Example usage for org.jdom2 Element getName

List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getName


In this page you can find the example usage for org.jdom2 Element getName.


public String getName() 

Source Link


Returns the (local) name of the element (without any namespace prefix).


From source file:mom.trd.opentheso.core.exports.privatesdatas.importxml.importxml.java

 * cette funtion permet de ouvrir un fichier pour comence a faire une 
 * injection de donnes. //from w  ww.  j a va  2 s  .  com
 * C'est seulement pour la creation de un nouvelle BDD.
 * la funtion generique est plus ba
 * @param con
 * @param archive
 * @throws ClassNotFoundException
 * @throws SQLException 
public void ouvreFichier(Connection con, File archive) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
    LanguageBean langueBean = new LanguageBean();
    SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
    ArrayList<Table> toutTables = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<LineOfData> lineOfDatas = new ArrayList<>();
    try {

        //on cre le document a partir du fichier que on a selection
        Document document = (Document) builder.build(archive);
        //Se obtiene la raiz 'tables'
        Element rootNode = document.getRootElement();

        // ici on a toutes les tables (les enfants de la racine)
        List list = rootNode.getChildren("table");

        // ici on fait le tour pour les enfants de 'tables'
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

            // ici on a la premire table
            Element tabla = (Element) list.get(i);

            //ici on a le nom de la table
            String nombreTabla = tabla.getAttributeValue("nom");
            // ici c'est la liste des lignes de la table
            List lista_campos = tabla.getChildren();

            //ici on dcoupe la liste des lignes
            for (int j = 0; j < lista_campos.size(); j++) {

                //ici on a une ligne de la table
                Element campo = (Element) lista_campos.get(j);
                for (Element colonne : campo.getChildren()) {
                    LineOfData lineOfData = new LineOfData();
                    lineOfData.setColomne(colonne.getName());//  le nom de la colone
                    lineOfData.setValue(colonne.getText());// le value que le correspond
                insertLine(con, lineOfDatas, nombreTabla);
            /// mettre  jour la table dans la BDD
    } catch (IOException | JDOMException io) {
    //FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(langueBean.getMsg("info") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("impBDD.info1")));

From source file:mom.trd.opentheso.core.exports.privatesdatas.importxml.importxml.java

 * cette funtion permet de ouvrir un fichier pour comence a faire une 
 * injection de donnes. /*from w  w  w  . j av  a 2  s  . c  om*/
 * Cette funtion c'est la generique
 * @param ds
 * @param archive
 * @throws ClassNotFoundException
 * @throws SQLException 
public void ouvreFichier2(HikariDataSource ds, File archive) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
    LanguageBean langueBean = new LanguageBean();
    SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
    ArrayList<Table> toutTables = new ArrayList<>();

    ArrayList<LineOfData> lineOfDatas = new ArrayList<>();
    try {

        //on cre le document a partir du fichier que on a selection
        Document document = (Document) builder.build(archive);
        //Se obtiene la raiz 'tables'
        Element rootNode = document.getRootElement();

        // ici on a toutes les tables (les enfants de la racine)
        List list = rootNode.getChildren("table");

        // ici on fait le tour pour les enfants de 'tables'
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

            // ici on a la premire table
            Element tabla = (Element) list.get(i);

            //ici on a le nom de la table
            String nombreTabla = tabla.getAttributeValue("nom");
            // ici c'est la liste des lignes de la table
            List lista_campos = tabla.getChildren();

            //ici on dcoupe la liste des lignes
            for (int j = 0; j < lista_campos.size(); j++) {

                //ici on a une ligne de la table
                Element campo = (Element) lista_campos.get(j);
                for (Element colonne : campo.getChildren()) {
                    LineOfData lineOfData = new LineOfData();
                insertLine2(ds, lineOfDatas, nombreTabla);
            /// mettre  jour la table dans la BDD
    } catch (IOException | JDOMException io) {
    //FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(langueBean.getMsg("info") + " :", langueBean.getMsg("impBDD.info1")));

From source file:msi.gama.doc.util.UnifyDoc.java

License:Open Source License

private static Document mergeFiles(final HashMap<String, File> hmFilesPackages) {
    try {//  w  w  w .  j  a v a 2s  . com

        SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
        Document doc = null;

        doc = new Document(new Element(XMLElements.DOC));
        for (String elt : tabEltXML) {
            doc.getRootElement().addContent(new Element(elt));

        for (Entry<String, File> fileDoc : hmFilesPackages.entrySet()) {
            Document docTemp = builder.build(fileDoc.getValue());

            for (String catXML : tabEltXML) {
                if (docTemp.getRootElement().getChild(catXML) != null) {

                    List<Element> existingElt = doc.getRootElement().getChild(catXML).getChildren();

                    for (Element e : docTemp.getRootElement().getChild(catXML).getChildren()) {
                        // Do not add the projectName for every kinds of
                        // categories
                        //      if (!Arrays.asList(tabCategoriesEltXML).contains(catXML)) {
                        e.setAttribute("projectName", fileDoc.getKey());
                        //      }

                        // Test whether the element is already in the merged
                        // doc
                        boolean found = false;
                        for (Element exElt : existingElt) {
                            boolean equals = exElt.getName().equals(e.getName());
                            for (Attribute att : exElt.getAttributes()) {
                                String valueExElt = exElt.getAttribute(att.getName()) != null
                                        ? exElt.getAttributeValue(att.getName())
                                        : "";
                                String valueE = e.getAttribute(att.getName()) != null
                                        ? e.getAttributeValue(att.getName())
                                        : "";
                                equals = equals && valueExElt.equals(valueE);
                            found = found || equals;
                        // Add if it is not already in the merged doc
                        if (!found) {

        // Add an element for the generated types
                .addContent(new Element(XMLElements.CATEGORY).setAttribute(XMLElements.ATT_CAT_ID,
                        new TypeConverter().getProperCategory("Types")));

        return doc;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    return null;

From source file:mymeteocal.boundary.ImportBean.java

 * Given an XML document, updates the calendar with 
 * the events in the document/*from w ww  . j a  va 2  s . com*/
 * @param doc 
private void updateCalendarFromXML(Document doc) {

    // Element Calendar should be the root.
    Element root = doc.getRootElement();
    if (!root.getName().equals("Calendar")) {

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("XML file not valid: " + "root element differs from Calendar.");

    Element events = root.getChild("Events");
    List eventsList = events.getChildren("Event");

    for (Object event : eventsList) {

        try {

            createEventFromXML((Element) event);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {

            FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage("WARNING! " + ex.getMessage());
            FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, message);

From source file:neon.common.resources.loaders.ItemLoader.java

License:Open Source License

public RItem load(String id) throws IOException {
    Element root = files.loadFile(translator, namespace, id + ".xml").getRootElement();
    String name = root.getAttributeValue("name");
    char glyph = root.getChild("graphics").getAttributeValue("char").charAt(0);
    Color color = Color.web(root.getChild("graphics").getAttributeValue("color"));

    RItem.Builder builder = new RItem.Builder(id, name).setGraphics(glyph, color);

    if (root.getAttribute("price") != null) {
    }//  ww  w .  j  a va2s  . c o  m

    if (root.getAttribute("weight") != null) {

    Element magic = root.getChild("magic");
    if (magic != null) {
        Effect effect = Effect.valueOf(magic.getAttributeValue("effect").toUpperCase());
        int magnitude = Integer.parseInt(magic.getAttributeValue("magnitude"));
        builder.setMagic(effect, magnitude);

    switch (root.getName()) {
    case "armor":
        return createArmor(root, builder);
    case "clothing":
        return createClothing(root, builder);
    case "weapon":
        return createWeapon(root, builder);
    case "coin":
        return new RItem.Coin(builder);
    case "container":
        return new RItem.Container(builder);
    case "potion":
        return new RItem.Potion(builder);
        return builder.build();

From source file:neon.editor.DataStore.java

License:Open Source License

private void loadMagic(RMod mod, String... path) {
    try {// w  w  w.  j  a  v a 2  s .c o  m
        Document doc = Editor.files.getFile(new XMLTranslator(), path);
        for (Element e : doc.getRootElement().getChildren()) {
            switch (e.getName()) {
            case "sign":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RSign(e, mod.get("id")), "magic");
            case "tattoo":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RTattoo(e, mod.get("id")), "magic");
            case "recipe":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RRecipe(e, mod.get("id")), "magic");
            case "list":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new LSpell(e, mod.get("id")), "magic");
            case "power":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RSpell.Power(e, mod.get("id")), "magic");
            case "enchant":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RSpell.Enchantment(e, mod.get("id")), "magic");
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RSpell(e, mod.get("id")), "magic");
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {

From source file:neon.editor.DataStore.java

License:Open Source License

private void loadCreatures(RMod mod, String... path) {
    try {//from ww  w  .j  a  v a2 s .  c o m
        Document doc = Editor.files.getFile(new XMLTranslator(), path);
        for (Element e : doc.getRootElement().getChildren()) {
            switch (e.getName()) {
            case "list":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new LCreature(e, mod.get("id")));
            case "npc":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RPerson(e, mod.get("id")));
            case "group":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RCreature(e, mod.get("id")));
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {

From source file:neon.editor.DataStore.java

License:Open Source License

private void loadItems(RMod mod, String... path) {
    try {// www .  j a va  2  s. c o m
        Document doc = Editor.files.getFile(new XMLTranslator(), path);
        for (Element e : doc.getRootElement().getChildren()) {
            switch (e.getName()) {
            case "list":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new LItem(e, mod.get("id")));
            case "book":
            case "scroll":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RItem.Text(e, mod.get("id")));
            case "armor":
            case "clothing":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RClothing(e, mod.get("id")));
            case "weapon":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RWeapon(e, mod.get("id")));
            case "craft":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RCraft(e, mod.get("id")));
            case "door":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RItem.Door(e, mod.get("id")));
            case "potion":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RItem.Potion(e, mod.get("id")));
            case "container":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RItem.Container(e, mod.get("id")));
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RItem(e, mod.get("id")));
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {

From source file:neon.editor.DataStore.java

License:Open Source License

private void loadThemes(RMod mod, String... path) {
    try {/*from  w ww .  j a v a 2 s . c om*/
        Document doc = Editor.files.getFile(new XMLTranslator(), path);
        for (Element e : doc.getRootElement().getChildren()) {
            switch (e.getName()) {
            case "dungeon":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RDungeonTheme(e, mod.get("id")), "theme");
            case "region":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RRegionTheme(e, mod.get("id")), "theme");
            case "zone":
                Editor.resources.addResource(new RZoneTheme(e, mod.get("id")), "theme");
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {

From source file:neon.editor.editors.QuestEditor.java

License:Open Source License

protected void load() {
    nameField.setText(quest.name);//from   w w w.ja va 2 s.c o m
    if (quest.repeat) {
    } else {

    if (quest.variables != null) {
        for (Element item : quest.variables.getChildren()) {
            String[] data = { item.getText(), item.getName(), item.getAttributeValue("id"),
                    item.getAttributeValue("type") };
            varModel.insertRow(0, data);

    for (String condition : quest.getConditions()) {
        String[] row = { condition };

    //      for(Topic topic : quest.getTopics()) {
    //         String[] data = {topic.getID(), topic.getCondition(), 
    //               topic.getAnswer(), topic.getAction()};
    //         dialogModel.insertRow(0, data);
    //      }