List of usage examples for org.jdom2 Element getName
public String getName()
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License:Open Source License
public static void load(String fileName) { try {/* w ww .j a va 2 s .co m*/ Document document = new SAXBuilder().build(fileName); Element rootElement = document.getRootElement(); if (rootElement.getName() != ROOT_ELEMET_NAME) { System.err.println("is not an Open-VJJ 2 Project"); return; } // Element gpuElement = rootElement.getChild(GPU_ELEMENT_NAME); // if(gpuElement != null){ // Attribute gpuActiv = gpuElement.getAttribute(GPU_ACTIV_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); // if(gpuActiv != null){ // useGPU = gpuActiv.getBooleanValue(); // } // } Element baseModuleElement = rootElement.getChild(ELEMET_NAME_BASE_MODULE); baseModule = new Module(); baseModule.setBaseModule(true); baseModule.setConfig(baseModuleElement); if (projectFrame != null) { projectFrame.dispose(); } openFrame(); } catch (JDOMException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
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License:Open Source License
public static void load(String fileName) { try {// w w w.j a va2s . c o m Document document = new SAXBuilder().build(fileName); Element rootElement = document.getRootElement(); if (rootElement.getName() != ROOT_ELEMET_NAME) { System.err.println("is notan Open-VJJ Project"); return; } Element gpuElement = rootElement.getChild(GPU_ELEMENT_NAME); if (gpuElement != null) { Attribute gpuActiv = gpuElement.getAttribute(GPU_ACTIV_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); if (gpuActiv != null) { useGPU = gpuActiv.getBooleanValue(); } } removeAll(); Element components = rootElement.getChild(COMPONENTS_ELEMENT_NAME); List<Element> elements = components.getChildren(COMPONENT_ELEMENT_NAME); for (Element rootComponente : elements) { addComponent((ImagePublisher) loadComponent(rootComponente)); } } catch (JDOMException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
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License:Apache License
private void handleChild(final ApplyToModule.Builder mBuilder, final XMLOutputter outputter, final Element child) { final String elementName = child.getName(); if ("dependencies".equals(elementName)) { handleDependencies(mBuilder, outputter, child); } else if ("properties".equals(elementName)) { for (final Element propertyElement : child.getChildren("property", ModuleXmlBuilder.NS)) { final String name = propertyElement.getAttributeValue("name"); final String fragment = outputter.outputString(propertyElement); mBuilder.addPropertyXml(name, fragment); }//from www.j a va 2s . c o m } else if ("exports".equals(elementName)) { final String fragment = outputter.outputString(child); mBuilder.withExportsXml(fragment); } else if ("main-class".equals(elementName)) { final String fragment = outputter.outputString(child); mBuilder.withMainClassXml(fragment); } else if ("resource-root".equals(elementName)) { final String fragment = outputter.outputString(child); mBuilder.addResourceRootXml(fragment); } else { // TODO warn or add to end? } }
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License:Apache License
private void handleDependencies(final ApplyToModule.Builder mBuilder, final XMLOutputter outputter, final Element child) { int nonModuleCounter = 0; for (final Element childElement : child.getChildren()) { final String childElementName = childElement.getName(); final String name; if ("module".equals(childElementName)) { name = childElement.getAttributeValue("name"); } else {//from w w w. j av a 2 s. c o m // i.e. system, maybe others. nonModuleCounter++; name = "non-module@" + nonModuleCounter; } final String fragment = outputter.outputString(childElement); mBuilder.addDependencyXml(name, fragment); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * generate a list with all possible collections for given project *//*from w w w .ja v a 2 s .com*/ private void initializePossibleDigitalCollections() { this.possibleDigitalCollection = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> defaultCollections = new ArrayList<>(); String filename = + "goobi_digitalCollections.xml"; if (!StorageProvider.getInstance().isFileExists(Paths.get(filename))) { Helper.setFehlerMeldung("File not found: ", filename); return; } this.digitalCollections = new ArrayList<>(); try { /* Datei einlesen und Root ermitteln */ SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document doc =; Element root = doc.getRootElement(); /* alle Projekte durchlaufen */ List<Element> projekte = root.getChildren(); for (Iterator<Element> iter = projekte.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element projekt =; // collect default collections if (projekt.getName().equals("default")) { List<Element> myCols = projekt.getChildren("DigitalCollection"); for (Iterator<Element> it2 = myCols.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) { Element col =; if (col.getAttribute("default") != null && col.getAttributeValue("default").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { digitalCollections.add(col.getText()); } defaultCollections.add(col.getText()); } } else { // run through the projects List<Element> projektnamen = projekt.getChildren("name"); for (Iterator<Element> iterator = projektnamen.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element projektname =; // all all collections to list if (projektname.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(this.template.getProjekt().getTitel())) { List<Element> myCols = projekt.getChildren("DigitalCollection"); for (Iterator<Element> it2 = myCols.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) { Element col =; if (col.getAttribute("default") != null && col.getAttributeValue("default").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { digitalCollections.add(col.getText()); } this.possibleDigitalCollection.add(col.getText()); } } } } } } catch (JDOMException e1) { log.error("error while parsing digital collections", e1); Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error while parsing digital collections", e1); } catch (IOException e1) { log.error("error while parsing digital collections", e1); Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error while parsing digital collections", e1); } if (this.possibleDigitalCollection.size() == 0) { this.possibleDigitalCollection = defaultCollections; } }
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License:Open Source License
private void initializePossibleDigitalCollections() { this.possibleDigitalCollection = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> defaultCollections = new ArrayList<>(); String filename = + "goobi_digitalCollections.xml"; if (!StorageProvider.getInstance().isFileExists(Paths.get(filename))) { Helper.setFehlerMeldung("File not found: ", filename); return;//from w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m } this.digitalCollections = new ArrayList<>(); try { /* Datei einlesen und Root ermitteln */ SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document doc =; Element root = doc.getRootElement(); /* alle Projekte durchlaufen */ List<Element> projekte = root.getChildren(); for (Iterator<Element> iter = projekte.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element projekt =; // collect default collections if (projekt.getName().equals("default")) { List<Element> myCols = projekt.getChildren("DigitalCollection"); for (Iterator<Element> it2 = myCols.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) { Element col =; if (col.getAttribute("default") != null && col.getAttributeValue("default").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { digitalCollections.add(col.getText()); } defaultCollections.add(col.getText()); } } else { // run through the projects List<Element> projektnamen = projekt.getChildren("name"); for (Iterator<Element> iterator = projektnamen.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Element projektname =; // all all collections to list if (projektname.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(this.prozessKopie.getProjekt().getTitel())) { List<Element> myCols = projekt.getChildren("DigitalCollection"); for (Iterator<Element> it2 = myCols.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) { Element col =; if (col.getAttribute("default") != null && col.getAttributeValue("default").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { digitalCollections.add(col.getText()); } this.possibleDigitalCollection.add(col.getText()); } } } } } } catch (JDOMException e1) { logger.error("error while parsing digital collections", e1); Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error while parsing digital collections", e1); } catch (IOException e1) { logger.error("error while parsing digital collections", e1); Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error while parsing digital collections", e1); } if (this.possibleDigitalCollection.size() == 0) { this.possibleDigitalCollection = defaultCollections; } // if only one collection is possible take it directly if (isSingleChoiceCollection()) { this.digitalCollections.add(getDigitalCollectionIfSingleChoice()); } }
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public static boolean loadSettings(String pServerID) { Arrays.fill(MAX_LEVEL, -1);/* w w w . java2 s . c o m*/ Arrays.fill(MIN_LEVEL, -1); Arrays.fill(BUILD_WOOD, -1); Arrays.fill(BUILD_STONE, -1); Arrays.fill(BUILD_IRON, -1); Arrays.fill(BUILD_POP, -1); Arrays.fill(BUILD_TIME, -1); Arrays.fill(BUILD_WOOD_FACTOR, Double.NaN); Arrays.fill(BUILD_STONE_FACTOR, Double.NaN); Arrays.fill(BUILD_IRON_FACTOR, Double.NaN); Arrays.fill(BUILD_POP_FACTOR, Double.NaN); Arrays.fill(BUILD_TIME_FACTOR, Double.NaN); try { logger.debug("Loading server buildings"); String buildingsPath = Constants.SERVER_DIR + "/" + pServerID + "/buildings.xml"; logger.debug("Parse buildings from '" + buildingsPath + "'"); Document d = JDomUtils.getDocument(new File(buildingsPath)); for (Element b : d.getRootElement().getChildren()) { String name = b.getName(); int index = ArrayUtils.indexOf(BUILDING_NAMES, name); if (index < 0) { logger.warn("Found unknown Building {}", name); continue; } try { MAX_LEVEL[index] = Integer.parseInt(b.getChildTextTrim("max_level")); MIN_LEVEL[index] = Integer.parseInt(b.getChildTextTrim("min_level")); BUILD_WOOD[index] = Integer.parseInt(b.getChildTextTrim("wood")); BUILD_STONE[index] = Integer.parseInt(b.getChildTextTrim("stone")); BUILD_IRON[index] = Integer.parseInt(b.getChildTextTrim("iron")); BUILD_POP[index] = Integer.parseInt(b.getChildTextTrim("pop")); BUILD_TIME[index] = Integer.parseInt(b.getChildTextTrim("build_time")); BUILD_WOOD_FACTOR[index] = Double.parseDouble(b.getChildTextTrim("wood_factor")); BUILD_STONE_FACTOR[index] = Double.parseDouble(b.getChildTextTrim("stone_factor")); BUILD_IRON_FACTOR[index] = Double.parseDouble(b.getChildTextTrim("iron_factor")); BUILD_POP_FACTOR[index] = Double.parseDouble(b.getChildTextTrim("pop_factor")); BUILD_TIME_FACTOR[index] = Double.parseDouble(b.getChildTextTrim("build_time_factor")); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Got an excetion during reading of buildings", e); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to load buildings", e); return false; };;;;;;;;;;;; logger.debug("Successfully read buildings for server '" + pServerID + "'"); return true; }
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License:Open Source License
private synchronized Collection<ConfiguredDataset> loadConfiguredDatasets() { File fileOfConfiguredDatasets = ConfigurationManager.getConfigurationFile(this); Collection<ConfiguredDataset> configuredDatasets = new ArrayList<>(); if (!fileOfConfiguredDatasets.exists()) { Global.showWarning("The configured datasets file for this machine does not exists-"); Global.showWarning("\tFile '" + fileOfConfiguredDatasets.getAbsolutePath() + "': not found."); Global.showWarning("The configured datasets file for this machine does not exists."); saveConfigurationScope();//w w w .j a va2 s . com } else { if (Global.isVerboseAnnoying()) { Global.showInfoMessage("Loading configured datasets from file '" + fileOfConfiguredDatasets.getAbsolutePath() + "'\n"); } try { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document doc =; Element rootElement = doc.getRootElement(); if (!rootElement.getName().equals(CONFIGURED_DATASETS_ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME)) { IllegalArgumentException ex = new IllegalArgumentException( "The XML does not contains the configured datasets."); ERROR_CODES.CANNOT_READ_CONFIGURED_DATASETS_FILE.exit(ex); } for (Element configuredDataset : rootElement.getChildren(CONFIGURED_DATASET_ELEMENT_NAME)) { String name = configuredDataset.getAttributeValue(CONFIGURED_DATASET_ELEMENT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE); String description = configuredDataset .getAttributeValue(CONFIGURED_DATASET_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION_ATTRIBUTE); Element datasetLoaderElement = configuredDataset.getChild(DatasetLoaderXML.ELEMENT_NAME); if (datasetLoaderElement == null) { IllegalStateException ex = new IllegalStateException( "Cannot retrieve configured dataset loader '" + name + "'"); ERROR_CODES.CANNOT_READ_CONFIGURED_DATASETS_FILE.exit(ex); } DatasetLoader<? extends Rating> datasetLoader = DatasetLoaderXML .getDatasetLoader(datasetLoaderElement); if (Global.isVerboseAnnoying()) { Global.showInfoMessage("\tConfigured dataset '" + name + "' loaded.\n"); } configuredDatasets.add(new ConfiguredDataset(name, description, datasetLoader)); } if (configuredDatasets.isEmpty()) { Global.showWarning("No configured datasets found, check configuration file."); } } catch (JDOMException | IOException ex) { ERROR_CODES.CANNOT_READ_CONFIGURED_DATASETS_FILE.exit(ex); } } return configuredDatasets; }
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License:Open Source License
public static ConsensusOutputModel readConsensusOutputXML(File consensusIntputXML) throws JDOMException, IOException { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document doc =; Element root = doc.getRootElement(); if (!root.getName().equals(CONSENSUS_OUTPUT_ROOT_NAME)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The XML does not contains a Case Study (" + consensusIntputXML.getAbsolutePath() + ")"); }//from www . j a v a m Element consensus = root.getChild(CONSENSUS_OUTPUT_CONSENSUS_ELEMENT_NAME); int round = Integer.parseInt(consensus.getAttributeValue(CONSENSUS_OUTPUT_CONSENSUS_ATTRIBUTE_ROUND)); double consensusDegree = Double .parseDouble(consensus.getAttributeValue(CONSENSUS_OUTPUT_CONSENSUS_ATTRIBUTE_CONSENSUS_DEGREE)); Collection<Recommendation> consensusRecommendations = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element alternative : consensus.getChildren(CONSENSUS_OUTPUT_ALTERNATVE_ELEMENT_NAME)) { int idItem = Integer .parseInt(alternative.getAttributeValue(CONSENSUS_OUTPUT_ALTERNATVE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_ITEM)); double rank = Double .parseDouble(alternative.getAttributeValue(CONSENSUS_OUTPUT_ALTERNATVE_ATTRIBUTE_RANK)); double preference = 1 / rank; consensusRecommendations.add(new Recommendation(idItem, preference)); } return new ConsensusOutputModel(consensusDegree, round, consensusRecommendations); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Carga la descripcin de un caso de estudio para sistemas de recomendacin * para grupos.//from w w w . j ava 2 s . com * * @param file Archivo donde se encuentra almacenado el caso de estudio. * @return Caso de estudio recuperado del archivo. * @throws org.jdom2.JDOMException Cuando se intenta cargar un xml que no * tiene la estructura esperada. Chequear si esta desfasada la versin. * @throws IOException Cuando no se puede leer el archivo indicado o existe * algun fallo de conversin de datos al leer el contenido del mismo. */ public static GroupCaseStudyConfiguration loadGroupCaseDescription(File file) throws JDOMException, IOException { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document doc =; Element caseStudy = doc.getRootElement(); if (!caseStudy.getName().equals(CASE_ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The XML does not contains a Case Study."); } GroupRecommenderSystem<Object, Object> groupRecommenderSystem = GroupRecommenderSystemXML .getGroupRecommenderSystem(caseStudy.getChild(GroupRecommenderSystemXML.ELEMENT_NAME)); GroupFormationTechnique groupFormationTechnique = GroupFormationTechniqueXML .getGroupFormationTechnique(caseStudy.getChild(GroupFormationTechniqueXML.ELEMENT_NAME)); ValidationTechnique validationTechnique = ValidationTechniqueXML .getValidationTechnique(caseStudy.getChild(ValidationTechniqueXML.ELEMENT_NAME)); GroupPredictionProtocol groupPredictionProtocol = GroupPredictionProtocolXML .getGroupPredictionProtocol(caseStudy.getChild(GroupPredictionProtocolXML.ELEMENT_NAME)); RelevanceCriteria relevanceCriteria = RelevanceCriteriaXML .getRelevanceCriteria(caseStudy.getChild(RelevanceCriteriaXML.ELEMENT_NAME)); DatasetLoader<? extends Rating> datasetLoader = DatasetLoaderXML .getDatasetLoader(caseStudy.getChild(DatasetLoaderXML.ELEMENT_NAME)); long seed = Long.parseLong(caseStudy.getAttributeValue(SeedHolder.SEED.getName())); int numExecutions = Integer.parseInt(caseStudy.getAttributeValue(NUM_EXEC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)); String caseStudyAlias = caseStudy.getAttributeValue(ParameterOwner.ALIAS.getName()); return new GroupCaseStudyConfiguration(groupRecommenderSystem, datasetLoader, groupFormationTechnique, validationTechnique, groupPredictionProtocol, relevanceCriteria, caseStudyAlias, numExecutions, seed, null); }