List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getName
public String getName()
From source
public static void extraerInformacion(List l) { for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { Element e = (Element) l.get(i); if (e.getChildren().size() > 0) { extraerInformacion(e.getChildren()); } else if (e.getName().equals("nombre") || e.getName().equals("descripcion") || e.getName().equals("version")) { System.err.println("valor de la etiqueta : " + e.getName()); descripcion.add(e.getText()); } else if (e.getName().equals("columnas")) { num_columnas = e.getText();//from www . j a v a 2 s . c om } else if (e.getName().equals("atributo")) { atributos.add(e.getText()); } else if (e.getName().equals("tipo")) { parametros.add(e.getText()); } else if (e.getName().equals("columna")) { cabecera.add(e.getText()); } } }
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public static LinkedList<Event> ReadEvents(File f) throws JDOMException, IOException { LinkedList<Event> res = new LinkedList<>(); SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document doc =; Element foo = doc.getRootElement(); List<Element> one_document = foo.getChildren(); for (Element one_document1 : one_document) { List<Element> ERE = one_document1.getChildren(); for (Element e : ERE) { if ("event".equals(e.getName())) { List<Element> mentions = e.getChildren("event_mention"); for (Element m : mentions) { Event eve = new Event(); Element charseq; Element ldcscpope = m.getChild("ldc_scope"); charseq = ldcscpope.getChild("charseq"); eve.span = charseq.getText().replace("\n", " "); Element anchor = m.getChild("anchor"); charseq = anchor.getChild("charseq"); eve.trigger = charseq.getText(); if (eve.trigger.equalsIgnoreCase("saturday")) { int a = 0; a = a + 1;/*ww w.j ava2 s .c om*/ } eve.eventtype = e.getAttribute("SUBTYPE").getValue(); eve.eventlargetype = e.getAttribute("TYPE").getValue(); List<Element> arguments = m.getChildren("event_mention_argument"); for (Element argu : arguments) { String argumentstr = argu.getChild("extent").getChild("charseq").getText(); if ("U.S".equals(argumentstr) || "U.N".equals(argumentstr) || "Feb".equals(argumentstr)) { argumentstr += "."; } if (argumentstr.equalsIgnoreCase("Basra")) { int a = 0; a = a + 1; } eve.arguments.add(new EventArgument(argumentstr, argu.getAttributeValue("ROLE"))); } eve.filename = f.getName(); res.add(eve); } } } } return res; }
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public static LinkedList<Event> ReadGrishmanEvents(File f) throws JDOMException, IOException { LinkedList<Event> res = new LinkedList<>(); SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document doc =; Element foo = doc.getRootElement(); List<Element> one_document = foo.getChildren(); for (Element one_document1 : one_document) { List<Element> ERE = one_document1.getChildren(); for (Element e : ERE) { if ("event".equals(e.getName())) { List<Element> mentions = e.getChildren("event_mention"); for (Element m : mentions) { Event eve = new Event(); eve.filename = f.getName(); Element charseq; Element anchor = m.getChild("anchor"); charseq = anchor.getChild("charseq"); eve.span = m.getChild("extent").getChild("charseq").getText(); eve.trigger = charseq.getText(); eve.eventtype = e.getAttribute("SUBTYPE").getValue(); List<Element> arguments = m.getChildren("event_mention_argument"); for (Element argu : arguments) { eve.arguments//from w w w .jav a 2s .c om .add(new EventArgument(argu.getChild("extent").getChild("charseq").getText(), argu.getAttributeValue("ROLE"))); } // eve.filename = f.getName(); res.add(eve); } } } } return res; }
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License:Apache License
protected boolean isOperator(final Element element) { assert element != null; return element.getName().equals(OPERATOR); }
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License:Apache License
private void normalizeFunctionApplication(final Element element, final Collection<String> functionOperators) { assert element != null && functionOperators != null; final List<Element> children = element.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { if (isFunction(i, children, functionOperators)) { final int parameterPosition = i + 2; Element parameter = children.get(parameterPosition); // mrow in which the parameter will be stored final Element newParameter = new Element(ROW); if (parameter.getName().equals(ROW)) { if (hasInsideBrackets(parameter)) { children.get(i + 1).detach(); // just detach operator } else { // add parentheses parameter.addContent(1, new Element(OPERATOR).setText("(")); parameter.addContent(new Element(OPERATOR).setText(")")); LOGGER.fine("Parentheses around function argument added"); children.get(i + 1).detach(); // detach funct app operator }/*from w w w . j av a 2*/ LOGGER.fine("Function application operator removed"); continue; // no need to set newParameter } else if (isOperator(parameter, "(")) { int bracketsDepth = 1; newParameter.addContent(parameter.detach()); while ((parameterPosition < children.size()) && (bracketsDepth > 0)) { parameter = children.get(parameterPosition); if (isOperator(parameter, "(")) { bracketsDepth++; } else if (isOperator(parameter, ")")) { bracketsDepth--; } newParameter.addContent(parameter.detach()); } for (; bracketsDepth > 0; bracketsDepth--) { // add missing right brackets newParameter.addContent(new Element(OPERATOR).setText(")")); LOGGER.fine("Added missing )"); } } else { // if the paramether is neither mrow or ( newParameter.addContent(new Element(OPERATOR).setText("(")); // add left bracket newParameter.addContent(children.get(parameterPosition).detach()); newParameter.addContent(new Element(OPERATOR).setText(")")); // add right bracket LOGGER.fine("Function argument wrapped with parentheses and mrow"); } children.set(i + 1, newParameter); // replace function app operator with newParameter LOGGER.fine("Function application operator removed"); } else { // if there isnt start of function application apply normalization on children normalizeFunctionApplication(children.get(i), functionOperators); } } }
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/** * Recursively searches element content to possibly remove or add mrow where * needed./*from w w w . j ava2 s .c o m*/ * * @param element element to start at */ private void traverseChildrenElements(final Element element) { assert element != null; final List<Element> children = new ArrayList<Element>(element.getChildren()); for (Element child : children) { traverseChildrenElements(child); } if (element.getName().equals(ROW)) { checkRemoval(element); } else { checkAddition(element); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Removes a mrow element if possible.//from www.j a va2 * * @param mrowElement the mrow element */ private void checkRemoval(final Element mrowElement) { assert mrowElement != null && mrowElement.getName().equals(ROW); final Parent parent = mrowElement.getParent(); if (!(parent instanceof Element)) { return; // no parent element } final Element parentElement = (Element) parent; final List<Element> children = mrowElement.getChildren(); if (children.size() <= 1) { removeElement(mrowElement, parentElement); LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Element {0} removed", mrowElement); return; } final String childCountPropertyName = CHILD_COUNT_PREFIX + parentElement.getName(); if (!isProperty(childCountPropertyName)) { return; // unknown parent element } final String childCountProperty = getProperty(childCountPropertyName); final int childCount; try { childCount = Integer.parseInt(childCountProperty); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "{0} must be an integer, property ignored", childCountProperty); return; } if (childCount == 1 || // parent can accept any number of elements so we can remove mrow children.size() + parentElement.getChildren().size() - 1 == childCount) { removeElement(mrowElement, parentElement); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Test if element is an operator representing an opening or closing * parenthesis according to properties/* w w w.j a v a 2s. c o m*/ * * @param element element to test * @param propertyName name of property specifiyng opening or closing * parentheses * @return true if element is a parentheses according to propertyName */ private Boolean isParenthesis(final Element element, final String propertyName) { assert element != null && propertyName != null && isProperty(propertyName); if (!element.getName().equals(OPERATOR)) { return false; } return getPropertySet(propertyName).contains(element.getTextNormalize()); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Wrap previously detected fenced expressions in mrow to be same as output * of MfencedReplacer// www . j av a 2 s. c o m * * @param siblings children of parent element * @param fenced list of elements inside parentheses, children of parent * element * @param opening opening parenthesis, child of parent element * @param closing closing parenthesis, child of parent element */ private void wrapFenced(final List<Element> siblings, final List<Element> fenced, final Element opening, final Element closing) { assert siblings != null && fenced != null && opening != null; final Element parent = opening.getParentElement(); assert closing != null && closing.getParentElement().equals(parent); for (Element e : fenced) { e.detach(); } final int openingIndex = parent.indexOf(opening); // Element to be placed inside parentheses. // If null, the original 'fenced' list will be used. final Element innerElement; if (fenced.isEmpty() || !isEnabled(WRAP_ISIDE)) { innerElement = null; // will not wrap inside in mrow } else if (fenced.size() == 1) { innerElement = fenced.get(0); // no need to wrap, just one element } else { innerElement = new Element(ROW); innerElement.addContent(fenced); LOGGER.fine("Inner mrow added"); } if (((parent.getName().equals(ROW) && siblings.get(0) == opening && siblings.get(siblings.size() - 1) == closing)) || !isEnabled(WRAP_OUTSIDE)) { // will not wrap outside in mrow if (innerElement == null) { parent.addContent(openingIndex + 1, fenced); } else { parent.addContent(openingIndex + 1, innerElement); } return; } // wrap outside in mrow opening.detach(); closing.detach(); final Element outerMrowElement = new Element(ROW); outerMrowElement.addContent(opening); if (innerElement != null) { outerMrowElement.addContent(innerElement); } else { outerMrowElement.addContent(fenced); } outerMrowElement.addContent(closing); parent.addContent(openingIndex, outerMrowElement); LOGGER.fine("Outer mrow added"); }
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License:Apache License
private void normalizeSupInSub(final Element element) { assert element != null; final List<Element> children = element.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { final Element actual = children.get(i); normalizeSupInSub(actual);/*from w w w .j av a 2 s. c o m*/ if (!actual.getName().equals(SUBSCRIPT)) { continue; } List<Element> subscriptChildren = actual.getChildren(); if (subscriptChildren.size() != 2) {"Invalid msub, skipped"); continue; } if (!subscriptChildren.get(0).getName().equals(SUPERSCRIPT)) { continue; } final List<Element> superscriptChildren = subscriptChildren.get(0).getChildren(); if (superscriptChildren.size() != 2) {"Invalid msup, skipped"); continue; } final Element newMsub = new Element(SUBSCRIPT); newMsub.addContent(superscriptChildren.get(0).detach()); newMsub.addContent(subscriptChildren.get(1).detach()); final Element newMsup = new Element(SUPERSCRIPT); newMsup.addContent(newMsub); newMsup.addContent(superscriptChildren.get(0).detach()); children.set(i, newMsup); LOGGER.fine("Sub/sup scripts swapped"); } }