List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject optString
public String optString(String key)
From source
/** * Fills a Post instance from JSONObject. *//*from w ww . j a v a 2 s .c om*/ public VKApiPost parse(JSONObject source) throws JSONException { id = source.optInt("id"); to_id = source.optInt("to_id"); from_id = source.optInt("from_id"); date = source.optLong("date"); text = source.optString("text"); reply_owner_id = source.optInt("reply_owner_id"); reply_post_id = source.optInt("reply_post_id"); friends_only = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(source, "friends_only"); JSONObject comments = source.optJSONObject("comments"); if (comments != null) { comments_count = comments.optInt("count"); can_post_comment = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(comments, "can_post"); } JSONObject likes = source.optJSONObject("likes"); if (likes != null) { likes_count = likes.optInt("count"); user_likes = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(likes, "user_likes"); can_like = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(likes, "can_like"); can_publish = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(likes, "can_publish"); } JSONObject reposts = source.optJSONObject("reposts"); if (reposts != null) { reposts_count = reposts.optInt("count"); user_reposted = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(reposts, "user_reposted"); } post_type = source.optString("post_type"); attachments.fill(source.optJSONArray("attachments")); JSONObject geo = source.optJSONObject("geo"); if (geo != null) { this.geo = new VKApiPlace().parse(geo); } signer_id = source.optInt("signer_id"); copy_history = new VKList<VKApiPost>(source.optJSONArray("copy_history"), VKApiPost.class); return this; }
From source
@Override protected void inizWithProperties(JSONObject deviceProperties) throws Exception { super.inizWithProperties(deviceProperties); String cpath = trim(deviceProperties.optString("uri")); tstEStrArg("uri-path", cpath); _pathUri = cpath;// ww w . j a va2 s .c o m }
From source
@Override public void showLoanTemplate(ResponseBody result) { final ArrayList<PaymentTypeOptions> paymentOption = new ArrayList<PaymentTypeOptions>(); final ArrayList<String> paymentNames = new ArrayList<String>(); BufferedReader reader = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String line;//from w w w . ja v a 2 s . c om try { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(result.byteStream())); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(sb.toString()); if (obj.has("paymentTypeOptions")) { JSONArray paymentOptions = obj.getJSONArray("paymentTypeOptions"); for (int i = 0; i < paymentOptions.length(); i++) { JSONObject paymentObject = paymentOptions.getJSONObject(i); PaymentTypeOptions payment = new PaymentTypeOptions(); payment.setId(paymentObject.optInt("id")); payment.setName(paymentObject.optString("name")); paymentOption.add(payment); paymentNames.add(paymentObject.optString("name")); paymentNameIdHashMap.put(payment.getName(), payment.getId()); } } String stringResult = sb.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "", e); } ArrayAdapter<String> paymentAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(getActivity(), android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, paymentNames); paymentAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); sp_payment_type.setAdapter(paymentAdapter); sp_payment_type.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() { @Override public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) { paymentTypeId = paymentNameIdHashMap.get(paymentNames.get(i)); Log.d("paymentId " + paymentNames.get(i), String.valueOf(paymentTypeId)); if (paymentTypeId != -1) { } else { Toast.makeText(getActivity(), getString(R.string.error_select_payment), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } } @Override public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> parent) { } }); }
From source
/** * Handle server event messages./* ww w. j ava 2 s. c o m*/ */ private void handleEvent(String message) { try { // We receive always JSON messages. JSONObject json = new JSONObject(message); // Get event type from JSON. String event = json.optString("event"); // Handle session_created event. if (event.equals("session_created")) { // Here we expect that server sends user_auth only when new // session is created. In case where old session was continues // user_auth ought not to be present. if (!json.has("user_auth")) { // Notify server about connection. mObserver.onServerMessage(new Message(Message.TYPE_LOG, "Session resumed userId=" + mUserId + " sessionId=" + mSessionId)); mObserver.onConnect(mUserId, mUserAuth, mSessionId); } else { // New session was created. mUserId = json.getString("user_id"); mUserAuth = json.getString("user_auth"); mSessionId = json.getString("session_id"); mObserver.onServerMessage(new Message(Message.TYPE_LOG, "Session created userId=" + mUserId + " sessionId=" + mSessionId)); mObserver.onConnect(mUserId, mUserAuth, mSessionId); // If autojoin is enabled send join message. if (mAutojoin) { sendJoinChannel(NINCHAT_LOUNGE); } } } // Handle user_updated and user_found events. if (event.equals("user_updated") || event.equals("user_found")) { String userId = json.getString("user_id"); // If update was sent for ourself. if (userId.equals(mUserId)) { // We do nothing on updates sent to self at the moment. } else { // Notify observer about user updated event. JSONObject userAttrs = json.getJSONObject("user_attrs"); String name = userAttrs.optString("name"); String realName = userAttrs.optString("realname"); boolean connected = userAttrs.optBoolean("connected"); mObserver.onUserUpdated(new User(userId, name, realName, connected)); } } // Handle channel_updated event. if (event.equals("channel_updated")) { String channelId = json.getString("channel_id"); JSONObject channelAttrs = json.getJSONObject("channel_attrs"); String name = channelAttrs.optString("name"); String topic = channelAttrs.optString("topic"); mObserver.onChannelUpdated(new Channel(channelId, name, topic)); } // Handle search_results event. if (event.equals("search_results")) { mObserver.onServerMessage(new Message(Message.TYPE_LOG, "Search results event")); Vector<Channel> channelList = new Vector<Channel>(); // Parse channels from search results. JSONObject channels = json.optJSONObject("channels"); if (channels != null) { JSONArray names = channels.names(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length(); ++i) { String channelId = names.getString(i); JSONObject channelAttrs = channels.getJSONObject(channelId).getJSONObject("channel_attrs"); String name = channelAttrs.optString("name"); String topic = channelAttrs.optString("topic"); channelList.add(new Channel(channelId, name, topic)); } } // Parse users from search results. Vector<User> userList = new Vector<User>(); JSONObject users = json.optJSONObject("users"); if (users != null) { JSONArray names = users.names(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length(); ++i) { String userId = names.getString(i); if (!userId.equals(mUserId)) { JSONObject user = users.getJSONObject(userId); String name = user.optString("name"); String realName = user.optString("realname"); boolean connected = user.optBoolean("connected"); userList.add(new User(userId, name, realName, connected)); } } } mObserver.onSearchResults(channelList, userList); } // Handle channel_joined event. if (event.equals("channel_joined")) { mObserver.onServerMessage(new Message(Message.TYPE_LOG, "Channel joined event")); String channelId = json.getString("channel_id"); Vector<User> userList = new Vector<User>(); JSONObject channelMembers = json.getJSONObject("channel_members"); JSONArray names = channelMembers.names(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length(); ++i) { String userId = names.getString(i); JSONObject userAttrs = channelMembers.getJSONObject(userId).getJSONObject("user_attrs"); if (!userId.equals(mUserId)) { String name = userAttrs.optString("name"); String realName = userAttrs.optString("realname"); boolean connected = userAttrs.optBoolean("connected"); userList.add(new User(userId, name, realName, connected)); } } JSONObject channelAttrs = json.getJSONObject("channel_attrs"); String name = channelAttrs.getString("name"); String topic = channelAttrs.getString("topic"); mObserver.onChannelJoined(new Channel(channelId, name, topic), userList); } // Message receiving happens with 2 callbacks. First // message_received is sent from server and then an empty JSON with // message only. if (event.equals("message_received")) { // Check message_type. We handle only text messages. if (json.optString("message_type").equals("")) { mMessage = json; } if (json.optString("message_type").equals("")) { mMessage = json; } } // Second part of text message receiving. if (mMessage != null && mMessage.optString("message_type").equals("") && json.has("text")) { // Message time is in seconds after epoch. long messageTime = mMessage.getLong("message_time") * 1000; String messageUserName = mMessage.getString("message_user_name"); String channelId = mMessage.optString("channel_id"); String userId = mMessage.optString("user_id"); String text = json.getString("text"); mMessage = null; // If channel_id exists notify observer about channel message. if (channelId.length() > 0) { mObserver.onChannelMessage(channelId, new Message(Message.TYPE_CONVERSATION, messageTime, messageUserName, text)); } // If user_id exists notify observer about private message. if (userId.length() > 0) { User user = new User(userId, messageUserName, "", true); mObserver.onUserMessage(user, new Message(Message.TYPE_CONVERSATION, messageTime, messageUserName, text)); } } if (mMessage != null && mMessage.optString("message_type").equals("") && json.has("info")) { String info = json.getString("info"); if (info.equals("join")) { String channelId = mMessage.getString("channel_id"); String userId = json.getString("user_id"); String userName = json.getString("user_name"); mObserver.onInfoJoin(channelId, userId, userName); } if (info.equals("part")) { String channelId = mMessage.getString("channel_id"); String userId = json.getString("user_id"); String userName = json.getString("user_name"); mObserver.onInfoPart(channelId, userId, userName); } mMessage = null; } // Handle channel_parted event. if (event.equals("channel_parted")) { String channelId = json.getString("channel_id"); mObserver.onChannelParted(channelId); } // Handle channel_member_joined. if (event.equals("channel_member_joined")) { String channelId = json.getString("channel_id"); String userId = json.getString("user_id"); JSONObject userAttrs = json.getJSONObject("user_attrs"); String name = userAttrs.getString("name"); String realname = userAttrs.optString("realname"); boolean connected = userAttrs.optBoolean("connected"); mObserver.onUserJoin(channelId, new User(userId, name, realname, connected)); } // Handle channel_member_parted. if (event.equals("channel_member_parted")) { String channelId = json.getString("channel_id"); String userId = json.getString("user_id"); mObserver.onUserPart(channelId, userId); } // Handle second phase of delete_user. if (event.equals("user_deleted")) { mWSC.disconnect(); } } catch (JSONException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
public static FacebookRequestErrorClassification createFromJSON(JSONArray jsonArray) { if (jsonArray == null) { return null; }/*from www. ja v a 2 s . c om*/ Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> otherErrors = null; Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> transientErrors = null; Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> loginRecoverableErrors = null; String otherRecoveryMessage = null; String transientRecoveryMessage = null; String loginRecoverableRecoveryMessage = null; for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject definition = jsonArray.optJSONObject(i); if (definition == null) { continue; } String name = definition.optString(KEY_NAME); if (name == null) { continue; } if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_OTHER)) { otherRecoveryMessage = definition.optString(KEY_RECOVERY_MESSAGE, null); otherErrors = parseJSONDefinition(definition); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_TRANSIENT)) { transientRecoveryMessage = definition.optString(KEY_RECOVERY_MESSAGE, null); transientErrors = parseJSONDefinition(definition); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_LOGIN_RECOVERABLE)) { loginRecoverableRecoveryMessage = definition.optString(KEY_RECOVERY_MESSAGE, null); loginRecoverableErrors = parseJSONDefinition(definition); } } return new FacebookRequestErrorClassification(otherErrors, transientErrors, loginRecoverableErrors, otherRecoveryMessage, transientRecoveryMessage, loginRecoverableRecoveryMessage); }
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@Override public void populate(JSONObject data) { code = data.optInt("code"); temperature = data.optInt("temp"); description = data.optString("text"); }
From source
private synchronized void sendRequest(final Request request) { callQueue.add(request);//from w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m // If not in background, spin the spinner if (request.caller instanceof WaitSpinner) { ((WaitSpinner) request.caller).startWaitSpinner(); request.waitFlag = true; } request.taskFuture = ThreadPool.get().enqueueAsync(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { HttpURLConnection conn = requestWith(request); conn.connect(); Map<String, List<String>> headers = conn.getHeaderFields(); List<String> clist = headers.get("Set-Cookie"); if (clist != null) { for (String cookie : clist) { cookies.getCookieStore().add(null, HttpCookie.parse(cookie).get(0)); } } InputStream is = conn.getInputStream(); JSONObject d = parseResult(is); conn.disconnect(); final Response response = new Response(); response.serverCode = conn.getResponseCode(); if (d != null) { response.success = d.optBoolean("success"); response.error = d.optInt("error"); response.errorMessage = d.optString("message"); response.exceptionStack = d.optJSONArray("exception"); = d.optJSONObject("data"); } ThreadPool.get().enqueueMain(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (request.waitFlag && ((request.caller instanceof WaitSpinner))) { ((WaitSpinner) request.caller).stopWaitSpinner(); request.waitFlag = false; } callQueue.remove(request); handleResponse(response, request); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { /* * This happens if there is a connection error. */ ThreadPool.get().enqueueMain(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (request.waitFlag && ((request.caller instanceof WaitSpinner))) { ((WaitSpinner) request.caller).stopWaitSpinner(); request.waitFlag = false; } callQueue.remove(request); handleIOError(request); } }); } } }); }
From source
public NovaParticleVO(final JSONObject json) throws JSONException { super(json);//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . co m name = json.optString("name"); if (json.has("start_delay")) { start_delay = json.getInt("start_delay"); } if (json.has("step_delay")) { step_delay = json.getInt("step_delay"); } if (json.has("duration")) { duration = json.getInt("duration"); } if (json.has("step_quantity")) { step_quantity = json.getInt("step_quantity"); } if (json.has("layer")) { layer = json.getInt("layer"); } if (json.has("origin_x")) { origin_x = json.getInt("origin_x"); } if (json.has("origin_y")) { origin_y = json.getInt("origin_y"); } // optional sprite or clip sprite = NovaVO.getListString(json, "sprite"); start_frame = NovaVO.getListInt(json, "start_frame"); loop_mode = NovaVO.getListString(json, "loop_mode"); // basic DisplayObject's properties x = NovaVO.getListInt(json, "x"); y = NovaVO.getListInt(json, "y"); z = NovaVO.getListFloat(json, "z"); animator = NovaVO.getListString(json, "animator"); blend_mode = NovaVO.getListString(json, "blend_mode"); alpha = NovaVO.getListFloat(json, "alpha"); color = NovaVO.getListColor(json, "color"); rotation = NovaVO.getListFloat(json, "rotation"); scale_x = NovaVO.getListFloat(json, "scale_x"); scale_y = NovaVO.getListFloat(json, "scale_y"); skew_x = NovaVO.getListFloat(json, "skew_x"); skew_y = NovaVO.getListFloat(json, "skew_y"); motion_trail = NovaVO.getListString(json, "motion_trail"); }
From source
public static Field fromJson(SymbolTable symbolTable, JSONObject fieldJson) { String type = fieldJson.optString("type"); if (type == null || !type.equals("float")) return null; String name = fieldJson.has("name") ? fieldJson.optString("name") : null; String label = fieldJson.has("label") ? fieldJson.optString("label") : null; String description = fieldJson.has("description") ? fieldJson.optString("description") : null; double defaultValue = fieldJson.has("default_value") ? fieldJson.optDouble("default_value") : 0; double minValue = fieldJson.has("min_value") ? fieldJson.optDouble("min_value") : Double.MIN_VALUE; double maxValue = fieldJson.has("max_value") ? fieldJson.optDouble("max_value") : Double.MAX_VALUE; int nominalWidth = fieldJson.has("nominal_width") ? fieldJson.optInt("nominal_width") : 0; String compute = fieldJson.has("compute") ? fieldJson.optString("compute") : null; return new FloatField(symbolTable, name, label, description, defaultValue, minValue, maxValue, nominalWidth, compute);/*from ww w .j a v a 2s. c om*/ }
From source
/** * Extract zip data./*from w w w.ja va 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param zipData An input stream that represents a zipped file. * @return True if finished. */ public boolean syncAdd(File zipData) { boolean finished = false; ZipFile z = null; ArrayList<Object[]> media = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); long sizecnt = 0; JSONObject meta = null; int nextUsn = 0; try { z = new ZipFile(zipData, ZipFile.OPEN_READ); // get meta info first ZipEntry metaEntry = z.getEntry("_meta"); // if (metaEntry.getSize() >= 100000) { // Log.e(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Size for _meta entry found too big (" + z.getEntry("_meta").getSize() + ")"); // return false; // } meta = new JSONObject(Utils.convertStreamToString(z.getInputStream(metaEntry))); ZipEntry usnEntry = z.getEntry("_usn"); String usnstr = Utils.convertStreamToString(z.getInputStream(usnEntry)); nextUsn = Integer.parseInt(usnstr); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (ZipException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // Then loop through all files for (ZipEntry zentry : Collections.list(z.entries())) { // Check for zip bombs sizecnt += zentry.getSize(); if (sizecnt > 100 * 1024 * 1024) { Log.e(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Media zip file exceeds 100MB uncompressed, aborting unzipping"); return false; } if (zentry.getName().compareTo("_meta") == 0 || zentry.getName().compareTo("_usn") == 0) { // Ignore previously retrieved meta continue; } else if (zentry.getName().compareTo("_finished") == 0) { finished = true; } else { String name = meta.optString(zentry.getName()); if (illegal(name)) { continue; } String path = getDir().concat(File.separator).concat(name); try { Utils.writeToFile(z.getInputStream(zentry), path); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } String csum = Utils.fileChecksum(path); // append db media.add(new Object[] { name, csum, _mtime(name) }); mMediaDb.execute("delete from log where fname = ?", new String[] { name }); } } // update media db and note new starting usn if (!media.isEmpty()) { mMediaDb.executeMany("insert or replace into media values (?,?,?)", media); } setUsn(nextUsn); // commits // if we have finished adding, we need to record the new folder mtime // so that we don't trigger a needless scan if (finished) { syncMod(); } return finished; }