List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject optString
public String optString(String key)
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/** * @param gridElem//from w w w . ja v a 2 s. co m * @return */ protected boolean getStretchColumns(JSONObject gridElem) { String stretchColumns = gridElem.optString("stretchColumns"); if (stretchColumns != null && stretchColumns.trim().length() > 0) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(stretchColumns); } return false; }
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/** * @param gridElem//from w ww. j a va 2 s. c o m * @return */ protected int getCellSpacing(JSONObject gridElem) { String spacing = gridElem.optString("cellSpacing"); if (spacing != null && spacing.trim().length() > 0) { return Integer.parseInt(spacing); } return 1; }
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/** * @param gridElem//from ww w .j a va 2 s.c o m * @return */ protected String getRowSelectionModel(JSONObject gridElem) { String rowSelection = gridElem.optString("rowSelection"); RowSelectionModel ret = RowSelectionModel.unselectable; if (rowSelection != null && rowSelection.length() > 0) { if ("unselectable".equals(rowSelection)) { ret = RowSelectionModel.unselectable; } else if ("single".equals(rowSelection)) { ret = RowSelectionModel.single; } else if ("multiple".equals(rowSelection)) { ret = RowSelectionModel.multiple; } else if ("singleRadioButton".equals(rowSelection)) { ret = RowSelectionModel.singleRadioButton; } else if ("multipleCheckBox".equals(rowSelection)) { ret = RowSelectionModel.multipleCheckBox; } else if ("multipleCheckBoxSelectAll".equals(rowSelection)) { ret = RowSelectionModel.multipleCheckBoxSelectAll; } } return RowSelectionModel.class.getCanonicalName() + "." + ret.toString(); }
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/** * @param gridElem//from w w w . ja v a 2 s. c o m * @return */ protected int getPageSize(JSONObject gridElem) { String pageSize = gridElem.optString("pageSize"); if (pageSize != null && pageSize.length() > 0) { return Integer.parseInt(pageSize); } return Integer.MAX_VALUE; }
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/** * @param out//from w w w . jav a 2s . c o m * @param gridElem * @return * @throws CruxGeneratorException */ protected String getColumnDefinitions(SourcePrinter out, WidgetCreatorContext context) throws CruxGeneratorException { String defs = createVariableName("defs"); JSONObject[] deviceChildren = new JSONObject[2]; try { deviceChildren[0] = context.getWidgetElement().getJSONArray("_children").getJSONObject(0); deviceChildren[1] = context.getWidgetElement().getJSONArray("_children").getJSONObject(1); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new CruxGeneratorException("The widget [" + context.getWidgetId() + "], declared on View [" + getView().getId() + "], must contain both large and small columns."); } if (deviceChildren == null || deviceChildren.length < 2) { throw new CruxGeneratorException("The widget [" + context.getWidgetId() + "], declared on View [" + getView().getId() + "], must contain both large and small columns."); } out.println(DeviceAdaptiveGridColumnDefinitions.class.getCanonicalName() + " " + defs + " = new " + DeviceAdaptiveGridColumnDefinitions.class.getCanonicalName() + "();"); for (int deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < deviceChildren.length; deviceIndex++) { JSONArray colElems = ensureChildren(deviceChildren[deviceIndex], false, context.getWidgetId()); Size deviceSize = deviceChildren[deviceIndex].toString().contains("largeColumns") ? Size.large : Size.small; int colsSize = colElems.length(); if (colsSize > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < colsSize; i++) { JSONObject colElem = colElems.optJSONObject(i); if (colElem != null) { if (!getChildName(colElem).equals("rowDetails")) { String width = colElem.optString("width"); String strVisible = colElem.optString("visible"); String strSortable = colElem.optString("sortable"); String strWrapLine = colElem.optString("wrapLine"); String strFrozen = colElem.optString("frozen"); String label = colElem.optString("label"); String key = colElem.optString("key"); String strFormatter = colElem.optString("formatter"); String hAlign = colElem.optString("horizontalAlignment"); String vAlign = colElem.optString("verticalAlignment"); boolean visible = (strVisible != null && strVisible.length() > 0) ? Boolean.parseBoolean(strVisible) : true; boolean sortable = (strSortable != null && strSortable.length() > 0) ? Boolean.parseBoolean(strSortable) : true; boolean wrapLine = (strWrapLine != null && strWrapLine.length() > 0) ? Boolean.parseBoolean(strWrapLine) : true; boolean frozen = (strFrozen != null && strFrozen.length() > 0) ? Boolean.parseBoolean(strFrozen) : false; String formatter = (strFormatter != null && strFormatter.length() > 0) ? strFormatter : null; label = (label != null && label.length() > 0) ? resolveI18NString(label) : EscapeUtils.quote(""); String def = createVariableName("def"); String columnType = getChildName(colElem); if ("dataColumn".equals(columnType)) { String editorCreatorVarName = getDataColumnEditorCreator(out, colElem, context); out.println(ColumnDefinition.class.getCanonicalName() + " " + def + " = new " + DataColumnDefinition.class.getCanonicalName() + "(" + label + ", " + EscapeUtils.quote(width) + ", " + getContext().getFormatters().getFormatterInstantionCommand(formatter) + ", " + visible + ", " + sortable + ", " + wrapLine + ", " + frozen + ", " + AlignmentAttributeParser.getHorizontalAlignment(hAlign, HasHorizontalAlignment.class.getCanonicalName() + ".ALIGN_CENTER") + ", " + AlignmentAttributeParser.getVerticalAlignment(vAlign, HasVerticalAlignment.class.getCanonicalName() + ".ALIGN_MIDDLE") + ", " + editorCreatorVarName + ");"); } else if ("actionColumn".equals(columnType)) { String widgetCreator = getWidgetColumnCreator(out, colElem, context); out.println(ColumnDefinition.class.getCanonicalName() + " " + def + " = new " + ActionColumnDefinition.class.getCanonicalName() + "(" + label + ", " + EscapeUtils.quote(width) + ", " + widgetCreator + ", " + Boolean.FALSE + ", " + frozen + ", " + AlignmentAttributeParser.getHorizontalAlignment(hAlign, HasHorizontalAlignment.class.getCanonicalName() + ".ALIGN_CENTER") + ", " + AlignmentAttributeParser.getVerticalAlignment(vAlign, HasVerticalAlignment.class.getCanonicalName() + ".ALIGN_MIDDLE") + ");"); } else if ("widgetColumn".equals(columnType)) { String widgetCreator = getWidgetColumnCreator(out, colElem, context); out.println(ColumnDefinition.class.getCanonicalName() + " " + def + " = new " + WidgetColumnDefinition.class.getCanonicalName() + "(" + label + ", " + EscapeUtils.quote(width) + ", " + widgetCreator + ", " + visible + ", " + frozen + ", " + AlignmentAttributeParser.getHorizontalAlignment(hAlign, HasHorizontalAlignment.class.getCanonicalName() + ".ALIGN_CENTER") + ", " + AlignmentAttributeParser.getVerticalAlignment(vAlign, HasVerticalAlignment.class.getCanonicalName() + ".ALIGN_MIDDLE") + ");"); } else { throw new CruxGeneratorException("Grid [" + context.readWidgetProperty("id") + "] has an invalid column (unexpected column type)."); } out.print(defs + ".add(" + Size.class.getCanonicalName() + "." + + ", " + EscapeUtils.quote(key) + ", " + def + ");"); } } } } else { throw new CruxGeneratorException("Grid [" + context.readWidgetProperty("id") + "] has no column."); } } return defs; }
From source
protected String getDataColumnEditorCreator(SourcePrinter out, JSONObject colElem, WidgetCreatorContext context) {/*ww w . j a va 2 s .c o m*/ String editorCreatorVarName = "null"; JSONObject child = ensureFirstChild(colElem, true, context.getWidgetId()); if (child != null) { editorCreatorVarName = createVariableName("dataColumnEditor"); String packageName = DataColumnEditorCreators.class.getPackage().getName(); String classSimpleName = ("DColEdit_" + getView().getId() + "_" + context.getWidgetId() + "_" + colElem.optString("key")).replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9\\$]", "_"); String classCanonicalName = packageName + "." + classSimpleName; out.println(classCanonicalName + " " + editorCreatorVarName + " = new " + classCanonicalName + "();"); DeviceAdaptiveDataColumnEditorCreatorFactory dataColEditorFactory = new DeviceAdaptiveDataColumnEditorCreatorFactory( classSimpleName, packageName, this, context, child, this.getLoggerVariable(), getDeclaredMessages()); dataColEditorFactory.createEditorCreator(); } return editorCreatorVarName; }
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/** * Returns a string returned by * @param ex// w w w .j a v a 2s . c o m * @return */ private String getOAuthMessage(OAuthProblemException ex) { String message = null; Map<String, Object> exParams = ex.getParameters(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : exParams.entrySet()) { String k = entry.getKey(); Object v = entry.getValue(); if (k.startsWith("{")) { JSONObject json; try { json = new JSONObject(k); String details = json.optString("details"); message = details; break; } catch (JSONException e1) { } } } return message; }
From source
/** * Computes the name of the resource to be created by a POST operation. Returns * an empty string if the name was not specified. *//*from w w w .j a va2s .c om*/ private String computeName(HttpServletRequest request, JSONObject requestObject) { String name = decodeSlug(request.getHeader(ProtocolConstants.HEADER_SLUG)); //next comes the source location for a copy/move if (name == null || name.length() == 0) { String location = requestObject.optString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_LOCATION); int lastSlash = location.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lastSlash >= 0) name = location.substring(lastSlash + 1); } //finally use the name attribute from the request body if (name == null || name.length() == 0) name = requestObject.optString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_NAME); return name; }
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public boolean getTokens(Context ctx, String id, String login) { if (mOcp == null) return false; try {//from w w w. ja va 2 s .co m String requestObject = null; String authorization_endpoint = null; try { // retrieve openid config JSONObject json = getHttpJSON(mOcp.m_server_url + openIdConfigurationUrl); if (json == null) { Logd(TAG, "could not get openid-configuration on server : " + mOcp.m_server_url); return false; } // get authorization end_point authorization_endpoint = json.optString("authorization_endpoint"); Logd(TAG, "authorization_endpoint : " + authorization_endpoint); // TAZTAG : no use to define request object if key jwt is not used ? if (mUsePrivateKeyJWT) { // get jwks_uri of the server String jwks_uri = json.optString("jwks_uri"); if (jwks_uri == null || jwks_uri.length() < 1) { Logd(TAG, "could not get jwks_uri from openid-configuration on server : " + mOcp.m_server_url); return false; } Logd(TAG, "jwks_uri : " + jwks_uri); // get jwks String jwks = getHttpString(jwks_uri); if (jwks == null || jwks.length() < 1) { Logd(TAG, "could not get jwks_uri content from : " + jwks_uri); return false; } Logd(TAG, "jwks : " + jwks); // extract public key PublicKey serverPubKey = KryptoUtils.pubKeyFromJwk(jwks); if (serverPubKey == null) { Logd(TAG, "could not extract public key from jwk : " + jwks); return false; } // get oidc request object requestObject = secureProxy.getOidcRequestObject(mOcp.m_server_url, mOcp.m_client_id, mOcp.m_scope, serverPubKey); Logd(TAG, "secureStorage requestObject : " + requestObject); } } catch (Exception ee) { // error generating request object ee.printStackTrace(); return false; } // build post parameters List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(7); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("redirect_uri", mOcp.m_redirect_uri)); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("response_type", "code")); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("scope", mOcp.m_scope)); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("client_id", secureProxy.getClientId())); // nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("nonce", mOcp.m_nonce)); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("nonce", "1234567890")); if (!isEmpty(requestObject)) { nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("request", requestObject)); } nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("prompt", "consent")); // get URL encoded string from list of key value pairs String postParams = getQuery(nameValuePairs); Log.d(TAG, "get URL encoded string from list of key value pairs : " + postParams); // launch webview // init intent Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setClass(ctx, WebViewActivity.class); // prepare request parameters intent.putExtra("id", id); intent.putExtra("server_url", authorization_endpoint); intent.putExtra("redirect_uri", mOcp.m_redirect_uri); intent.putExtra("client_id", mOcp.m_client_id); if (login != null) intent.putExtra("login", login); intent.putExtra("postParams", postParams); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION); // display webview ctx.startActivity(intent); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; }
From source
static String getEndpointFromConfigOidc(String endpoint, String server_url) { if (isEmpty(endpoint) || isEmpty(server_url)) return null; // retrieve openid-config JSONObject json = getHttpJSON(server_url + openIdConfigurationUrl); if (json == null) { Logd(TAG, "getEndpointFromConfigOidc : could not get openid-configuration on server " + server_url); return null; }//from w ww . j av a2s .c o m // get specified endpoint String server_endpoint = json.optString(endpoint); if (isEmpty(server_endpoint)) { Logd(TAG, "getEndpointFromConfigOidc : could not get " + endpoint + " on server " + server_url); return null; } // return found value return server_endpoint; }