List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject optString
public String optString(String key)
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@Override public void populate(JSONObject data) { units = new Units(); units.populate(data.optJSONObject("units")); item = new Item(); item.populate(data.optJSONObject("item")); JSONObject locationData = data.optJSONObject("location"); String region = locationData.optString("region"); String country = locationData.optString("country"); location = String.format("%s, %s", locationData.optString("city"), (region.length() != 0 ? region : country)); }
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public static Field fromJson(SymbolTable symbolTable, JSONObject fieldJson) { String type = fieldJson.optString("type"); if (type == null || !(type.equals("option") || type.equals("boolean"))) return null; String name = fieldJson.has("name") ? fieldJson.optString("name") : null; String label = fieldJson.has("label") ? fieldJson.optString("label") : null; String description = fieldJson.has("description") ? fieldJson.optString("description") : null; boolean defaultValue = fieldJson.has("default_value") ? fieldJson.optBoolean("default_value") : true; String compute = fieldJson.has("compute") ? fieldJson.optString("compute") : null; return new BooleanField(symbolTable, name, label, description, defaultValue, compute); }
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public Note(JSONObject json) { // These methods return an empty string if the key is not found setTitle(XmlUtils.unescape(json.optString("title"))); setGuid(json.optString("guid")); setLastChangeDate(json.optString("last-change-date")); String newXMLContent = json.optString("note-content"); setXmlContent(newXMLContent);/*from w ww . j ava2s . c o m*/ JSONArray jtags = json.optJSONArray("tags"); String tag; tags = new String(); if (jtags != null) { for (int i = 0; i < jtags.length(); i++) { tag = jtags.optString(i); tags += tag + ","; } } }
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public static Poi parse(JSONObject jsonObject) { if (null == jsonObject) { return null; }//from w ww . j a v a 2 s .co m Poi poi = new Poi(); poi.poiid = jsonObject.optString("poiid"); poi.title = jsonObject.optString("title"); poi.address = jsonObject.optString("address"); poi.lon = jsonObject.optString("lon"); = jsonObject.optString("lat"); poi.category = jsonObject.optString("category"); = jsonObject.optString("city"); poi.province = jsonObject.optString("province"); = jsonObject.optString("country"); poi.url = jsonObject.optString("url"); = jsonObject.optString("phone"); poi.postcode = jsonObject.optString("postcode"); poi.weibo_id = jsonObject.optString("weibo_id"); poi.categorys = jsonObject.optString("categorys"); poi.category_name = jsonObject.optString("category_name"); poi.icon = jsonObject.optString("icon"); poi.checkin_num = jsonObject.optString("checkin_num"); poi.checkin_user_num = jsonObject.optString("checkin_user_num"); poi.tip_num = jsonObject.optString("tip_num"); poi.photo_num = jsonObject.optString("photo_num"); poi.todo_num = jsonObject.optString("todo_num"); poi.distance = jsonObject.optString("distance"); return poi; }
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public Purchase(String json, String signature) throws JSONException { this.json = json; JSONObject o = new JSONObject(json); this.orderId = o.optString("orderId"); this.packageName = o.optString("packageName"); this.sku = o.optString("productId"); this.purchaseTime = o.optLong("purchaseTime"); this.purchaseState = o.optInt("purchaseState"); this.developerPayload = o.optString("developerPayload"); this.token = o.optString("token", o.optString("purchaseToken")); this.signature = signature; }
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@Override void retrieveSupplementalInfo() throws IOException { CharSequence contents = HttpHelper.downloadViaHttp( "" + isbn, HttpHelper.ContentType.JSON); if (contents.length() == 0) { return;//from www. j a v a 2 s . c o m } String title; String pages; Collection<String> authors = null; try { JSONObject topLevel = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(contents.toString()).nextValue(); JSONArray items = topLevel.optJSONArray("items"); if (items == null || items.isNull(0)) { return; } JSONObject volumeInfo = ((JSONObject) items.get(0)).getJSONObject("volumeInfo"); if (volumeInfo == null) { return; } title = volumeInfo.optString("title"); pages = volumeInfo.optString("pageCount"); JSONArray authorsArray = volumeInfo.optJSONArray("authors"); if (authorsArray != null && !authorsArray.isNull(0)) { authors = new ArrayList<String>(authorsArray.length()); for (int i = 0; i < authorsArray.length(); i++) { authors.add(authorsArray.getString(i)); } } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new IOException(e.toString()); } Collection<String> newTexts = new ArrayList<String>(); if (title != null && title.length() > 0) { newTexts.add(title); } if (authors != null && !authors.isEmpty()) { boolean first = true; StringBuilder authorsText = new StringBuilder(); for (String author : authors) { if (first) { first = false; } else { authorsText.append(", "); } authorsText.append(author); } newTexts.add(authorsText.toString()); } if (pages != null && pages.length() > 0) { newTexts.add(pages + "pp."); } String baseBookUri = "" + LocaleManager.getBookSearchCountryTLD(context) + "/search?tbm=bks&source=zxing&q="; append(isbn, source, newTexts.toArray(new String[newTexts.size()]), baseBookUri + isbn); }
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public TapHandler(IOSServerManager driver, WebDriverLikeRequest request) throws Exception { super(driver, request); JSONObject payload = request.getPayload(); String elementId = payload.optString("element"); //String ref = request.getVariableValue(":reference"); Dimension screenSize = driver.getSession(request.getSession()).getNativeDriver().getScreenSize(); RemoteWebNativeBackedElement element = (RemoteWebNativeBackedElement) getSession().getRemoteWebDriver() .createElement(elementId);// ww w . ja va2 s . co m Point tapPoint = element.getLocation(); tapPoint = CoordinateUtils.forcePointOnScreen(tapPoint, screenSize); String js = tapTemplate.replace(":sessionId", request.getSession()) .replace("tapX", Integer.toString(tapPoint.getX())) .replace("tapY", Integer.toString(tapPoint.getY())); setJS(js); }
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public int iconFinder(boolean showPrice) throws JSONException { int itemImageName = 0; if (onStreet) { return itemImageName; }// ww w .j a v a2s . c om JSONObject rates = allGarageData.optJSONObject(RATES_KEY); String type = allGarageData.optString(TYPE_KEY); int used = allGarageData.optInt(OCC_KEY, 0); int capacity = allGarageData.optInt(OPER_KEY, 0); int avail = capacity - used; int availpercent = 0; boolean invalidData = true; if (capacity == 0) { availpercent = 0; invalidData = true; } else { availpercent = Math.round((((float) avail / (float) capacity) * 100) * 10) / 10; invalidData = false; } int usedpercent = 100 - availpercent; if (avail < 2 && avail > 0 && availpercent != 0 && capacity <= 3) { if (availpercent <= 15) { usedpercent = -57; // less than 15 percent available. hack } else { usedpercent = -58; // more than 15 percent available. hack } } else if (capacity == 0 && used == 0 && "ON".equals(type)) { // On street parking, force it to red as capacity is zero usedpercent = -42; } // since the code above and code below is adapted from // two different functions from webmap.js this // variable links amountUsed and usedpercent to keep // the source code consistent here in the java version // where the two functions are basically fused // together. This is a hack on a hack. *sigh* int amountUsed = usedpercent; if (invalidData) { itemImageName = invalid_garage; } else if (amountUsed > 90 || amountUsed == -42) { itemImageName = garage_availability_low; } else if ((amountUsed <= 90 && amountUsed >= 70) || amountUsed == -58) { itemImageName = garage_availability_medium; } else if ((amountUsed < 70 && amountUsed >= 0) || amountUsed == -57) { itemImageName = garage_availability_high; } // modified so that negative available spaces will show as red, not grey: if (amountUsed == -1 || amountUsed == -2) { itemImageName = invalid_garage; } // New rule: if available > capacity, show grey not red if (avail > capacity) itemImageName = invalid_garage; // Save garage availability color even if we're on a price page, // because we may need it for the details page: switch (itemImageName) { case garage_availability_high: garageColor = availHigh; break; case garage_availability_medium: garageColor = availMed; break; case garage_availability_low: garageColor = availLow; break; default: // invalid garageColor = grey; break; } if (showPrice) { if (rates != null) { JSONArray rateArray = rates.optJSONArray(RS_KEY); if (!(rateArray == null)) { boolean isDynamicPricing = true; int rsc = rateArray.length(); for (int i = 0; i < rsc; i++) { JSONObject rateObject = rateArray.getJSONObject(i); float phr = (float) rateObject.optDouble(RATE_KEY, 0); String description = rateObject.optString(DESC_KEY); if (description != null) { if (description.contains(INCREMENTAL_STR)) { itemImageName = nameFinder(phr); isDynamicPricing = false; pricePerHour = phr; break; } } } if (isDynamicPricing) { for (int i = 0; i < rsc; i++) { JSONObject rateObject = rateArray.getJSONObject(i); float phr = (float) rateObject.optDouble(RATE_KEY, 0); rateStructureHandle(rateObject); if (inThisBucketBegin(beg, end)) { itemImageName = nameFinder(phr); pricePerHour = phr; break; } } } } } } rateQualifier = rq; return itemImageName; }
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/** * Fills a Chat instance from JSONObject. */// www . j a v a2 s .c o m public VKApiChat parse(JSONObject source) { id = source.optInt("id"); type = source.optString("type"); title = source.optString("title"); admin_id = source.optInt("admin_id"); JSONArray users = source.optJSONArray("users"); if (users != null) { this.users = new int[users.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.users.length; i++) { this.users[i] = users.optInt(i); } } return this; }
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public static FieldColor fromJson(JSONObject json) throws BlockLoadingException { String name = json.optString("name"); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { throw new BlockLoadingException("field_colour \"name\" attribute must not be empty."); }//from w w w . j av a 2s . c o m int color = DEFAULT_COLOR; String colourString = json.optString("colour"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(colourString)) { color = Color.parseColor(colourString); } return new FieldColor(name, color); }