mAskPrefs.removeChangedListener(this); unregisterReceiver(mSoundPreferencesChangedReceiver); unregisterReceiver(mPackagesChangedReceiver); mInputMethodManager.hideStatusIcon(mImeToken); hideWindow(); closeDictionaries(); if (DeveloperUtils.hasTracingStarted()) { DeveloperUtils.stopTracing(); Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), getString(R.string.debug_tracing_finished, DeveloperUtils.getTraceFile()), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } super.onDestroy(); } @Override public void onFinishInputView(boolean finishingInput) { super.onFinishInputView(finishingInput); // Remove pending messages related to update suggestions abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(false); } @SuppressLint("InflateParams") @Override public View onCreateCandidatesView() { return getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.candidates, null); } @Override public void onStartInput(EditorInfo attribute, boolean restarting) { super.onStartInput(attribute, restarting); //removing close request (if it was asked for a previous onFinishInput). mKeyboardHandler.removeMessages(KeyboardUIStateHandler.MSG_CLOSE_DICTIONARIES); abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(false); if (!restarting) { TextEntryState.newSession(mPredictionOn); // Clear shift states. mMetaState = 0; mCurrentlyAllowSuggestionRestart = mAllowSuggestionsRestart; } else { // something very fishy happening here... // this is the only way I can get around it. // it seems that when a onStartInput is called with restarting == // true // suggestions restart fails :( // see Browser when editing multiline textbox mCurrentlyAllowSuggestionRestart = false; } setKeyboardStatusIcon(); } @Override public boolean onShowInputRequested(int flags, boolean configChange) { final EditorInfo editorInfo = getCurrentInputEditorInfo(); //in case the user has used physical keyboard with this input-field, //we will not show the keyboard view (until completely finishing, or switching input fields) final boolean previouslyPhysicalKeyboardInput; if ((!configChange) && editorInfo != null && editorInfo.fieldId == mLastEditorIdPhysicalKeyboardWasUsed && editorInfo.fieldId != 0) { Logger.d(TAG, "Already used physical keyboard on this input-field. Will not show keyboard view."); previouslyPhysicalKeyboardInput = true; } else { previouslyPhysicalKeyboardInput = false; mLastEditorIdPhysicalKeyboardWasUsed = 0; } return (!previouslyPhysicalKeyboardInput) && super.onShowInputRequested(flags, configChange); } @Override public void onStartInputView(final EditorInfo attribute, final boolean restarting) { Logger.v(TAG, "onStartInputView(EditorInfo{imeOptions %d, inputType %d}, restarting %s", attribute.imeOptions, attribute.inputType, restarting); super.onStartInputView(attribute, restarting); if (mVoiceRecognitionTrigger != null) { mVoiceRecognitionTrigger.onStartInputView(); } if (getInputView() == null) { return; } getInputView().dismissPopupKeyboard(); getInputView().setKeyboardActionType(attribute.imeOptions); mPredictionOn = false; mCompletionOn = false; mCompletions = null; switch (attribute.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS) { case EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_DATETIME: Logger.d(TAG, "Setting INPUT_MODE_DATETIME as keyboard due to a TYPE_CLASS_DATETIME input."); getKeyboardSwitcher().setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.INPUT_MODE_DATETIME, attribute, restarting); break; case EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER: Logger.d(TAG, "Setting INPUT_MODE_NUMBERS as keyboard due to a TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER input."); getKeyboardSwitcher().setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.INPUT_MODE_NUMBERS, attribute, restarting); break; case EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_PHONE: Logger.d(TAG, "Setting INPUT_MODE_PHONE as keyboard due to a TYPE_CLASS_PHONE input."); getKeyboardSwitcher().setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.INPUT_MODE_PHONE, attribute, restarting); break; case EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT: Logger.d(TAG, "A TYPE_CLASS_TEXT input."); final int variation = attribute.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION; switch (variation) { case EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD: case EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_VISIBLE_PASSWORD: case EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_PASSWORD: Logger.d(TAG, "A password TYPE_CLASS_TEXT input with no prediction"); mPredictionOn = false; break; default: mPredictionOn = true; } if (mAskPrefs.getInsertSpaceAfterCandidatePick()) { switch (variation) { case EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS: case EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_URI: case EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EMAIL_ADDRESS: mAutoSpace = false; break; default: mAutoSpace = true; } } else { // some users don't want auto-space mAutoSpace = false; } final int textFlag = attribute.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_FLAGS; if ((textFlag & EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS) == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS || (textFlag & EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_COMPLETE) == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_COMPLETE) { Logger.d(TAG, "Input requested NO_SUGGESTIONS, or it is AUTO_COMPLETE by itself."); mPredictionOn = false; } switch (variation) { case EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS: case EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EMAIL_ADDRESS: Logger.d(TAG, "Setting INPUT_MODE_EMAIL as keyboard due to a TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS input."); getKeyboardSwitcher().setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.INPUT_MODE_EMAIL, attribute, restarting); mPredictionOn = false; break; case EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_URI: Logger.d(TAG, "Setting INPUT_MODE_URL as keyboard due to a TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_URI input."); getKeyboardSwitcher().setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.INPUT_MODE_URL, attribute, restarting); mPredictionOn = false; break; case EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_SHORT_MESSAGE: Logger.d(TAG, "Setting INPUT_MODE_IM as keyboard due to a TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_SHORT_MESSAGE input."); getKeyboardSwitcher().setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.INPUT_MODE_IM, attribute, restarting); break; default: Logger.d(TAG, "Setting INPUT_MODE_TEXT as keyboard due to a default input."); getKeyboardSwitcher().setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.INPUT_MODE_TEXT, attribute, restarting); } break; default: Logger.d(TAG, "Setting INPUT_MODE_TEXT as keyboard due to a default input."); // No class. Probably a console window, or no GUI input connection mPredictionOn = false; mAutoSpace = true; getKeyboardSwitcher().setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.INPUT_MODE_TEXT, attribute, restarting); } mJustAddedAutoSpace = false; setCandidatesViewShown(false); mPredictionOn = mPredictionOn && (mShowSuggestions/* || mQuickFixes */); TextEntryState.newSession(mPredictionOn); clearSuggestions(); updateShiftStateNow(); } @Override public void onFinishInput() { super.onFinishInput(); //properly finished input. Next time we DO want to show the keyboard view mLastEditorIdPhysicalKeyboardWasUsed = 0; if (mShowKeyboardIconInStatusBar) { mInputMethodManager.hideStatusIcon(mImeToken); } mKeyboardHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(KeyboardUIStateHandler.MSG_CLOSE_DICTIONARIES, CLOSE_DICTIONARIES_DELAY); final InputViewBinder inputView = getInputView(); if (inputView != null) inputView.closing(); } /* * this function is called EVERY TIME them selection is changed. This also * includes the underlined suggestions. */ @Override public void onUpdateSelection(int oldSelStart, int oldSelEnd, int newSelStart, int newSelEnd, int candidatesStart, int candidatesEnd) { super.onUpdateSelection(oldSelStart, oldSelEnd, newSelStart, newSelEnd, candidatesStart, candidatesEnd); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Logger.d(TAG, "onUpdateSelection: oss=%d, ose=%d, nss=%d, nse=%d, cs=%d, ce=%d", oldSelStart, oldSelEnd, newSelStart, newSelEnd, candidatesStart, candidatesEnd); mGlobalCursorPosition = newSelEnd; mGlobalSelectionStartPosition = newSelStart; if (mUndoCommitCursorPosition == UNDO_COMMIT_WAITING_TO_RECORD_POSITION) { Logger.d(TAG, "onUpdateSelection: I am in ACCEPTED_DEFAULT state, time to store the position - I can only undo-commit from here."); mUndoCommitCursorPosition = newSelStart; } updateShiftStateNow(); final boolean isExpectedEvent = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() < mExpectingSelectionUpdateBy; mExpectingSelectionUpdateBy = NEVER_TIME_STAMP; if (isExpectedEvent) { Logger.v(TAG, "onUpdateSelection: Expected event. Discarding."); return; } if (!isPredictionOn()) { return;// not relevant if no prediction is needed. } final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return;// well, I can't do anything without this connection Logger.d(TAG, "onUpdateSelection: ok, let's see what can be done"); if (newSelStart != newSelEnd) { // text selection. can't predict in this mode Logger.d(TAG, "onUpdateSelection: text selection."); abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(false); } else { // we have the following options (we are in an input which requires // predicting (mPredictionOn == true): // 1) predicting and moved inside the word // 2) predicting and moved outside the word // 2.1) to a new word // 2.2) to no word land // 3) not predicting // 3.1) to a new word // 3.2) to no word land // so, 1 and 2 requires that predicting is currently done, and the // cursor moved if (TextEntryState.isPredicting()) { if (newSelStart >= candidatesStart && newSelStart <= candidatesEnd) { // 1) predicting and moved inside the word - just update the // cursor position and shift state // inside the currently selected word int cursorPosition = newSelEnd - candidatesStart; if (mWord.setCursorPosition(cursorPosition)) { Logger.d(TAG, "onUpdateSelection: cursor moving inside the predicting word"); } } else { Logger.d(TAG, "onUpdateSelection: cursor moving outside the currently predicting word"); abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(false); // ask user whether to restart postRestartWordSuggestion(); } } else { Logger.d(TAG, "onUpdateSelection: not predicting at this moment, maybe the cursor is now at a new word?"); if (TextEntryState.willUndoCommitOnBackspace()) { if (mUndoCommitCursorPosition == oldSelStart && mUndoCommitCursorPosition != newSelStart) { Logger.d(TAG, "onUpdateSelection: I am in a state that is position sensitive but the user moved the cursor, so it is not possible to undo_commit now."); abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(false); } } postRestartWordSuggestion(); } } } private void postRestartWordSuggestion() { mKeyboardHandler.removeMessages(KeyboardUIStateHandler.MSG_RESTART_NEW_WORD_SUGGESTIONS); mKeyboardHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(KeyboardUIStateHandler.MSG_RESTART_NEW_WORD_SUGGESTIONS, 10 * ONE_FRAME_DELAY); } private boolean canRestartWordSuggestion() { if (TextEntryState.isPredicting() || !isPredictionOn() || !mAllowSuggestionsRestart || !mCurrentlyAllowSuggestionRestart || getInputView() == null || !getInputView().isShown()) { // why? // mPredicting - if I'm predicting a word, I can not restart it.. // right? I'm inside that word! // isPredictionOn() - this is obvious. // mAllowSuggestionsRestart - config settings // mCurrentlyAllowSuggestionRestart - workaround for // onInputStart(restarting == true) // mInputView == null - obvious, no? Logger.d(TAG, "performRestartWordSuggestion: no need to restart: mPredicting=%s, isPredictionOn=%s, mAllowSuggestionsRestart=%s, mCurrentlyAllowSuggestionRestart=%s", TextEntryState.isPredicting(), isPredictionOn(), mAllowSuggestionsRestart, mCurrentlyAllowSuggestionRestart); return false; } else if (!isCursorTouchingWord()) { Logger.d(TAG, "User moved cursor to no-man land. Bye bye."); return false; } return true; } public void performRestartWordSuggestion(final InputConnection ic) { // I assume ASK DOES NOT predict at this moment! // 2) predicting and moved outside the word - abort predicting, update // shift state // 2.1) to a new word - restart predicting on the new word // 2.2) to no word land - nothing else // this means that the new cursor position is outside the candidates // underline // this can be either because the cursor is really outside the // previously underlined (suggested) // or nothing was suggested. // in this case, we would like to reset the prediction and restart // if the user clicked inside a different word // restart required? if (canRestartWordSuggestion()) {// 2.1 ic.beginBatchEdit();// don't want any events till I finish handling // this touch abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(false); // locating the word CharSequence toLeft = ""; CharSequence toRight = ""; while (true) { CharSequence newToLeft = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(toLeft.length() + 1, 0); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(newToLeft) || isWordSeparator(newToLeft.charAt(0)) || newToLeft.length() == toLeft.length()) { break; } toLeft = newToLeft; } while (true) { CharSequence newToRight = ic.getTextAfterCursor(toRight.length() + 1, 0); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(newToRight) || isWordSeparator(newToRight.charAt(newToRight.length() - 1)) || newToRight.length() == toRight.length()) { break; } toRight = newToRight; } CharSequence word = toLeft.toString() + toRight.toString(); Logger.d(TAG, "Starting new prediction on word '%s'.", word); mUndoCommitCursorPosition = UNDO_COMMIT_NONE; mWord.reset(); final int[] tempNearByKeys = new int[1]; for (int index = 0; index < word.length(); index++) { final char c = word.charAt(index); if (index == 0) mWord.setFirstCharCapitalized(Character.isUpperCase(c)); tempNearByKeys[0] = c; mWord.add(c, tempNearByKeys); TextEntryState.typedCharacter(c, false); } ic.deleteSurroundingText(toLeft.length(), toRight.length()); ic.setComposingText(word, 1); // repositioning the cursor if (toRight.length() > 0) { final int cursorPosition = getCursorPosition(ic) - toRight.length(); Logger.d(TAG, "Repositioning the cursor inside the word to position %d", cursorPosition); ic.setSelection(cursorPosition, cursorPosition); } mWord.setCursorPosition(toLeft.length()); ic.endBatchEdit(); postUpdateSuggestions(); } else { Logger.d(TAG, "performRestartWordSuggestion canRestartWordSuggestion == false"); } } private void onPhysicalKeyboardKeyPressed() { EditorInfo editorInfo = getCurrentInputEditorInfo(); mLastEditorIdPhysicalKeyboardWasUsed = editorInfo == null ? 0 : editorInfo.fieldId; if (mAskPrefs.hideSoftKeyboardWhenPhysicalKeyPressed()) { hideWindow(); } // For all other keys, if we want to do transformations on // text being entered with a hard keyboard, we need to process // it and do the appropriate action. // using physical keyboard is more annoying with candidate view in // the way // so we disable it. // stopping any soft-keyboard prediction abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(false); } @Override public void onComputeInsets(@NonNull InputMethodService.Insets outInsets) { super.onComputeInsets(outInsets); if (!isFullscreenMode()) { outInsets.contentTopInsets = outInsets.visibleTopInsets; } } @Override public void onDisplayCompletions(CompletionInfo[] completions) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Logger.d(TAG, "Received completions:"); for (int i = 0; i < (completions != null ? completions.length : 0); i++) { Logger.d(TAG, " #" + i + ": " + completions[i]); } } // completions should be shown if dictionary requires, or if we are in // full-screen and have outside completions if (mCompletionOn || (isFullscreenMode() && (completions != null))) { mCompletions = completions; // we do completions :) mCompletionOn = true; if (completions == null) { clearSuggestions(); return; } List<CharSequence> stringList = new ArrayList<>(); for (CompletionInfo ci : completions) { if (ci != null) stringList.add(ci.getText()); } // CharSequence typedWord = mWord.getTypedWord(); setSuggestions(stringList, true, true, true); mWord.setPreferredWord(null); // I mean, if I'm here, it must be shown... setCandidatesViewShown(true); } } @Override public void setCandidatesViewShown(boolean shown) { // we show predication only in on-screen keyboard // (onEvaluateInputViewShown) // or if the physical keyboard supports candidates // (mPredictionLandscape) final boolean shouldShow = shouldCandidatesStripBeShown() && shown; final boolean currentlyShown = mCandidatesParent != null && mCandidatesParent.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE; super.setCandidatesViewShown(shouldShow); if (shouldShow != currentlyShown) { // I believe (can't confirm it) that candidates animation is kinda rare, // and it is better to load it on demand, then to keep it in memory always.. if (shouldShow) { mCandidatesParent .setAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.candidates_bottom_to_up_enter)); } else { mCandidatesParent .setAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.candidates_up_to_bottom_exit)); } } } @Override public void setCandidatesView(@NonNull View view) { super.setCandidatesView(view); mCandidatesParent = view.getParent() instanceof View ? (View) view.getParent() : null; mCandidateView = (CandidateView) view.findViewById(; mCandidateView.setService(this); setCandidatesViewShown(false); final KeyboardTheme theme = KeyboardThemeFactory.getCurrentKeyboardTheme(getApplicationContext()); final TypedArray a = theme.getPackageContext().obtainStyledAttributes(null, R.styleable.AnyKeyboardViewTheme, 0, theme.getThemeResId()); int closeTextColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.candidate_other); float fontSizePixel = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.candidate_font_height); Drawable suggestionCloseDrawable = null; try { closeTextColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.AnyKeyboardViewTheme_suggestionOthersTextColor, closeTextColor); fontSizePixel = a.getDimension(R.styleable.AnyKeyboardViewTheme_suggestionTextSize, fontSizePixel); suggestionCloseDrawable = a.getDrawable(R.styleable.AnyKeyboardViewTheme_suggestionCloseImage); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } a.recycle(); mCandidateCloseText = (TextView) view.findViewById(; ImageView closeIcon = (ImageView) view.findViewById(; if (suggestionCloseDrawable != null) closeIcon.setImageDrawable(suggestionCloseDrawable); closeIcon.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { // two seconds is enough. private static final long DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT = 2 * 1000 - 50; public void onClick(View v) { mKeyboardHandler.removeMessages(KeyboardUIStateHandler.MSG_REMOVE_CLOSE_SUGGESTIONS_HINT); mCandidateCloseText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mCandidateCloseText.startAnimation( AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getApplicationContext(), R.anim.close_candidates_hint_in)); mKeyboardHandler.sendMessageDelayed( mKeyboardHandler.obtainMessage(KeyboardUIStateHandler.MSG_REMOVE_CLOSE_SUGGESTIONS_HINT), DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT); } }); mCandidateCloseText.setTextColor(closeTextColor); mCandidateCloseText.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, fontSizePixel); mCandidateCloseText.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { mKeyboardHandler.removeMessages(KeyboardUIStateHandler.MSG_REMOVE_CLOSE_SUGGESTIONS_HINT); mCandidateCloseText.setVisibility(View.GONE); abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(true); } }); } private void clearSuggestions() { setSuggestions(null, false, false, false); } private void setSuggestions(List<CharSequence> suggestions, boolean completions, boolean typedWordValid, boolean haveMinimalSuggestion) { if (mCandidateView != null) { mCandidateView.setSuggestions(suggestions, completions, typedWordValid, haveMinimalSuggestion && mAutoCorrectOn); } } @Override public boolean onEvaluateFullscreenMode() { if (getCurrentInputEditorInfo() != null) { final EditorInfo editorInfo = getCurrentInputEditorInfo(); if ((editorInfo.imeOptions & EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN) != 0) { //if the view DOES NOT want fullscreen, then do what it wants Logger.d(TAG, "Will not go to Fullscreen because input view requested IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN"); return false; } else if ((editorInfo.imeOptions & EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI) != 0) { Logger.d(TAG, "Will not go to Fullscreen because input view requested IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI"); return false; } } switch (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation) { case Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE: return mAskPrefs.getUseFullScreenInputInLandscape(); default: return mAskPrefs.getUseFullScreenInputInPortrait(); } } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(final int keyEventKeyCode, @NonNull KeyEvent event) { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (handleSelectionExpending(keyEventKeyCode, ic, mGlobalSelectionStartPosition, mGlobalCursorPosition)) return true; final boolean shouldTranslateSpecialKeys = isInputViewShown(); //greater than zero means it is a physical keyboard. //we also want to hide the view if it's a glyph (for example, not physical volume-up key) if (event.getDeviceId() > 0 && event.isPrintingKey()) onPhysicalKeyboardKeyPressed(); mHardKeyboardAction.initializeAction(event, mMetaState); switch (keyEventKeyCode) { /**** * SPECIAL translated HW keys If you add new keys here, do not forget * to add to the */ case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CAMERA: if (shouldTranslateSpecialKeys && mAskPrefs.useCameraKeyForBackspaceBackword()) { handleBackWord(getCurrentInputConnection()); return true; } // DO NOT DELAY CAMERA KEY with unneeded checks in default mark return super.onKeyDown(keyEventKeyCode, event); case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_FOCUS: if (shouldTranslateSpecialKeys && mAskPrefs.useCameraKeyForBackspaceBackword()) { handleDeleteLastCharacter(false); return true; } // DO NOT DELAY FOCUS KEY with unneeded checks in default mark return super.onKeyDown(keyEventKeyCode, event); case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP: if (shouldTranslateSpecialKeys && mAskPrefs.useVolumeKeyForLeftRight()) { sendDownUpKeyEvents(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT); return true; } // DO NOT DELAY VOLUME UP KEY with unneeded checks in default // mark return super.onKeyDown(keyEventKeyCode, event); case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN: if (shouldTranslateSpecialKeys && mAskPrefs.useVolumeKeyForLeftRight()) { sendDownUpKeyEvents(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT); return true; } // DO NOT DELAY VOLUME DOWN KEY with unneeded checks in default // mark return super.onKeyDown(keyEventKeyCode, event); /**** * END of SPECIAL translated HW keys code section */ case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0 && getInputView() != null) { if (getInputView().handleBack()) { // consuming the meta keys if (ic != null) { // translated, so we also take care of the metakeys ic.clearMetaKeyStates(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } mMetaState = 0; return true; } } break; case 0x000000cc:// API 14: KeyEvent.KEYCODE_LANGUAGE_SWITCH switchToNextPhysicalKeyboard(ic); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SHIFT_RIGHT: if (event.isAltPressed() && Workarounds.isAltSpaceLangSwitchNotPossible()) { switchToNextPhysicalKeyboard(ic); return true; } // NOTE: letting it fall-through to the other meta-keys case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ALT_LEFT: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ALT_RIGHT: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SYM: Logger.d(TAG + "-meta-key", getMetaKeysStates("onKeyDown before handle")); mMetaState = MyMetaKeyKeyListener.handleKeyDown(mMetaState, keyEventKeyCode, event); Logger.d(TAG + "-meta-key", getMetaKeysStates("onKeyDown after handle")); break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SPACE: if ((event.isAltPressed() && !Workarounds.isAltSpaceLangSwitchNotPossible()) || event.isShiftPressed()) { switchToNextPhysicalKeyboard(ic); return true; } // NOTE: // letting it fall through to the "default" default: // Fix issue 185, check if we should process key repeat if (!mAskPrefs.getUseRepeatingKeys() && event.getRepeatCount() > 0) return true; HardKeyboardTranslator keyTranslator = (HardKeyboardTranslator) getCurrentAlphabetKeyboard(); if (getKeyboardSwitcher().isCurrentKeyboardPhysical() && keyTranslator != null) { // sometimes, the physical keyboard will delete input, and then add some. // we'll try to make it nice. if (ic != null) ic.beginBatchEdit(); try { // issue 393, backword on the hw keyboard! if (mAskPrefs.useBackword() && keyEventKeyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL && event.isShiftPressed()) { handleBackWord(ic); return true; } else { // keyTranslator.translatePhysicalCharacter(mHardKeyboardAction, this); if (mHardKeyboardAction.getKeyCodeWasChanged()) { final int translatedChar = mHardKeyboardAction.getKeyCode(); // typing my own. onKey(translatedChar, null, -1, new int[] { translatedChar }, true/*faking from UI*/); // my handling we are at a regular key press, so we'll update // our meta-state member mMetaState = MyMetaKeyKeyListener.adjustMetaAfterKeypress(mMetaState); Logger.d(TAG + "-meta-key", getMetaKeysStates("onKeyDown after adjust - translated")); return true; } } } finally { if (ic != null) ic.endBatchEdit(); } } if (event.isPrintingKey()) { // we are at a regular key press, so we'll update our // meta-state // member mMetaState = MyMetaKeyKeyListener.adjustMetaAfterKeypress(mMetaState); Logger.d(TAG + "-meta-key", getMetaKeysStates("onKeyDown after adjust")); } } return super.onKeyDown(keyEventKeyCode, event); } private void switchToNextPhysicalKeyboard(InputConnection ic) { // consuming the meta keys if (ic != null) { ic.clearMetaKeyStates(Integer.MAX_VALUE);// translated, so // we also take // care of the // metakeys. } mMetaState = 0; // only physical keyboard nextKeyboard(getCurrentInputEditorInfo(), NextKeyboardType.AlphabetSupportsPhysical); } private void setKeyboardStatusIcon() { AnyKeyboard alphabetKeyboard = getCurrentAlphabetKeyboard(); if (mShowKeyboardIconInStatusBar && alphabetKeyboard != null) { mInputMethodManager.showStatusIcon(mImeToken, alphabetKeyboard.getKeyboardContext().getPackageName(), alphabetKeyboard.getKeyboardIconResId()); } } @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, @NonNull KeyEvent event) { Logger.d(TAG, "onKeyUp keycode=%d", keyCode); switch (keyCode) { // Issue 248 case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP: if (!isInputViewShown()) { return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } if (mAskPrefs.useVolumeKeyForLeftRight()) { // no need of vol up/down sound return true; } case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT: if (getInputView() != null && getInputView().isShown() && getInputView().isShifted()) { event = new KeyEvent(event.getDownTime(), event.getEventTime(), event.getAction(), event.getKeyCode(), event.getRepeatCount(), event.getDeviceId(), event.getScanCode(), KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_LEFT_ON | KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON); InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) ic.sendKeyEvent(event); return true; } break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ALT_LEFT: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ALT_RIGHT: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SHIFT_RIGHT: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SYM: mMetaState = MyMetaKeyKeyListener.handleKeyUp(mMetaState, keyCode, event); Logger.d(TAG + "-meta-key", getMetaKeysStates("onKeyUp")); setInputConnectionMetaStateAsCurrentMetaKeyKeyListenerState(); break; } return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } private String getMetaKeysStates(String place) { final int shiftState = MyMetaKeyKeyListener.getMetaState(mMetaState, MyMetaKeyKeyListener.META_SHIFT_ON); final int altState = MyMetaKeyKeyListener.getMetaState(mMetaState, MyMetaKeyKeyListener.META_ALT_ON); final int symState = MyMetaKeyKeyListener.getMetaState(mMetaState, MyMetaKeyKeyListener.META_SYM_ON); return "Meta keys state at " + place + "- SHIFT:" + shiftState + ", ALT:" + altState + " SYM:" + symState + " bits:" + MyMetaKeyKeyListener.getMetaState(mMetaState) + " state:" + mMetaState; } private void setInputConnectionMetaStateAsCurrentMetaKeyKeyListenerState() { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) { int clearStatesFlags = 0; if (MyMetaKeyKeyListener.getMetaState(mMetaState, MyMetaKeyKeyListener.META_ALT_ON) == 0) clearStatesFlags += KeyEvent.META_ALT_ON; if (MyMetaKeyKeyListener.getMetaState(mMetaState, MyMetaKeyKeyListener.META_SHIFT_ON) == 0) clearStatesFlags += KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON; if (MyMetaKeyKeyListener.getMetaState(mMetaState, MyMetaKeyKeyListener.META_SYM_ON) == 0) clearStatesFlags += KeyEvent.META_SYM_ON; ic.clearMetaKeyStates(clearStatesFlags); } } private boolean checkAddToDictionaryWithAutoDictionary(WordComposer suggestion, AutoDictionary.AdditionType type) { if (suggestion == null || suggestion.length() < 1) return false; // Only auto-add to dictionary if auto-correct is ON. Otherwise we'll be // adding words in situations where the user or application really // didn't // want corrections enabled or learned. if (!mQuickFixes && !mShowSuggestions) return false; if (mAutoDictionary != null) { String suggestionToCheck = suggestion.getTypedWord().toString(); if (!mSuggest.isValidWord(suggestionToCheck)) { final boolean added = mAutoDictionary.addWord(suggestion, type, this); if (added && mCandidateView != null) { mCandidateView.notifyAboutWordAdded(suggestion.getTypedWord()); } return added; } } return false; } private void removeTrailingSpace() { final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return; CharSequence lastOne = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(1, 0); if (lastOne != null && lastOne.length() == 1 && lastOne.charAt(0) == KeyCodes.SPACE) { ic.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0); } } public boolean addWordToDictionary(String word) { boolean added = mSuggest.addWordToUserDictionary(word); if (added && mCandidateView != null) mCandidateView.notifyAboutWordAdded(word); return added; } public void removeFromUserDictionary(String word) { mJustAutoAddedWord = false; mSuggest.removeWordFromUserDictionary(word); abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(false); if (mCandidateView != null) mCandidateView.notifyAboutRemovedWord(word); } /** * Helper to determine if a given character code is alphabetic. */ @Override protected boolean isAlphabet(int code) { if (super.isAlphabet(code)) return true; // inner letters have more options: ' in English. " in Hebrew, and more. if (TextEntryState.isPredicting()) return getCurrentAlphabetKeyboard().isInnerWordLetter((char) code); else return getCurrentAlphabetKeyboard().isStartOfWordLetter((char) code); } @Override protected boolean isSuggestionAffectingCharacter(int code) { return super.isSuggestionAffectingCharacter(code) || Character.isLetter((char) code); } public void onMultiTapStarted() { final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) ic.beginBatchEdit(); handleDeleteLastCharacter(true); if (getInputView() != null) getInputView().setShifted(mLastCharacterWasShifted); } public void onMultiTapEnded() { final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) ic.endBatchEdit(); updateShiftStateNow(); } private void onFunctionKey(final int primaryCode, final Key key, final int multiTapIndex, final int[] nearByKeyCodes, final boolean fromUI) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Logger.d(TAG, "onFunctionKey %d", primaryCode); final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); switch (primaryCode) { case KeyCodes.DELETE: if (ic == null)// if we don't want to do anything, lets check null first. break; // we do backword if the shift is pressed while pressing // backspace (like in a PC) if (mAskPrefs.useBackword() && mShiftKeyState.isPressed() && !mShiftKeyState.isLocked()) { handleBackWord(ic); } else { handleDeleteLastCharacter(false); } break; case KeyCodes.SHIFT: if (fromUI) { handleShift(); } else { //not from UI (user not actually pressed that button) onPress(primaryCode); onRelease(primaryCode); } break; case KeyCodes.SHIFT_LOCK: mShiftKeyState.toggleLocked(); handleShift(); break; case KeyCodes.DELETE_WORD: if (ic == null)// if we don't want to do anything, lets check // null first. break; handleBackWord(ic); break; case KeyCodes.CLEAR_INPUT: if (ic != null) { ic.beginBatchEdit(); abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(false); ic.deleteSurroundingText(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); ic.endBatchEdit(); } break; case KeyCodes.CTRL: if (fromUI) { handleControl(); } else { //not from UI (user not actually pressed that button) onPress(primaryCode); onRelease(primaryCode); } break; case KeyCodes.CTRL_LOCK: mControlKeyState.toggleLocked(); handleControl(); break; case KeyCodes.ARROW_LEFT: case KeyCodes.ARROW_RIGHT: final int keyEventKeyCode = primaryCode == KeyCodes.ARROW_LEFT ? KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT : KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT; if (!handleSelectionExpending(keyEventKeyCode, ic, mGlobalSelectionStartPosition, mGlobalCursorPosition)) { sendDownUpKeyEvents(keyEventKeyCode); } break; case KeyCodes.ARROW_UP: sendDownUpKeyEvents(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP); break; case KeyCodes.ARROW_DOWN: sendDownUpKeyEvents(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN); break; case KeyCodes.MOVE_HOME: if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { sendDownUpKeyEvents(0x0000007a/*API 11:KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MOVE_HOME*/); } else { if (ic != null) { CharSequence textBefore = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(1024, 0); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(textBefore)) { int newPosition = textBefore.length() - 1; while (newPosition > 0) { char chatAt = textBefore.charAt(newPosition - 1); if (chatAt == '\n' || chatAt == '\r') { break; } newPosition--; } if (newPosition < 0) newPosition = 0; ic.setSelection(newPosition, newPosition); } } } break; case KeyCodes.MOVE_END: if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { //API 11: KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MOVE_END sendDownUpKeyEvents(0x0000007b); } else { if (ic != null) { CharSequence textAfter = ic.getTextAfterCursor(1024, 0); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(textAfter)) { int newPosition = 1; while (newPosition < textAfter.length()) { char chatAt = textAfter.charAt(newPosition); if (chatAt == '\n' || chatAt == '\r') { break; } newPosition++; } if (newPosition > textAfter.length()) newPosition = textAfter.length(); try { CharSequence textBefore = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(textBefore)) { newPosition = newPosition + textBefore.length(); } ic.setSelection(newPosition, newPosition); } catch (Throwable e/*I'm using Integer.MAX_VALUE, it's scary.*/) { Logger.w(TAG, "Failed to getTextBeforeCursor.", e); } } } } break; case KeyCodes.VOICE_INPUT: if (mVoiceRecognitionTrigger.isInstalled()) { mVoiceRecognitionTrigger .startVoiceRecognition(getCurrentAlphabetKeyboard().getDefaultDictionaryLocale()); } else { Intent voiceInputNotInstalledIntent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), VoiceInputNotInstalledActivity.class); voiceInputNotInstalledIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(voiceInputNotInstalledIntent); } break; case KeyCodes.CANCEL: hideWindow(); break; case KeyCodes.SETTINGS: showOptionsMenu(); break; case KeyCodes.SPLIT_LAYOUT: case KeyCodes.MERGE_LAYOUT: case KeyCodes.COMPACT_LAYOUT_TO_RIGHT: case KeyCodes.COMPACT_LAYOUT_TO_LEFT: if (getInputView() != null) { mKeyboardInCondensedMode = CondenseType.fromKeyCode(primaryCode); setKeyboardForView(getCurrentKeyboard()); } break; case KeyCodes.DOMAIN: onText(key, mAskPrefs.getDomainText()); break; case KeyCodes.QUICK_TEXT: onQuickTextRequested(key); break; case KeyCodes.QUICK_TEXT_POPUP: onQuickTextKeyboardRequested(key); break; case KeyCodes.MODE_SYMOBLS: nextKeyboard(getCurrentInputEditorInfo(), NextKeyboardType.Symbols); break; case KeyCodes.MODE_ALPHABET: if (getKeyboardSwitcher().shouldPopupForLanguageSwitch()) { showLanguageSelectionDialog(); } else { nextKeyboard(getCurrentInputEditorInfo(), NextKeyboardType.Alphabet); } break; case KeyCodes.UTILITY_KEYBOARD: getInputView().openUtilityKeyboard(); break; case KeyCodes.MODE_ALPHABET_POPUP: showLanguageSelectionDialog(); break; case KeyCodes.ALT: nextAlterKeyboard(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); break; case KeyCodes.KEYBOARD_CYCLE: nextKeyboard(getCurrentInputEditorInfo(), NextKeyboardType.Any); break; case KeyCodes.KEYBOARD_REVERSE_CYCLE: nextKeyboard(getCurrentInputEditorInfo(), NextKeyboardType.PreviousAny); break; case KeyCodes.KEYBOARD_CYCLE_INSIDE_MODE: nextKeyboard(getCurrentInputEditorInfo(), NextKeyboardType.AnyInsideMode); break; case KeyCodes.KEYBOARD_MODE_CHANGE: nextKeyboard(getCurrentInputEditorInfo(), NextKeyboardType.OtherMode); break; case KeyCodes.CLIPBOARD_COPY: case KeyCodes.CLIPBOARD_PASTE: case KeyCodes.CLIPBOARD_CUT: case KeyCodes.CLIPBOARD_SELECT_ALL: case KeyCodes.CLIPBOARD_PASTE_POPUP: case KeyCodes.CLIPBOARD_SELECT: handleClipboardOperation(key, primaryCode, ic); //not allowing undo on-text in clipboard paste operations. if (primaryCode == KeyCodes.CLIPBOARD_PASTE) mCommittedWord = ""; break; default: if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { //this should not happen! We should handle ALL function keys. throw new RuntimeException("UNHANDLED FUNCTION KEY! primary code " + primaryCode); } else { Logger.w(TAG, "UNHANDLED FUNCTION KEY! primary code %d. Ignoring.", primaryCode); } } } private void onNonFunctionKey(final int primaryCode, final Key key, final int multiTapIndex, final int[] nearByKeyCodes, final boolean fromUI) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Logger.d(TAG, "onFunctionKey %d", primaryCode); final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); switch (primaryCode) { case KeyCodes.ENTER: if (mShiftKeyState.isPressed() && ic != null) { //power-users feature ahead: Shift+Enter //getting away from firing the default editor action, by forcing newline ic.commitText("\n", 1); break; } final EditorInfo editorInfo = getCurrentInputEditorInfo(); final int imeOptionsActionId = IMEUtil.getImeOptionsActionIdFromEditorInfo(editorInfo); if (ic != null && IMEUtil.IME_ACTION_CUSTOM_LABEL == imeOptionsActionId) { // Either we have an actionLabel and we should performEditorAction with // actionId regardless of its value. ic.performEditorAction(editorInfo.actionId); } else if (ic != null && EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NONE != imeOptionsActionId) { // We didn't have an actionLabel, but we had another action to execute. // EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NONE explicitly means no action. In contrast, // EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED is the default value for an action, so it // means there should be an action and the app didn't bother to set a specific // code for it - presumably it only handles one. It does not have to be treated // in any specific way: anything that is not IME_ACTION_NONE should be sent to // performEditorAction. ic.performEditorAction(imeOptionsActionId); } else { handleSeparator(primaryCode); } break; case KeyCodes.SPACE: //shortcut. Nothing more. handleSeparator(primaryCode); //should we switch to alphabet keyboard? if (!isInAlphabetKeyboardMode()) { Logger.d(TAG, "SPACE/ENTER while in symbols mode"); if (mAskPrefs.getSwitchKeyboardOnSpace()) { Logger.d(TAG, "Switching to Alphabet is required by the user"); getKeyboardSwitcher().nextKeyboard(getCurrentInputEditorInfo(), NextKeyboardType.Alphabet); } } break; case KeyCodes.TAB: sendTab(); break; case KeyCodes.ESCAPE: sendEscape(); break; default: if (isWordSeparator(primaryCode)) { handleSeparator(primaryCode); } else { if (mControlKeyState.isActive() && primaryCode >= 32 && primaryCode < 127) { // int controlCode = primaryCode & 31; Logger.d(TAG, "CONTROL state: Char was %d and now it is %d", primaryCode, controlCode); if (controlCode == 9) { sendTab(); } else { ic.commitText(Character.toString((char) controlCode), 1); } } else { handleCharacter(primaryCode, key, multiTapIndex, nearByKeyCodes); } mJustAddedAutoSpace = false; } break; } } @Override public void onKey(int primaryCode, Key key, int multiTapIndex, int[] nearByKeyCodes, boolean fromUI) { if (primaryCode > 0) onNonFunctionKey(primaryCode, key, multiTapIndex, nearByKeyCodes, fromUI); else onFunctionKey(primaryCode, key, multiTapIndex, nearByKeyCodes, fromUI); setSpaceTimeStamp(primaryCode == KeyCodes.SPACE); } private void setSpaceTimeStamp(boolean isSpace) { if (isSpace) { mLastSpaceTimeStamp = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); } else { mLastSpaceTimeStamp = NEVER_TIME_STAMP; } } private boolean isTerminalEmulation() { EditorInfo ei = getCurrentInputEditorInfo(); if (ei == null) return false; switch (ei.packageName) { case "org.connectbot": case "org.woltage.irssiconnectbot": case "com.pslib.connectbot": case "com.sonelli.juicessh": return ei.inputType == 0; default: return false; } } private void sendTab() { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return; boolean tabHack = isTerminalEmulation(); // Note: tab and ^I don't work in ConnectBot, hackish workaround if (tabHack) { ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER)); ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER)); ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_I)); ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_I)); } else { ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB)); ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB)); } } private void sendEscape() { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return; if (isTerminalEmulation()) { sendKeyChar((char) 27); } else { ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, 111 /* KEYCODE_ESCAPE */)); ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, 111 /* KEYCODE_ESCAPE */)); } } @Override public void onAlphabetKeyboardSet(@NonNull AnyKeyboard keyboard) { super.onAlphabetKeyboardSet(keyboard); setKeyboardForView(keyboard); setKeyboardFinalStuff(); } @Override public void onSymbolsKeyboardSet(@NonNull AnyKeyboard keyboard) { super.onSymbolsKeyboardSet(keyboard); setKeyboardForView(keyboard); } private void setKeyboardForView(AnyKeyboard currentKeyboard) { currentKeyboard.setCondensedKeys(mKeyboardInCondensedMode); if (getInputView() != null) { getInputView().setKeyboard(currentKeyboard, getKeyboardSwitcher().peekNextAlphabetKeyboard(), getKeyboardSwitcher().peekNextSymbolsKeyboard()); } } private void showLanguageSelectionDialog() { KeyboardAddOnAndBuilder[] builders = getKeyboardSwitcher().getEnabledKeyboardsBuilders(); ArrayList<CharSequence> keyboardsIds = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<CharSequence> keyboards = new ArrayList<>(); // going over all enabled keyboards for (KeyboardAddOnAndBuilder keyboardBuilder : builders) { keyboardsIds.add(keyboardBuilder.getId()); String name = keyboardBuilder.getName(); keyboards.add(name); } final CharSequence[] ids = new CharSequence[keyboardsIds.size()]; final CharSequence[] items = new CharSequence[keyboards.size()]; keyboardsIds.toArray(ids); keyboards.toArray(items); showOptionsDialogWithData(getText(R.string.select_keyboard_popup_title), R.drawable.ic_keyboard_globe_menu, items, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface di, int position) { CharSequence id = ids[position]; Logger.d(TAG, "User selected '%s' with id %s", items[position], id); EditorInfo currentEditorInfo = getCurrentInputEditorInfo(); getKeyboardSwitcher().nextAlphabetKeyboard(currentEditorInfo, id.toString()); } }); } @Override public View onCreateExtractTextView() { mFullScreenExtractView = super.onCreateExtractTextView(); if (mFullScreenExtractView != null) { mFullScreenExtractTextView = (EditText) mFullScreenExtractView .findViewById(; } return mFullScreenExtractView; } @Override public void updateFullscreenMode() { super.updateFullscreenMode(); InputViewBinder inputViewBinder = getInputView(); if (mFullScreenExtractView != null && inputViewBinder != null) { final AnyKeyboardView anyKeyboardView = (AnyKeyboardView) inputViewBinder; CompatUtils.setViewBackgroundDrawable(mFullScreenExtractView, anyKeyboardView.getBackground()); if (mFullScreenExtractTextView != null) { mFullScreenExtractTextView.setTextColor(anyKeyboardView.getKeyTextColor()); } } } public void onText(Key key, CharSequence text) { Logger.d(TAG, "onText: '%s'", text); InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return; ic.beginBatchEdit(); abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(false); ic.commitText(text, 1); mJustAddedAutoSpace = false; mCommittedWord = text; mUndoCommitCursorPosition = UNDO_COMMIT_WAITING_TO_RECORD_POSITION; TextEntryState.acceptedDefault(text); ic.endBatchEdit(); setSuggestions(mSuggest.getNextSuggestions(mCommittedWord, false), false, false, false); } private void handleBackWord(InputConnection ic) { if (ic == null) { return; } if (TextEntryState.isPredicting() && mWord.cursorPosition() > 0 && mWord.length() > 0) { //sp#ace -> ace //cursor == 2 //length == 5 //textLeft = word.substring(2, 3) -> word.substring(cursor, length - cursor) final CharSequence textLeft = mWord.getTypedWord().subSequence(mWord.cursorPosition(), mWord.length()); mWord.reset(); mSuggest.resetNextWordSentence(); TextEntryState.newSession(mPredictionOn); ic.setComposingText(textLeft, 0); postUpdateSuggestions(); return; } // I will not delete more than 128 characters. Just a safe-guard. // this will also allow me do just one call to getTextBeforeCursor! // Which is always good. This is a part of issue 951. CharSequence cs = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(128, 0); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(cs)) { return;// nothing to delete } // TWO OPTIONS // 1) Either we do like Linux and Windows (and probably ALL desktop // OSes): // Delete all the characters till a complete word was deleted: /* * What to do: We delete until we find a separator (the function * isBackWordStopChar). Note that we MUST delete a delete a whole word! * So if the back-word starts at separators, we'll delete those, and then * the word before: "test this, ," -> "test " */ // Pro: same as desktop // Con: when auto-caps is on (the default), this will delete the // previous word, which can be annoying.. // E.g., Writing a sentence, then a period, then ASK will auto-caps, // then when the user press backspace (for some reason), // the entire previous word deletes. // 2) Or we delete all the characters till we encounter a separator, but // delete at least one character. /* * What to do: We delete until we find a separator (the function * isBackWordStopChar). Note that we MUST delete a delete at least one * character "test this, " -> "test this," -> "test this" -> "test " */ // Pro: Supports auto-caps, and mostly similar to desktop OSes // Con: Not all desktop use-cases are here. // For now, I go with option 2, but I'm open for discussion. // 2b) "test this, " -> "test this" final int inputLength = cs.length(); int idx = inputLength - 1;// it's OK since we checked whether cs is empty after retrieving it. if (isBackWordDeleteChar((int) cs.charAt(idx))) { while (idx > 0 && isBackWordDeleteChar((int) cs.charAt(idx - 1))) { idx--; } } ic.deleteSurroundingText(inputLength - idx, 0);// it is always > 0 ! } private void handleDeleteLastCharacter(boolean forMultiTap) { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); boolean deleteChar = false; if (TextEntryState.isPredicting()) { final boolean wordManipulation = mWord.length() > 0 && mWord.cursorPosition() > 0; if (wordManipulation) { mWord.deleteLast(); final int cursorPosition; if (mWord.cursorPosition() != mWord.length()) cursorPosition = getCursorPosition(ic); else cursorPosition = -1; if (cursorPosition >= 0) ic.beginBatchEdit(); ic.setComposingText(mWord.getTypedWord(), 1); if (mWord.length() == 0) { TextEntryState.newSession(mPredictionOn); } else if (cursorPosition >= 0) { ic.setSelection(cursorPosition - 1, cursorPosition - 1); } if (cursorPosition >= 0) ic.endBatchEdit(); postUpdateSuggestions(); } else { ic.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0); } } else { deleteChar = true; } TextEntryState.backspace(); if (TextEntryState.getState() == TextEntryState.State.UNDO_COMMIT) { revertLastWord(); } else if (deleteChar) { //just making sure that if (mCandidateView != null) mCandidateView.dismissAddToDictionaryHint(); if (!forMultiTap) { sendDownUpKeyEvents(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL); } else { // this code tries to delete the text in a different way, // because of multi-tap stuff // using "deleteSurroundingText" will actually get the input // updated faster! // but will not handle "delete all selected text" feature, // hence the "if (!forMultiTap)" above final CharSequence beforeText = ic == null ? null : ic.getTextBeforeCursor(1, 0); final int textLengthBeforeDelete = (TextUtils.isEmpty(beforeText)) ? 0 : beforeText.length(); if (textLengthBeforeDelete > 0) ic.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0); else sendDownUpKeyEvents(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL); } } } private void handleControl() { if (getInputView() != null && isInAlphabetKeyboardMode()) { getInputView().setControl(mControlKeyState.isActive()); } } private void handleShift() { if (getInputView() != null) { Logger.d(TAG, "shift Setting UI active:%s, locked: %s", mShiftKeyState.isActive(), mShiftKeyState.isLocked()); getInputView().setShifted(mShiftKeyState.isActive()); getInputView().setShiftLocked(mShiftKeyState.isLocked()); } } @Override protected void abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(boolean forever) { super.abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(forever); mJustAutoAddedWord = false; mKeyboardHandler.removeMessages(KeyboardUIStateHandler.MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS); mKeyboardHandler.removeMessages(KeyboardUIStateHandler.MSG_RESTART_NEW_WORD_SUGGESTIONS); final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) ic.finishComposingText(); clearSuggestions(); mUndoCommitCursorPosition = UNDO_COMMIT_NONE; mCommittedWord = ""; mWord.reset(); TextEntryState.newSession(mPredictionOn); mJustAddedAutoSpace = false; mJustAutoAddedWord = false; if (forever) { Logger.d(TAG, "abortCorrection will abort correct forever"); mPredictionOn = false; setCandidatesViewShown(false); } TextEntryState.newSession(mPredictionOn && (!forever)); } private void handleCharacter(final int primaryCode, final Key key, final int multiTapIndex, int[] nearByKeyCodes) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Logger.d(TAG, "handleCharacter: %d, isPredictionOn: %s, mPredicting: %s", primaryCode, isPredictionOn(), TextEntryState.isPredicting()); mExpectingSelectionUpdateBy = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + MAX_TIME_TO_EXPECT_SELECTION_UPDATE; if (TextEntryState.isReadyToPredict() && isAlphabet(primaryCode) && !isCursorTouchingWord()) { TextEntryState.newSession(mPredictionOn); mUndoCommitCursorPosition = UNDO_COMMIT_NONE; mWord.reset(); mAutoCorrectOn = mAutoComplete; TextEntryState.typedCharacter((char) primaryCode, false); if (mShiftKeyState.isActive()) { mWord.setFirstCharCapitalized(true); } } else if (TextEntryState.isPredicting()) { TextEntryState.typedCharacter((char) primaryCode, false); } mLastCharacterWasShifted = (getInputView() != null) && getInputView().isShifted(); if (TextEntryState.isPredicting()) { final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); mWord.add(primaryCode, nearByKeyCodes); ChewbaccaOnTheDrums.onKeyTyped(mWord, getApplicationContext()); if (ic != null) { final int cursorPosition; if (mWord.cursorPosition() != mWord.length()) { //Cursor is not at the end of the word. I'll need to reposition cursorPosition = mGlobalCursorPosition + 1/*adding the new character*/; ic.beginBatchEdit(); } else { cursorPosition = -1; } ic.setComposingText(mWord.getTypedWord(), 1); if (cursorPosition > 0) { ic.setSelection(cursorPosition, cursorPosition); ic.endBatchEdit(); } } // this should be done ONLY if the key is a letter, and not a inner // character (like '). if (isSuggestionAffectingCharacter(primaryCode)) { postUpdateSuggestions(); } else { // just replace the typed word in the candidates view if (mCandidateView != null) mCandidateView.replaceTypedWord(mWord.getTypedWord()); } } else { sendKeyChar((char) primaryCode); } mJustAutoAddedWord = false; } private void handleSeparator(int primaryCode) { // Issue 146: Right to left languages require reversed parenthesis if (!getCurrentAlphabetKeyboard().isLeftToRightLanguage()) { if (primaryCode == (int) ')') primaryCode = (int) '('; else if (primaryCode == (int) '(') primaryCode = (int) ')'; } mExpectingSelectionUpdateBy = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + MAX_TIME_TO_EXPECT_SELECTION_UPDATE; //will not show next-word suggestion in case of a new line or if the separator is a sentence separator. boolean isEndOfSentence = (primaryCode == KeyCodes.ENTER || mSentenceSeparators.get(primaryCode)); // Should dismiss the "Touch again to save" message when handling // separator if (mCandidateView != null && mCandidateView.dismissAddToDictionaryHint()) { postUpdateSuggestions(); } // Handle separator InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) { ic.beginBatchEdit(); } // this is a special case, when the user presses a separator WHILE // inside the predicted word. // in this case, I will want to just dump the separator. final boolean separatorInsideWord = (mWord.cursorPosition() < mWord.length()); if (TextEntryState.isPredicting() && !separatorInsideWord) { //ACTION does not invoke default picking. See pickDefaultSuggestion(mAutoCorrectOn && primaryCode != KeyCodes.ENTER); // Picked the suggestion by a space/punctuation character: we will treat it // as "added an auto space". mJustAddedAutoSpace = true; } else if (separatorInsideWord) { // when putting a separator in the middle of a word, there is no // need to do correction, or keep knowledge abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(false); } if (mJustAddedAutoSpace && primaryCode == KeyCodes.ENTER) { removeTrailingSpace(); mJustAddedAutoSpace = false; } boolean handledOutputToInputConnection = false; if (ic != null) { if (primaryCode == KeyCodes.SPACE) { if (mAskPrefs.isDoubleSpaceChangesToPeriod()) { if ((SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - mLastSpaceTimeStamp) < ((long) mAskPrefs.getMultiTapTimeout())) { //current text in the input-box should be something like "word " //the user pressed on space again. So we want to change the text in the input-box //into "word "->"word. " ic.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0); ic.commitText(". ", 1); mJustAddedAutoSpace = true; isEndOfSentence = true; handledOutputToInputConnection = true; } } } else if (mJustAddedAutoSpace && mLastSpaceTimeStamp != NEVER_TIME_STAMP/*meaning last key was SPACE*/ && mAskPrefs.shouldSwapPunctuationAndSpace() && primaryCode != KeyCodes.ENTER && isSentenceSeparator(primaryCode)) { //current text in the input-box should be something like "word " //the user pressed a punctuation (say ","). So we want to change the text in the input-box //into "word "->"word, " ic.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0); ic.commitText(((char) primaryCode) + " ", 1); mJustAddedAutoSpace = true; handledOutputToInputConnection = true; } } if (!handledOutputToInputConnection) { sendKeyChar((char) primaryCode); } TextEntryState.typedCharacter((char) primaryCode, true); if (ic != null) { ic.endBatchEdit(); } if (isEndOfSentence) { mSuggest.resetNextWordSentence(); clearSuggestions(); } else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mCommittedWord)) { setSuggestions(mSuggest.getNextSuggestions(mCommittedWord, mWord.isAllUpperCase()), false, false, false); mWord.setFirstCharCapitalized(false); } } @Override protected boolean handleCloseRequest() { TextEntryState.restartSession(); if (!super.handleCloseRequest()) { if (getInputView() != null && getInputView().closing()) { //we return FALSE here, since we are not handling the closing //internally return false; } } return true; } @Override public void onWindowHidden() { super.onWindowHidden(); abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(true); } private void postUpdateSuggestions() { postUpdateSuggestions(5 * ONE_FRAME_DELAY); } /** * posts an update suggestions request to the messages queue. Removes any previous request. * * @param delay negative value will cause the call to be done now, in this thread. */ private void postUpdateSuggestions(long delay) { mKeyboardHandler.removeMessages(KeyboardUIStateHandler.MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS); if (delay > 0) mKeyboardHandler.sendMessageDelayed( mKeyboardHandler.obtainMessage(KeyboardUIStateHandler.MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS), delay); else if (delay == 0) mKeyboardHandler .sendMessage(mKeyboardHandler.obtainMessage(KeyboardUIStateHandler.MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS)); else performUpdateSuggestions(); } protected boolean isPredictionOn() { return mPredictionOn; } private boolean shouldCandidatesStripBeShown() { return mShowSuggestions && onEvaluateInputViewShown(); } /*package*/ void performUpdateSuggestions() { //mCandidateCloseText could be null if setCandidatesView was not called yet if (mCandidateCloseText != null) mCandidateCloseText.setVisibility(View.GONE); if (!TextEntryState.isPredicting()) { clearSuggestions(); return; } final CharSequence typedWord = mWord.getTypedWord(); final List<CharSequence> suggestionsList = mSuggest.getSuggestions(mWord, false); boolean correctionAvailable = mSuggest.hasMinimalCorrection(); final boolean typedWordValid = mSuggest.isValidWord(typedWord) && !mWord.isAtTagsSearchState(); if (mShowSuggestions || mQuickFixes) { correctionAvailable |= typedWordValid; } // Don't auto-correct words with multiple capital letter correctionAvailable &= !mWord.isMostlyCaps(); setSuggestions(suggestionsList, false, typedWordValid, correctionAvailable); if (suggestionsList.size() > 0) { if (correctionAvailable && !typedWordValid && suggestionsList.size() > 1) { mWord.setPreferredWord(suggestionsList.get(1)); } else { mWord.setPreferredWord(typedWord); } } else { mWord.setPreferredWord(null); } setCandidatesViewShown(shouldCandidatesStripBeShown() || mCompletionOn); } private boolean pickDefaultSuggestion(boolean autoCorrectToPreferred) { // Complete any pending candidate query first if (mKeyboardHandler.hasMessages(KeyboardUIStateHandler.MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS)) { performUpdateSuggestions(); } final CharSequence typedWord = mWord.getTypedWord(); final CharSequence actualWordToOutput = autoCorrectToPreferred ? mWord.getPreferredWord() : typedWord; Logger.d(TAG, "pickDefaultSuggestion: actualWordToOutput: %s, since mAutoCorrectOn is %s", actualWordToOutput, mAutoCorrectOn); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(actualWordToOutput)) { TextEntryState.acceptedDefault(typedWord); final boolean fixed = !typedWord.equals(actualWordToOutput); commitWordToInput(actualWordToOutput, fixed); if (!fixed) {//if the word typed was auto-replaced, we should not learn it. // Add the word to the auto dictionary if it's not a known word // this is "typed" if the auto-correction is off, or "picked" if it is on or momentarily off. checkAddToDictionaryWithAutoDictionary(mWord, mAutoComplete ? AutoDictionary.AdditionType.Picked : AutoDictionary.AdditionType.Typed); } return true; } return false; } public void pickSuggestionManually(int index, CharSequence suggestion) { final String typedWord = mWord.getTypedWord().toString(); if (mWord.isAtTagsSearchState()) { if (index == 0) { //this is a special case for tags-searcher //since we append a magnifying glass to the suggestions, the "suggestion" //value is not a valid output suggestion suggestion = typedWord; } else { //regular emoji. Storing in history. List<QuickKeyHistoryRecords.HistoryKey> keys = QuickKeyHistoryRecords.load(getSharedPrefs());, keys, new QuickKeyHistoryRecords.HistoryKey(suggestion.toString(), suggestion.toString())); } } final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) { ic.beginBatchEdit(); } TextEntryState.acceptedSuggestion(typedWord, suggestion); try { if (mCompletionOn && mCompletions != null && index >= 0 && index < mCompletions.length) { CompletionInfo ci = mCompletions[index]; if (ic != null) { ic.commitCompletion(ci); } mCommittedWord = suggestion; if (mCandidateView != null) { mCandidateView.clear(); } return; } commitWordToInput(suggestion, false/*user physically picked a word from the suggestions strip. this is not a fix*/); TextEntryState.acceptedSuggestion(mWord.getTypedWord(), suggestion); // Follow it with a space if (mAutoSpace && (index == 0 || !mWord.isAtTagsSearchState())) { sendKeyChar((char) KeyCodes.SPACE); mJustAddedAutoSpace = true; setSpaceTimeStamp(true); TextEntryState.typedCharacter(' ', true); } // Add the word to the auto dictionary if it's not a known word mJustAutoAddedWord = false; if (!mWord.isAtTagsSearchState()) { if (index == 0) { mJustAutoAddedWord = checkAddToDictionaryWithAutoDictionary(mWord, AutoDictionary.AdditionType.Picked); if (mJustAutoAddedWord) TextEntryState.acceptedSuggestionAddedToDictionary(); } final boolean showingAddToDictionaryHint = (!mJustAutoAddedWord) && index == 0 && (mQuickFixes || mShowSuggestions) && (!mSuggest.isValidWord(suggestion))// this is for the case that the word was auto-added upon picking && (!mSuggest.isValidWord( suggestion.toString().toLowerCase(getCurrentAlphabetKeyboard().getLocale()))); if (showingAddToDictionaryHint) { if (mCandidateView != null) mCandidateView.showAddToDictionaryHint(suggestion); } else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mCommittedWord) && !mJustAutoAddedWord) { //showing next-words if: //showingAddToDictionaryHint == false, we most likely do not have a next-word suggestion! The committed word is not in the dictionary //mJustAutoAddedWord == false, we most likely do not have a next-word suggestion for a newly added word. setSuggestions(mSuggest.getNextSuggestions(mCommittedWord, mWord.isAllUpperCase()), false, false, false); mWord.setFirstCharCapitalized(false); } } } finally { if (ic != null) { ic.endBatchEdit(); } } } /** * Commits the chosen word to the text field and saves it for later * retrieval. * * @param wordToCommit the suggestion picked by the user to be committed to the text * field * @param correcting this is a correction commit */ protected void commitWordToInput(@NonNull CharSequence wordToCommit, boolean correcting) { mWord.setPreferredWord(wordToCommit); InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) { if (correcting) { AnyApplication.getDeviceSpecific().commitCorrectionToInputConnection(ic, mGlobalCursorPosition - mWord.getTypedWord().length(), mWord.getTypedWord(), mWord.getPreferredWord()); // and drawing pop-out text getInputView().popTextOutOfKey(mWord.getPreferredWord()); } else { ic.commitText(wordToCommit, 1); } } mCommittedWord = wordToCommit; mUndoCommitCursorPosition = UNDO_COMMIT_WAITING_TO_RECORD_POSITION; clearSuggestions(); } private boolean isCursorTouchingWord() { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return false; CharSequence toLeft = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(1, 0); // It is not exactly clear to me why, but sometimes, although I request // 1 character, I get // the entire text. This causes me to incorrectly detect restart // suggestions... if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(toLeft) && toLeft.length() == 1 && !isWordSeparator(toLeft.charAt(0))) { return true; } CharSequence toRight = ic.getTextAfterCursor(1, 0); return (!TextUtils.isEmpty(toRight)) && (toRight.length() == 1) && (!isWordSeparator(toRight.charAt(0))); } public void revertLastWord() { final int length = mCommittedWord.length() + (mJustAddedAutoSpace ? 1 : 0); if (length > 0) { mAutoCorrectOn = false; //note: typedWord may be empty final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); mUndoCommitCursorPosition = UNDO_COMMIT_NONE; ic.beginBatchEdit(); ic.deleteSurroundingText(length, 0); final CharSequence typedWord = mWord.getTypedWord(); ic.setComposingText(typedWord/* mComposing */, 1); TextEntryState.backspace(); ic.endBatchEdit(); performUpdateSuggestions(); if (mJustAutoAddedWord) { removeFromUserDictionary(typedWord.toString()); } getInputView().revertPopTextOutOfKey(); } else { sendDownUpKeyEvents(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL); } } private boolean isSentenceSeparator(int code) { return mSentenceSeparators.get(code, false); } private boolean isWordSeparator(int code) { return (!isAlphabet(code)); } public boolean preferCapitalization() { return mWord.isFirstCharCapitalized(); } private void nextAlterKeyboard(EditorInfo currentEditorInfo) { getKeyboardSwitcher().nextAlterKeyboard(currentEditorInfo); Logger.d(TAG, "nextAlterKeyboard: Setting next keyboard to: %s", getCurrentSymbolsKeyboard().getKeyboardName()); } private void nextKeyboard(EditorInfo currentEditorInfo, KeyboardSwitcher.NextKeyboardType type) { getKeyboardSwitcher().nextKeyboard(currentEditorInfo, type); } private static void fillSeparatorsSparseArray(SparseBooleanArray sparseBooleanArray, char[] chars) { sparseBooleanArray.clear(); for (char separator : chars) sparseBooleanArray.put(separator, true); } private void setKeyboardFinalStuff() { mShiftKeyState.reset(); mControlKeyState.reset(); // changing dictionary setDictionariesForCurrentKeyboard(); // Notifying if needed setKeyboardStatusIcon(); postUpdateSuggestions(); updateShiftStateNow(); } private void sendKeyDown(InputConnection ic, int key) { if (ic != null) ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, key)); } private void sendKeyUp(InputConnection ic, int key) { if (ic != null) ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, key)); } public void onPress(int primaryCode) { super.onPress(primaryCode); InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (mVibrationDuration > 0 && primaryCode != 0 && mVibrator != null) { try { mVibrator.vibrate(mVibrationDuration); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.w(TAG, "Failed to interact with vibrator! Disabling for now."); mVibrationDuration = 0; } } if (primaryCode == KeyCodes.SHIFT) { mShiftKeyState.onPress(); handleShift(); } else { mShiftKeyState.onOtherKeyPressed(); } if (primaryCode == KeyCodes.CTRL) { mControlKeyState.onPress(); handleControl(); sendKeyDown(ic, 113); // KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CTRL_LEFT (API 11 and up) } else { mControlKeyState.onOtherKeyPressed(); } if (mSoundOn && (!mSilentMode) && primaryCode != 0) { final int keyFX; switch (primaryCode) { case 13: case KeyCodes.ENTER: keyFX = AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_RETURN; break; case KeyCodes.DELETE: keyFX = AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_DELETE; break; case KeyCodes.SPACE: keyFX = AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_SPACEBAR; break; default: keyFX = AudioManager.FX_KEY_CLICK; } final float fxVolume; // creating scoop to make sure volume and maxVolume // are not used { final int volume; final int maxVolume; if (mSoundVolume > 0) { volume = mSoundVolume; maxVolume = 100; fxVolume = ((float) volume) / ((float) maxVolume); } else { fxVolume = -1.0f; } } mAudioManager.playSoundEffect(keyFX, fxVolume); } } public void onRelease(int primaryCode) { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (primaryCode == KeyCodes.SHIFT) { mShiftKeyState.onRelease(mAskPrefs.getMultiTapTimeout()); handleShift(); } else { if (mShiftKeyState.onOtherKeyReleased()) { updateShiftStateNow(); } } if (primaryCode == KeyCodes.CTRL) { sendKeyUp(ic, 113); // KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CTRL_LEFT mControlKeyState.onRelease(mAskPrefs.getMultiTapTimeout()); handleControl(); } else { mControlKeyState.onOtherKeyReleased(); } } // update flags for silent mode public void updateRingerMode() { mSilentMode = (mAudioManager.getRingerMode() != AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_NORMAL); } @Override protected void onLoadSettingsRequired(SharedPreferences sp) { super.onLoadSettingsRequired(sp); mVibrationDuration = Integer .parseInt(sp.getString(getString(R.string.settings_key_vibrate_on_key_press_duration), getString(R.string.settings_default_vibrate_on_key_press_duration))); mSoundOn = sp.getBoolean(getString(R.string.settings_key_sound_on), getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.settings_default_sound_on)); if (mSoundOn) { Logger.i(TAG, "Loading sounds effects from AUDIO_SERVICE due to configuration change."); try { mAudioManager.loadSoundEffects(); } catch (SecurityException e) { //for unknown reason loadSoundEffects may throw SecurityException (happened on a HuaweiG750-U10/4.2.2). Logger.w(TAG, "SecurityException swallowed. ", e); mSoundOn = false; } } // checking the volume boolean customVolume = sp.getBoolean("use_custom_sound_volume", false); int newVolume; if (customVolume) { newVolume = sp.getInt("custom_sound_volume", 0) + 1; Logger.i(TAG, "Custom volume checked: " + newVolume + " out of 100"); } else { Logger.i(TAG, "Custom volume un-checked."); newVolume = -1; } mSoundVolume = newVolume; mShowKeyboardIconInStatusBar = sp.getBoolean(getString(R.string.settings_key_keyboard_icon_in_status_bar), getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.settings_default_keyboard_icon_in_status_bar)); if (mShowKeyboardIconInStatusBar) { setKeyboardStatusIcon(); } else { mInputMethodManager.hideStatusIcon(mImeToken); } mAutoCap = sp.getBoolean("auto_caps", true); mShowSuggestions = sp.getBoolean("candidates_on", true); if (!mShowSuggestions) { //no suggestions is needed, we'll release all dictionaries. closeDictionaries(); } final String autoPickAggressiveness = sp.getString( getString(R.string.settings_key_auto_pick_suggestion_aggressiveness), getString(R.string.settings_default_auto_pick_suggestion_aggressiveness)); final int calculatedCommonalityMaxLengthDiff; final int calculatedCommonalityMaxDistance; switch (autoPickAggressiveness) { case "none": calculatedCommonalityMaxLengthDiff = 0; calculatedCommonalityMaxDistance = 0; mAutoComplete = false; break; case "minimal_aggressiveness": calculatedCommonalityMaxLengthDiff = 1; calculatedCommonalityMaxDistance = 1; mAutoComplete = true; break; case "high_aggressiveness": calculatedCommonalityMaxLengthDiff = 3; calculatedCommonalityMaxDistance = 4; mAutoComplete = true; break; case "extreme_aggressiveness": calculatedCommonalityMaxLengthDiff = 5; calculatedCommonalityMaxDistance = 5; mAutoComplete = true; break; default: calculatedCommonalityMaxLengthDiff = 2; calculatedCommonalityMaxDistance = 3; mAutoComplete = true; } mAutoCorrectOn = mAutoComplete = mAutoComplete && mShowSuggestions; mQuickFixes = sp.getBoolean("quick_fix", true); mAllowSuggestionsRestart = sp.getBoolean(getString(R.string.settings_key_allow_suggestions_restart), getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.settings_default_allow_suggestions_restart)); mSuggest.setCorrectionMode(mQuickFixes, mShowSuggestions, calculatedCommonalityMaxLengthDiff, calculatedCommonalityMaxDistance, sp.getInt(getString(R.string.settings_key_min_length_for_word_correction__), 2)); setInitialCondensedState(sp, getResources().getConfiguration()); } private void setDictionariesForCurrentKeyboard() { mSuggest.resetNextWordSentence(); if (mPredictionOn) { // It null at the creation of the application. final AnyKeyboard currentAlphabetKeyboard = getCurrentAlphabetKeyboard(); if ((currentAlphabetKeyboard != null) && isInAlphabetKeyboardMode()) { fillSeparatorsSparseArray(mSentenceSeparators, currentAlphabetKeyboard.getSentenceSeparators()); // if there is a mapping in the settings, we'll use that, // else we'll // return the default String mappingSettingsKey = getDictionaryOverrideKey(currentAlphabetKeyboard); String defaultDictionary = currentAlphabetKeyboard.getDefaultDictionaryLocale(); String dictionaryValue = getSharedPrefs().getString(mappingSettingsKey, null); final DictionaryAddOnAndBuilder dictionaryBuilder; if (dictionaryValue == null) { dictionaryBuilder = ExternalDictionaryFactory.getDictionaryBuilderByLocale( currentAlphabetKeyboard.getDefaultDictionaryLocale(), getApplicationContext()); } else { Logger.d(TAG, "Default dictionary '%s' for keyboard '%s' has been overridden to '%s'", defaultDictionary, currentAlphabetKeyboard.getKeyboardPrefId(), dictionaryValue); dictionaryBuilder = ExternalDictionaryFactory.getDictionaryBuilderById(dictionaryValue, getApplicationContext()); } mSuggest.setMainDictionary(getApplicationContext(), dictionaryBuilder); String localeForSupportingDictionaries = dictionaryBuilder != null ? dictionaryBuilder.getLanguage() : defaultDictionary; Dictionary userDictionary = mSuggest.getDictionaryFactory() .createUserDictionary(getApplicationContext(), localeForSupportingDictionaries); mSuggest.setUserDictionary(userDictionary); mAutoDictionary = mSuggest.getDictionaryFactory().createAutoDictionary(getApplicationContext(), localeForSupportingDictionaries); mSuggest.setAutoDictionary(mAutoDictionary); mSuggest.setContactsDictionary(getApplicationContext(), mAskPrefs.useContactsDictionary()); } } } private void launchSettings() { hideWindow(); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClass(AnySoftKeyboard.this, MainSettingsActivity.class); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(intent); } private void launchDictionaryOverriding() { final String dictionaryOverridingKey = getDictionaryOverrideKey(getCurrentAlphabetKeyboard()); final String dictionaryOverrideValue = getSharedPrefs().getString(dictionaryOverridingKey, null); ArrayList<CharSequence> dictionaryIds = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<CharSequence> dictionariesNamesWithSelectedMark = new ArrayList<>(); final ArrayList<CharSequence> dictionariesNamesForToast = new ArrayList<>(); // null dictionary is handled as the default for the keyboard dictionaryIds.add(null); final String SELECTED = "\u2714 "; final String NOT_SELECTED = "- "; if (dictionaryOverrideValue == null) { dictionariesNamesWithSelectedMark.add(SELECTED + getString(R.string.override_dictionary_default)); } else { dictionariesNamesWithSelectedMark.add(NOT_SELECTED + getString(R.string.override_dictionary_default)); } dictionariesNamesForToast.add(getString(R.string.override_dictionary_default)); // going over all installed dictionaries for (DictionaryAddOnAndBuilder dictionaryBuilder : ExternalDictionaryFactory .getAllAvailableExternalDictionaries(getApplicationContext())) { dictionaryIds.add(dictionaryBuilder.getId()); String description = dictionaryBuilder.getName(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(dictionaryBuilder.getDescription())) { description += " (" + dictionaryBuilder.getDescription() + ")"; } dictionariesNamesForToast.add(description); if (dictionaryOverrideValue != null && dictionaryBuilder.getId().equals(dictionaryOverrideValue)) description = SELECTED + description; else description = NOT_SELECTED + description; dictionariesNamesWithSelectedMark.add(description); } final CharSequence[] ids = new CharSequence[dictionaryIds.size()]; final CharSequence[] items = new CharSequence[dictionariesNamesWithSelectedMark.size()]; dictionariesNamesWithSelectedMark.toArray(items); dictionaryIds.toArray(ids); showOptionsDialogWithData( getString(R.string.override_dictionary_title, getCurrentAlphabetKeyboard().getKeyboardName()), R.drawable.ic_settings_language, items, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface di, int position) { di.dismiss(); Editor editor = getSharedPrefs().edit(); if (position == 0) { editor.remove(dictionaryOverridingKey); showToastMessage(R.string.override_disabled, true); } else { CharSequence id = ids[position]; String selectedDictionaryId = (id == null) ? null : id.toString(); editor.putString(dictionaryOverridingKey, selectedDictionaryId); showToastMessage( getString(R.string.override_enabled, dictionariesNamesForToast.get(position)), true); } SharedPreferencesCompat.EditorCompat.getInstance().apply(editor); //override will be automatically done in the prefs callback. } }); } private void showOptionsMenu() { showOptionsDialogWithData(getText(R.string.ime_name), R.mipmap.ic_ask_launcher, new CharSequence[] { getText(R.string.ime_settings), getText(R.string.override_dictionary), getText(R.string.change_ime) }, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface di, int position) { switch (position) { case 0: launchSettings(); break; case 1: launchDictionaryOverriding(); break; case 2: ((InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE)) .showInputMethodPicker(); break; } } }); } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); if (newConfig.orientation != mOrientation) { mOrientation = newConfig.orientation; setInitialCondensedState(getSharedPrefs(), newConfig); abortCorrectionAndResetPredictionState(false); String sentenceSeparatorsForCurrentKeyboard = getKeyboardSwitcher() .getCurrentKeyboardSentenceSeparators(); if (sentenceSeparatorsForCurrentKeyboard == null) { mSentenceSeparators.clear(); } else { fillSeparatorsSparseArray(mSentenceSeparators, sentenceSeparatorsForCurrentKeyboard.toCharArray()); } } } private void setInitialCondensedState(SharedPreferences sp, Configuration configuration) { final int settingsKeyResId = configuration.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE ? R.string.settings_key_default_split_state_landscape : R.string.settings_key_default_split_state_portrait; final String initialKeyboardCondenseState = sp.getString(getString(settingsKeyResId), getString(R.string.settings_default_default_split_state)); final CondenseType previousCondenseType = mKeyboardInCondensedMode; mKeyboardInCondensedMode = CondenseType.None; switch (initialKeyboardCondenseState) { case "split": mKeyboardInCondensedMode = CondenseType.Split; break; case "compact_right": mKeyboardInCondensedMode = CondenseType.CompactToRight; break; case "compact_left": mKeyboardInCondensedMode = CondenseType.CompactToLeft; break; } if (previousCondenseType != mKeyboardInCondensedMode) { getKeyboardSwitcher().flushKeyboardsCache(); resetKeyboardView(false); } } public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) { super.onSharedPreferenceChanged(sharedPreferences, key); AnyApplication.requestBackupToCloud(); onLoadSettingsRequired(sharedPreferences); if (key.startsWith(KeyboardAddOnAndBuilder.KEYBOARD_PREF_PREFIX) && key.endsWith(PREFS_KEY_POSTFIX_OVERRIDE_DICTIONARY)) { setDictionariesForCurrentKeyboard(); } else if (key.startsWith(KeyboardAddOnAndBuilder.KEYBOARD_PREF_PREFIX) || key.startsWith("dictionary_") || key.equals(getString(R.string.settings_key_active_quick_text_key)) || key.equals(getString(R.string.settings_key_ext_kbd_bottom_row_key)) || key.equals(getString(R.string.settings_key_ext_kbd_top_row_key)) || key.equals(getString(R.string.settings_key_ext_kbd_ext_ketboard_key)) || key.equals(getString(R.string.settings_key_ext_kbd_hidden_bottom_row_key)) || key.equals(getString(R.string.settings_key_keyboard_theme_key)) || key.equals("zoom_factor_keys_in_portrait") || key.equals("zoom_factor_keys_in_landscape") || key.equals(getString(R.string.settings_key_smiley_icon_on_smileys_key)) || key.equals(getString(R.string.settings_key_long_press_timeout)) || key.equals(getString(R.string.settings_key_multitap_timeout)) || key.equals(getString(R.string.settings_key_always_hide_language_key)) || key.equals(getString(R.string.settings_key_default_split_state_portrait)) || key.equals(getString(R.string.settings_key_default_split_state_landscape)) || key.equals(getString(R.string.settings_key_support_password_keyboard_type_state))) { //this will recreate the keyboard view AND flush the keyboards cache. resetKeyboardView(true); } } public void deleteLastCharactersFromInput(int countToDelete) { if (countToDelete == 0) return; final int currentLength = mWord.length(); boolean shouldDeleteUsingCompletion; if (currentLength > 0) { shouldDeleteUsingCompletion = true; if (currentLength > countToDelete) { int deletesLeft = countToDelete; while (deletesLeft > 0) { mWord.deleteLast(); deletesLeft--; } } else { mWord.reset(); } } else { shouldDeleteUsingCompletion = false; } InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) { if (mPredictionOn && shouldDeleteUsingCompletion) { ic.setComposingText(mWord.getTypedWord()/* mComposing */, 1); } else { ic.deleteSurroundingText(countToDelete, 0); } } } public WordComposer getCurrentWord() { return mWord; } public void onCancel() { //the user released their finger outside of any key... okay. I have nothing to do about that. } public void resetKeyboardView(boolean recreateView) { hideWindow(); if (recreateView) { getKeyboardSwitcher().flushKeyboardsCache(); // also recreate keyboard view setInputView(onCreateInputView()); setCandidatesView(onCreateCandidatesView()); setCandidatesViewShown(false); } } private void updateShiftStateNow() { final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); EditorInfo ei = getCurrentInputEditorInfo(); final int caps; if (mAutoCap && ic != null && ei != null && ei.inputType != EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL) { caps = ic.getCursorCapsMode(ei.inputType); } else { caps = 0; } final boolean inputSaysCaps = caps != 0; Logger.d(TAG, "shift updateShiftStateNow inputSaysCaps=%s", inputSaysCaps); mShiftKeyState.setActiveState(inputSaysCaps); handleShift(); } /*package*/ void closeDictionaries() { mSuggest.closeDictionaries(); } }