Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2011 San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package gov.sfmta.sfpark; import; import android.util.Log; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; public class MyAnnotation { private static final int invalid_garage = 1; private static final int garage_availability_high = 2; private static final int garage_availability_medium = 3; private static final int garage_availability_low = 4; private static final int garage_price_low = 5; private static final int garage_price_medium = 6; private static final int garage_price_high = 7; private static final int availHigh = Color.parseColor("#FF10CAFB"); private static final int availLow = Color.parseColor("#FFFD2C27"); private static final int availMed = Color.parseColor("#FF003C58"); private static final int priceHigh = Color.parseColor("#FF1F4A1F"); private static final int priceLow = Color.parseColor("#FF00DA02"); private static final int priceMed = Color.parseColor("#FF1C741E"); private static final int grey = Color.parseColor("#FF8D8D8D"); private static final int red = Color.RED; // construct these once(ish), not 1000+ times...they are basically // #defines, and a baby step towards multiple language support. private static final String PRICE_STR = "$%5.2f/hr"; private static final String RESTRICTED_STR = "Restricted"; private static final String TOW_STR = "Tow away"; private static final String SWEEP_STR = "Str sweep"; private static final String INCREMENTAL_STR = "Incremental"; private static final String NOCHARGE_STR = "No charge"; private static final String PERHOUR_STR = "Per hour"; private final static Set<String> NOPARKING_SET; static { final Set<String> tempSet = new HashSet<String>(); tempSet.add(RESTRICTED_STR); tempSet.add(TOW_STR); tempSet.add(SWEEP_STR); NOPARKING_SET = Collections.unmodifiableSet(tempSet); } private final static Set<String> RATETYPE_SET; static { final Set<String> tempSet = new HashSet<String>(); tempSet.add(INCREMENTAL_STR); tempSet.add(NOCHARGE_STR); tempSet.add(PERHOUR_STR); RATETYPE_SET = Collections.unmodifiableSet(tempSet); } private static final String ESTIMATE_STR = "Estimated %d of %d spaces available"; private static final String NO_DATA_STR = "No availability data"; // for inThisBucket == 99% of time private static final String REPLACE0_STR = "12:00 AM"; private static final String REPLACE2_STR = "11:59 PM"; private static final String SPLIT2_STR = ":"; private static final String BEG_STR = "BEG"; private static final String END_STR = "END"; private static final String RATE_STR = "RATE"; private static final String RQ_STR = "RQ"; private static final String AM_STR = "AM"; private static final String PM_STR = "PM"; private static final String OPER_KEY = "OPER"; private static final String OCC_KEY = "OCC"; private static final String DESC_KEY = "DESC"; private static final String RATES_KEY = "RATES"; private static final String TYPE_KEY = "TYPE"; private static final String RS_KEY = "RS"; private static final String RATE_KEY = "RATE"; private static final String LOC_KEY = "LOC"; private static final String NAME_KEY = "NAME"; private static final String TAG = "SFpark"; public GeoPoint nw; public GeoPoint se; public GeoPoint mid; public float lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2; public String title; public String subtitle; public JSONObject allGarageData; public String type; public String uniqueID; public Boolean onStreet; public int blockColor; public int garageColor = grey; public int blockColorAvailability; public int blockColorPrice; public float pricePerHour; public String rateQualifier; public String row, beg, end, from, to, rate, desc, rq, rr; public boolean initFromData() throws JSONException { if (allGarageData == null) { return false; } String loc = allGarageData.getString(LOC_KEY); String[] params = loc.split(","); GeoPoint point1; GeoPoint point2; lon1 = Float.parseFloat(params[0]); lat1 = Float.parseFloat(params[1]); point1 = MainScreenActivity.getPoint(lat1, lon1); nw = point1; se = point1; mid = point1; onStreet = false; type = "garage"; if (params.length == 4) { lon2 = Float.parseFloat(params[2]); lat2 = Float.parseFloat(params[3]); point2 = MainScreenActivity.getPoint(lat2, lon2); se = point2; mid = MainScreenActivity.getPoint((lat1 + lat2) / 2, (lon1 + lon2) / 2); onStreet = true; type = "blockface"; } title = allGarageData.getString(NAME_KEY); subtitle = null; beg = null; // Indicates the begin/end time end = null; // for this rate schedule (or rate = null; // hours schedule use same var for rq = null; // both) pricePerHour = 0; rateQualifier = ""; return true; } public String availabilityDescriptionShowingPrice(boolean shouldShowPrice) throws JSONException { String descriptionOfAvailability = null; int numberOfOperationalSpaces; int numberOfOccupiedSpaces; rateQualifier = ""; if (rq == null) fetchRates(); if (shouldShowPrice) { blockfaceColorizerWithShowPrice(true); // side-effect (using it to set the pricePerHour) iconFinder(true); // side-effect (using it to set the pricePerHour for Garages...) if (pricePerHour == 0.00) { descriptionOfAvailability = rateQualifier; } else { descriptionOfAvailability = String.format(PRICE_STR, pricePerHour); } if (!onStreet) { if (pricePerHour > 0.0) { descriptionOfAvailability = String.format(PRICE_STR, pricePerHour); } } } else { numberOfOperationalSpaces = allGarageData.optInt(OPER_KEY, 0); numberOfOccupiedSpaces = allGarageData.optInt(OCC_KEY, 0); if (numberOfOccupiedSpaces > numberOfOperationalSpaces) { descriptionOfAvailability = null; } else if (numberOfOperationalSpaces == 0 && numberOfOccupiedSpaces == 0) { // If 0/0 available, say "No data available" or say it's restricted/tow-away. descriptionOfAvailability = (RATETYPE_SET.contains(rq) ? NO_DATA_STR : rq); } else { descriptionOfAvailability = String.format(ESTIMATE_STR, (numberOfOperationalSpaces - numberOfOccupiedSpaces), numberOfOperationalSpaces); } } return descriptionOfAvailability; } public int iconFinder(boolean showPrice) throws JSONException { int itemImageName = 0; if (onStreet) { return itemImageName; } JSONObject rates = allGarageData.optJSONObject(RATES_KEY); String type = allGarageData.optString(TYPE_KEY); int used = allGarageData.optInt(OCC_KEY, 0); int capacity = allGarageData.optInt(OPER_KEY, 0); int avail = capacity - used; int availpercent = 0; boolean invalidData = true; if (capacity == 0) { availpercent = 0; invalidData = true; } else { availpercent = Math.round((((float) avail / (float) capacity) * 100) * 10) / 10; invalidData = false; } int usedpercent = 100 - availpercent; if (avail < 2 && avail > 0 && availpercent != 0 && capacity <= 3) { if (availpercent <= 15) { usedpercent = -57; // less than 15 percent available. hack } else { usedpercent = -58; // more than 15 percent available. hack } } else if (capacity == 0 && used == 0 && "ON".equals(type)) { // On street parking, force it to red as capacity is zero usedpercent = -42; } // since the code above and code below is adapted from // two different functions from webmap.js this // variable links amountUsed and usedpercent to keep // the source code consistent here in the java version // where the two functions are basically fused // together. This is a hack on a hack. *sigh* int amountUsed = usedpercent; if (invalidData) { itemImageName = invalid_garage; } else if (amountUsed > 90 || amountUsed == -42) { itemImageName = garage_availability_low; } else if ((amountUsed <= 90 && amountUsed >= 70) || amountUsed == -58) { itemImageName = garage_availability_medium; } else if ((amountUsed < 70 && amountUsed >= 0) || amountUsed == -57) { itemImageName = garage_availability_high; } // modified so that negative available spaces will show as red, not grey: if (amountUsed == -1 || amountUsed == -2) { itemImageName = invalid_garage; } // New rule: if available > capacity, show grey not red if (avail > capacity) itemImageName = invalid_garage; // Save garage availability color even if we're on a price page, // because we may need it for the details page: switch (itemImageName) { case garage_availability_high: garageColor = availHigh; break; case garage_availability_medium: garageColor = availMed; break; case garage_availability_low: garageColor = availLow; break; default: // invalid garageColor = grey; break; } if (showPrice) { if (rates != null) { JSONArray rateArray = rates.optJSONArray(RS_KEY); if (!(rateArray == null)) { boolean isDynamicPricing = true; int rsc = rateArray.length(); for (int i = 0; i < rsc; i++) { JSONObject rateObject = rateArray.getJSONObject(i); float phr = (float) rateObject.optDouble(RATE_KEY, 0); String description = rateObject.optString(DESC_KEY); if (description != null) { if (description.contains(INCREMENTAL_STR)) { itemImageName = nameFinder(phr); isDynamicPricing = false; pricePerHour = phr; break; } } } if (isDynamicPricing) { for (int i = 0; i < rsc; i++) { JSONObject rateObject = rateArray.getJSONObject(i); float phr = (float) rateObject.optDouble(RATE_KEY, 0); rateStructureHandle(rateObject); if (inThisBucketBegin(beg, end)) { itemImageName = nameFinder(phr); pricePerHour = phr; break; } } } } } } rateQualifier = rq; return itemImageName; } // Figure out which parking garage icon to display. public int nameFinder(float phr) { int imageName = -1; if (phr <= 2.00 && phr >= 0.00) { imageName = garage_price_low; } else if (phr > 2.00 && phr <= 4.00) { imageName = garage_price_medium; } else if (phr > 4.00) { imageName = garage_price_high; } return imageName; } // Determine if we are in the time period given by beg and end. // convert everything to minutes to avoid using slow Date calcs. public boolean inThisBucketBegin(String beginString, String endString) { if (beginString == null || endString == null) { return false; } // this is 95%!!! // String endString = endStr.replaceAll(REPLACE1_STR, REPLACE2_STR); // "(?i)12:00 AM", "11:59 PM" - (?i) is case insensitive if (endString.equals(REPLACE0_STR)) { endString = REPLACE2_STR; } String time1 = beginString.substring(0, beginString.length() - 3); String[] time2 = time1.split(SPLIT2_STR); int hours = Integer.valueOf(time2[0]); // convert to 24 hour if (beginString.endsWith(AM_STR) && (hours == 12)) { hours = 0; } if (beginString.endsWith(PM_STR) && (hours != 12)) { hours = hours + 12; } int minutes = Integer.valueOf(time2[1]); int beginTimeMinutes = (hours * 60) + minutes; time1 = endString.substring(0, endString.length() - 3); time2 = time1.split(SPLIT2_STR); hours = Integer.valueOf(time2[0]); // convert to 24 hour if (endString.endsWith(AM_STR) && (hours == 12)) { hours = 0; } if (endString.endsWith(PM_STR) && (hours != 12)) { hours = hours + 12; } minutes = Integer.valueOf(time2[1]); int endTimeMinutes = (hours * 60) + minutes; if ((MainScreenActivity.timeStampMinutes >= beginTimeMinutes) && (MainScreenActivity.timeStampMinutes < endTimeMinutes)) { return true; } return false; } // Determine which price bucket we are in. public int bucketFinder(float price) { int lineColor; if (price <= 2.00 && price >= 0.00) { if (price == 0.00) { if (!rq.equals(NOCHARGE_STR)) { lineColor = grey; } else { lineColor = priceLow; } rateQualifier = rq; } else { lineColor = priceLow; } pricePerHour = price; } else if (price > 2.00 && price <= 4.00) { lineColor = priceMed; pricePerHour = price; } else if (price > 4.00) { lineColor = priceHigh; pricePerHour = price; } else { lineColor = grey; pricePerHour = price; } // Restricted is always RED. if (NOPARKING_SET.contains(rq)) { pricePerHour = 0; // priceHigh; lineColor = grey; } return lineColor; } /** Populate the rate fields: rq,rate,beg,end * * @return line color associated with price at this time; or red if restricted. */ int fetchRates() throws JSONException { int lineColor = grey; if (allGarageData.has(RATES_KEY)) { JSONObject rates = allGarageData.getJSONObject(RATES_KEY); // Get an optional JSONArray associated with a key. It // returns null if there is no such key, or if its // value is not a JSONArray. JSONArray rateArray = rates.optJSONArray(RS_KEY); if (!(rateArray == null)) { int rsc = rateArray.length(); for (int i = 0; i < rsc; i++) { JSONObject rateObject = rateArray.getJSONObject(i); rateStructureHandle(rateObject); if (inThisBucketBegin(beg, end)) { lineColor = bucketFinder(Float.parseFloat(rate)); break; } } } else { JSONObject rateObject = rates.optJSONObject(RS_KEY); if (!(rateObject == null)) { rateStructureHandle(rateObject); if (inThisBucketBegin(beg, end)) { lineColor = bucketFinder(Float.parseFloat(rate)); } } else { Log.v(TAG, "Fail... rateStructure isn't a dictionary or array."); } } } else { Log.v(TAG, "Fail... No rate information..."); } // Restricted is always RED. if (NOPARKING_SET.contains(rq)) { lineColor = grey; } return lineColor; } // This method is used for the polylines color finding. public int blockfaceColorizerWithShowPrice(boolean showPrice) throws JSONException { double usedPercent = 0; int numberOfOperationalSpaces = 0; int occupied = 0; // populate rate variables, and get price-based line color (red if restricted) int lineColor = fetchRates(); if (allGarageData.has(OPER_KEY)) { numberOfOperationalSpaces = allGarageData.optInt(OPER_KEY, 0); if (allGarageData.has(OCC_KEY)) { occupied = allGarageData.optInt(OCC_KEY, 0); if (numberOfOperationalSpaces == 0 && occupied == 0 && !showPrice) { return grey; } if (numberOfOperationalSpaces == 0) { usedPercent = 0.0; } else { usedPercent = (double) ((occupied * 1.0) / numberOfOperationalSpaces); } } } else { // OPER # wasn't returned, so we should paint the block // with low availability or grey as dictated by // price/availability mode. if (!showPrice || (occupied != 0 && numberOfOperationalSpaces != 0)) { if (!(allGarageData.has(OCC_KEY)) && !(allGarageData.has(OPER_KEY))) { return grey; } return red; } } // Get color for availability... if (!showPrice) { if (usedPercent >= 0.000000 && usedPercent < 0.70) { //low usage --> 0x2B/255.0 lineColor = availHigh; //Handle the case where the number of free spaces is //less than two, but usedPercent is < 70%. Don't show //as high availability, only medium availability... //int availSpaces = numberOfOperationalSpaces - occupied; if (numberOfOperationalSpaces <= 2) { lineColor = availMed; } } else if (usedPercent >= 0.70 && usedPercent <= 0.85) { //middle usage lineColor = availMed; } else if (usedPercent > 0.85) { //Full lineColor = availLow; } else { lineColor = grey; } // special case: 1 of 3 spaces is available if (occupied == 2 && numberOfOperationalSpaces == 3) lineColor = availMed; } // Trump card: restricted is always red. if (NOPARKING_SET.contains(rq)) { lineColor = grey; } return lineColor; } // Update properties of start and end times for the current rate. public void rateStructureHandle(JSONObject rateObject) { // want null if fail not 'empty string' ? beg = rateObject.optString(BEG_STR, null); end = rateObject.optString(END_STR, null); rate = rateObject.optString(RATE_STR, null); rq = rateObject.optString(RQ_STR, null); } }