Example usage for org.jdom2 Element getName

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getName


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Element getName.


public String getName() 

Source Link


Returns the (local) name of the element (without any namespace prefix).


From source file:es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.extraction.extractorImpl.TypesExtractorImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * Recursive method that traverses an element to extract all the possible information from it.
 * It is recursive because it calls itself for each child of the element (obviously, infinite recursion 
 * is not possible as there are not, or there should not be, parent-child loops).  
 * The index of the current document is necessary in order to add well some information to 
 * the statistics.//from   w ww  .  j  av  a  2  s.c  om
 * @param documentIndex index of current document
 * @param element the element to traverse (as a JDOM2 {@link Element})
 * @param enclosingComplexType the complex type which will contain the current element
private void traverseElement(int documentIndex, Element element, String enclosingComplexType) {
    //Elements in the XSI namespace should be ignored
    if (element.getNamespaceURI().equalsIgnoreCase(XSI_NAMESPACE_URI))
    List<String> realPathUnfiltered = getRealPathOfElementUnfiltered(element, configuration, false,
    String realPathFiltered = filterAndJoinRealPath(realPathUnfiltered);//Path for the statistics
    List<String> typePathUnfiltered = getRealPathOfElementUnfiltered(element, configuration, false,
    List<String> suitablePath = getSuitablePath(typePathUnfiltered);//Path for type name inferencing
    //First, we will register the information of width and depth
    //The root is in a level whose width is 1, if we did not do the following, that width would be never registered
    if (element.isRootElement()) {
        statistics.registerWidth(documentIndex, 1);
    statistics.registerDepth(documentIndex, realPathUnfiltered.size());
    int width = element.getChildren().size();
    if (width > 0) {
        statistics.registerWidth(documentIndex, width);
    TypeNameInferencer typeNameInferencer = configuration.getTypeNameInferencer();
    String complexTypeName = typeNameInferencer.inferTypeName(suitablePath, configuration);//Complex type of this element
    //      //Little workaround that ensures that the same complex type is used 
    //      //when the elements on its path are the same (same name and namespace) but some of them 
    //      //use different namespace prefixes
    //      List<String> realPathUnfilteredKey=getRealPathOfElementUnfiltered(element, configuration, false, solvedNamespaceToPrefixMapping);
    //      List<String> suitablePathKey=getSuitablePath(realPathUnfilteredKey);//Path for type name inferencing
    //      String complexTypeNameKey = typeNameInferencer.inferTypeName(suitablePathKey, configuration);//Complex type of this element
    String complexTypeNameKey = complexTypeName;
    //The complex type object of this element.
    ComplexType complexType = complexTypes.get(complexTypeNameKey);
    if (complexType == null) {
        complexType = new ComplexType(complexTypeName, null, null, null);
        complexTypes.put(complexTypeNameKey, complexType); //New complex type
    complexType.addSourceNodeNamespaceAndName(element.getNamespaceURI(), element.getName());
    //Comment processing
    for (Comment comment : element.getDescendants(Filters.comment())) {
        if (comment.getParentElement().equals(element))

    //Key to find the corresponding SchemaElement
    //This key is: if the SchemaElement has an enclosing complex type (i.e., it is not a valid root), its name will be:
    //If the element is a suitable root, the key is the name of the element.
    String schemaElementKey = (!enclosingComplexType.equals(""))
            ? enclosingComplexType + configuration.getTypeNamesAncestorsSeparator() + element.getName()
            : element.getName();
    if (configuration.getTypeNameInferencer() instanceof NameTypeNameInferencer) {
        schemaElementKey = element.getName(); //If we use a name-based type inferencer, the key is the name and we avoid problems.
    SchemaElement schemaElement = elements.get(element.getNamespaceURI(), schemaElementKey);
    if (schemaElement == null) {
        schemaElement = new SchemaElement(element.getName(), element.getNamespaceURI(), complexType);//Complex type already not known.
        elements.put(element.getNamespaceURI(), schemaElementKey, schemaElement);
    boolean wasAlreadyValidRoot = schemaElement.isValidRoot();
    schemaElement.setValidRoot(wasAlreadyValidRoot || element.isRootElement());

    ComplexTypeStatisticsEntry complexTypeStatisticsEntry = statistics.getComplexTypeInfo().get(complexType);
    if (complexTypeStatisticsEntry == null) {
        complexTypeStatisticsEntry = new ComplexTypeStatisticsEntry(xmlDocuments.size());
        statistics.getComplexTypeInfo().put(complexType, complexTypeStatisticsEntry);

    AttributeListInferencer attributeListInferencer = attributeListInferencers.get(complexTypeName);

    if (attributeListInferencer == null) {
        attributeListInferencer = inferencersFactory.getAttributeListInferencerInstance(complexTypeName,
                configuration, solvedNamespaceToPrefixMapping, statistics);
        attributeListInferencers.put(complexTypeName, attributeListInferencer);
    attributeListInferencer.learnAttributeList(element.getAttributes(), documentIndex);

    SimpleTypeInferencer simpleTypeInferencer = simpleTypeInferencersOfComplexTypes.get(complexTypeName);
    if (simpleTypeInferencer == null) {
        simpleTypeInferencer = inferencersFactory.getSimpleTypeInferencerInstance(complexTypeName,
        simpleTypeInferencersOfComplexTypes.put(complexTypeName, simpleTypeInferencer);
    simpleTypeInferencer.learnValue(element.getText(), element.getNamespaceURI(), element.getName());

    //      SchemaElement previousChildSchemaElement=null; //We need to store the previous child in order to add the edge between it and the current child.
    List<SchemaElement> schemaElementChildren = new ArrayList<>(element.getChildren().size());
    for (int i = 0; i < element.getChildren().size(); i++) {
        Element child = element.getChildren().get(i);
        traverseElement(documentIndex, child, complexTypeName);
        String childSchemaElementKey = complexTypeName + configuration.getTypeNamesAncestorsSeparator()
                + child.getName();
        if (configuration.getTypeNameInferencer() instanceof NameTypeNameInferencer) {
            childSchemaElementKey = child.getName(); // If we use the name-based type name inferencer, the name is the key
        SchemaElement childSchemaElement = elements.get(child.getNamespaceURI(), childSchemaElementKey);//The SchemaElement object does exist because the method traverseElement is called before this.
        //         if(i==0){
        //            automaton.addEdge(automaton.getInitialState(), childSchemaElement);
        //         }
        //         else {
        //            automaton.addEdge(previousChildSchemaElement, childSchemaElement);
        //            if(i==(element.getChildren().size()-1)){
        //               automaton.addEdge(childSchemaElement, automaton.getFinalState());
        //            }
        //         }
        complexTypeStatisticsEntry.registerElementCount(childSchemaElement, documentIndex);
        //         previousChildSchemaElement=childSchemaElement;

    ExtendedAutomaton automaton = automatons.get(complexTypeName);
    if (automaton == null) {
        automaton = new ExtendedAutomaton();
        SchemaElement initialState = new SchemaElement("initial", DEFAULT_PSEUDOELEMENTS_NAMESPACE, null);
        SchemaElement finalState = new SchemaElement("final", DEFAULT_PSEUDOELEMENTS_NAMESPACE, null);
        automatons.put(complexTypeName, automaton);

    List<SchemaElement> schemaElementChildrenWithInitialAndFinal = new ArrayList<>(schemaElementChildren);
    schemaElementChildrenWithInitialAndFinal.add(0, automaton.getInitialState());

    complexTypeStatisticsEntry.registerValueOfNodeCount(element.getText(), schemaElement, documentIndex);

    statistics.registerElementAtPathCount(realPathFiltered, documentIndex);
    statistics.registerValueAtPathCount(realPathFiltered, element.getText(), documentIndex);
    if (enclosingComplexType.equals("")) {

From source file:es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.generation.generatorimpl.schemageneration.XMLSchemaDocumentGenerator.java

License:Apache License

 * It generates the XSD file of the targetNamespace given at the constructor, taking into account that 
 * the main namespace is the one given at the constructor.
 * //ww w.j  a v  a 2 s  .  c  o m
 * @param schema the schema object
 * @param configuration the inference configuration
 * @return a JDOM2 {@link Document} object containing the XSD contents.
 * @see SchemaDocumentGenerator#generateSchemaDocument(Schema, XSDInferenceConfiguration)
public Document generateSchemaDocument(Schema schema, XSDInferenceConfiguration configuration) {
    //      if(!configuration.getElementsGlobal()==false || 
    //            !configuration.getComplexTypesGlobal()==true ||
    //            !configuration.getSimpleTypesGlobal()==true
    //            )
    //         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet.");
            "The main namespace must be a known namespace");
            "The target namespace must be a known namespace");
    //      checkArgument(!schema.getNamespacesToPossiblePrefixMappingModifiable().containsKey(XSD_NAMESPACE_URI),"The XSD namespace must not be a known namespace");
    //      checkArgument(!schema.getNamespacesToPossiblePrefixMappingModifiable().containsKey(XSI_NAMESPACE_URI),"The XSI namespace must not be a known namespace");
    Map<String, String> namespaceURIToPrefixMappings = schema.getSolvedNamespaceMappings();
    if (configuration.getSkipNamespaces().contains(targetNamespace)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("This is an skipped namespace, so its XSD should not be generated");
    if (targetNamespace.equals(XSD_NAMESPACE_URI))
                "The XML Schema namespace is being considered as a target namespace in your documents. Independing of the inferred schemas, the only valid XSD for an XSD would be the normative one present at its first RFC");
    Namespace xsdNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace(XSD_NAMESPACE_PREFIX.replace(":", ""), XSD_NAMESPACE_URI);
    List<Namespace> namespaceDeclarations = getNamespaceDeclarations(namespaceURIToPrefixMappings,
    Element elementSchema = new Element("schema", xsdNamespace);
    for (int i = 0; i < namespaceDeclarations.size(); i++) {
        Namespace currentNamespace = namespaceDeclarations.get(i);
        String currentNamespaceUri = currentNamespace.getURI();
        if (!targetNamespace.equals(mainNamespace) && !currentNamespaceUri.equals(mainNamespace))
        if (currentNamespace.equals(Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE)
                && (!schema.getAttributes().containsRow(XSDInferenceConfiguration.XML_NAMESPACE_URI)
                        && !schema.getElements().containsRow(XSDInferenceConfiguration.XML_NAMESPACE_URI))) {
        if (currentNamespaceUri.equals(XSD_NAMESPACE_URI)
                && !namespaceURIToPrefixMappings.containsKey(XSD_NAMESPACE_URI))
        if (targetNamespace.equals(currentNamespaceUri)
                || (currentNamespaceUri.equals("") && (fileNameGenerator == null)))
        if (currentNamespaceUri.equals("") && !currentNamespaceUri.equals(mainNamespace)
                && !schema.getElements().containsRow(""))
        Element importElement = new Element("import", xsdNamespace);
        if (!currentNamespaceUri.equals("")) {
            Attribute namespaceAttr = new Attribute("namespace", currentNamespaceUri);
        if (fileNameGenerator != null && !configuration.getSkipNamespaces().contains(currentNamespaceUri)) {
            String fileName = fileNameGenerator.getSchemaDocumentFileName(currentNamespaceUri,
            Attribute schemaLocationAttr = new Attribute("schemaLocation", fileName);

    if (!targetNamespace.equals("")) {
        Attribute targetNamespaceAttr = new Attribute("targetNamespace", targetNamespace);
    SortedSet<SimpleType> sortedSimpleTypes = new TreeSet<>(new SimpleTypeComparator());
    SortedSet<ComplexType> sortedComplexTypes = new TreeSet<>(new ComplexTypeComparator());
    //CONTINUE FROM HERE: Generate sorted sets for SchemaElement and SchemaAttribute objects and use them where needed.
    Attribute elementFormDefault = new Attribute("elementFormDefault", "qualified");
    Document resultingDocument = new Document(elementSchema);
    if (targetNamespace.equals(mainNamespace)) {
        //First, we declare global SimpleTypes.
        //If simpleTypesGlobal is true, any enumeration will be declared as a global simple type.
        //if not, simple types of complex types which have attributes but not children will be declared globally 
        //(due to limitations of XSD, they may not be declared locally together with the attributes info)
        if (configuration.getSimpleTypesGlobal()) {
            for (SimpleType simpleType : sortedSimpleTypes) {
                if (!simpleType.isEnum() || simpleType.isEmpty())
                Element simpleTypeElement = generateSimpleType(simpleType, false, configuration, xsdNamespace);
        } else {
            for (ComplexType complexType : sortedComplexTypes) {
                SimpleType simpleType = complexType.getTextSimpleType();
                if (complexType.getAttributeList().isEmpty() || !(complexType.getAutomaton().nodeCount() == 0)
                        || !simpleType.isEnum() || simpleType.isEmpty())
                Element simpleTypeElement = generateSimpleType(simpleType, false, configuration, xsdNamespace);
        //Global complexType elements are only generated in the main schema (i.e. the one whose targetNamespace is equal to mainNamespace)
        if (configuration.getComplexTypesGlobal()) {
            for (ComplexType complexType : sortedComplexTypes) {
                boolean hasNoChildren = complexType.getRegularExpression().equals(new EmptyRegularExpression());
                boolean hasNoAttributes = complexType.getAttributeList().size() == 0;
                boolean hasNoComments = complexType.getComments().size() == 0;
                //               boolean simpleTypeIsNotEmpty = !complexType.getTextSimpleType().isEmpty();
                boolean simpleTypeIsWhiteSpaceOnlyOrEmpty = !(complexType.getTextSimpleType().isEmpty()
                        || complexType.getTextSimpleType().consistOnlyOfWhitespaceCharacters());
                if (hasNoChildren && hasNoAttributes && simpleTypeIsWhiteSpaceOnlyOrEmpty && hasNoComments)
                    continue; //Because the elements which are linked to this ComplexType at our internal model 
                              //will be linked to an XSD simple type elsewhere, either a builtin or a custom one.
                Element complexTypeElement = generateComplexType(configuration, complexType, false,
                        targetNamespace, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, mainNamespace, xsdNamespace);
    //If there are many namespaces and the workaround is disabled, we must declare global attributes.
    //If the targetNamespace is not the mainNamespace, we must declare all the attributes.
    //if the target namespace is the main namespace, we do not need to declare anything, because the complex types which hold the attributes 
    //are also in the main namespace.
    if ((namespaceURIToPrefixMappings.size() - configuration.getSkipNamespaces().size()) > 1) {

        SortedMap<String, SchemaAttribute> globalAttributeCandidates = new TreeMap<>(
        if (!targetNamespace.equals(mainNamespace) && !targetNamespace.equals("")) {
            globalAttributesLoop: for (Map.Entry<String, SchemaAttribute> schemaAttributeEntry : globalAttributeCandidates
                    .entrySet()) {
                SchemaAttribute schemaAttribute = schemaAttributeEntry.getValue();
                //First, we check if the attribute has been already declared when the workaround is disabled. 
                //If so, we update the "use" property.
                //The type should have been already merged.
                if (!configuration.getStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround()) {
                    List<Element> alreadyGeneratedAttributeElements = elementSchema.getChildren("attribute",
                    for (int i = 0; i < alreadyGeneratedAttributeElements.size(); i++) {
                        Element currentAttributeElement = alreadyGeneratedAttributeElements.get(i);
                        if (currentAttributeElement.getAttributeValue("name")
                                .equals(schemaAttribute.getName())) {
                            continue globalAttributesLoop;
                Element attributeOrAttributeGroupElement = generateAttribute(schemaAttribute, true,
                        configuration, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, targetNamespace, mainNamespace,
                        schemaAttributeEntry.getKey(), xsdNamespace);

    //Now, we declare global elements.
    //An element will be declared globally if and only if: 
    //1-elementsGlobal is true in the configuration
    //2-The element is a valid root
    //3-The element is in a namespace other than the main namespace. Note that the element WILL be surrounded by the corresponding group if the workaround is enabled.
    //Another important remark: Iterating over a set copy implies iterating over DISTINCT SchemaElements, so if two keys pointed to equal SchemaElements, we would generate it only once-
    SortedSet<SchemaElement> schemaElementsAtTargetNamespace = new TreeSet<>(new SchemaElementComparator());
    globalSchemaElementsLoop: for (SchemaElement schemaElement : schemaElementsAtTargetNamespace) {
        //         if(!configuration.getElementsGlobal()&&
        //               !schemaElement.isValidRoot()&&
        //               (targetNamespace.equals(mainNamespace)||configuration.getStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround()))
        if (!configuration.getElementsGlobal() && !schemaElement.isValidRoot()
                && (targetNamespace.equals(mainNamespace)))
        //         for(Element currentElement:elementSchema.getContent(Filters.element("element",xsdNamespace))){
        //            if(schemaElement.getName().equals(currentElement.getAttributeValue("name")))
        //               continue globalSchemaElementsLoop;
        //         }
        String possibleGroupName = schemaElement.getName() + configuration.getTypeNamesAncestorsSeparator()
                + schemaElement.getType().getName();
        for (Element currentElement : elementSchema.getContent(Filters.element("group", xsdNamespace))) {
            if (possibleGroupName.equals(currentElement.getAttributeValue("name")))
                continue globalSchemaElementsLoop;
        Element elementOrGroupElement = generateElement(schemaElement, true, configuration, targetNamespace,
                mainNamespace, null, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, xsdNamespace);
        if (elementOrGroupElement.getName().equals("element")) {
            for (Element currentElement : elementSchema.getChildren("element", xsdNamespace)) {
                if (schemaElement.getName().equals(currentElement.getAttributeValue("name")))
                    continue globalSchemaElementsLoop;
    return resultingDocument;

From source file:es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.generation.generatorimpl.schemageneration.XMLSchemaDocumentGenerator.java

License:Apache License

 * Method that generates a complexType tag, wherever it has to be generated and in the correct way
 * @param configuration the inference configuration
 * @param complexType the complex type to which the tag will be generated
 * @param anonymous whether this complex type must be anonymous (i.e. it must not have a 'name' attribute)
 * @param targetNamespace the target namespace which is currently being generated
 * @param namespaceURIToPrefixMappings solved mappings between namespace URIs and prefixes
 * @param mainNamespace main namespace//  w  ww.j a v a 2 s  .  co m
 * @param xsdNamespace namespace of the XML Schema
 * @return a JDOM2 {@link Element} which describes the complex type
private Element generateComplexType(XSDInferenceConfiguration configuration, ComplexType complexType,
        boolean anonymous, String targetNamespace, Map<String, String> namespaceURIToPrefixMappings,
        String mainNamespace, Namespace xsdNamespace) {
    Element complexTypeElement = new Element("complexType", xsdNamespace);
    for (String commentOnComplexType : ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(complexType.getComments())) {
        complexTypeElement.addContent(new Comment(commentOnComplexType));
    if (!anonymous) {
        Attribute complexTypeNameAttr = new Attribute("name", "");
    SimpleType simpleType = complexType.getTextSimpleType();
    boolean hasChildren = !complexType.getRegularExpression().equals(new EmptyRegularExpression());
    boolean hasNonWhitespaceSimpleContent = !simpleType.isEmpty()
            && !simpleType.consistOnlyOfWhitespaceCharacters();
    if (hasChildren) {
        //Mixed complex type. As far as I know, XSD does not allow to constraint simple content on mixed types
        if (hasNonWhitespaceSimpleContent) {
            Attribute mixedAttr = new Attribute("mixed", "");
        Element childrenContent = generateRegexpRepresentation(complexType.getRegularExpression(),
                configuration, targetNamespace, mainNamespace, complexType, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings,
        if (childrenContent.getName().equals("element")) {
            Element unwrappedChildrenContent = childrenContent;
            childrenContent = new Element("sequence", xsdNamespace);
        List<Element> attributesInfo = generateAttributeList(complexType, targetNamespace, mainNamespace,
                configuration, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, xsdNamespace);
    } else if (complexType.getAttributeList().size() > 0 && !simpleType.isEmpty()) {
        Element simpleContentElement = new Element("simpleContent", xsdNamespace);
        Element extensionElement = new Element("extension", xsdNamespace);
        Attribute extensionBaseAttr = new Attribute("base", "");
        String simpleTypeRepresentationName = complexType.getTextSimpleType()
        if (!simpleTypeRepresentationName.contains(XSD_NAMESPACE_PREFIX)
                && !namespaceURIToPrefixMappings.get(mainNamespace).equals("")) {
            simpleTypeRepresentationName = namespaceURIToPrefixMappings.get(mainNamespace) + ":"
                    + simpleTypeRepresentationName;
        List<Element> attributesInfo = generateAttributeList(complexType, targetNamespace, mainNamespace,
                configuration, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, xsdNamespace);
    } else if (complexType.getAttributeList().size() > 0) {
        List<Element> attributesInfo = generateAttributeList(complexType, targetNamespace, mainNamespace,
                configuration, namespaceURIToPrefixMappings, xsdNamespace);
    //If the complex type consists of a non empty simple type without either children or attributes, no complexType tag would be generated, so it is not handled here
    return complexTypeElement;


From source file:esiptestbed.mudrod.ontology.pre.AggregateTriples.java

License:Apache License

 * Method of going through OWL structure
 *//*from   w w w . j a v a2s .c om*/
public void loopxml() {
    Iterator<?> processDescendants = rootNode.getDescendants(new ElementFilter());
    String text = "";

    while (processDescendants.hasNext()) {
        Element e = (Element) processDescendants.next();
        String currentName = e.getName();
        text = e.getTextTrim();
        if ("".equals(text)) {
        } else {
            LOG.info("{} : {}", currentName, text);

From source file:esiptestbed.mudrod.ontology.pre.AggregateTriples.java

License:Apache License

 * Method of identifying a specific child given a element name
 * @param str element name//from  w  w w.ja va2 s .  c o  m
 * @param ele parent element
 * @return the element of child
public Element findChild(String str, Element ele) {
    Iterator<?> processDescendants = ele.getDescendants(new ElementFilter());
    String name = "";
    Element result = null;

    while (processDescendants.hasNext()) {
        Element e = (Element) processDescendants.next();
        name = e.getName();
        if (name.equals(str)) {
            result = e;
            return result;
    return result;


From source file:fi.ni.bcfextractor.BCFExtractorController.java

License:Open Source License

private void listChildren(Element current) {

    if (current.getName().equals("Comment")) {
        List<Content> contents = current.getContent();
        for (Content c : contents)
            if (c instanceof Text) {
                String txt = ((Text) c).getTextNormalize();
                if (txt.length() > 0)
                    data.add(new BCF("", txt));
            }/*from   w  w  w  .j a v  a  2 s . com*/
    List children = current.getChildren();
    Iterator iterator = children.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Element child = (Element) iterator.next();


From source file:filter.Filter.java

private int getLines(Element root) {
    List element = root.getChildren();
    Iterator i = element.iterator();
    int line = 0;
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        Element e = (Element) i.next();
        if (e.getName().equals("Cycle")) {
            List<Element> elements = e.getChildren();
            line += elements.size();//w ww  . j  a  v  a  2 s. c o  m
        } else if (e.getName().equals("Metric")) {
            List<Element> elements = e.getChildren();
            if (elements.get(0).getName().equals("Values")) {
                elements = elements.get(0).getChildren();
                line += elements.size();
            } else if (elements.get(0).getName().equals("Value")) {
                line += 1;

    return line;

From source file:filter.Filter.java

private void converterProject(Iterator i) {
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        Element e = (Element) i.next();
        if (e.getName().equals("Cycle")) {
            Cycle cycle = new Cycle(e.getAttributeValue("name"), this.project,
            int idCycle = new CycleDAO().register(cycle);
            cycle.setId(idCycle);//w  w w  . j a va2s .  co m
            converterDataCycle(cycle, e.getChildren());
        } else if (e.getName().equals("Metric")) {
            //                incrementValue();
            converterMetrics(e.getAttributeValue("id"), e.getChildren());

From source file:fourmiz.engine.Engine.java

License:Open Source License

 * Load a specific game/*  w w  w.  ja  va  2 s  . co m*/
 * @param name
 * @throws JDOMException
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws SlickException
public void loadLevel(String name) throws JDOMException, IOException, SlickException {
    currentGame = name;
    ressources.load(resourcePath + currentGame + renderSuffix);
    SAXBuilder sax = new SAXBuilder();
    Document doc = sax.build(new File(resourcePath + currentGame + mapSuffix));
    Element root = doc.getRootElement();
    List<Element> listElem = root.getChildren();

    for (Element elem : listElem) {
        switch (elem.getName()) {
        case "Config":
        case "Entity":
            log.warn("loadLevel: unknown type object -> " + elem.getName());

    this.loaded = true;

From source file:fourmiz.engine.Engine.java

License:Open Source License

 * Parse configuration part of xml/* www . j  av a 2s  .  c o m*/
 * @param configs
private void loadConfig(Collection<Element> configs) {
    for (Element elem : configs) {
        switch (elem.getName()) {
        case "Chart":
            log.warn("loadLevel: unknown type config -> " + elem.getName());
