List of usage examples for org.json JSONObject optString
public String optString(String key)
From source
@Override void retrieveSupplementalInfo() throws IOException, InterruptedException { String contents = HttpHelper.downloadViaHttp("" + isbn, HttpHelper.ContentType.JSON); if (contents.length() == 0) { return;/* w w w. java 2 s .c o m*/ } String title; String pages; Collection<String> authors = null; try { JSONObject topLevel = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(contents).nextValue(); JSONArray items = topLevel.optJSONArray("items"); if (items == null || items.isNull(0)) { return; } JSONObject volumeInfo = ((JSONObject) items.get(0)).getJSONObject("volumeInfo"); if (volumeInfo == null) { return; } title = volumeInfo.optString("title"); pages = volumeInfo.optString("pageCount"); JSONArray authorsArray = volumeInfo.optJSONArray("authors"); if (authorsArray != null && !authorsArray.isNull(0)) { authors = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < authorsArray.length(); i++) { authors.add(authorsArray.getString(i)); } } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new IOException(e.toString()); } Collection<String> newTexts = new ArrayList<String>(); if (title != null && title.length() > 0) { newTexts.add(title); } if (authors != null && !authors.isEmpty()) { boolean first = true; StringBuilder authorsText = new StringBuilder(); for (String author : authors) { if (first) { first = false; } else { authorsText.append(", "); } authorsText.append(author); } newTexts.add(authorsText.toString()); } if (pages != null && pages.length() > 0) { newTexts.add(pages + "pp."); } String baseBookUri = "" + LocaleManager.getBookSearchCountryTLD(context) + "/search?tbm=bks&source=zxing&q="; append(isbn, source, newTexts.toArray(new String[newTexts.size()]), baseBookUri + isbn); }
From source
public static ApiErrorResponse build(JSONObject jsonErr) throws JSONException { return new ApiErrorResponse(jsonErr, jsonErr.optInt(ERROR_CODE, -1), jsonErr.optString(MESSAGE), jsonErr.optString(REQUEST_ID), jsonErr.optInt(STATUS, -1), jsonErr.optLong(TIMESTAMP, 0)); }
From source
/** * Fills a Poll instance from JSONObject. *//*w ww.j a v a2s .co m*/ public VKApiPoll parse(JSONObject source) { id = source.optInt("id"); owner_id = source.optInt("owner_id"); created = source.optLong("created"); question = source.optString("question"); votes = source.optInt("votes"); answer_id = source.optInt("answer_id"); answers = new VKList<Answer>(source.optJSONArray("answers"), Answer.class); return this; }
From source
private void makeNotification(final CordovaArgs args) throws JSONException { String notificationId = args.getString(0); JSONObject options = args.getJSONObject(1); Resources resources = cordova.getActivity().getResources(); Bitmap largeIcon = makeBitmap(options.getString("iconUrl"), resources.getDimensionPixelSize(android.R.dimen.notification_large_icon_width), resources.getDimensionPixelSize(android.R.dimen.notification_large_icon_height)); int smallIconId = resources.getIdentifier("notification_icon", "drawable", cordova.getActivity().getPackageName()); if (smallIconId == 0) { smallIconId = resources.getIdentifier("icon", "drawable", cordova.getActivity().getPackageName()); }/*from w ww . ja v a 2 s . c om*/ NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(cordova.getActivity()) .setSmallIcon(smallIconId).setContentTitle(options.getString("title")) .setContentText(options.getString("message")).setLargeIcon(largeIcon) .setPriority(options.optInt("priority")) .setContentIntent(makePendingIntent(NOTIFICATION_CLICKED_ACTION, notificationId, -1, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT)) .setDeleteIntent(makePendingIntent(NOTIFICATION_CLOSED_ACTION, notificationId, -1, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT)); double eventTime = options.optDouble("eventTime"); if (eventTime != 0) { builder.setWhen(Math.round(eventTime)); } JSONArray buttons = options.optJSONArray("buttons"); if (buttons != null) { for (int i = 0; i < buttons.length(); i++) { JSONObject button = buttons.getJSONObject(i); builder.addAction(android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_info, button.getString("title"), makePendingIntent( NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_CLICKED_ACTION, notificationId, i, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT)); } } String type = options.getString("type"); Notification notification; if ("image".equals(type)) { NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle bigPictureStyle = new NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle(builder); String bigImageUrl = options.optString("imageUrl"); if (!bigImageUrl.isEmpty()) { bigPictureStyle.bigPicture(makeBitmap(bigImageUrl, 0, 0)); } notification =; } else if ("list".equals(type)) { NotificationCompat.InboxStyle inboxStyle = new NotificationCompat.InboxStyle(builder); JSONArray items = options.optJSONArray("items"); if (items != null) { for (int i = 0; i < items.length(); i++) { JSONObject item = items.getJSONObject(i); inboxStyle.addLine(Html.fromHtml("<b>" + item.getString("title") + "</b> " + item.getString("message"))); } } notification =; } else { if ("progress".equals(type)) { int progress = options.optInt("progress"); builder.setProgress(100, progress, false); } NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle bigTextStyle = new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle(builder); bigTextStyle.bigText(options.getString("message")); notification =; } notificationManager.notify(notificationId.hashCode(), notification); }
From source
/** * This parses a server response to a call to me/permissions. It will return the list of * granted permissions. It will optionally update an access token with the requested permissions. * * @param response The server response// w w w . ja va m * @return A list of granted permissions or null if an error */ private static PermissionsPair handlePermissionResponse(GraphResponse response) { if (response.getError() != null) { return null; } JSONObject result = response.getJSONObject(); if (result == null) { return null; } JSONArray data = result.optJSONArray("data"); if (data == null || data.length() == 0) { return null; } List<String> grantedPermissions = new ArrayList<String>(data.length()); List<String> declinedPermissions = new ArrayList<String>(data.length()); for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); ++i) { JSONObject object = data.optJSONObject(i); String permission = object.optString("permission"); if (permission == null || permission.equals("installed")) { continue; } String status = object.optString("status"); if (status == null) { continue; } if (status.equals("granted")) { grantedPermissions.add(permission); } else if (status.equals("declined")) { declinedPermissions.add(permission); } } return new PermissionsPair(grantedPermissions, declinedPermissions); }
From source
/** * Executes the request and returns PluginResult. * * @param action The action to execute. * @param args JSONArray of arguments for the plugin. * @param callbackId The callback id used when calling back into JavaScript. * @return A PluginResult object with a status and message. *//*from w ww.j ava 2s . c o m*/ public PluginResult execute(String action, JSONArray args, String callbackId) { this.callback = callbackId; if (action.equals("encode")) { JSONObject obj = args.optJSONObject(0); if (obj != null) { String type = obj.optString("type"); String data = obj.optString("data"); // If the type is null then force the type to text if (type == null) { type = TEXT_TYPE; } if (data == null) { return new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.ERROR, "User did not specify data to encode"); } encode(type, data); } else { return new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.ERROR, "User did not specify data to encode"); } } else if (action.equals("scan")) { scan(); } else { return new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.INVALID_ACTION); } PluginResult r = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.NO_RESULT); r.setKeepCallback(true); return r; }
From source
/** * Creates a PhotoAlbum instance from JSONObject. *///from w ww .jav a 2s. c om public VKApiPhotoAlbum parse(JSONObject from) { id = from.optInt("id"); thumb_id = from.optInt("thumb_id"); owner_id = from.optInt("owner_id"); title = from.optString("title"); description = from.optString("description"); created = from.optLong("created"); updated = from.optLong("updated"); size = from.optInt("size"); can_upload = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(from, "can_upload"); thumb_src = from.optString("thumb_src"); if (from.has("privacy")) { privacy = from.optInt("privacy"); } else { privacy = VKPrivacy.parsePrivacy(from.optJSONObject("privacy_view")); } JSONArray sizes = from.optJSONArray("sizes"); if (sizes != null) { photo.fill(sizes); } else { photo.add(VKApiPhotoSize.create(COVER_S, 75, 55)); photo.add(VKApiPhotoSize.create(COVER_M, 130, 97)); photo.add(VKApiPhotoSize.create(COVER_X, 432, 249)); photo.sort(); } return this; }
From source
public VKApiCommunityFull parse(JSONObject jo) { super.parse(jo); JSONObject city = jo.optJSONObject(CITY); if (city != null) { = new VKApiCity().parse(city); }//from w ww .ja va 2 s. c o m JSONObject country = jo.optJSONObject(COUNTRY); if (country != null) { = new VKApiCountry().parse(country); } JSONObject place = jo.optJSONObject(PLACE); if (place != null) = new VKApiPlace().parse(place); description = jo.optString(DESCRIPTION); wiki_page = jo.optString(WIKI_PAGE); members_count = jo.optInt(MEMBERS_COUNT); JSONObject counters = jo.optJSONObject(COUNTERS); if (counters != null) this.counters = new Counters(place); start_date = jo.optLong(START_DATE); end_date = jo.optLong(END_DATE); can_post = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(jo, CAN_POST); can_see_all_posts = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(jo, CAN_SEE_ALL_POSTS); status = jo.optString(STATUS); JSONObject status_audio = jo.optJSONObject("status_audio"); if (status_audio != null) this.status_audio = new VKApiAudio().parse(status_audio); contacts = new VKList<Contact>(jo.optJSONArray(CONTACTS), Contact.class); links = new VKList<Link>(jo.optJSONArray(LINKS), Link.class); fixed_post = jo.optInt(FIXED_POST); verified = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(jo, VERIFIED); blacklisted = ParseUtils.parseBoolean(jo, VERIFIED); site = jo.optString(SITE); return this; }
From source
protected boolean getShowRowDetailsIcon(JSONObject gridElem) { String showRowDetailsIcon = gridElem.optString("showRowDetailsIcon"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(showRowDetailsIcon)) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(showRowDetailsIcon); } else {//from ww w . j av a 2 s .c o m return true; } }
From source
protected boolean getFreezeHeaders(JSONObject gridElem) { String strFreeze = gridElem.optString("freezeHeaders"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(strFreeze)) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(strFreeze); } else {/*from w w w.j a v a 2 s. com*/ return false; } }